SQL: how to select a substring between special characters - sql

My string looks something like this:
I want to select everything between the 1st set and next set of slashes
Desired result:
EDITED: To clarify, the special character is always slashes - but the leading characters are not constant, sometimes there are 3 slashes and other times there are only 2 slashes, followed by texts, and then followed by 1 or more slashes, some more texts, 1 or more slash, so on and so forth. I'm not using any adapter at all, just looking for a way to select this substring in my SQL query
Please advise.
Thanks in advance.

You could do a cross join to find the second position of the backslash. And then, use substring function to get the string between 2nd and 3rd backslash of the text like this:
SELECT substring(string, 3, (P2.Pos - 2)) AS new_string
FROM strings
SELECT (charindex('\', replace(string, '\\', '\')))
) AS P1(Pos)
SELECT (charindex('\', replace(string, '\\', '\'), P1.Pos + 1))
) AS P2(Pos)
SQL Fiddle Demo
In case, when you have unknown number of backslashes in your string, you could just do something like this:
DECLARE #string VARCHAR(255) = '\\\abcde\fghijl\akjfljadf\\'
SELECT left(ltrim(replace(#string, '\', ' ')),
charindex(' ',ltrim(replace(#string, '\', ' ')))-1) AS new_string
SQL Fiddle Demo2

Use substring, like this (only works for the specified pattern of two slashes, characters, then another slash):
declare #str varchar(100) = '\\abcde\cc\xxx'
select substring(#str, 3, charindex('\', #str, 3) - 3)
Replace #str with the column you actually want to search, of course.
The charindex returns the location of the first slash, starting from the 3rd character (i.e. skipping the first two slashes). Then the substring returns the part of your string starting from the 3rd character (again, skipping the first two slashes), and continuing until just before the next slash, as determined by charindex.
Edit: To make this work with different numbers of slashes at the beginning, use patindex with regex to find the first alphanumeric character, instead of hardcoding that it should be the third character. Example:
declare #str varchar(100) = '\\\1Abcde\cc\xxx'
select substring(#str, patindex('%[a-zA-Z0-9]%', #str), charindex('\', #str, patindex('%[a-zA-Z0-9]%', #str)) - patindex('%[a-zA-Z0-9]%', #str))

APH's solution works better if your string always follows the pattern as described. However this will get the text despite the pattern.
declare #str varchar(100) = '\\abcde\fghijl\akjfljadf\\'
declare #srch char(1) = '\'
- (CHARINDEX(#srch,#str,(CHARINDEX(#srch,#str,1)+1))+1)
Sorry for the formatting.
Edited to correct user paste error. :)


Trim string after first occurrence of a character

I'm working with a varchar column in AWS Redshift. Each string in it has at least one hyphen (-).
I want to keep the substring after the first hyphen. For example:
00-11-22-33 -> 11-22-33
00-112233 -> 112233
The solutions to this question do not work when there are multiple hyphens in a string.
For instance:
split_part('00-11-22-33', '-', 2) as attempt1 -- returns '11'
, regexp_replace( '00-11-22-33', '.*-', '') as attempt2 -- returns '33'
I'm looking for a solution that returns 11-22-33.
If there's always a hyphen, and you always want only what is after the first hyphen, you may be working too hard.
Here's a more brute force approach.
select substring(
FROM charindex('-', '00-11-22-33') + 1)
select substring(
charindex('-', '00-11-22-33') + 1,
len('00-11-22-33') - charindex('-', '00-11-22-33')
select substring(
charindex('-', '00-11-22-33') + 1,
...because it won't return more characters than exist.
You could match until the first hyphen with ^[^-]*-
And replace with an empty string.
regexp_replace('00-11-22-33', '^[^-]*-', '');
If there should be at least a single char after the hyphen, then you can match with this pattern and replace with capture group 1 like '$1' instead of an empty string.
If the char after the hyphen should not be another hyphen, then you can match a single char other than a hyphen and also replace with '$1'

how to remove only comma in the sentence have full of commas

I have Data in my table which comes like this
I just want make this
I have tried all the Left,right,LTRIM,RTRIM and Replace functions. this not to deal with spaces
To replace the first comma you can use:
DECLARE #str VARcHAR(100) = 'Attachements,A,B,C,D'
SELECT STUFF(#str, CHARINDEX(',', #str), 1, ':')

