Simplest OptaPlanner example - is only construction heuristic enough? - optaplanner

I'm new into OptaPlanner and I'm trying to create an as simple as possible app that assigns few employees to some shifts. The only rule is that one employee can be assigned to one shift per day. I wonder if following solver configuration is not enough:
<!-- Solver termination -->
because the collection of ShiftAssignment at ShiftPlanningSolution class remains EMPTY even though the Solver.solve() finishes and getBestSolution() returns something. What's more it seems that my rules at rules.drl are not fired at all. I even added a dummy rule just to see if it is triggered:
rule "test"
shiftAssignment : ShiftAssignment()
and it's not fired at all.
So what are my mistakes here? Thanks in advance!

the rule should be doing something with scoreHolder, see docs chapter 5. But despite that, you should see that rule being fired once for every ShiftAssignement instance in your dataset - check if you have any in there.


SoapUI Assertions - either XPath or Contains Assertion would be fine

Sample response below. I want to check the existence of a specific error code (860) in the response below. Technically, to avoid picking the error up accidentally in a reference number, I need to be checking it is in the bit labelled < code >860< /code > (inserted spaces so it would show).
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
<ns2:activatePortResponse xmlns:ns2="">
<return som="6001365" state="Approved">
<description>The Port cannot be activated outside the ready for service dateTime window (grace period taken into account).</description>
I was trying to build a set of calls with expected error results to check the the error responses are returned as they should. Going through all the usual garbage messages that meant nothing to me, I just kept tweaking.
Turned out I could use a Contains method and just paste in more, rather than just 860 or even < code >860< /code > I just had to paste in a bigger chunk like this:
<description>The Port cannot be activated outside the ready for service dateTime window (grace period taken into account).</description>
So I have a solution, but if anyone wants to show me how to do it with XPath, in a less hamfisted way, that would be cool.
You could do an XPath Match assertion with the following expression //error/code, which in the above response message would find 860. This way you know that this 860 has been found at a particular place in the XML hierarchy.

Optaplanner produces only single chain solution

I am using Optaplanner to solve an installer booking assignment problem, which is a chaining problem, similar to vehicle routing. An installer(vehicle) may have multiple bookings(customer) assigned to it. I need to implement the chain because I need to evaluate one booking in relation to another booking an a particular order.
So, I declared Booking and Installer as #PlanningEntityCollectionProperty in my Solution. Both Booking and Installer implements Standstill. But only in Booking I declared #PlanningVariable for method getPreviousStandstill().
My config:
<!-- Domain model configuration -->
<!-- Score configuration -->
<!-- Optimization algorithms configuration -->
<!-- <secondsSpentLimit>20</secondsSpentLimit>-->
When I try to solve(), I got one installer with all bookings asssigned to him. What do I need to do to improve the situation?
My initial guess would be you have only 1 anchor (1 installer) known to OptaPlanner. Check if the Solution's List's size is bigger than 1 in size. Then check if getter has #ValueRangeProvider and if the id of that ValueRangeProvider is added in the #PlanningEntity's valueRangeProviderRefs.
Also be aware of a common pitfall that might apply here too (but shouldn't if you use value range providers properly): list.add(list) instead of list.addAll(list).

How to use the planning entity difficulty in the local search phase?

I'm trying to sort the planning entities on decreasing difficulty in the local search phase.
I tried to add the "entitySelector" in the config file like the following but it results in a ConversionException:
<cacheType>PHASE</cacheType> <!-- STEP, PHASE -->
<pickEarlyType>NEVER</pickEarlyType> <!-- FIRST_BEST_SCORE_IMPROVING -->
The following Comparator class in annotated on the domain model :
public class NodeDifficultyComparator implements Comparator<Node>{
public int compare(Node a, Node b) {
return new CompareToBuilder()
.append(a.getResources(), b.getResources()) // the most difficult nodes are the ones who use the most resources
.append(a.getId(), b.getId())
Did I choose a wrong placement for the "entitySelector" tag ? Should I do this in an another way ??
Thanks for your help.
Implementation detail: the element <moveListFactory> is defined by the class MoveListFactoryConfig. If you look at the source of that class, it does not have a field called entitySelector, so you cannot nest an <entitySelector> element in it.
There are 2 ways to solve your problem:
Instead of using <moveListFactory>, use <changeMoveSelector>, which does support an <entitySelector> element. You can then delete your custom ParentChangeMoveFactory class. The <changeMoveSelector> has many advantages over a custom MoveListFactory, such as JIT support and much more.
If you have a good reason to have a custom MoveListFactory (for example due to some complex reasons which move filtering can't cover), then adjust your ParentChangeMoveFactory to sort the entity list before generating the moves. Remember to shallow clone that list first, as you don't want your sorting to affect the entity list references by the workingSolution instance. The point is: if you write a custom MoveListFactory you're in total control on how to generate the moves, but you do need to do everything yourself...

