GetItems case sensitive from SPList (SharePoint) - case-sensitive

I have troubles with CAML Query and GetItems method from SPList.
I get a SPList from web context:
SPList docTypeList = _web.GetList(string.Format("{0}{1}", web.ServerRelativeUrl, "DocumentType"));
The list contains multiple values.
I want to search in it only the value which has a field called DocumentType with the value "MyValue1". (case sensitive)
I am using the CAML Query:
var queryBuilder = new CAMLQueryBuilder();
queryBuilder.AddComparison("DocumentType", CAMLQueryBuilder.COMPARISON_TYPE.Eq, "MyValue1");
var query = new SPQuery { Query = queryBuilder.GenerateCAML() };
SPListItemCollection queryResultItems = docTypeList.GetItems(query);
In this case it returns as result a record which has the field "DocumentType" having the value "myvalue1", it does not take care about string sensitive.
Is there a possibility to get Items considering sensitive cases?
Thanks for suggestions!

I found on an answer:
It's all case insensitive, after getting the results, it is necessary to iterate through and do the case sensitivity checking.
Because CAML Query is case-insensitive.
The solution was to filter the results from
SPListItemCollection queryResultItems = docTypeList.GetItems(query);
and check for case-sensitive.
I created a small method which does this.
private SPListItem FindCaseSensitive(string documentType, IEnumerable items)
SPListItem foundItem = null;
if (items == null) return null;
foreach (var item in items)
var spItem = item as SPListItem;
if (spItem == null) continue;
var propertyValue = spItem["DocumentType"];
if (!propertyValue.ToString().Equals(documentType)) continue;
foundItem = spItem;
return foundItem;


How to combine IQueryable records in .net Core 6 Web API

I'm using .net Core 6 web API, and I've this case where I need to loop through multiple object, and each has a IQueryable result.
Then all results need to be grouped in one query. Finally the the result will be sent as paginated list.
Here's more details in the code, I will get list of ObjectA from db:
var query = _context.ObjectA.AsQueryable();
Now I need to get list of User. For some reason the users will have multiple records with their username, so each record represent a role:
var rolesFromDb = await _context.User.Include(x => x.Role).Where(x => x.Username == "user").ToListAsync();
Now I need to loop through dynamic roles and filter the query. I have 2 (or more) conditions, the the code will look like this:
if (rolesFromDb.Count != 0)
var result = new List<ObjectA>();
foreach (var item in rolesFromDb)
if (item.Role.Level == 1)
var condition1 = query.Where(x => x.Level == 1);
if (item.Role.Level == 2)
var condition2 = query.Where(x => x.Level == 2);
query = result; // I need to do something like this, this is not the way to do ofc
After this loop, I've a search filter that depends on this query.
In general, my main issue is I'm not able to make query = all filtered queries.
Thank you.

How to run a count in Entity Framework

I have a Real Estate site with a Properties table and a PropertyImages table.
When the user uploads a picture, I want to run a query in the PropertyImages. then append that number to the picturename.
public IQueryable GetPictureCount()
int propertyId = Convert.ToInt16(ddlSelectProperty.SelectedValue);
var _db = new RESolution.Models.PropertyContext();
IQueryable query = _db.PropertyImages;
var mypic = (from c in _db.PropertyImages
where c.PropertyID == propertyId
select c).FirstOrDefault();
lblCount.Text = Convert.ToString(query);
I get this error: "Not all code paths return a value"
My environment is as follows:
VS Express 2013
Sql Express
win 8.1 development computer
when I change IQuaryable to "void" I get the error
'lblCount.text = query.Count().ToString();'
System.Linq.IQueryable does not contain a definition for 'Count' I have looked for a using directive but found non
I am still a little confused, though you guys are a god send.
Here is where I was able to get to work.
public void GetPictureCount()
lblfnameCheck.Text = ddlSelectProperty.SelectedValue;
int propertyId = Convert.ToInt32(lblfnameCheck.Text);
var _db = new RESolution.Models.PropertyContext();
var count = _db.PropertyImages.Count(t => t.PropertyID == propertyId);
lblCount.Text = Convert.ToString(count);
As dasblinkenlight mentioned, it seems that you do not want to return something, so make the method a void.
You probable want something like this:
public void GetPictureCount()
int propertyId = Convert.ToInt16(ddlSelectProperty.SelectedValue);
var _db = new RESolution.Models.PropertyContext();
IQueryable query = _db.PropertyImages;
var mypic = (from c in _db.PropertyImages
where c.PropertyID == propertyId
select c).FirstOrDefault();
var nrOfPics = Convert.ToString(query.Count());
lblCount.Text = nrOfPics; = + nrOfPics; // I am guessing the name property