SQL Server query to remove the last word from a string

There's already an answer for this question in SO with a MySQL tag. So I just decided to make your lives easier and put the answer below for SQL Server users. Always happy to see different answers perhaps with a better performance.
Happy coding!
SELECT SUBSTRING(#YourString, 1, LEN(#YourString) - CHARINDEX(' ', REVERSE(#YourString)))
Edit: Make sure #YourString is trimmed first as Alex M has pointed out:
SET #YourString = LTRIM(RTRIM(#YourString))
Just an addition to answers.
The doc for LEN function in MSSQL:
LEN excludes trailing blanks. If that is a problem, consider using the DATALENGTH (Transact-SQL) function which does not trim the string. If processing a unicode string, DATALENGTH will return twice the number of characters.
The problem with the answers here is that trailing spaces are not accounted for.
SELECT SUBSTRING(#YourString, 1, LEN(#YourString) - CHARINDEX(' ', REVERSE(#YourString)))
As an example few inputs for the accepted answer (above for reference), which would have wrong results:
'abcd ' -> 'abc' --last symbol removed
'abcd 123 ' -> 'abcd 12' --only removed only last character
To account for the above cases one would need to trim the string (would return the last word out of 2 or more words in the phrase):
SELECT SUBSTRING(RTRIM(#YourString), 1, LEN(#YourString) - CHARINDEX(' ', REVERSE(RTRIM(LTRIM(#YourString)))))
The reverse is trimmed on both sides, that is to account for the leading as well as trailing spaces.
Or alternatively, just trim the input itself.
DECLARE #Sentence VARCHAR(MAX) = 'Hi This is Pavan Kumar'
SELECT SUBSTRING(#Sentence, 1, CHARINDEX(' ', #Sentence) - 1) AS [First Word],
CHARINDEX(' ', REVERSE(#Sentence)) - 1)) AS [Last Word]
DECLARE #String VARCHAR(MAX) = 'One two three four'
SELECT LEFT(#String,LEN(#String)-CHARINDEX(' ', REVERSE(#String),0)+1)
All the answers so far are actually about removing a character, not a word as the OP wanted.
In my case I was building a dynamic SQL statement with UNION'd SELECT statements and wanted to remove the last UNION:
/* populate #sql with something like this:
SELECT 1 FROM dbo.T1 WHERE condition
SELECT 1 FROM dbo.T2 WHERE condition
SELECT 1 FROM dbo.T3 WHERE condition
SELECT 1 FROM dbo.T4 WHERE condition
-- remove the last UNION
SET #sql = SUBSTRING(#sql, 1, LEN(#sql) - PATINDEX(REVERSE('%UNION%'), REVERSE(#sql)) - LEN('UNION'))
SELECT LEFT(username , LEN(json_path) - CHARINDEX('/', REVERSE(username ))+1)
FROM Login_tbl
UPDATE Login_tbl
SET username = LEFT(username , LEN(json_path) - CHARINDEX('/', REVERSE(username ))+1)
DECLARE #String VARCHAR(MAX) = 'One two three four'
SELECT LEFT(#String,LEN(#String)-CHARINDEX(' ', REVERSE(#String),0)+1)

sql server all characters to right of first hyphen

In SQL Server 2014, how can I extract all characters to the right of the first hyphen in a field where the first hyphen will have many combinations following it.
example 1:
desired result:
example 2:
desired result:
example 3:
desired result:
DECLARE #HTXT as nvarchar(max)
SET #HTXT='lkjhgf-wtrfghvbn-jk87fry--jk'
You can use a combination of CharIndex and 'SubString' to get the desired result.
When you do this, you will get the location of the first hyphen starting from the first character.
CharIndex ('Aegean-1GB-7days-COMP', '-', 1)
Then cutting the string is easy
SubString (
CharIndex ('-', 'Aegean-1GB-7days-COMP', 1) + 1,
Len('Aegean-1GB-7days-COMP') - CharIndex ('-', 'Aegean-1GB-7days-COMP', 1)
Since your data is most likely in a column, I would change this to
SubString (
CharIndex ('-', YourColumnName, 1) + 1,
Len(YourColumnName) - CharIndex ('-', YourColumnName, 1)
From YourTableName
If you want to match -- instead of -, then look at PatIndex`
Read Here about CharIndex
Read Here about PatIndex
Read Here about SubString
Hi you can use PATINDEX and SUBSTRING like this:
DECLARE #StartPos int
SET #StartPos = PATINDEX('%-%',#Text) + 1
RETURN SUBSTRING(#Text,#StartPos,LEN(#Text)-#StartPos)
Or in one:
SUBSTRING([Text],PATINDEX('%A%',[Text]) + 1, LEN([Text]) - PATINDEX('%A%',[Text]) + 1)

