VBA Outlook loop through my colleagues tasks - vba

I found how to assign tasks to my colleagues.
Is it possible to loop through my colleagues tasks with filter on project name, so I could monitorate tasks status?
In a team project we assign tasks to each other, and the project manager could in one click see important tasks, their status, due date...

You can use the GetSharedDefaultFolder method of the Namespace class to get a Folder object that represents the specified default folder for the specified user. For example, to get the shared tasks folder you can use the following code:
Sub ResolveName()
Dim myNamespace As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim myRecipient As Outlook.Recipient
Dim CalendarFolder As Outlook.Folder
Set myNamespace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set myRecipient = myNamespace.CreateRecipient("Eugene Astafiev")
If myRecipient.Resolved Then
Call ShowTasks(myNamespace, myRecipient)
End If
End Sub
Sub ShowTasks(myNamespace, myRecipient)
Dim TaskFolder As Outlook.Folder
Set TaskFolder = _
myNamespace.GetSharedDefaultFolder _
(myRecipient, olFolderTasks)
End Sub


Selecting inbox when multiple exist [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Get reference to additional Inbox
(3 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
Hi I am using the following macro to create a batch of new folders in an inbox. It performs fantastically however I can't for the life of me figure out how to select a different inbox (inbox1, inbox2, inbox3) all different email accounts.
code is here: http://www.slipstick.com/macros/Create%20subfolders%20at%20multiple%20levels.txt
Instead of using Session.GetDefaultFolder, call Session.CreateRecipient / Recipient.Resolve / Session.GetSharedDefaultFolder
If all these inboxes are configured in Outlook you can use the Stores collection to iterate over stores and using the Store.GetDefaultFolder method which returns a Folder object that represents the default folder in the store and that is of the type specified by the FolderType argument.
If you need to access shared mailboxes you need to use the NameSpace.GetSharedDefaultFolder method which returns a Folder object that represents the specified default folder for the specified user.
Sub ResolveName()
Dim myNamespace As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim myRecipient As Outlook.Recipient
Dim CalendarFolder As Outlook.Folder
Set myNamespace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set myRecipient = myNamespace.CreateRecipient("Dan Wilson")
If myRecipient.Resolved Then
Call ShowCalendar(myNamespace, myRecipient)
End If
End Sub
Sub ShowCalendar(myNamespace, myRecipient)
Dim CalendarFolder As Outlook.Folder
Set CalendarFolder = myNamespace.GetSharedDefaultFolder(myRecipient, olFolderCalendar)
End Sub

Move mails to folders with the sender's name

It is possible to create a rule which, for a sender, moves all the mails to the folder of your choice (for example, it creates a folder with the name of the sender).
If I want that for all the expeditors, I need to repeat the rule creation for each sender.
What I'd wish would be a macro "meta-rule" for each sender to have a folder with their name with the corresponding mails sorted.
I tried to start from the topic Outlook template rule to sort mails among directories.
I wrote this:
Sub RulesForFolders(m As MailItem)
Dim fldr As Outlook.Folder
For Each fldr In GetNamespace("MAPI").GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Folders
if fldr.Name Like m.SenderName Then m.MoveTo(SenderName)
else folders.add(m.SenderName)
Set fldr = Nothing
End Sub
Option Explicit ' Consider this mandatory
' Tools | Options | Editor tab
' Require Variable Declaration
' If desperate declare as variant
Private Sub RulesForFolders(m As mailItem)
Dim targetFldr As folder
Dim myRoot As folder
Dim i As Long
Set myRoot = Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
Debug.Print m.senderName
' This is often misused.
On Error Resume Next
' If folder exists the error is bypassed
' This is a rare beneficial use of On Error Resume Next
myRoot.folders.Add m.senderName
' Consider it mandatory to return to normal error handling
On Error GoTo 0
Set targetFldr = myRoot.folders(m.senderName)
m.Move targetFldr
End Sub
Private Sub RulesForFolders_test()
' Code requiring a parameter cannot run independently
Dim selItem As Object
' first select a mailitem
Set selItem = ActiveExplorer.Selection(1)
If selItem.Class = olMail Then
RulesForFolders ActiveExplorer.Selection(1)
End If
End Sub
First of all, I'd suggest starting from the NewMailEx event of the Application class which is fired when a new item is received in the Inbox. This event fires once for every received item that is processed by Microsoft Outlook. The item can be one of several different item types, for example, MailItem, MeetingItem, or SharingItem. The EntryIDsCollection string contains the Entry ID that corresponds to that item. The NewMailEx event fires when a new message arrives in the Inbox and before client rule processing occurs. You can use the Entry ID returned in the EntryIDCollection array to call the NameSpace.GetItemFromID method and process the item.
To find the folder with a sender name you can iterate over all subfolders recursively:
Private Sub processFolder(ByVal oParent As Outlook.MAPIFolder)
Dim oFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim oMail As Outlook.MailItem
For Each oMail In oParent.Items
'Get your data here ...
If (oParent.Folders.Count > 0) Then
For Each oFolder In oParent.Folders
processFolder oFolder
End If
End Sub
Finally, I'd recommend delving deeper with VBA by starting from the Getting started with VBA in Office article.
You can also use the following code if you don't need to iterate over all folders:
Sub RulesForFolders(m As MailItem)
Dim fldr As Outlook.Folder
Dim new_fldr As Outlook.Folder
Dim ns as Outlook.Namespace
Dim inbox as Outlook.Folder
Set ns = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set inbox = ns.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
For Each fldr In inbox.Folders
if InStr(fldr.Name,m.SenderName) > 0 Then
End If
Set new_fldr = folders.add(m.SenderName)
Set fldr = Nothing
Set new_fldr = Nothing
Set inbox = Nothing
Set ns = Nothing
End Sub

