Access a Shape object via its ID - vba

I have a PowerPoint slide with 5 shapes on it. I would like to do different things with theses shapes in a macro. How can I change one of these shapes by using the shape ID? For example, I have two shapes with a name of "Title 1" but I want to use the one with an ID of 15.
Here is my code:
Sub size_n_spread_v()
Dim j As Integer
Dim sld As Slide
Dim SldId As Long
gap = std_gap
SldId = ActiveWindow.View.Slide.SlideIndex
Set sld = ActivePresentation.Slides(SldId)
Call SortMultArray
new_dim = (total_dim - gap * (lngRow - 1)) / lngRow
'This works but is not specific:
'sld.Shapes.("Title 1").Height = new_dim
'This would hopefully be specific but the syntax does not work Please HELP!
'sld.Shapes.("Title 1").Id(15).Height = new_dim
End Sub
Does someone know the right syntax to change the shape via ID?

I don't know of a way, but you could write a simple helper function that you could then use throughout your project to make things easier on yourself. Something like this would work:
Public Function GetShapeById(s As Slide, n As String, id As Long) As Shape
Dim objShape As Shape
For Each objShape In s.Shapes
If StrComp(objShape.Name, n, vbTextCompare) = 0 And objShape.Id = id Then
Set GetShapeById = objShape
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Then you could use it like so:
Sub size_n_spread_v()
' Instead of:
sld.Shapes.("Title 1").Id(15).Height = new_dim
' Use:
GetShapeById(sld, "Title 1", 15).Height = new_dim
End Sub

The function mentioned above is the only way to get a shape by Id. You have to search through the Shapes collection as there is no equivalent ShapeIndex as there is for SlideIndex. The other solution to find a specific shape is to uniquely identify shapes by adding your own Tag but this is a more complex solution.


Getting the number of shapes with in a layer on visio using VBA

I am trying to create a macro in VBA with Visio, that would count the amount of shapes in a layer and report the number. Would anyone have any ideas or pointers on how to approach this?
I know how to report the number of shapes in a entire workbook but I'm needing to report the quantity in a layer to see if it even has items assigned to it. I thought something like Layers.count would work but I'm not sure if that's even the correct way.
You can use the CreateSelection method on Page and then return the count from that.
For example:
Public Sub GetTheCount()
Dim layerName As String
Dim count As Integer
layerName = "Flowchart"
count = CountShapesOnLayer(ActivePage, layerName)
Debug.Print "There are " & count & " shapes on layer " & layerName
End Sub
Public Function CountShapesOnLayer(ByRef vPag As Visio.Page, layerName As String) As Integer
If Not vPag Is Nothing Then
Dim vLayer As Visio.Layer
Dim vSel As Visio.Selection
Set vLayer = vPag.Layers.ItemU(layerName)
Set vSel = vPag.CreateSelection(Visio.VisSelectionTypes.visSelTypeByLayer, _
Visio.VisSelectMode.visSelModeSkipSuper, _
CountShapesOnLayer = vSel.count
CountShapesOnLayer = 0
End If
End Function
Note the SelectMode argument, which in the above will give you the top level shapes, but bear in mind that you may need to change this if you're dealing with sub-shapes (in a group).

VBA Excel: Different colors in one line diagram depending on value

I'm looking for a way to have three different colors in the same line chart of a diagram in Excel, depending on the values themselves or where they are from (from which sheet f.e).
Till now, I have the following code:
Sub ChangeColor()
Dim i As Integer
Dim IntRow As Integer
Dim r As Range
IntRow = ActiveChart.ChartObjects("Cash").Count
For i = 2 To IntRow
Set r = Cells(2, i)
If r.Value < 3000 Then
Selection.Border.ColorIndex = 5
Selection.Border.ColorIndex = 9
End If
End Sub
However, the if statement is not considered and the color of the whole line changes only whenever I change the first ColorIndex. I have no idea, how to color parts of the line depending on the values in the underlying table.
Moreover, by defining IntRow as ActiveChart.ChartObjects("Cash").Count I'm not able to get the length of my array. This problem can be solved by manual counting and declaring IntRow as an Integer, however, the version above seems nicer (if that is possible of course).
I appreciate any help! Thank you.
You can read the values directly from the chart series:
Sub ChangeColor()
Dim cht As Chart, p As Point, s As Series
Dim i As Integer
Dim numPts As Long
'access the chart directly - no select/activate required
Set cht = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Cash").Chart
'reference the first series
Set s = cht.SeriesCollection(1)
'how many points in the first series?
numPts = s.Points.Count
'loop over the series points
For i = 1 To numPts
Set p = cht.SeriesCollection(1).Points(i)
p.Border.ColorIndex = IIf(s.Values(i) < 3000, 5, 9)
End Sub

