I never use the spell check inspection in IntelliJ. I know I can disable it in my project by going to Preferences > Editor > Inspections, but as soon as I open or create a new project this inspection is enabled again.
How do I change the default set of enabled inspections in IntelliJ such that I can disable an inspection for the current and all future projects?
File | Other Settings | Default Settings | Inspections
My code style settings keep getting reset when I create a new project, and I have to re-export from the default ide configurations.
is it possible to make some factory settings for the project (code style for java, general code style, optimize imports on the fly setting) so that when creating a project they are as I specified them in advance and not set everything up again?
File | New Projects Setup | Settings for New Projects...
Whenever I need to edit pom.xml in IntelliJ it triggers rebuild/validation/sync event and grabs the focus from the editor. This way is pretty annoying working with pom.xml files with IntelliJ.
Pom.xml files are the place where it is super annoying. I just can't select a plugin from the list without these events triggered and the focus is taken away from the editor. So I have to hit Ctrl + Space again to get the list, etc.
Is there a way to disable this feature, or it is part of "No save is needed" way of doing things of IntelliJ?
In order to disable auto-build, you should disable Maven auto import in settings.
Go to File | Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Build Tools | Maven | Importing and disable "Import Maven projects automatically"
In 2022, this setting was renamed and moved. It is now in File | Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Build Tools and it's called Reload project after changes in the build scripts. You might try enabling it with External changes checked first. If that's still too annoying, then disable it entirely.
How can I configure IntelliJ IDEA to have Annotation processors enabled by default?
Currently, I have to enable it manually for every imported project.
Current IDE version:
File | New Project Settings | Settings for New Projects..., navigate to the compiler settings, annotation processing and enable this option before importing the project.
Previous versions:
File | Other Settings | Default Settings, navigate to the compiler settings, annotation processing and enable this option before importing the project.
Where can I set if debug-symbols are included in the build of a Java-application when building with IntelliJ IDEA 2016.2.5?
The documentation says here - https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/2016.2/configuring-debugger-options.html - that there is a preferences dialog-box under project-structure. But with my IDEA, there isn't such dialog box.
The project structure dialog-box looks like this on my computer:
Thanks in advance,
The "Settings/Preferences dialog box" is the generally IDE settings dialog, not the specific project settings dialog.
You can find this dialog in the main menu bar under File > Settings (and then Build, Execution and Deployment > Java Compiler), or by pressing Ctrl+Alt+S.
I'm trying to disable spell checking in MacOS's IntelliJ IDEA version 8.1.
How can I disable it?
Follow :
File >> Settings >> Editor >> Inspections >> Proofreading >> Typo
-> Uncheck the options that you want to disable.
Source for more details - Spellchecking with intelliJ
For 12.1.6 on OSX:
I've put together a "visual solution" here (inspired by a previous solution above/below by #user277236 in this forum!).
In Webstorm you can either:
Disable spell checking entirely, or
Disable spell checking selectively (e.g. just the code), but enable for some others (e.g. comments).
I'm on MacOS Webstorm (version 2016.1.2). First thing first, go to the "Inspection" pane like this...
Webstorm -> Preferences -> search for "Inspections"
Webstorm -> Preferences -> Editor -> Inspections
Within the Inspection search box, search "Spelling".
Option 1 - Disable spell-checking entirely
Option 2 - Disable spell-checking selectively
I've gone for option 2 myself. This seems to work for me so far.
Use the annotation for the class / method / field
In Windows and Android 2.3 ...
File -> Settings -> Inspections -> Spelling ...
They need to introduce #spellcheck:off like the formatter.
update for 2020
File >> Settings >> Editor >> Inspections >> Proofreading (uncheck all)
For Android Studio, I found "Inspections" directly under "Project Settings," and not under "IDE Settings/Editor".
If you want to suppress in a file, you can use comment in file
like <!--suppress SpellCheckingInspection --> in html.
On Android Studio version 1.1 on Mac setting off Spelling from File menu does not work.
Set spelling from Android Studio > Preferences > Inspections.
Uncheck Typo and uncheck Spelling located in the first group of options "Project Settings".
In MS, you can use Alt+Enter to disable the inspections.
I have just find out that the typo inspection feature is provided by the Grazie plugin, which comes pre-installed in IntelliJ. You can just disable displugin in the setting and all typo inspection feature will no longer be available.
Click here