Is Apache Camel's idempotent consumer pattern scalable?

I'm using Apache Camel 2.13.1 to poll a database table which will have upwards of 300k rows in it. I'm looking to use the Idempotent Consumer EIP to filter rows that have already been processed.
I'm wondering though, whether the implementation is really scalable or not. My camel context is:-
<camelContext xmlns="">
<route id="main">
uri="sql:select * from transactions?dataSource=myDataSource&consumer.delay=10000&consumer.useIterator=true" />
<transacted ref="PROPAGATION_REQUIRED" />
<enrich uri="direct:invokeIdempotentTransactions" />
<!-- Any processors here will be executed on all messages -->
<route id="idempotentTransactions">
<from uri="direct:invokeIdempotentTransactions" />
<!-- Anything here will only be executed for non-duplicates -->
<log message="non-duplicate" />
<to uri="stream:out" />
It would seem that the full 300k rows are going to be processed every 10 seconds (via consumer.delay parameter) which seems very inefficient. I would expect some sort of feedback loop as part of the pattern so that the query that feeds the filter could take advantage of the set of rows already processed.
However, the messageid column in the CAMEL_MESSAGEPROCESSED table has the pattern of
where 1908988 is the request.body.ID I've set the EIP to key on so this doesn't make it easy to incorporate into my query.
Is there a better way of using the CAMEL_MESSAGEPROCESSED table as a feedback loop into my select statement so that the SQL server is performing most of the load?
So, I've since found out that it was my ognl code that was causing the odd message id column value. Changing it to
has fixed it. So, now that I have a usable messageId column, I can now change my 'from' SQL query to
select * from transactions tr where tr.ID IN (select cmp.messageid from CAMEL_MESSAGEPROCESSED cmp where cmp.processor = 'transactionProcessor')
but I still think I'm corrupting the Idempotent Consumer EIP.
Does anyone else do this? Any reason not to?
Yes, it is. But you need to use scalable storage for holding sets of already processed messages. You can use either Hazelcast - or Infinispan - - depending on which solution is already in your stack. Of course, JDBC repository would work, but only if it meets performance criteria selected.

list=alllinks confusion

I'm doing a research project for the summer and I've got to use get some data from Wikipedia, store it and then do some analysis on it. I'm using the Wikipedia API to gather the data and I've got that down pretty well.
What my questions is in regards to the links-alllinks option in the API doc here
After reading the description, both there and in the API itself (it's down and bit and I can't link directly to the section), I think I understand what it's supposed to return. However when I ran a query it gave me back something I didn't expect.
Here's the query I ran:|timestamp|user|comment|content&rvlimit=1&list=alllinks&alunique&allimit=40&format=xml
Which in essence says: Get the last revision of the Google page, include the id, timestamp, user, comment and content of each revision, and return it in XML format.
The allinks (I thought) should give me back a list of wikipedia pages which point to the google page (In this case the first 40 unique ones).
I'm not sure what the policy is on swears, but this is the result I got back exactly:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<n from="google" to="Google" />
<page pageid="1092923" ns="0" title="Google">
<rev revid="366826294" parentid="366673948" user="Citation bot" timestamp="2010-06-08T17:18:31Z" comment="Citations: [161]Tweaked: url. [[User:Mono|Mono]]" xml:space="preserve">
<!-- The page content, I've replaced this cos its not of interest -->
<!-- offensive content removed -->
<revisions rvstartid="366673948" />
<alllinks alfrom="!2009" />
The <alllinks> part, its just a load of random gobbledy-gook and offensive comments. No nearly what I thought I'd get. I've done a fair bit of searching but I can't seem to find a direct answer to my question.
What should the list=alllinks option return?
Why am I getting this crap in there?
You don't want a list; a list is something that iterates over all pages. In your case you simply "enumerate all links that point to a given namespace".
You want a property associated with the Google page, so you need prop=links instead of the alllinks crap.
So your query becomes:|links&titles=google&rvprop=ids|timestamp|user|comment|content&rvlimit=1&format=xml