Extract alphanumeric value from varchar column - sql

I have a table which contains a column having alphanumeric values which is stored as a string. I have multiple values in that column having values such as F4737, 00Y778, PP0098, XXYYYZ etc.
I want to extract values starting with a series of F and must have numeric values in that row.
Alphanumeric column is the unique column having unique values but the rest of the columns contain duplicate values in my table.
Futhermore, once these values are extracted I would like to pick up the max value from the duplicate row,for eg:
Suppose I have F4737 and F4700 as a unique Alphanumeric row, then F4737 must be extracted from it.
I have written a query like this but the numeric values are not getting extracted from this query:
select max(Alplanumeric)
from Customers
where Alplanumeric '%[F0-9]%
select max(Alplanumeric)
from Customers
where Alplanumeric like '%[0-9]%'
and Alplanumeric like 'F%'**
I run the above query but I am only getting the F series if I remove the numeric part from the above query. How do I extract both, the F starting series as well as the numeric values included in that row?

Going out on a limb, you might be looking for a query like this:
SELECT *, substring(alphanumeric, '^F(\d+)')::int AS nr
FROM customers
WHERE alphanumeric ~ '^F\d+'
, alphanumeric
The WHERE conditions is a regular expression match, the expression is anchored to the start, so it can use an index. Ideally:
CREATE INDEX customers_alphanumeric_pattern_ops_idx ON customers
(alphanumeric text_pattern_ops);
This returns the one row with the highest (extracted) numeric value in alphanumeric among rows starting with 'F' followed by one ore more digits.
About the index:
PostgreSQL LIKE query performance variations
About pattern matching:
Pattern matching with LIKE, SIMILAR TO or regular expressions in PostgreSQL
Ideally, you should store the leading text and the following numeric value in separate columns to make this more efficient. You don't necessarily need more tables like has been suggested.


print the values that are common from both the tables of a column

I want to print the values that are common from both the tables of a column.
The issue is one column's substring value matches with the other column's string.
Printing the subquery alone fetches the right values (proving the substring query is correct) but I think the entire query after the where clause needs changing.
Kindly suggest.
select distinct sd.sourceworkitemid
from u_prodstypetest pst, sdidata sd
where sd.keyid1 = 'S-20210719-00000003'
and sd.sourceworkitemid in (select substr(testmethodid,0,INSTR(testmethodid,'|',1)-1) from u_prodstypetest);
I want to create a substring of a value of a column in a table and compare it with a column in another table. But since it is a substring the where clause of column1=column2 does not suffice and hence I wroe the subquery to fetch the substring which if run throws an error in 'in' because the subquery return >1 values.

How I can use where Condition in SQL I have comma separated value in A columns in multiple rows

Column1 EventTypes_pKey
Are 5,3
Test 1,4,5
test 1,3,5
If I am using
Select * from Table name where EventTypes_pKey in('5,1,4)
then I want that record where these value belongs the column.
How I can use where condition on the basis of EventTypes_pKey this is my Varchar column.
I want If I am selecting 5,3,4 the there should be all three row data.
Please help me.
If you are using Postgres, you can do this by by converting the value into an array and then using the overlaps operator &&
select *
from badly_designed_table
where string_to_array(eventtypes_pkey, ',')::int[] && array[5,3,4];
Online example

check if column contains one of many values

i have an array of strings and a column which may contain one or more of those strings(seperated by space) i want to get all rows where this column contains one of the strings. Since the values all have 3 letters and therefore can't contain each other, i know i could just write
column LIKE '%val1%' OR
column LIKE '%val2%' OR
column LIKE '%val3%' OR
column LIKE '%val4%'
But i'm wondering if there isn't an easier statement, like column IN ('val1', 'val2', 'val3', 'val4') (This one seems only to work when the entry is equal to one of the values, but not if it just contains them)
Try reading this Is there a combination of "LIKE" and "IN" in SQL? and Combining "LIKE" and "IN" for SQL Server , this will solve you question.
Something like this from the first link.
SQL Server:
WHERE CONTAINS(t.something, '"bla*" OR "foo*" OR "batz*"')
Ist oracle you could use regular expressions
select *
from table
where regexp_like (column,'val(1|2|3|4)')

How to spread the values from a column in Hive?

One field of table is made up of many values seperated by comma,
for example, a record of this field is:
I want to spread the values in every record of this field in Hive.
Which function or method I can use to realize this?
I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "spread".
If you want an output table that has a value in every row like:
Then you could use explode(split(data,',')
Otherwise, if each input row has exactly 16 numbers and you want each of the numbers to reside in a different column, you have two options:
Define the comma as a delimiter for the input table ROW FORMAT DELIMITED
Split a single column into 16 columns using the split UDF: SELECT split(data,',')[0] as col1, split(data,',')[1] as col2, ...

SQL "Select" stripping needed dash character from value

I have a basic SELECT statement that looks like this:
Select Distinct currency.denomination From currency
Some values in my Currency table contain ranges, such as 10-50 but instead in these particular instances the query returns 1050 instead of the stored value range of 10-50.
This is just one example, but all of the values that store the dash are being returned as one big number instead of the range.
What can I do to ensure the Select statement returns the dash which is stored, and needed for my use case?