In JGraphX, is the radius handled correctly in mxCircleLayout? - jgraphx

In using mxCircleLayout, one can specify a radius. It seems, however, that the radius only affects a graph where the radius is GREATER than the default based on the graph bounds. In looking at the source code (JGraphX for mxCircleLayout, line 230 has:
double r = Math.max(vertexCount * max / Math.PI, radius);
where "r" is used as the radius for the circle layout. Shouldn't this be
double r = Math.min(vertexCount * max / Math.PI, radius);
if I want to have a smaller radius? Perhaps I'm misunderstanding what "radius" means, but for a circle it ought to have the natural meaning. And changing the line gives me the (smaller) circle I want.

The max is used in order to make sure that the vertices do not overlap. See the comment at the start of the execute statement:
// Moves the vertices to build a circle. Makes sure the
// radius is large enough for the vertices to not
// overlap
However, this does seem to use the bounds of the largest vertex, which is not very useful if the vertices have different sizes where the maximum is much larger than the average.


How can I implement degrees round the drawn compass

I am developing a GPS waypoint application. I have started by drawing my compass but am finding it difficult to implement degree text around the circle. Can anyone help me with a solution? The compass image am working on] 1 here shows the circle of the compass I have drawn.
This image here shows what I want to achieve, that is implementing degree text round the compass [Image of what I want to achieve] 2
Assuming you're doing this in a custom view, you need to use one of the drawText methods on the Canvas passed in to onDraw.
You'll have to do a little trigonometry to get the x, y position of the text - basically if there's a circle with radius r you're placing the text origins on (i.e. how far out from the centre they are), and you're placing one at angle θ:
x = r * cosθ
y = r * sinθ
The sin and cos functions take a value in radians, so you'll have to convert that if you're using degrees:
val radians = (degrees.toDouble() / 360.0) * (2.0 * Math.PI)
and 0 degrees is at 3 o'clock on the circle, not 12, so you'll have to subtract 90 degrees from your usual compass positions (e.g. 90 degrees on the compass is 0 degrees in the local coordinates). The negative values you get are fine, -90 is the same as 270. If you're trying to replicate the image you posted (where the numbers and everything else are rotating while the needle stays at the top) you'll have to apply an angle offset anyway!
These x and y values are distance from the centre of the circle, which probably needs to be the centre of your view (which you've probably already calculated to draw your circle). You'll also need to account for the extra space you need to draw those labels, scaling everything so it all fits in the View

How could I make an "iPod Wheel" type control on iPhone?

I want to create a sort of "iPod Wheel" control in a Swift project that I'm doing. I've got everything drawn out, but not it's time to actually make this thing work.
What would be the best way to recognize "spinning" so to speak, or to describe that more clearly, when the user is actively pressing the wheel and spinning his/her thumb around the wheel in a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction.
I will no doubt want to use touchesBegan/touchesMoved/touchesEnded. What's the best way to figure out spinning though?
I'm thinking
a) determine in touchesMoved if the users touch is within circle, by determining the radius from the center point. Center point and radius are easily obtainable. Using these however, how can I determine the outer edge of the circle/wheel... to know whether the user is within the actually circle (their touch could still be in the view, but outside the actual wheel portion)
b) Determine the current angle and how it has changed the previous angle. By that I mean... I would use the center point of the circle as one point, and the users current touch as the second point. This gives me my vector. I would also have a baseline angle. Likely center point to 12 c'clock. I would compare the two vectors (I already have a VectorMath class for this from something else I'm doing) and see my angle is 0. If the users touch were at 3 oclock, and I compared it to our baseline angle... I would see the angle is 90 degrees. I would continually calculate the angle, and perhaps every 5 degrees of change... would warrant a change in the controls output (depending on desired sensitivity).
Does this seem like the best way to do this? I think this would be an ideal way, but am still not sure on how to calculate the circles outer edge, and determine if a users touch is within it.
You are on the right track. I think approach b) will work.
Remember the starting position of the finger at the touchesBegan
Imagine a line from the finger position to the middle of the button
For the touchesMoved event, again, imagine a virtual line from the
new position to the center of the circle.
Using the formula from (or some code) you can determine
the angle between the two lines. If it's a negative angle the user
is turning the wheel counter-clockwise, otherwise it's clockwise.
To determine if the touch event was inside the ring, calculate the distance from the center of the circle to the point of touch. It should be between the minimum and the maximum distance (inner circle and outer circle radius). Calculating the distance between to two points is explained at
I think you're almost there, although I'd do something slightly different on your point b.
If you think about it, when you start "spinning" on your iPod, you don't need to start from a precise position, you start spinning from "where you started", therefore I wouldn't set my "baseline angle" at π/2, I'd set my baseline (or 0°) angle at the point the user taps for the first time, and starting from then, I'd count the offset angles, clockwise and counterclockwise.
I don't think there would be much difference, except maybe from some calculations you'll do on the angles, on the two approaches, practically speaking; it just makes more sense imho to start counting from the first input rater than setting a baseline to π/2 and counting the first angle.
I am answering in parts.
// Get a position based on the angle
float xPosition = center.x + (radiusX * sinf(angleInRadians)) - (CGRectGetWidth([cell frame]) / 2);
float yPosition = center.y + (radiusY * cosf(angleInRadians)) - (CGRectGetHeight([cell frame]) / 2);
float scale = 0.75f + 0.25f * (cosf(angleInRadians) + 1.0);
[cell setTransform:CGAffineTransformScale(CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(xPosition, yPosition), scale, scale)];
// Tweak alpha using the same system as applied for scale, this
// time with 0.3 the minimum and a semicircle range of 0.5
[cell setAlpha:(0.3f + 0.5f * (cosf(angleInRadians) + 1.0))];
- (void)spin:(SpinGestureRecognizer *)recognizer
CGFloat angleInRadians = -[recognizer rotation];
CGFloat degrees = 180.0 * angleInRadians / M_PI; // Radians to degrees
[self setCurrentAngle:[self currentAngle] + degrees];
[self setAngle:[self currentAngle]];
again check the wheelview.m of photowheel in github.