VBA: need to sort shapes

Recently, in an interview I encountered a question in VBA. The question is:
Write a program to sort the shapes in a worksheet, like for example : I have various shapes like circle, triangle, rectangle, pentagon... This needs to be sorted and placed one below the other.
I tried with Shapes object and msoshapeRectangle method. But it didnt work.
Could you please tell me is this possible to be done?
It was an interesting challenge, so I did it. Might as well post the result (commented for clarity):
Sub tgr()
'There are 184 total AutoShapeTypes
'See here for full list
Dim aShapeTypes(1 To 184) As String
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim Shp As Shape
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim vShpName As Variant
Dim dLeftAlign As Double
Dim dTopAlign As Double
Dim dVerticalInterval As Double
Dim dHorizontalInterval As Double
Dim dPadding As Double
Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet
'Sort order will be by the AutoShapeType numerical ID
'Using this, shapes will be sorted in this order (incomplete list for brevity):
' Rectangle, Parallelogram, Trapezoid, Diamond, Rounded rectangle, Octagon, Isosceles triangle, Right triangle, Oval, Hexagon
'Note that you can use a Select Case to order shapes to a more customized list
'I use this method to put the -2 (indicates a combination of the other states) at the bottom of the sort order
For Each Shp In ws.Shapes
Select Case Shp.AutoShapeType
Case -2: aShapeTypes(UBound(aShapeTypes)) = aShapeTypes(UBound(aShapeTypes)) & "||" & Shp.Name
Case Else: aShapeTypes(Shp.AutoShapeType) = aShapeTypes(Shp.AutoShapeType) & "||" & Shp.Name
End Select
Next Shp
'Now that all shapes have been collected and put into their sort order, perform the actual sort operation
'Adjust the alignment and vertical veriables as desired
'The Padding variable is so that the shapes don't start at the very edge of the sheet (can bet set to 0 if that's fine)
'I have it currently set to sort the shapes vertically, but they can be sorted horizontally by uncommenting those lines and commenting out the vertical sort lines
dPadding = 10
dLeftAlign = 5
dTopAlign = 5
dVerticalInterval = 40
dHorizontalInterval = 40
j = 0
For i = LBound(aShapeTypes) To UBound(aShapeTypes)
If Len(aShapeTypes(i)) > 0 Then
For Each vShpName In Split(Mid(aShapeTypes(i), 3), "||")
With ws.Shapes(vShpName)
'Vertical Sort
.Left = dLeftAlign
.Top = j * dVerticalInterval + dPadding
'Horizont Sort
'.Top = dTopAlign
'.Left = j * dHorizontalInterval + dPadding
End With
j = j + 1
Next vShpName
End If
Next i
End Sub

How do I determine end points of a Line drawing object?

I have a line (=autoshape) drawing object on an Excel spreadsheet. I want to determine which cell it "points" to. For this I need to know the coordinates of the start and end points.
I can use .Top, .Left, .Width, .Height to determine bounding rectangle, but the line may be in 2 different positions in that rectangle.
To do this you must use the members HorizontalFlip and VerticalFlip. The following function should do what you want:
Function CellFromArrow(ByVal s As Shape) As Range
Dim hFlip As Integer
Dim vFlip As Integer
hFlip = s.HorizontalFlip
vFlip = s.VerticalFlip
Select Case CStr(hFlip) & CStr(vFlip)
Case "00"
Set CellFromArrow = s.BottomRightCell
Case "0-1"
Set CellFromArrow = Cells(s.TopLeftCell.Row, s.BottomRightCell.Column)
Case "-10"
Set CellFromArrow = Cells(s.BottomRightCell.Row, s.TopLeftCell.Column)
Case "-1-1"
Set CellFromArrow = s.TopLeftCell
End Select
End Function
This code is tested in Excel 2010. Seems to work. Hope this helps!
If you have to worry about shapes contained in groups, then it seems the only solution is to ungroup, iterate through the shapes and then regroup. Something like the following:
Dim s As Shape
For Each s In ActiveSheet.Shapes
If s.Type = msoGroup Then
Dim oldName as String
Dim sGroup As GroupShapes
Dim GroupMember as Shape
Set sGroup = s.GroupItems
oldName = s.Name 'To preserve the group Name
For Each GroupMember in sGroup
Set s = sGroup.Range(1).Regroup 'We only need to select one shape
s.Name = oldName 'Rename it to what it used to be
End If
You can refer to ShapeRange Documentation for more info on the Regroup method.
Let me know if this works for you!