Outlook VBA Access Folders in Shared Mailbox

I have some VBA code in Outlook which behaves perfectly for the main Mailbox - however the same code is struggling when I add a secondary mailbox - this is Outlook 2016.
It seems to be struggling with reading the sub folders - I can get it to read mail items in the Inbox, but not the sub folders.
Code :
Dim sharedemail As Outlook.Recipient
Dim myOlApp As New Outlook.Application
Dim myNameSpace As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim myInbox As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim myDestFolder Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim strSubject As String
Dim i As Integer
Set myNameSpace = myOlApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set sharedemail = myNameSpace.CreateRecipient("recip#domain.com")
Set myInbox = myNameSpace.GetSharedDefaultFolder(sharedemail, olFolderInbox)
For itemCount = myInbox.items.Count To 1 Step -1 'Iterates from the end backwards
Set item = myInbox.items(itemCount)
strSubject = UCase(item.Subject)
Select Case True
Case InStr(strSubject, UCase("Holiday Request")) > 0
'Set destination folder
Set myDestFolder = myInbox.Folders("HolidayRequests")
'move the email out of inbox
item.Move myDestFolder
End Select
It stalls at the Set myDestFolder line as it can't seem to select that sub folder - as I say same code seems to work fine in main Inbox?
Keep in mind that Outlook keeps shared default folders in the primary OST file, and it does not sync the subfolders.
You can either
Uncheck the "Download shared folders" checkbox
Use Extended MAPI (C++ or Delphi) - that would be fairly complex as you'd need to retrieve the autodiscover XML for that mailbox and construct the store entry id appropriately.
use Redemption (I am its author) - its version of RDOSession.GetSharedDefaultFolder returns an online version of the folder (RDOFolder) with all its subfolders.

NavigationFolders.add() crashes Outlook for shared calendars?

Simple enough line here:
Set navFol = navGroup.NavigationFolders.Add(cal)
This works as expected for any local calendars, but it instantly crashes Outlook if "cal" is a shared calendar. Anyone know a workaround to move shared calendars around between navigation folders? I'm quite new to VBA, just hacking my way around to get a macro to do a simple something for me -- or at least something which really should be simple if not for this.
I doubt it matters, but just in case, "cal" is being set in a for loop by iterating through a list of EntryIDs like so:
Set cal = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI").GetFolderFromID(str)
And it's not the variable assignment that's failing there (which is why the above line should be irrelevant). I can do anything else with the calendar whether or not it's shared: read the name, grab appointments from it, etc. Outlook just apparently does not like using shared calendars as arguments for NavigationFolders.Add().
EDIT: I'm talking about NON-default calendars shared via sharing invitations. GetDefaultSharedFolder or the like isn't what I want.
Try to use the GetSharedDefaultFolder method of the Namespace class to get the shared folder instead.
Sub ResolveName()
Dim myNamespace As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim myRecipient As Outlook.Recipient
Dim CalendarFolder As Outlook.Folder
Set myNamespace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set myRecipient = myNamespace.CreateRecipient("Eugene Astafiev")
If myRecipient.Resolved Then
Call ShowCalendar(myNamespace, myRecipient)
End If
End Sub
Sub ShowCalendar(myNamespace, myRecipient)
Dim CalendarFolder As Outlook.Folder
Set CalendarFolder = _
myNamespace.GetSharedDefaultFolder _
(myRecipient, olFolderCalendar)
End Sub
The Add method of the NavigationFolders class adds the specified Folder, as a NavigationFolder object, to the end of the NavigationFolders collection.

outlook shared mailbox contacts in a excel list with VBA

I'm looking for a vba code in excel, he should contacts from a shared mailbox (different exchange account called shared mailbox in outlook) transfer to a excel list, with the normal contacts from outlook it works I used this:
Set nsOutlook = applOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set cfOutlook = nsOutlook.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts)
with Set olcontacts = cfOutlook.Folders("name")
I have used the "name" where is displayed in outlook
it not works he not find the folder.
is there a solution without recipient?
because there will be several user-all with the same shared mailbox
I hope you can help me.
The Outlook object model provides the GetSharedDefaultFolder method of the Namespace class which returns a Folder object that represents the specified default folder for the specified user. For example:
Sub ResolveName()
Dim myNamespace As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim myRecipient As Outlook.Recipient
Dim CalendarFolder As Outlook.Folder
Set myNamespace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set myRecipient = myNamespace.CreateRecipient("Dan Wilson")
If myRecipient.Resolved Then
Call ShowCalendar(myNamespace, myRecipient)
End If
End Sub
Sub ShowCalendar(myNamespace, myRecipient)
Dim CalendarFolder As Outlook.Folder
Set CalendarFolder = myNamespace.GetSharedDefaultFolder(myRecipient, olFolderCalendar)
End Sub