Gravitational Pull

Does anyone know of a tutorial that would deal with gravitational pull of two objects? Eg. a satellite being drawn to the moon (and possibly sling shot past it).
I have a small Java game that I am working on and I would like to implement his feature in it.
I have the formula for gravitational attraction between two bodies, but when I try to use it in my game, nothing happens?
There are two object on the screen, one of which will always be stationary while the other one moves in a straight line at a constant speed until it comes within the detection range of the stationary object. At which point it should be drawn to the stationary object.
First I calculate the distance between the two objects, and depending on their mass and this distance, I update the x and y coordinates.
But like I said, nothing happens. Am I not implementing the formula correctly?
I have included some code to show what I have so far.
This is the instance when the particle collides with the gates detection range, and should start being pulled towards it
for (int i = 0; i < particle.length; i++)
// **************************************************************************************************
// **************************************************************************************************
// Getting the instance when a Particle collides with a Gate
if (getDistanceBetweenObjects(gate.getX(), particle[i].getX(), gate.getY(), particle[i].getY()) <=
sumOfRadii(particle[i].getRadius(), barrier.getRadius()))
particle[i].calcGravPull(particle[i].getMass(), barrier.getMass(),
getDistanceBetweenObjects(gate.getX(), particle[i].getX(), gate.getY(), particle[i].getY()));
And the method in my Particle class to do the movement
// Calculate the gravitational pull between objects
public void calcGravPull(int mass1, int mass2, double distBetweenObjects)
double gravityPull;
gravityPull = GRAV_CONSTANT * ((mass1 * mass2) / (distBetweenObjects * distBetweenObjects));
x += gravityPull;
y += gravityPull;
Your formula has problems. You're calculating the gravitational force, and then applying it as if it were an acceleration. Acceleration is force divided by mass, so you need to divide the force by the small object's mass. Therefore, GRAV_CONSTANT * ((mass1) / (distBetweenObjects * distBetweenObjects)) is the formula for acceleration of mass2.
Then you're using it as if it were a positional adjustment, not a velocity adjustment (which an acceleration is). Keep track of the velocity of the moving mass, use that to adjust its position, and use the acceleration to change that velocity.
Finally, you're using acceleration as a scalar when it's really a vector. Calculate the angle from the moving mass to the stationary mass, and if you're representing it as angle from the positive x-axis multiply the x acceleration by the cosine of the angle, and the y acceleration by the sine of the angle.
That will give you a correct representation of gravity.
If it does nothing, check the coordinates to see what is happening. Make sure the stationary mass is large enough to have an effect. Gravity is a very weak force, and you'll have no significant effect with much smaller than a planetary mass.
Also, make sure you're using the correct gravitational constant for the units you're using. The constant you find in the books is for the MKS system - meters, kilograms, and seconds. If you're using kilometers as units of length, you need to multiply the constant by a million, or alternately multiply the length by a thousand before plugging it into the formula.
Your algorithm is correct. Probably the gravitational pull you compute is too small to be seen. I'd remove GRAV_CONSTANT and try again.
BTW if you can gain a bit of speed moving the result of getDistanceBetweenObjects() in a temporary variable.

