Access Business Classes in WCF methods - wcf

I have an asmx web service I am converting to WCF. In the old structure I had a number of web service methods that accessed business classes to do the work. For example:
public DataSet GetAppointmentDataToConvert(string aAccessToken, string aStartingId)
//verify that the user is allowed to use this web service
if (!isAuthorized(aAccessToken))
throw new Exception("Not authorized");
cls256_BitEncryptionConversion cls256 = new cls256_BitEncryptionConversion();
return cls256.GetAppointmentDataToConvert(aStartingId);
This method initialized the cls256_BitEncryptionConversion class and called a method inside it to do the work, then returned the result.
I am trying to set up a WCF Service that will use the cls256_BitEncryptionConversion class, but despite both the class and the service being in the same namespace, my service method is unable to "see" the class. What am I doing wrong?

These are few tips for you to resolve it your self:
Make it sure that even they have the same namespace are they in the same project?
If they are in different project add it as you reference where you want to use it. And probably add a using directive if necessary.

I was able to resolve the issue by restructuring the project. I moved all the classes from the app_code folder into the root of the project.


WCF RIA services and WSDL generation

Need help on an issue I am having. I inherited this WCF RIA project and am trying to understand a couple of things.
When I publish the project, how does the WSDL get generated and put on the URL that I published to?
And I want to incorporate FaultException handling so as to transmit the exceptions to the client side. I read some stuff regarding the FaultException on the web and was able to get a small sample working with the regular WCF service.
I thought it would be similar within my actual project. But unfortunately I am running into some issues(probably due to my lack of WCF + RIA services knowledge).
So in my actual project my Context class derives off of LinqToEntitiesDomainService.
I created a new ContextFaultException class which had some methods to capture some custom error messaging.
Then I applied the [FaultContract(typeof(ContextFaultException))] to some of the methods in my Context class. Everything compiles and all is fine. But when I published to a website and then when I added this service reference to the client, I don't see my new ContextFaultException in the Reference.cs file that's generated.
I thought may be moving it within the Context class will solve the issue. So I made my ContextFaultException class as an inner class of this Context class but I am running into some other issues. Before I try to figure out these issues, I just want to know if this the right approach?
Any suggestions/pointers??
The URL must be formatted to get to the namespace wdsl
for example:
namespace My.Namespace.Services
public partial class MyClassName : LinqToEntitiesDomainService<XXX>
Then use the following pattern for the url
Use "-" for the "."

WCF Callback implementation function never gets called

I am designing a WCF service with callback, but my implementation of the callback function never gets called. And I am confused about the generated service proxy, so please help.
Here is the scenario: in the server side, I defined the service interface IMyService and callback interface IMyServiceCallback, I also implemented the IMyService in the server project. Besides the server project, I surely have another client project, to which I added the service reference in VS. And I implemented the IMyServiceCallback interface on the client side. So here comes the problem: when I am debugging it, the function never goes into my implementation of IMyServiceCallback and of course the desired result never comes out.
And this is I where I got confused: when I added the service reference in the client side, it actually generated three interfaces on the local: IMyService, IMyServiceCallback, and IMyServiceChannel plus the client proxy class. And in my local implementation of IMyServiceCallback, I declared the class to implement the local IMyServiceCallback interface, not the one from service side. Could this be the problem? Why is there two declarations of the interface under different projects(and hence different namespaces)? The reason I implement the client side interface is, if I implemented from the server side interface, it would give the error: "InstanceContext provided to the ChannelFactory contains a UserObject that does not implement the CallbackContractType error" when I tried to call the service. And another confusing part is, on the server side if I declare the callback interface name as IMyCallback, or anything else, instead of IMyServiceCallback, the generated interface on the client side would still be IMyServiceCallback, which is the name of the service interface plus the suffix "Callback". And in this situation I also got the "InstanceContext provided to the ChannelFactory contains a UserObject that does not implement the CallbackContractType error".
I guess there is something that I misunderstood about the "add service reference" and how I should implement the interface(which one to implement). Could anyone help me? Thanks!
I somehow fixed the problem. Firstly, the two declarations is fine is desired. The local client will need to implement the local interface, which is generated when adding the service reference. And my problem was that I also defined a DataContract but the generated reference file didn't have it. It could either because I had added the assembly of the service project as reference(somebody said in this case add service reference will not generate the Datacontract) or because I was missing DataMember attribute. But anyway, after I fixed both parts, the function is working now.
When you "Add Service Reference" and generate a proxy, it is totally separate from your service implementation. Remember, you may be consuming a service that you have not written and do not have access to the service source code.
The client code should use the client generated interfaces. If you change your service, you need to regenerate the proxy.
If you find this too messy, and you know you will always control both ends, you can share the service interfaces in a common assembly and generate a proxy class at runtime using DuplexChannelFactory.CreateChannel().
As for your problem, I can only assume you are not registering your callback properly. This is covered here.
if you want publish , you must implement IMyServiceCallback and IMyService together in same project.
if only subscribe , you must implement IMyServiceCallback interface
I fixed the issue when my callback instruction was embedded in a function call.
I learned that placing the callback in just a method that does not return a result works fine.
However, when the callback instruction is placed within a function I ran into timeout issue.
I resolved it by using a backgroundworker thread within the function being invoked:
public static IMyServiceCallback Callback;
TaskStateData taskStateData = GetSomeData();
BackgroundWorker backgroundWorker = new BackgroundWorker();
backgroundWorker.DoWork += (se, ev) =>
Tuple<OperationContext, TaskStateData> data = ev.Argument as Tuple<OperationContext, TaskStateData>;
var operationContext = data.Item1;
if (operationContext != null)
Callback = operationContext.GetCallbackChannel<IMyServiceCallback>();
Tuple<OperationContext, TaskStateData> payload = new Tuple<OperationContext, TaskStateData>(OperationContext.Current, taskStateData);

