Elm Architecture and tasks - elm

UPDATE : This has now been covered in the Elm Architecture documentation.
I don't understand how you tie the Elm Architecture and Tasks.
-- Action is an enumeration of possible actions
type Action = ..
-- Model is a Model that evolves in time
model : Signal Model
-- View turns a model into Html, potentially sending actions to an address
view : Address Action -> Model -> Html
-- Update turns a model and an action into another model
update : Action -> Model -> Model
-- Main waits for new values of the model to be emitted, and pass then to the view action
main : Signal Html
main =
Signal.map (view actions.address) model
I'm trying to model this:
when a user click on a button, a "DoSomethingAction" is emitted
this action should start a Task, handled by some port
when the task is done, it should emit another Action ("SomethingDoneAction"), with the result
Is that the right way to go?
Which functions should I change (update, main)?
I understand this is what is alluded to here, but the explanation is not too clear and I don't understand what needs to be changed.
So any complete example / or more explanation would be welcome.
A more complete version (that "kinda" works) is available here : http://share-elm.com/sprout/55bf3c3ce4b06aacf0e8ba17
I'm a few steps from having it working, it seems, since the Task is not always run when I click on the button (but hopefully I'm getting somewhere.)

While it is very possible to perform Tasks when a button is pressed, it is often not needed. What you probably want is to send a message to the Action signal, then with that update the Model, then with that the view may change. This is standard Elm architecture.
If you really want to perform Tasks, you could do the following:
type Action = NoOp | ButtonClicked | SetText String
type alias Model =
{ tasks : Task Http.Error String
, text : String
init : Model
init =
{ task = Task.succeed "Fetching..."
, text = ""
-- We can use, for example, the Http.get task
update : Action -> Model -> Model
update action model =
case action of
ButtonClicked ->
{ model | task <-
Http.getString "http://example.org/some-text.txt"}
SetText t ->
{ model | text <- t }
_ -> model
view : Address Action -> Model -> Html
view address model =
div []
[ div
[ class "btn btn-default"
, onClick address ButtonClicked
[ text "Click me!" ]
, h3 "Here is what was fetched:"
, p [] [ text model.text ]
-- now possibly in another file
actions : Signal.Mailbox Action
actions : Signal.mailbox NoOp
model : Signal Model
model = Signal.foldp init update actions.signal
-- This is what actually performs the Tasks
-- The Elm task example also details how to send
port taskPort : Signal (Task Http.Error String)
port taskPort =
((.task) <~ model) `andThen`
(Signal.send actions.address << SetText)
main : Signal Html
main = view actions.address <~ model
Note that you can use Signal.dropRepeats if you want to perform the task only when the task changes.

The way to do it is to have the update of the model mapped to a response signal that receive the results of what you want your model to react to.
The view sends the tasks to a query/requests mailbox.
The port would be a map on the query signal that executes the tasks andThen sends the results to the response mailbox.
If you want to see this in action take a look at this file (I've highlighted the relevant parts)
Please be advised that what you see there is a little bit more complicated than what you need because it also implements a mechanism to execute the tasks only when the user stops typing.

This is answered in the doc :


Elm architecture usage with elm-mdl library

What is the recommended way to have mdl components affect the layout of the page in a single-page application using elm and elm-mdl?
Can we pass the layout messages, like Model.Layout.ToggleDrawer directly to model.mdl (in the standard setup), and if yes, how?
Or should we maintain a separated record element in the model, like model.layout : Material.Layout.Model, to which we forward these messages? But in this case, how to initialize the view?
I am using elm-mdl version 8.1.0, with elm version 0.18. I am trying to layout the basic architecture for a single-page application with elm, and this library. I have taken inspiration from here and there, as well as this ticket, but I have not seen what I was looking for, or understood it if it was there.
Examples of what I tried
For re-usability, the main model of my application is the only one containing a Material.Model entry:
type alias Model =
{ drawer : MyDrawer
, ...
, mdl : Material.Model
From the component MyDrawer, I want to define a button that will send a ToggleSignal. I have a case in my main update method that forwards this signal to the Model.Layout.update method, using the Model.Layout.ToggleSignal. However, the return type of this call is a Material.Layout.Model, which I don't have in my own Model.
If I define add a layout : Material.Layout.Model to my own model, I can forward the calls to this element, but how do I initialize the view? My view so far is this:
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
Layout.render Mdl
[ Layout.fixedHeader
, ...
According to the signature of Layout.render, since my model contains a layout field, this should be taken into account. The relevant part of my update method is
ToggleDrawer ->
( updatedLayout, cmd ) = Material.Layout.update Material.Layout.ToggleDrawer model.layout
( updatedDrawer, _ ) = Drawer.update subMsg model.drawer
( { model | drawer = updatedDrawer, layout = updatedLayout }, Cmd.map MdlLayout cmd )
And yet, when clicking on the button, the drawer does not hide.
Thank you in advance for any help about this - the library and the language are such a joy to use already!
The Material.Layout.render function retrieves its model from model.mdl.layout, not from model.layout.
A good way to toggle the drawer is to use toggleDrawer to issue a suitable command in your update function, like so:
ToggleDrawer ->
( updatedDrawer, _ ) = Drawer.update subMsg model.drawer
( { model | drawer = updatedDrawer, layout = updatedLayout }
, Layout.toggleDrawer Mdl

