In string search for number to determine next in sequence? - vba

I have a list of build numbers (e.g. R1079-AAA-001, ...-002 etc.) in which the value of "R1079" changes depending on the machine being used. What I want to do is search through the list to determine the last used build number (the last 3 digits) in relation to the specific machine I intend to use. I then need to add one and create a new log for the new build i.e. the last R1079 build was 056, therefore the new one is 057.
Currently the THEORY I have is an in string search for the machine number followed by a number search and store in the string and converted to integer. This is then added into a dynamic array and the maximum found when the loop is complete. One is added to this integer and the new name placed into a cell.
However, the code I have doesn't work so I assume I am missing things/got it all wrong.
Code below:
Sub test()
Dim x As String
Dim n As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim Machine_EBM As String
Dim retval As String
Dim retvalint As Integer
Dim LastBuild As Integer
Dim NextBuild As Integer
Dim myarr() As Integer
Machine = "R1079"
x = Cells("A1").Value 'get the first string in the list
n = 1
Do Until x = ""
If InStr(x, Machine) > 0 Then 'search for machine in string
For i = 6 To Len(Str) 'search for numbers at end of string
If Mid(x, i, 1) >= "0" And Mid(x, i, 1) <= "9" Then
retval = retval + Mid(s, i, 1) 'store numbers
End If
Next i
retvalint = CInt(retval) ' convert to integer
ReDim Preserve myarr(n)
myarr(n) = retvalint ' store integer value in array
n = n + 1
End If
LastBuild = Worksheet.Function.Max(myarr(n)) ' determine maximum array value
NewBuild = LastBuild + 1 'add one to the value
ActiveCell = Machine = "-AAA-" + NewBuild 'input new build number
End Sub
I am fairly new to VBA and self taught so I realise there may be a lot of errors here that I am missing. Any help is appreciated!

Here is a small piece of code for getting new build no for inputted build no.
I already tested the code. It give me right answer. So, you can use this code.
Public Sub getBuildNo()
Dim machineCode, lastBuildCode, newBuildCode As String
Dim buildNo As Integer
'Set machine code
machineCode = "R1079"
'Set last build code
lastBuildCode = Range("A1")
'Get last build no
buildNo = Right(lastBuildCode, 3)
'Increase 1
buildNo = buildNo + 1
'Get new build No
newBuildCode = machineCode & "-AAA-"
'adding prefix 0s for getting like (001, 002, 025, etc.)
If buildNo < 10 Then
newBuildCode = newBuildCode & "00" & buildNo
ElseIf buildNo < 100 Then
newBuildCode = newBuildCode & "0" & buildNo
newBuildCode = newBuildCode & buildNo
End If
'show new code
Range("C1") = newBuildCode
End Sub


How to join substrings to define integer variable?

I am trying to join two substrings into one that defines an integer variable.
Dim ACTGPA as Integer
Dim ACTGPB as Integer
Dim ACPrio as Integer
Following a lot of code I have a loop that selects the value from a recordset containing a number column called either "TGP_A" or TGP_B".
Set rs4 = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM tbl_Syllabus WHERE Mis_Name = '" & strMisName & "'")
Dim item As Variant
For Each item In rs4.Fields
If item.Name = "TGP_A" Or item.Name = "TGP_B" Then
If Nz(rs4(item.Name).Value, "") > 0 Then
If strACCon1 = "" Then
strACCon1 = item.Name
End If
End If
End If
Next item
I want to set the ACPrio value to either the value of ACTGPA or ACTGPB, depending on which item name is chosen in the loop.
Using replace I remove the _ from the item name in order to define ACTGPA (or B).
I get
"Error 13, type mismatch"
on this next line. Probably because it thinks I am trying to set ACPrio (integer) to something that is a string - but I am trying to write the integer ACTGPA (or ACTGPB).
ACPrio = "AC" & Replace(strACCon1, "_", "")
Should be the same as this:
ACPrio = ACTGPA 'eg. settings the ACPrio value to that of ACTGPA (or ACTGPB), which is 5 (or 10).
You can't use a string to reference a variable (or its value) by name.
But you can add the necessary values to a collection with their name and then access them later on by name, like in this sample:
Public Sub Sample()
Dim ACTGPA As Integer
Dim ACTGPB As Integer
Dim ACPrio As Integer
' Prepare the collection by adding the values with their name:
Dim col As Collection
Set col = New Collection
col.Add 5, "ACTGPA"
col.Add 10, "ACTGPB"
Dim strACCon1 As String
' Set for testing to "TGP_A":
strACCon1 = "TGP_A"
ACPrio = col("AC" & Replace(strACCon1, "_", ""))
Debug.Print ACPrio
' Set for testing to "TGP_B":
strACCon1 = "TGP_B"
ACPrio = col("AC" & Replace(strACCon1, "_", ""))
Debug.Print ACPrio
End Sub
The output is
And maybe you can omit the variables ACTGPA and ACTGPB at all now, if it fits to your concept and overall code.