SQL Server TRIM character

I have the following string: 'BOB*', how do I trim the * so it shows up as 'BOB'
I tried the RTRIM('BOB*','*') but does not work as says needs only 1 parameter.
Another pretty good way to implement Oracle's TRIM char FROM string in MS SQL Server is the following:
First, you need to identify a char that will never be used in your string, for example ~
You replace all spaces with that character
You replace the character * you want to trim with a space
You LTrim + RTrim the obtained string
You replace back all spaces with the trimmed character *
You replace back all never-used characters with a space
For example:
REPLACE(REPLACE(LTrim(RTrim(REPLACE(REPLACE(string,' ','~'),'*',' '))),' ','*'),'~',' ')
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.TrimCharacter
#Value NVARCHAR(4000),
#CharacterToTrim NVARCHAR(1)
SET #Value = LTRIM(RTRIM(#Value))
SET #Value = REVERSE(SUBSTRING(#Value, PATINDEX('%[^'+#CharacterToTrim+']%', #Value), LEN(#Value)))
SET #Value = REVERSE(SUBSTRING(#Value, PATINDEX('%[^'+#CharacterToTrim+']%', #Value), LEN(#Value)))
--- Example
----- SELECT dbo.TrimCharacter('***BOB*********', '*')
----- returns 'BOB'
If you want to remove all asterisks then it's obvious:
SELECT REPLACE('Hello*', '*', '')
However, If you have more than one asterisk at the end and multiple throughout, but are only interested in trimming the trailing ones, then I'd use this:
DECLARE #String VarChar(50) = '**H*i****'
SELECT LEFT(#String, LEN(REPLACE(#String, '*', ' '))) --Returns: **H*i
I updated this answer to include show how to remove leading characters:
SELECT RIGHT(#String, LEN(REPLACE(REVERSE(#String), '*', ' '))) --Returns: H*i****
LEN() has a "feature" (that looks a lot like a bug) where it does not count trailing spaces.
LEFT('BOB*', LEN('BOB*')-1)
should do it.
If you wanted behavior similar to how RTRIM handles spaces i.e. that "B*O*B**" would turn into "B*O*B" without losing the embedded ones then something like -
REVERSE(SUBSTRING(REVERSE('B*O*B**'), PATINDEX('%[^*]%',REVERSE('B*O*B**')), LEN('B*O*B**') - PATINDEX('%[^*]%', REVERSE('B*O*B**')) + 1))
Should do it.
If you only want to remove a single '*' character from the value when the value ends with a '*', a simple CASE expression will do that for you:
SELECT CASE WHEN RIGHT(foo,1) = '*' THEN LEFT(foo,LEN(foo)-1) ELSE foo END AS foo
To remove all trailing '*' characters, then you'd need a more complex expression, making use of the REVERSE, PATINDEX, LEN and LEFT functions.
NOTE: Be careful with the REPLACE function, as that will replace all occurrences of the specified character within the string, not just the trailing ones.
How about.. (in this case to trim off trailing comma or period)
For a variable:
-- Trim commas and full stops from end of City
WHILE RIGHT(#CITY, 1) IN (',', '.'))
For table values:
-- Trim commas and full stops from end of City
WHILE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM [sap_out_address] WHERE RIGHT([CITY], 1) IN (',', '.'))
UPDATE [sap_out_address]
WHERE RIGHT([CITY], 1) IN (',', '.')
An other approach ONLY if you want to remove leading and trailing characters is the use of TRIM function.
By default removes white spaces but have te avility of remove other characters if you specify its.
Unfortunately LTRIM and RTRIM does not work in the same way and only removes white spaces instead of specified characters like TRIM does if you specify its.
Reference and more examples:
RRIM() LTRIM() only remove spaces try http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms186862.aspx
Basically just replace the * with empty space
So you want
REPLACE ('BOB*','*','')
I really like Teejay's answer, and almost stopped there. It's clever, but I got the "almost too clever" feeling, as, somehow, your string at some point will actually have a ~ (or whatever) in it on purpose. So that's not defensive enough for me to put into production.
I like Chris' too, but the PATINDEX call seems like overkill.
Though it's probably a micro-optimization, here's one without PATINDEX:
SET #retVal = #stringToTrim
WHILE 1 = charindex(#charToTrim, reverse(#retVal))
SET #retVal = SUBSTRING(#retVal,0,LEN(#retVal))
WHILE 1 = charindex(#charToTrim, #retVal)
SET #retVal = SUBSTRING(#retVal,2,LEN(#retVal))
RETURN #retVal
--select dbo.TRIMMIT('\\trim\asdfds\\\', '\')
