immediately calling custom action when uninstalling program - wix

I've a question aboud a custom action that needs to take place during an uninstall. currently I have the custom action working for the biggest part, however there is a small problem.
The custom action needs to take place immediately after the uninstall option is selected since it contains the command to force the running program( installed with the same installer) to close and some other commands for other tasks. bud currently the WIX installer tries to close the program by itself which it is unable to. that means my custom action as well as the rest of the uninstall will fail.
currently I have this code bud it is not working at the point I would like it to.
ExeCommand="[INSTALLFOLDER]De-installation script.exe"
<Custom Action="UninstallScript" Before="InstallInitialize"> Installed AND NOT UPGRADINGPRODUCTCODE AND NOT REINSTALL </Custom>
any idea how I can make it work the way I intended?
note: if I manually close the running program and then run the uninstall option it works fine. which means the timing of my function needs to be moved forward. also the running program starts when Windows boots up which means it won't show the desktop bud directly shows the program ( this is intentionally ).
thanks in advance,


WiX CustomAction fails to start program with "Application cannot be restarted - Application SID does not match Conductor SID" warning

I have a client application for tracking user status ("Gone for the day", "Out to lunch", etc.) that needs to be started as part of its installation process. I have set up a wix installer to handle the installation and in particular a CustomAction to launch the application once the installation is complete. Below is the xml
<CustomAction Id="Launch_StatusTracker" FileKey="StatusTracker" ExeCommand=""
Return="asyncNoWait" />
<Custom Action="Launch_StatusTracker" After="InstallFinalize">NOT Installed</Custom>
<Custom Action="WixCloseApplications" Before="InstallInitialize">Installed</Custom>
The code above executes just fine when I manually run the generated msi on my machine. It installs the application and then starts it up. However, when the application is installed using an SCCM 2012 Application the program is installed but it does not startup. Here is the warning message that I see in the Windows Event Viewer:
Application 'C:\Program Files\StatusTracker\StatusTracker.exe' (pid 7216) cannot be restarted - Application
SID does not match Conductor SID.
I've looked online for this type of error but I haven't been able to find anything about it that relates to SCCM. As an alternative I tried to have it run a batch file instead that will startup the program but that will not work for me because I need the program to run in the context of the current user.
What context is SCCM running the installer in? Typically it's SYSTEM and that's probably causing problems trying to start the process in the interactive user context. I used to have some tricks to get around this but they are all hacks. You may just have to take a reboot and have it start on next logon.
You can use PSEXEC to launch a command prompt as SYSTEM. Test the install silent in that context to mimic SCCM behavior.

MSI Installer: Help running a UI based EXE with a CustomAction from a service based installer

I have created a MSI installer package using Wix Toolset 3.8 that is run by a third party installer service running under the "SYSTEM" account. My issue is that when trying to launch and run an installed executable from my MSI installer using a custom action, it also runs under the SYSTEM account instead of the administrator account that is currently logged in. I have spent hours researching on the net and from what I have read, specifying Impersonate="yes" will run that particular custom action under the account that launched the installer, but there lies the issue. Since the third party installer service is running from the SYSTEM account, specifying Impersonate="yes" would just run the custom action under the SYSTEM account as well correct? At least that's what my tests have shown. A little bit of background on my MSI installer:
<CustomAction Id="StartAction"
ExeCommand ='cmd.exe /c start MYEXE.exe /tray'
<Custom Action='StartAction' Before='InstallFinalize'>NOT Installed</Custom>
I have tried both "deferred" and "immediate" for Execute as well as setting "Impersonate" to both yes and no. Is there any way to make this work? I thought about using the runas command but I wouldn't know the password of the user account that initiated the install.
What is the EXE file doing? Do you have control of the application so you can move the logic from that external EXE into the main application's launching logic?
Other than that you can register such an EXE file to run once per user via ActiveSetup. You can also find another answer from me here.
Here is one more link to an explanation of ActiveSetup (I prefer the one above):
Also see these answer here: Stopping MSI from launching an EXE in the SYSTEM context

Install program fails to shutdown running target...workarounds?

