Java Card - static source code analysis tool [closed] - code-analysis

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Some very interesting tools providing static source code analysis of your project exist out there. However, I did not find any tool for Java Card. Java Card has some very specific issues, especially:
Memory usage issues (RAM vs EEPROM)
Dangerous comparisons of signed bytes (if (p1 > 0) { ... })
Wrong usage of new
Do you know any tool which might solve these issues?


How to test a P2P application? [closed]

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Closed last month.
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I am building a P2P cryptographical file exchange application. I am a bit puzzled about how to test it.
Are there any tools for it? I built it with Kotlin. Should I spin multiple processes?
What strategies can help me here?
I am looking for an end-end test. Some way to simulate the production environment

Implemention Zigbee Home Automation [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Are there any open source libraries to implement Home Automation Profile for zigbee?
The end device does not necessarily belong to a particular developer.
There aren't any, although not for a lack of trying. The reason they don't exist is that the ZigBee Alliance is very protective of their trademarks, and won't let you use "ZigBee" without becoming a paying member of the alliance.
This effectively killed the open source ZigBee project a few years ago.
The HA profile itself requires certification through the ZigBee Alliance, so you'll find this same issue whether it's a stack or profile.

Language detection API/Library [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Is there a service/library (free or paid) that takes a piece of text and return the language of it?
I need to go over a million blog posts and determine their languages.
I think this is the best out there!
I've heard good things about
Features from the README:
Pre-trained over a large number of languages (currently 97)
Not sensitive to domain-specific features (e.g. HTML/XML markup)
Single .py file with minimal dependencies
Deployable as a web service

Is there an API for running Scala REPL programmatically? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Based on a thread and the Scala interpreter sources it looks like it would not be that hard to get the equivalent of
def runLine(line: String): String
but has someone written this already?
There are many examples floating out there, but they may be hard to find. Here is the one I wrote a while back:
The tricky part is to get the interpreter to load Scala jars. I have loaded jars manually to make it work with web-start, but in your case, simple settings.usejavacp.value = true may suffice.
You can see the interpreter in action here:

Velocity $fn docs [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I notice in some Velocity reports I'm working with that $fn contains some built in functions for Velocity. I can't seem to find a list of these. For example, `$fn.formatNumber($fn.duration($time),'##0.0')
My google-fu has failed me on this one. Anyone have link to the docs on this?
Those are not built in. It is some utility class that either is getting added to every context somewhere or is registered in velocity-tools.xml as a custom tool.