Displaying the sum of a range of numbers?

I have to create a program that calculates the sum of a range of numbers entered by the user and displays in a label an expression with the numbers in range. So if I entered "10" as a starting number and "20" as an ending number, there would be a label that displays "10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18+19+20".
This is what I have so far. I'm not sure how to get the range of numbers and display it in a label. I'm also really new to Visual Basic (I'm taking it as a course in high school) so please dumb down your answer as much as possible :) Any help is appreciated! Thanks.
Dim intStartingNumber As Integer = Val(Me.txtStartNumber.Text)
Dim intEndingNumber As Integer = Val(Me.txtEndNumber.Text)
Dim intSum As Integer = 0
Me.lblNumbers.Text = intStartingNumber & "+" & intEndingNumber
For intStartingNumber = Val(Me.txtStartNumber.Text) To intEndingNumber Step 1
intSum = intSum + intStartingNumber
Me.lblNumbersSum.Text = intSum
If you just want the total:
Dim StartNumber As Integer = Integer.Parse(txtStartNumber.Text)
Dim EndNumber As Integer = Integer.Parse(txtEndNumber.Text)
lblNumbersSum.Text = Enumerable.Range(StartNumber, EndNumber - StartNumber ).Sum()
If you really want the full text expressions:
Dim StartNumber As Integer = Integer.Parse(txtStartNumber.Text)
Dim EndNumber As Integer = Integer.Parse(txtEndNumber.Text)
Dim delimiter As String = ""
Dim expression As New StringBuilder()
For Each number As String IN Enumerable.Range(StartNumber, EndNumber - StartNumber )
delimiter = "+"
Next number
lblNumbersSum.Text = expression.ToString()
This should work, albeit I haven't been able to test:
Dim intStartingNumber As Integer = Val(Me.txtStartNumber.Text)
Dim intEndingNumber As Integer = Val(Me.txtEndNumber.Text)
Dim intSum As Integer = 0
Dim intIndex As Integer
Dim strExpr As String
strExpr = Me.txtStartNumber.Text
'Setting up a new variable called intIndex so that intStartingNumber can stay static
For intIndex = Val(Me.txtStartNumber.Text) To intEndingNumber Step 1
intSum = intSum + intIndex
if intIndex > intStartingNumber Then
strExpr = strExpr & "+" & intIndex
End If
Me.lblNumbersSum.Text = intSum
Me.lblNumbers.Text = strExpr
The idea is that you create a new variable called strExpr to hold the expression and then concatenate using & within the For loop. That way, as you add on the values arithmetically, you're also adding to the string that shows the calculation being done. I'm hoping that's what you were after.
If you get any errors, please comment below and I'll amend the script and explain.
As you are doing this to learn the basics of Basic (hah hah, never heard that one before), I will keep it simple:
' convert the input text into numbers
Dim startNumber As Integer = Integer.Parse(txtStartNumber.Text)
Dim endNumber As Integer = Integer.Parse(txtEndNumber.Text)
'TODO: optional - check that endNumber > startNumber
' we are going to put the sum and the text of the summation into
' variables; we might as well start them off with the first values
Dim sum As Integer = startNumber
Dim sumText As String = startNumber.ToString()
' now we just need to use a loop that goes from the second value to the end
For i As Integer = startNumber + 1 To endNumber
' we need to use the value i twice, once as a number...
sum = sum + i
' ... and once as a String
sumText = sumText & "+" & i.ToString()
' show the results to the user
lblNumbersSum.Text = sum.ToString()
lblNumbers.Text = sumText
The default Step value for a For..Next loop is 1, so we don't need to specify that.
Instead of writing sum = sum + i, we could write sum += i, and similarly for sumText = sumText & "+" & i.ToString() we could write sumText &= "+" & i.ToString(). They are just ways of saving a bit of typing.
As Jens mentioned, it is usually better to use something called a StringBuilder to build a string in a loop, but I expect you will learn about that later. If you want to learn about it now, you could look at the Remarks section of the StringBuilder documentation.