Elegant way to highlight chart data series in Excel

I want to outline the chart data range source(s) in a table, in much the same way that the GUI will outline a range in blue if the chart data series is clicked. The user can choose various chart views and the range highlight colours for each data series need to match those displayed in the chart.
For the record, here are the methods I considered:
Parse the chart series values string and extract the data range
Do a lookup on a table that stores information on the ranges and the colours to be used
In the end I went with option 2 as is seemed easier to implement and to properly manage the colours I would probably have to store them for method 1 anyway, negating its benefits.
The highlight procedure is called from the Worksheet_Change event, a lookup is done on the chart name, the ranges and colours pulled from the table and then the cell formatting is carried out. The limitation of this method is that the range/colour data for each new chart view must be pre-calculated. This isn't much of a problem for my current implementation, but my be a limiting factor in future use where the charts might be more dynamic.
So although I've got a version of this working fine, I'm sure there must be a more elegant way of achieving this.
Any suggestions?
OK, this seems to handle more cases better. The triggering code is the same, but here is new code for the module:
Function SeriesRange(s As Series) As Range
Dim sf As String, fa() As String
sf = s.Formula
sf = Replace(sf, "=SERIES(", "")
If sf = "" Then
Set SeriesRange = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
fa = Split(sf, ",")
Set SeriesRange = Range(fa(2))
End Function
Sub x(c As Chart)
Dim sc As Series
Dim sr As Range
If SeriesRange(c.SeriesCollection(1)) Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
End If
Set sr = SeriesRange(c.SeriesCollection(1))
sr.CurrentRegion.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
For Each sc In c.SeriesCollection
If sc.Interior.Color > 1 Then
SeriesRange(sc).Interior.Color = sc.Interior.Color
ElseIf sc.Border.ColorIndex > 1 Then
SeriesRange(sc).Interior.Color = sc.Border.Color
ElseIf sc.MarkerBackgroundColorIndex > 1 And sc.MarkerBackgroundColorIndex < 57 Then
SeriesRange(sc).Interior.ColorIndex = sc.MarkerBackgroundColorIndex
ElseIf sc.MarkerForegroundColorIndex > 1 And sc.MarkerForegroundColorIndex < 57 Then
SeriesRange(sc).Interior.ColorIndex = sc.MarkerForegroundColorIndex
MsgBox "Unable to determine chart color for data series " & sc.Name & " ." & vbCrLf _
& "It may help to assign a color rather than allowing AutoColor to assign one."
End If
Next sc
End Sub
This is probably more barbaric than elegant, but I think it does what you want. It involves your first bullet point to get the range from the Series object, along with a sub to run through all the Series objects in the SeriesCollection for the chart. This is activated on Chart_DeActivate. Most of this code is jacked - see comments for sources.
In a module:
Function SeriesRange(s As Series) As Range
Dim sf As String, fa() As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim result As Range
sf = s.Formula
sf = Replace(sf, "=SERIES(", "")
fa = Split(sf, ",")
Set SeriesRange = Range(fa(2))
End Function
Sub x(c As Chart)
Dim sc As Series
Dim sr As Range
Set sr = SeriesRange(c.SeriesCollection(1))
sr.CurrentRegion.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
For Each sc In c.SeriesCollection
SeriesRange(sc).Interior.Color = sc.Interior.Color
Next sc
End Sub
In the ThisWorkbook object module:
' Jacked from C Pearson '
Public WithEvents CHT As Chart
Private Sub CHT_Deactivate()
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Set CHT = Worksheets(1).ChartObjects(1).Chart
End Sub
Have you tried using Conditional Formatting?