Naming conventions for a project containg only WCF ServiceReferences?

Let's say we have a back-end that needs to talk to N external systems using some kind of Web Services.
What I do is: Create a separate project and generate there the proxy classes (using the service's WSDL in the WCF Service Reference dialog).
About the project name suffix:
I firstly though XxAdapter. But then, I started creating classes with additional logic like CircuitBreakers so I ended up with XxAgent (from ServiceAgent).
What should be the "correct" suffix for the name of such projects.
The most appropriate suffix is "Proxies" because of several reasons:
Your component contains all the web service proxy classes.
In case that you want to make calls to several service proxies transparent, you can create a new class named MyLocalProxy, and perform the action
public class MyServiceProxy
public void DoSomething()
var serviceProxy1 = new ServiceProxy1();
var serviceProxy2 = new ServiceProxy2();
The additional class helps you to not depend on concrete service proxies, so you can interchange them as you wish.

Change Casing in WCF Service Reference

I'm creating a service reference to a web service written in Java. The generated classes now follow the Java casing convention used in the web service, for example class names are camelCase rather than PascalCase.
Is there a way to get the desired casing from the service reference?
With WSE based services, one could modify the generated Reference.cs to provide .NET standard casing and use XmlElementAttribute to map to the Java naming presented by the external web service, like this:
[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("resultType", Form=System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)]
public virtual MyResultType ResultType
{ ... }
Not terribly maintenance-friendly without writing custom code to either generate the proxy code or modify it after it's been generated.
What I'm after is one or more options to present a WCF generated client proxy to calling applications using the .NET casing conventions, achieving the same as I did previously with WSE. Hopefully with less manual effort.
Well, since your WCF client proxies are partial classes, you could always add a second file for the same class, which implements the PascalCasedMethodName for each javaCasedMethodName and then just call the Java method from your new method.
public partial class MyClientProxy
public MyResultType GetResultType(string inputParam)
return this.getResultType(inputParam);
Seems a bit redundant - but that should really work, I think. Since your code is stored in a separate file, it won't be overwritten if you re-create the client proxy - and since it's the second part of a partial class, it will be "merged into" the class definition for your client code to call.

How do I pass a service to another plugin?

I have a plugin that I will instantiate at runtime and I want to pass it a WCF service from the application host. The application host is responsible for creating the connection to the service. The reason for this is that a single service can be used by multiple plugins, but the plugins should only know about its interface since there may be several implementation of IMyPluginServices. For instance, the Run method of the plugin instance would be:
public void Run(IMyPluginServices services)
The problem I am running into is that I don't know how to create a service of type IMyPluginServices and pass it to the Run function. The service reference generated by VS 2010 doesn't seem to create an object of type IMyPluginServices that I can pass to it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
When you add a service reference in VS 2010 for a service it generates an interface named IMyService which contains methods for each OperationContract in your service. It also generates a concrete class named MyServiceClient, which can be constructed and then used to invoke your service.
Now, the problem that you're running into, I believe, is that MyServiceClient is a subclass of ClientBase<IMyService>, and does not implement the generated IMyService interface (which is a real pain).
To get around this problem I ended up making a new interface:
public interface IMyServiceClient : IMyService, IDisposable, ICommunicationObject
(Note: IDisposable and ICommunicationObject are only required if you want your module to be able to detect/react to faulted channels and other such things).
I then extend MyServiceClient with a partial class (in the assembly that contains my WCF Service reference):
public partial class MyServiceClient : IMyServiceClient
Now in my modules I can accept an IMyServiceClient instead of an IMyService, and still execute all of the methods that I need to. The application in control of the modules can still create instances of MyServiceClient as it always did.
The beauty of this is that your new interface and partial class don't need any actual code - the definitions suffice to get the job done.