Vertical circular motion : time(x/y) versus velocity equation

I wanted to simulate the following through animation :
A ball starts with a certain velocity at the bottom most point of
a vertical circular loop and keeps rolling in it until its velocity permits.
For this, I wanted to find velocity/x/y vs. time equation.
For e.g. if the ball had mass : 5Kg, radius of the circular loop = 10m,
and initial velocity of the ball is 200 m/s, what will its velocity and (x,y) position
be after 5 seconds?
Sliding, frictionless case with a point-particle ball
In this case we aren't worrying about rotational energy and are assuming that the ball is actually a point particle. Then, in order for the ball to stay on at the top, the centripetal force condition has to be satisfied:
m * v_top^2 / r = m * g
v_top = sqrt(r * g)
So the minimum initial velocity is determined by:
1 / 2 * m * v0^2 >= 1 / 2 * m * v_top^2 + m * g * 2 * r
v0 >= sqrt(5 * r * g)
This is similar to what Pete said, except that he forgot the centripetal force condition to stay on at the top.
Next, the acceleration tangential to the track is given by:
a = - g * sin(theta)
but a = r * alpha = r * d^2(theta)/dt^2 where alpha is the rotational acceleration. Thus, we get
r * d^2(theta)/dt^2 = g * sin(theta)
However, I don't know of an analytical solution to this differential equation and Mathematica was stumbling with finding one too. You can't just move the dts to the other side and integrate because theta is a function of t. I would recommend solving it by numerical means such as a Runga-Kutte or maybe the Verlet method. I solved it using Mathematica for the parameters you gave, but with the ball moving so quickly, it doesn't really slow down much in going around. When I lowered the initial velocity though, I was able to see the speeding up and slowing down by plotting theta as a function of time.
Adding in other things like a finite ball radius, rotational energy and friction are certainly doable, but I would worry about being able to solve this first case before moving on because it only gets more complicated from here. By the way, with the friction you will have to choose some kinetic coefficient of friction for your given materials which will of course be proportional to the normal force exerted on the ball by the track which can be solved for by summing the force components along the radius of the circle and don't forget to include the centripetal force condition.
If you haven't done this sort of physics before, I definitely recommend getting a introductory good book on physics (with calculus) and working through it. You only need to bother with the sections that apply to mechanics though that is a very large section of the book probably. There might be better routes to pursue though like some of the resources in this question.
If there are no acceleration (x,y) =(xstart+ vx*time ,ystart + vy*time) and speed remain the same, and it is not related to the radius
Since the velocity is constant you will have an angular velocity of omega = vel / radius. You will obtain how many radians you ball will move per second over its circular path.
To get the position at time t you just have to exploit polar coordinates:
x = x_center + sin( 3/2*PI + omega*t)*radius
y = y_center + cos( 3/2*PI + omega*t)*radius
This because you start from bottom point of the circle (so its 3/2*PI) plus how many radiants you move every second (we obtained it from tangential velocity). All multiplied for the radius, otherwise you will consider a unity circle.
EDIT: Since you wonder how to find a position of an object that is subject to many different forces I can tell you that usually a physical engine doesn't care about finding equations of moving objects. It just applies forces to objects considering their intended motions (like your circular one) or environmental factors (like gravity or friction) and calculates coordinates step by step by applying forces and using an integrator to see the results.
Ignoring friction, the forces on the ball are gravity and the track.
First, there are two main cases - is the velocity enough for the ball to loop-the-loop or not:
initial energy = 1/2 m v² = 0.5 * 5 * 200 * 200
potential energy = m g h = 5 * 9.8 * 20
so it will go round the whole loop.
Initially the ball is at the bottom of the loop, theta = 0
The acceleration on the ball is the component of g along the track
a = g⋅sin theta
The distance travelled is theta * radius. It is also the double integral of acceleration against time.
theta ⋅ radius = double integral of acceleration against time
Integrating acceleration once gives velocity, integrating velocity gives distance.
so solve this for t:
theta ⋅ r = ∫(∫ g⋅sin theta.dt).dt
then your x and y are trivial functions of theta.
Whether you solve it analytically or numerically is up to you.
With dynamic friction, friction is usually proportional to the normal force on the bodies. So this will equal the centripetal force - proportional to the square of the angular velocity, and the component of gravity normal to the track (g sin theta)
You didn't tell anything about how you want your velocity to change. Do you have any friction model? If there is no friction, then the formulas are simple:
length = velocity*t
x = sin(length)*radius
y = -cos(length)*radius
If the velocity is changing, then you have to change length to something like
length = integral over dt[0..t] (velocity dt)
The only thing I wanted to add is the if this is real ball (sphere) with mass 5kg then it must have a diameter dia=(6*m/(PI*rho))^(1/3) where rho is the density of the material. For steel (rho=7680) the diameter is dia=0.1075 meters. Therefore the pitch radius (radius at which the center of gravity of the ball rides on) is equal to R=10-(dia/2) or R=9.9466 meters.
The problem gets a little more complex when friction is included. For one you have to consider the direction of friction (assuming dry friction theory). That depends on the amount the ball rotates in its axis and that depends on moment of inertia of the ball.
When you do the simulation you might want to monitor the total kinetic energy + the total potential energy and make sure your are not adding energy to the system (or taking away). [Don't forget to include the rotational component for the kinetic energy]
Get a standard book on dynamics, and I am sure a similar problem is already described in the book.I would recommend "Vector Mechanic for Engineers - Dynamics".

