Windows Phone Back Button VB -

I have been trying to get the back button to work for windows phone using vb, however I cant find anything on the internet, anything I do find is for c#
Can someone please tell me how I can make the back button go to the previous page as every time the back button is pressed it quits out of the app.

I'm not good at VB so, I'll make it in C# and consider to do it in your way in VB
In the Constructor of a page, write this code :
Windows.Phone.UI.Input.HardwareButtons.BackPressed += HardwareButtons_BackPressed;
In the Page's class, write this :
void HardwareButtons_BackPressed(object sender, Windows.Phone.UI.Input.BackPressedEventArgs e)
if (this.Frame.CanGoBack)
Consider to write it in all pages.


How can I format multiple button in minimal OnEvent() function?

I have a screen with over fifty buttons on it. I want to be able to detect which button was clicked and then proceed to a different screen with data based on what button was clicked. However, I can't seem to detect a click from the mouse without the use of a specific button name. I would like to avoid using 50+ OnEvent() functions if possible. If not, I will just write them all.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated on how I can go about doing this, thanks!
You are using C#? C++? VB.NET? Java?
C# Code:
Here is an Event as Example:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (sender is Button)
MessageBox.Show((sender as Button).Name);
You can replace the MessageBox, it is just meant to make it a proof by example.

OpenTK GameWindow in fullscreen - handle OS shortcuts

I noticed that if you change your GameWindow state to Fullscreen you can no longer use system keyboard shortcuts like Alt+F4 or Alt+Tab (they simply do nothing, BTW I use Windows 7).
Is there a way to fix it? Do I have to catch this shortcuts manually in my application (and trigger appropriate action)?
I realize this is an old question, but I'm posting the answer for anyone Googling this like I did.
You will have to manually register the OnKeyDown event.
protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyboardKeyEventArgs e)
if (e.Alt && e.Key == Key.F4)
This worked for me. If you want it to bring up an "Are you sure?" message or something like that, you can put it in the if statement.

CoreDispatcher.ProcessEvents() causes an indirect crash?

I have to port some legacy code, that uses modal dialog boxes all over the place to Metro/WinRT (using C++/CX). Because these dialog boxes provide their own message loop (using DialogBoxParam()), the calling code will wait until the user has clicked a button on the message box.
I'm currently trying to write a replacement for the old message box class, that uses XAML and the popup control. To reproduce the same behavior, I have to wait in the calling thread, but also have to keep the UI responsive. I've found out, that CoreDispatcher::ProcessEvents() can be used in a loop, to keep processing events (yeah I realize that this isn't very beautiful, but I don't want to change all of our legacy code to a new threading model). However I'm running into an issue that keeps crashing my app.
Here is a minimal example that reproduces the issue (just create a XAML app and wire this to a button):
void CPPXamlTest::MainPage::Button_Click_1(Platform::Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::RoutedEventArgs^ e)
bool cancel = false;
auto popup = ref new Popup();
auto button = ref new Button();
button->Content = "Boom";
auto token = (button->Click += ref new RoutedEventHandler([&cancel] (Object ^, RoutedEventArgs ^) { cancel = true; }));
popup->Child = button;
popup->IsOpen = true;
while (!cancel)
popup->IsOpen = false;
button->Click -= token;
This seems to work well for the first one or two tries of opening and closing the popup, using the two buttons. After a few tries however, the application will instantly crash deep in Windows.UI.Xaml.dll, while trying to dereference a null pointer. I can also reproduce this in C# (with practically the same code).
Does anyone have an idea, what is going on in here? Or a suggestion for an alternative approach?
If anyone is interested: I asked the same question a few days later on the MSDN forums and got a response there from a Microsoft employee:
Apparently the problem here is the nested message loop that is caused by calling ProcessEvents inside an event handler. It seems that this is not supported by WinRT, but instead of failing in a well-defined manner, this will or may cause a crash.
Alas this was the best and only answer I could find, so I ended up working around the problem, by dispatching the event handler (and a lot of other code) into another thread. I could then emulate the waiting behavior of DialogBox()/DialogBoxParam() (outside the main thread), by waiting on an event that was signaled when the user clicked/tapped a button on my XAML "dialog" popup.
A workaround that works fine for me is to replace the line:
auto myDispatchedHandler = ref new DispatchedHandler([&](){
For more info see this post at MSDN.