Returning a MAX nvarchar bugs me a little, but that's the most flexible way to do this..
I've used a similar approach to some of the above answers of using pattern matching and reversing the string to find the first non-trimmable character, then cutting that off. The difference is this version does less work than those above, so should be a little more efficient.
This creates RTRIM functionality for any specified character.
It includes an additional step set #charToFind = case... to escape the chosen character.
There is currently an issue if #charToReplace is a right crotchet (]) as there appears to be no way to escape this.
declare #stringToSearch nvarchar(max) = '****this is****a ** demo*****'
, #charToFind nvarchar(5) = '*'
--escape #charToFind so it doesn't break our pattern matching
set #charToFind = case #charToFind
when ']' then '[]]' --*this does not work / can't find any info on escaping right crotchet*
when '^' then '\^'
--when '%' then '%' --doesn't require escaping in this context
--when '[' then '[' --doesn't require escaping in this context
--when '_' then '_' --doesn't require escaping in this context
else #charToFind
select #stringToSearch
, left
+ len(#stringToSearch)
- patindex('%[^' + #charToFind + ']%',reverse(#stringToSearch))
SqlServer2017 has a new way to do it: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/trim-transact-sql?view=sql-server-2017
SELECT TRIM('0' FROM '00001900'); -> 19
SELECT TRIM( '.,! ' FROM '# test .'); -> # test
Unfortunately, RTRIM does not support trimming a specific character.
SELECT REPLACE('B*OB*', '*', '')
Result : BOB
this will replace all asterisk* from the text
Trim with many cases
--id = 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111
select right(id,2)+1 from ordertbl -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 -- last two positions are taken
select LEFT('BOB', LEN('BOB')-1) -- BO
select LEFT('BOB*',1) --B
select LEFT('BOB*',2) --BO
Try this:
select replace('BOB*','*','')
Fixed to be an exact replacement
select replace('BOB*','BOB*','BOB')
Solution for one char parameter:
rtrim('0000100','0') ->
select left('0000100',len(rtrim(replace('0000100','0',' '))))
ltrim('0000100','0') ->
select right('0000100',len(replace(ltrim(replace('0000100','0',' ')),' ','.')))
#teejay solution is great. But the code below can be more understandable:
declare #X nvarchar(max)='BOB *'
set #X=replace(#X,' ','^')
set #X=replace(#X,'*',' ')
set #X= ltrim(rtrim(#X))
set #X=replace(#X,'^',' ')
Here's a function I used in the past. Note that while you can make it more general purpose by having extra parameters like the character(s) you wish to remove and what you will be replacing the space character(s) with, this greatly increases execution time. Here, I used a pipe to replace spaces AFTER pre-trimming the input. Change varchar to nvarchar if required.
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[TrimColons]
#strToTrim varchar(500)
RETURNS varchar(500)
RETURN REPLACE(REPLACE(LTRIM(RTRIM(REPLACE(REPLACE(LTRIM(RTRIM(#strToTrim)),' ','|'),':',' '))),' ',':'),'|',' ')
Here's a breakdown of this fancy, schmancy, trimmer
LTRIM(RTRIM(#strToTrim)) trims leading & trailing spaces first
REPLACE(LTRIM(RTRIM(#strToTrim)),' ','|') replaces inside spaces with pipe char
REPLACE(REPLACE(LTRIM(RTRIM(#strToTrim)),' ','|'),':',' ') replaces demarc character, the colon, with spaces
LTRIM(RTRIM(REPLACE(REPLACE(LTRIM(RTRIM(#strToTrim)),' ','|'),':',' '))) trims the leading & trailing converted-to-space demarc char (colon)
REPLACE(LTRIM(RTRIM(REPLACE(REPLACE(LTRIM(RTRIM(#strToTrim)),' ','|'),':',' '))),' ',':') replaces the inner space characters back to demar char (colon)
REPLACE(REPLACE(LTRIM(RTRIM(REPLACE(REPLACE(LTRIM(RTRIM(#strToTrim)),' ','|'),':',' '))),' ',':'),'|',' ') replaces the pipe characters back to original space characters
DECLARE #String VarChar(50) = '**H*i****', #String2 VarChar(50)
--Assign to new variable #String2
SELECT LEFT(#String, LEN(REPLACE(#String, '*', ' '))) [V1]
SELECT #String [#String], #String2 [#String2]
--See the intermediate values, v0 original, v1 triming end, and v2 trim the v1 leading
SELECT #String V0, LEFT(#String, LEN(REPLACE(#String, '*', ' '))) [V1]
SELECT [V0], [V1], RIGHT([V1], LEN(REPLACE(REVERSE([V1]), '*', ' '))) [v2] FROM X