Currency Detection Defaults to the USD with the $ symbol -

I can select a currency with a currency column but the value is always in USD, is it possible to change the currency iso code?
E.g. $39.99 this is in Canadian dollars but always appears 39.99 USD.
I see you can use text but then i am stuck with the $ symbol.
Right now i have had to use a regular expression to drop the $

What is happening is that the price you see is through your own IP address, but when you run your API you are calling the API on our American servers for you. The website registers our servers' US IP address and display their price in US dollars instead. Unfortunately, at this time, you cannot change the currency.
If you are using a Crawler, in the Advanced Options (by toggling the Simple button to Advanced), choose to crawl Locally instead, this will use your own IP address, and should therefore display the price in your desired currency.


Currency conversion based on location and Paypal payments

In a Prestashop 1.6 based store I want to accept payments via Paypal in only one currency (Euros). However, I want to show prices in other currencies based on the location of the customer (probably using it's IP address?). How can I do that?
In Modules and services > payment you have a tab CURRENCY RESTRICTIONS, you can check in which currency you would like Paypal to be available
For currecy selection by IP:
First, you should get the user IP after, you should set the curency of the Prestashop context
$this->context->currency->id = $id_currency
To get $id_currency, follow this steps
You should get the country of the the user IP with this script
Then get the currency code by country code (you can get if from a csv file or you you should use an API or database)
The free IP Find service provides currency information in the response for any given IP Address.
Will return (among other things)
currency: USD

Steam market currency and XML format

Im trying to get an item page on market in certain currency, tried to add
Accept-Language: ru-RU\r\n
Accept-Language: ru-RU, ru\r\n
Accept-Language: ru, ru-RU;q=0.8\r\n
to header but steam ignores it and always gives a page with mixed rubles, euros and dollars.
Also, how can i get a page in xml format? ?format=xml and ?xml=1 dont work, tried with application/xml and */*
If someone still needs this:
l param (Language): english, russian, french, etc.
count is how much results to display
start is starting result (start=10&count=10 is 2nd page with 10 results)
currency: 5 = ruble, 3 = USD. There are many others.
Recently Valve added market prices on inventory page when inspecting an item. The price is loaded through AJAX, and through inspecting network requests I found this:|%20Electric%20Hive%20(Factory%20New)
You can force currency with this (currency 3 is EUR), returns lowest price on market and median price, JSON format.
Sellers will always list items for sale in the native currency of
their Steam Wallet, and buyers will always see Community Market prices
expressed in the native currency of their Steam Wallet. For items
listed for sale in a different currency than the buyer's Steam Wallet
currency, we apply an exchange rate which we update daily.
- Community Market FAQ
Meaning, if you are looking at the market from a browser you are logged in on and you have funds in your wallet that are not in Rubles, you won't see Rubles.
You can, however, get around this. If you log out of the market and visit your URL, there are two parameters you can pass for force language and region changes.
For example, using the ever popular Supply Crate Key:
Notice the l and cc parameters. The l is setting the language to Russian and the cc is setting the region to Russia.
Now, this doesn't appear to work on the entire page. The graph showing historical trends still appears to be in USD, even though the surrounding text is in Russian.
But, the individual listings of items did, in fact, change currencies.

eBay API change currency of returned price

Is there a way to get an item in another currency using the eBay API?
Very simple. All you have to do is change the site ID parameter. Since you didn't specify a language, I'm going to assume you're doing this HTTP-GET and just parsing the XML. The same principles will apply regardless of how you do it, programatically or not.
For a URL:
&siteid=2 <------------This, for example, is Canada's siteid. 0 is US. This will change the currency returned under < ConvertedCurrentPrice>
Put it all together and you get this copy/paste-friendly "[APPID]&siteid=2&version=839&ItemID=181195344321"
Make sure to use your app ID as the parameter.
You can use this call for currency change:
Currency type can be changed in Ebay while listing an item using Add Item call in Ebay's trading API.
Thanks CedCommerce
You can and it's actually very simple. You can use the Shopping API GetSingleItem.
Depending on what currency you are interested in, all you have to do is change the SiteID on which you are making the call. For example, if you want to get the price in EUR, you can set the SiteID to 3(UK), or 77(Germany). You will also have to set the IncludeSelector to "Details". This way, you will get a response that will contain the following fields.
<ConvertedCurrentPrice currencyID="GBP">68.55</ConvertedCurrentPrice>
<CurrentPrice currencyID="USD">92.9</CurrentPrice>
where the CurrentPrice is the original price of the listing, on the ebay site the listing was made, and the ConvertedCurrentPrice is the price of the listing on the site that corresponds to the SiteID you supplied.
You can see a full list of SiteIDs with the currencies they are using here

FedEx Print Ground Shipping label w/ Tracking Number

I have no problem printing an Express shipping label.
The ground shipping label doesn't want to put the tracking number in the label. Has anyone had a similar problem?
I return a tracking number like this.
When it goes to print the label with all the data it doesn't put in the tracking number, instead it puts in this.
A135,1247,0,4,1,1,N,"(9612019) 0000000 00000000"
Anyone have an idea how to change this using some fedex webservice call. It does it automatically for express, just not for ground.
Its possible you don't have a ground acct number connected to your express acct number. This is the behavior that results from that.
the issue was on test account federal express prints its own fake numbers that don't represent what a valid production # looks like.

Automatically Convert Prices on a Web Page to A Different Currency

I am interested in possible methods of automatically converting the prices given when a web page is loaded from the currency given to a specified currency. Ideally, the conversion would also make use of the current exchange rate to give valid prices.
For example, in my specific case, I would like to convert the prices given in Euros (€) on this web site to Sterling (£).
I am looking at using a GreaseMonkey script for this conversion, but can anyone suggest other methods?
Thanks, MagicAndi.
Try the API:
It uses Geo Location scripts to detect the user's country and through that their native currency. It then converts your prices into their currency using the latest exchange rates
Hope this this helps!
Since I dabble in AutoHotkey here's a potential solution using that scripting language, it retrieves the page source from a webpage that does the conversion and parses out the converted value. This requires the httpQuery library to be included:
#Include httpQuery.ahk
InputBox, n, EUR to GBP, Enter the number., , 150, 120
if (ErrorLevel || !n)
url := "" n "&From=EUR&To=GBP&image.x=55&image.y=8"
html := URLDownloadToVar(url)
Gui, Add, Edit, w125, % RegExMatch(html,"[\d\.]+(?= GBP)",m) ? m "£" : "The value could not be retrieved."
Gui, Show, AutoSize Center, GBP
Gui, Destroy
if !RegExMatch(url,"^http://")
url := "http://" url
VarSetCapacity(html, -1)
Return html
There are obviously more thorough (and complex) methods for solving this problem but this at least solves it with minimal effort.
The quick and easy answer is to make use of a Firefox add-on. There are a number of currency converters available as add-ons, but I ended up using Exch, as it suited my needs best.