I have a WIX install program.
When I test my install program on a machine where the old version of the software is running, I get the prompt below.
The problem is that the installer can't manage to close the application. When the new program runs, it complains about the old one running.
Is there a way to forcefully kill the app?
If not, is there some entry in WIX that will require the user to shutdown the application before it will continue installation?
I found the answer here:
WiX <util:CloseApplication> element not working
I made one tweak to the solution in the post above. I kill the application earlier in the install sequence so the window above doesn't appear.
<!-- Code to force termination of running program...MSIExec couldn't do it -->
<Property Id="QtExecCmdLine" Value='"[WindowsFolder]\System32\taskkill.exe" /F /IM "$(var.ProductName).exe"'/>
<CustomAction Id="APP.TaskClose" BinaryKey="WixCA" DllEntry="CAQuietExec" Execute="immediate" Return="ignore"/>
<Custom Action="APP.TaskClose" After="LaunchConditions"/>
If you are wondering what "$(var.ProductName).exe" is, I pass the exe name on the commandline because I'm creating several branded versions of the same program. Just substitute your exe name.
And yes, it is safe in this particular intance to do this. There is no data held in memory that could be lost.
You should use the WiX util extension CloseApplication:
That should work.
Long term you should get the app integrated with Restart Manager so it will shut down automatically.

How to get rid of the "files in use" dialog during uninstall?

I'm very new to WIX and am using the minimal GUI to install and uninstall a dll. This dll gets registered as a service in a custom install script that I am calling upon install.
Upon uninstall, I stop and unregister the service in a custom script.
My problem is, before the custom uninstall script is called, I get the files in use dialog box as the dll is being used by the service. I want to avoid this, as I know I will be stopping the service in the custom uninstall action.
Any easy solutions to this problem ?
Are you using a Custom Action to stop the service? If so I'd make sure that your custom action is run before the removal of your file
<CustomAction Id="StopService" Directory="DirMyService" ExeCommand="NET STOP ServiceName" />
<CustomAction Id="StartService" Directory="DirMyService" ExeCommand="NET START ServiceName" />
<Custom Action="StopService" After="InstallInitialize">Installed</Custom>
<Custom Action="StartService" Before="InstallFinalize">Installed</Custom>
Haven't tested this, so you may need to stick in the windir before the net stop etc, and those might be the wrong places to put it in to stop/start the scripts. But might give you an idea of how to solve your problem.

WIX MSI customaction not running when deployed using Group Policy

I'm using WIX to create an MSI which has a custom action to install a clickonce application. I want to deploy the MSI via GPO. The custom action runs fine when I just double click to run the msi, but the custom action does not seems to be running when deployed via GPO. But if you look at the add/remove programs in the control panel you have the product/msi listed there as if it was successfully installed.
To see if custom actions work at all when deploying via GPO I created a simple custom action which just writes a file to c:\temp (existing) folder. Added the custom action to both InstallExecuteSequence and AdminExecuteSequence in before installfinalize step. Tried both deffered execute and immediate execute. It works when you double click the msi to install but not via GPO.
Is it possible to have custom actions when the msi is deployed through GPO? Are there any limitations? Is there anything special that I need to do to get it to work with GPO?
Thanks in advance!
I figured it out. The issue was that I hadn't configured the GPO to install the package when the user logs in. After checking that check box in the group policy properties it works.
If you assign the software to users and do not check "install this application at logon", the application will be listed on the user's add/remove programs panel but doesn't really install it. So I was under the impression that it was successfully installed without running the custom action when it really wasn't installed.
Now I have my custom action listed under Install Execute sequence
<Custom Before='InstallFinalize' Action='ClickOnceIntallCustomAction' >NOT REMOVE</Custom>
And it is set to execute immediately and check on return
<CustomAction Id="ClickOnceIntallCustomAction" BinaryKey="ClickOnceInstallBinary" Return="check" Execute="immediate" DllEntry="Test" ></CustomAction>