get list of decision for a specific meetingtitle using linq

I have a database table. What I want is to get data using group by clause as I have used in below code.
Note that Decision is another table. now I want that all the decisions related to a specific Meeting Title should be shown in
but below code returns only one decisiontitle.
public List<NewMeetings> GetAllMeetings()
var xyz = (from m in DB.MeetingAgenda
//join mp in Meeting on m.MeetingId equals mp.MeetingId
//where m.MeetingId == 2
group m by new { m.Meeting.MeetingTitle } into grp
select new NewMeetings
// meetingid = grp.Key.MeetingId,
meetingtitle = grp.Key.MeetingTitle,
decision = grp.Select(x => x.Decision.DecisionTitle).FirstOrDefault(),
total = grp.Count()
List<NewMeetings> list = xyz.ToList();
return list;
public class NewMeetings
public int meetingid;
public string meetingtitle;
public string decision;
public int total;
Can somebody please tell me how to return a list of decisions to a specific Meetingtitle?
You are doing a FirstOrDefault on the list of decisions which obviously means you are only getting a single value. Instead you can join them all together into one longer string (separated by commas as you indicated in the question) by changing this line:
decision = grp.Select(x => x.Decision.DecisionTitle).FirstOrDefault(),
To this:
decision = string.Join(",", grp.Select(x => x.Decision.DecisionTitle)),
However, as the string.Join is not recognised by Linq to Entities, you need to do the string.Join after the data has been retrieved (i.e. after the ToList):
var xyz = (from m in DB.MeetingAgenda
group m by new { m.Meeting.MeetingTitle } into grp
select new
meetingtitle = grp.Key.MeetingTitle,
decisions = grp.Select(x => x.Decision.DecisionTitle),
total = grp.Count()
.Select(m => new NewMeetings
meetingtitle = m.meetingtitle,
decision = string.Join(",", m.decisions),
total =

WPF application Linq to sql getting data

I'm making a WPF application with a datagrid that displays some sql data.
Now i'm making a search field but that doesn't seem to work:
Contactpersoon is an nvarchar
bedrijf is an nvarchar
LeverancierPK is an INT
How can I combinate that in my search?
If i convert LeverancierPK to string, then I can use Contains but that gives me an error
PRCEntities vPRCEntities = new PRCEntities();
var vFound = from a in vPRCEntities.tblLeveranciers
where ((((a.LeverancierPK).ToString()).Contains(vWoord)) ||
(a.Contactpersoon.Contains(vWoord)) ||
orderby a.LeverancierPK
select a;
myDataGrid_Leveranciers.ItemsSource = vFound;
If you don't care about pulling all records back from the DB (which in your answer you pulled everything back), then you can just do a .ToList() before the where clause.
var vFound = vPRCEntities.tblLeveranciers.ToList()
.Where(a => a.LeverancierPK.ToString().Contains(vWoord)) ||
a.Contactpersoon.Contains(vWoord) ||
This code can do what I was looking for but I think it could be alot shorter.
PRCEntities vPRCEntities = new PRCEntities();
var vFound = from a in vPRCEntities.tblLeveranciers
orderby a.LeverancierPK
select a;
myDataGrid_Leveranciers.ItemsSource = null;
foreach (var item in vFound)
if (item.Bedrijf.Contains(vWoord))
if (item.LeverancierPK.ToString().Contains(vWoord))
if (item.Contactpersoon != null)
if (item.Contactpersoon.Contains(vWoord))

Comparing DropDownLists

I'm having a page that contains several dropdownlists, all filled with the same values. I would like to compare them on the client as well as on the server side.
The problem is though, that the dropdownlists are generated dynamically because their quantity can vary.
Client side comparing:
<script type="text/javascript">
function CompareSelectedValues(dropDown1ID, dropDown2ID) {
var DropDownList1 = document.getElementById(dropDown1ID);
var DropDownList2 = document.getElementById(dropDown2ID);
if (DropDownList1.selectedIndex != -1 && DropDownList2.selectedIndex != -1) {
if (DropDownList1.options[DropDownList1.selectedIndex].value != DropDownList2.options[DropDownList2.selectedIndex].value)
alert('not same');
Classic server side comparing with C#:
private bool AreDropDownListValuesEqual(DropDownList ddlist1, DropDownList ddlist2)
// Check for invalid input or different number of items for early return
if (ddlist1 == null || ddlist2 == null || ddlist1.Items.Count != ddlist2.Items.Count)
return false;
// Check items one by one. We need a nested loop because the list could be sorted differently while having the same values!
foreach (ListItem outerItem in ddlist1.Items)
bool hasMatch = false;
foreach (ListItem innerItem in ddlist2.Items)
if (innerItem.Value == outerItem.Value && innerItem.Text == outerItem.Text)
hasMatch = true;
if (!hasMatch)
return false;
// All items from ddlist1 had a match in ddlist2 and we know that the number of items is equal, so the 2 dropdownlist are matching!
return true;
What kind of comparison do you need? If you don't keep them in a List and that list in Session, you can never do anything with them since you add them dynamically. Add your dropdownlists where you create them (this should me when Page.IsPostBack == false) and keep that list in session. On postbacks, load your dropdowns from the list. You can compare them using the list you keep.