how to implement loading image when any http request occure

I have implemented the HTTP service request using elm architecture.but i am also want to implement any loading gif image so that user will know that something is happen in the back ground.
can any please help me to implement to this implementation.
You can add a property in your model, whether it is loading or not.
Then you can let your view reflect the status by show spinner or text, or whatever.
In case of the example at http example, you can modify
following code, for example by adding iswaiting property in the Model ...
In this example, FetchSucceed message gets fired when ajax call is complete.
type alias Model =
{ topic : String
, gifUrl : String
, iswaiting : Bool
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
case msg of
MorePlease ->
({ model | iswaiting = True }, getRandomGif model.topic)
FetchSucceed newUrl ->
(Model model.topic newUrl False, Cmd.none)
FetchFail _ ->
(model, Cmd.none)
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
[ h2 [] [text model.topic]
, text <| if model.iswaiting then "waiting" else ""
, button [ onClick MorePlease ] [ text "More Please!" ]
, br [] []
, img [src model.gifUrl] []
You'll have to adjust other parts as well.
But, I hope you can see what is going on.
You can add a loading gif image on body and make it appear on top of the page by z-index and after http request is completed then delete that image from body.

How to pass an action to a child component in Elm

I've only been trying out Elm for a few days and have come across what seems like a common scenario that I can't figure out.
I have a parent component that holds a list of items. To render the list, I have a child component such that the parent calls the view function of the child passing in the address and model. Since the Action types are different, I think the compiler is complaining about that, but I'm really not sure.
Parent Component:
type alias Model = List ToDoItem.Model
type Action
= Remove Int
update : Action -> Model -> Model
update action model =
case action of
Remove id ->
List.filter (\todo -> todo.id /= id) model
view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html
view address model =
buildToDos =
List.map (ToDoItem.view address) model
div [] [ buildToDos ]
Child Component:
type alias Model =
{ id : Int
, name : String
, description : String
, complete: Bool
type alias ID = Int
type Action
= Toggle Bool
update : Action -> Model -> Model
update action model =
case action of
Toggle toggle ->
if toggle == True then
{ model | complete = False }
{ model | complete = True }
view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html
view address model =
toggleText : Bool -> String
toggleText complete =
case complete of
True -> "Incomplete"
False -> "Complete"
[ class "wrapper" ]
[ span [] [ text ("[" ++ toString model.id ++ "]") ]
, span [ class "name" ] [ text model.name ]
, div [ class "description" ] [ text model.description ]
, a [ onClick address (Toggle model.complete)] [ text (toggleText model.complete)]
Compiler Error:
-- TYPE MISMATCH ----------------------------------------------
The type annotation for `view` does not match its definition.
20│ view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html
The type annotation is saying:
Address Action -> List ToDoItem.Model -> Html
But I am inferring that the definition has this type:
Address ToDoItem.Action -> List ToDoItem.Model -> Html
-- TYPE MISMATCH ----------------------------------------------
The 2nd argument to function `div` is causing a mismatch.
26│ div [] [ buildToDos ]
Function `div` is expecting the 2nd argument to be:
List VirtualDom.Node
But it is:
List (List Html)
How do I declare either the child component's view function correctly or pass in the parameters to the child's view function correctly from the parent?
In reality, I don't actually want to pass any action to the child component - I just want to render it. The action in the child component is for the onClick there.
Then again, maybe I'm way off because this is day 2 of my Elm life.
Elm Architecture Tutorial covers the child view issue. Take another look at how the example 4 is implemented.
In short, you need to have an Action in the parent that wraps the child action:
type Action = Remove Int | ToDo Int ToDoItem.Action
And you need to forward this action to the appropriate Item in update.
In view you need to create a forwarding address for each of your ToDoItem views.
view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html
view address model =
fwd idx = Signal.forwardTo address (ToDo idx)
toDoList =
List.indexedMap (\(idx, m) -> ToDoItem.view (fwd idx) m) model
div [] toDoList
Please note that your old buildToDos is already a list and saying [buildToDos] is actually saying List (List Html) which is why you got the second error.
The compiler had already told you the answer. First of all, the
Address Action -> List ToDoItem.Model -> Html
The Action here has to be specified to the children Action. Just fix it like the compiler tell you:
view : Signal.Address TodoItem.Action -> Model -> Html
Second one, because you buildToDos is already a list, you just need to:
div [] buildToDos
Spend some time understanding type annotation and follow compiler carefully then you are should be able to solve this kind of problem yourself.