Why would VisualTreeHelper.FindElementsInHostCoordinates return no results?

Working on a Metro style app in C#. I have a custom control which inherits from Grid. MyGrid contains some other custom controls. I'm trying to do hit testing on those controls in the PointerReleased handler:
void MyGrid_PointerReleased(object sender, PointerRoutedEventArgs e)
PointerPoint pt = e.GetCurrentPoint(this);
var hits = VisualTreeHelper.FindElementsInHostCoordinates(pt.Position, this);
int breakhere = hits.Count();
After this code executes, hitCount is 0. If I move the PointerReleased handler one control higher in the visual tree heirarchy then hitCount is correct the first time and 0 after that. I set up a test project with similar XAML layout to try to reproduce the problem and it works correctly every time. So I'm not sure what bad thing I have done that is preventing VisualTreeHelper from working. I'm not really sure how to proceed debugging this. Any ideas what would cause this function to return no results?

Outlook "save as html" on a mail message toolbar

The medical company I work for has a EMR system setup to keep digital copies of patient files so they are searchable as well as quick to access. A new request has come through to be able to save e-mail to the EMR system, however it does not display .msg files very nicely. It does display files nicely as .htm, so was hoping i could figure out a way to save email messages to a specific folder in a .htm format with the user just hitting a single button.
Should i be looking at making an add-in using vs 2010 to do this simple task? Or would there be a better way to do this?
I've explored making an Add-In breifly over the past few days using command bars but have hit numerous problems with adding the menu item to mail items, as well as losing event handlers or having them fire quite a few times, so i'm wondering if i'm barking up the wrong tree.
Edit: Looking at ribbon bar customization as well, may have to upgrade some users that are still using 2003, but seems like it might be the better option than command bars going forward.
Ribbon bar was the best path i found, however i had trouble finding a great how-to for the start-to-finish project, so i'll make a small write up here.
To add a button to the ribbon for only existing mail messages including a image for the button.
Using VS 2010
New project, Office, select "Outlook 2007 add in", enter a name for your project.
To your newly created project, Add a new item "Ribbon (XML)" name it however you want, i'll call it CustomRibbon
open your newly created CustomRibbon.xml file and change the tab node to have the following
<tab idMso="TabReadMessage">
<group insertBeforeMso="GroupActions" id="CustomGroup" label="GroupNameThatShowsInOutlook">
<button id="btnCustomButton"
label = "Text For The Custom Button"
supertip="tip for the button hover"
onAction ="ButtonClicked"
getImage="GetCustomButtonImage" />
This then has 2 callback functions to the CustomRibbon.cs file, one called GetCustomButtonImage, the other ButtonClicked.
open CustomRibbon.cs to fill this in, in the Ribbon Callbacks region add the following
public void ButtonClicked(Office.IRibbonControl Control)
//Do work here
also add the following in the same section
public stdole.IPictureDisp GetCustomButtonImage(Office.IRibbonControl control)
System.Drawing.Image myImage;
myImage = OutlookAddIn.Properties.Resources.ImageName;
return AxHostConverter.ImageToPictureDisp(myImage);
this will then show there is a class missing, we'll get to that shortly, but first we are going to add in the last part we need in CustomRibbon.cs. In the IRibbonExtensibility Members region, in GetCustomUI change the existing code
public string GetCustomUI(string ribbonID)
if (ribbonID == "Microsoft.Outlook.Mail.Read")
return GetResourceText("OutlookAddIn.CustomRibbon.xml");
return "";
Add a new class to your project call it AxHostConverter, add add this to the top
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing;
Then change the class to have the following code
class AxHostConverter : AxHost
private AxHostConverter() : base("") { }
static public stdole.IPictureDisp ImageToPictureDisp(Image image)
return (stdole.IPictureDisp)GetIPictureDispFromPicture(image);
static public Image PictureDispToImage(stdole.IPictureDisp pictureDisp)
return GetPictureFromIPicture(pictureDisp);
Add your image for your button to the project, and change the GetCustomButtonImage function to use that resource. I used a PNG and had good luck with transparencies displaying well.
And finally, all that should be left is to add the following to ThisAddIn.cs
protected override Microsoft.Office.Core.IRibbonExtensibility CreateRibbonExtensibilityObject()
return new CustomRibbon();
Add whatever code you are wanting to ButtonClicked and you are set.
Deploy using Clickonce and installation is fairly straightforward.