Calculating collision for a moving circle, without overlapping the boundaries

Let's say I have circle bouncing around inside a rectangular area. At some point this circle will collide with one of the surfaces of the rectangle and reflect back. The usual way I'd do this would be to let the circle overlap that boundary and then reflect the velocity vector. The fact that the circle actually overlaps the boundary isn't usually a problem, nor really noticeable at low velocity. At high velocity it becomes quite clear that the circle is doing something it shouldn't.
What I'd like to do is to programmatically take reflection into account and place the circle at it's proper position before displaying it on the screen. This means that I have to calculate the point where it hits the boundary between it's current position and it's future position -- rather than calculating it's new position and then checking if it has hit the boundary.
This is a little bit more complicated than the usual circle/rectangle collision problem. I have a vague idea of how I should do it -- basically create a bounding rectangle between the current position and the new position, which brings up a slew of problems of it's own (Since the rectangle is rotated according to the direction of the circle's velocity). However, I'm thinking that this is a common problem, and that a common solution already exists.
Is there a common solution to this kind of problem? Perhaps some basic theories which I should look into?
Since you just have a circle and a rectangle, it's actually pretty simple. A circle of radius r bouncing around inside a rectangle of dimensions w, h can be treated the same as a point p at the circle's center, inside a rectangle (w-r), (h-r).
Now position update becomes simple. Given your point at position x, y and a per-frame velocity of dx, dy, the updated position is x+dx, y+dy - except when you cross a boundary. If, say, you end up with x+dx > W (letting W = w-r), then you do the following:
crossover = (x+dx) - W // this is how far "past" the edge your ball went
x = W - crossover // so you bring it back the same amount on the correct side
dx = -dx // and flip the velocity to the opposite direction
And similarly for y. You'll have to set up a similar (reflected) check for the opposite boundaries in each dimension.
At each step, you can calculate the projected/expected position of the circle for the next frame.
If this lies outside the rectangle, then you can then use the distance from the old circle position to the rectangle's edge and the amount "past" the rectangle's edge that the next position lies at (the interpenetration) to linearly interpolate and determine the precise time when the circle "hits" the rectangle edge.
For example, if the circle is 10 pixels away from the rectangle's edge, then is predicted to move to 5 pixels beyond it, you know that for 2/3rds of the timestep (10/15ths) it moves on its orginal path, then is reflected and continues on its new path for the remaining 1/3rd of the timestep (5/15ths). By calculating these two parts of the motion and "adding" the translations together, you can find the correct new position.
(Of course, it gets more complicated if you hit near a corner, as there may be several collisions during the timestep, off different edges. And if you have more than one circle moving, things get a lot more complex. But that's where you can start for the case you've asked about)
Reflection across a rectangular boundary is incredibly simple. Just take the amount that the object passed the boundary and subtract it from the boundary position. If the position without reflecting would be (-0.8,-0.2) for example and the upper left corner is at (0,0), the reflected position would be (0.8,0.2).