How to debounce elm signals?

Im using start-app to shape my application. Html.Events supports creating custom events with custom Signal.message. But how to send that message is abstracted behind the Html library. Also there is a library called which implements debouncing (http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/Apanatshka/elm-signal-extra/5.7.0/Signal-Time#settledAfter).
module PhotosApp.SearchBar (view) where
import Html exposing (input, div, button, text, Html)
import Html.Events exposing (on, onClick, targetValue)
import Html.Attributes exposing (value, type')
import Effects exposing (Effects, Never)
import PhotosApp.Actions as Actions
onTextChange : Signal.Address a -> (String -> a) -> Html.Attribute
onTextChange address contentToValue =
on "input" targetValue (\str -> Signal.message address (contentToValue str))
view : Signal.Address Actions.Action -> String -> Html
view address model =
div []
[ input [ type' "text", value model, onTextChange address Actions.Search] []
, button [ onClick address Actions.Clear ] [text "Clear"]
You can set up debouncing from an HTML attribute by going through a proxy mailbox before tying into #Apanatshka's settledAfter function.
(Note that since you're using StartApp, we don't have direct access to the main Address and therefore I've had to compromise a few of these functions by ignoring the address passed into view. You could get something more generalized by not using StartApp, but this should hopefully get you started)
Since event attributes cannot create tasks directly, we have to use an intermediate proxy mailbox. We can set that up like this:
debounceProxy : Signal.Mailbox Action
debounceProxy =
Signal.mailbox NoOp
Note that the above function expects a NoOp Action, common in Elm architecture, which just means the update function makes no changes to the model.
Now we need to set up another Signal which listens to the proxy mailbox, then passes the signal through the settledAfter function. We can define this signal like this:
debounce : Signal Action
debounce =
settledAfter (500 * Time.millisecond) debounceProxy.signal
We can now change the onTextChange function to point at the proxy mailbox. Notice that I've taken out the first Address parameter since it's being ignored (see my earlier comment about conforming to StartApp):
onTextChange : (String -> Action) -> Html.Attribute
onTextChange contentToValue =
on "input" targetValue (\str -> Signal.message debounceProxy.address (contentToValue str))
Lastly, you have to tie in the debounce signal into StartApp's inputs parameter, which means your call to start will look something like this:
app = StartApp.start
{ init = init
, update = update
, view = view
, inputs = [ debounce ]
I've pasted the full working example at a gist here.

SPA Dynamic Routing and Page Rendering

I am new to Elm, probably have an incorrect understanding of the architecture and this may be an XY question (but I wouldn't know yet...)
Anyways, I am trying to create a url-routed SPA in Elm. I am using evancz/start-app to generate individual dynamic pages using the elm-achitecture-tutorial example 1 as a starting point for each 'page':
Frontend.Pages.Home.display : Signal Html
Frontend.Pages.Home.display = StartApp.start
{ model = 0
, update = update
, view = view
type alias Model = Int
type Action = Increment | Decrement
update : Action -> Model -> Model
update action model =
case action of
Increment -> model + 1
Decrement -> model - 1
view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html
view address model =
div []
[ button [ onClick address Decrement ] [ text "-" ]
, div [ countStyle ] [ text (toString model) ]
, button [ onClick address Increment ] [ text "+" ]
I am using TheSeamau5/elm-router to
route : String -> Signal Html
route = Router.match
[ "/" :-> Frontend.Pages.Home.display
] Frontend.Pages.Errors.FourOhFour.display
I am using TheSeamau5/elm-history to gather the latest url:
main : Signal Html.Html
main = Frontend.Routes.route History.path
Clearly this is the error; I am passing a Signal String into a method that takes a String. The problem is that if I use the following:
main = Signal.map Frontend.Routes.route History.path
which I would expect Signal.map Frontend.Routes.route History.path to be of type Signal Html, instead the compiler complains of a conflict:
The type annotation for `main` does not match its definition.
7| main : Signal Html.Html
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ As I infer the type of values flowing through your program, I see a conflict between these two types:
Signal Html.Html
What's going on here? It seems like Signal.Map is "unpacking" the Signal Html. Is this the case?
It seems my core question, at any rate, is: How can I present a single-page-app, routed to separate reactive 'pages' based on a Signal String while not reimplementing Router?
Thanks in advance.
I believe you are ending up with a final result of Signal (Signal Html) and main is expecting Signal Html. I believe the error you are receiving is specifically for the type it is expecting for Signal a. It is saying, I was expecting a to be Html but in fact I found it to be Signal Html.
Here are the types we have:
Signal.map : (a -> result) -> Signal a -> Signal result
Frontend.Routes.route : String -> Signal Html
Historypath : Signal String
Then we have Signal.map Frontend.Routes.route which has the type Signal String -> Signal (Signal Html).
We then apply History.path giving us the final result Signal (Signal Html)
If you change route to return Html rather than Signal Html you should be good to go.