VBA comparing multiple variables

There any way to compare multiple variables in VBA? For example:
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
Dim z As Integer
x = 99
y = 2
z = 3
I would like to return the smallest of the values.
I understand I could use select case x > y for all possible permutations but that seems unwieldy for more than 3 variables.
I have tried the worksheet function
solution = Application.WorksheetFunction.Min(x, y, z)
but that returns 2 and I would like it to return the variable name to be passed to another function.
many thanks,
Edit: My apologies if this was confusing, I am still a VBA novice. Here's my problem a little more generally:
I have a list of codes that correspond to names, many names per code. I want to loop through every name per code and count the number of instances that name appears on a list and choose the name with the LEAST occurrences. (could be 0 or could be the same as another name). obviously if there were 2 names it would be easy to do a if x>y then but I'm stumped as for comparing more than 3. Thanks for reading.
Use a public array rather than multiple variables. This will make it easy to iterate through them all and get the highest value, as well as reference the variable with the highest value later on:
Public myArray(0 To 2) As Integer
Public index As Integer
Public Sub calcMin()
Dim i As Integer
Dim maxValue As Integer
myArray(0) = 99
myArray(1) = 2
myArray(2) = 3
For i = 0 To UBound(myArray)
If myArray(i) < maxValue Then
maxValue = myArray(i)
index = i
End If
Next i
End Sub
Function yourFunction(valueToPass As Integer)
'your function's code here
End Function
Then pass the variable to yourFunction like so: yourFunction(myArray(index))
Same idea as Mike's but with an example to call a sub with the min value found:
Sub main()
Dim arrComp(2) As Integer
arrComp(0) = 99
arrComp(1) = 2
arrComp(2) = 3
'It is important to initialize the tmpVal to a value from the array
'to consider the chance where negative and positive values are used
Dim tmpVal As Integer: tmpVal = arrComp(LBound(arrComp))
Dim i As Integer, minIndex As Integer
For i = LBound(arrComp) To UBound(arrComp)
If arrComp(i) < tmpVal Then
tmpVal = arrComp(i)
minIndex = i
End If
Next i
showMinVal arrComp(minIndex)
End Sub
Sub showMinVal(MinVal As Integer)
MsgBox "The min value is " & MinVal
End Sub
Or, a workaround if you want the name associated to the value, you could define a new Type:
'Types must be declared at the top of the module
Type tVarName
varName As String
varVal As Integer
End Type
Sub main()
Dim arrComp(2) As tVarName
arrComp(0).varName = "x"
arrComp(0).varVal = 99
arrComp(1).varName = "y"
arrComp(1).varVal = 2
arrComp(2).varName = "z"
arrComp(2).varVal = 3
Dim tmpVal As Integer: tmpVal = arrComp(LBound(arrComp)).varVal
Dim i As Integer, minIndex As Integer
For i = LBound(arrComp) To UBound(arrComp)
If arrComp(i).varVal < tmpVal Then
tmpVal = arrComp(i).varVal
minIndex = i
End If
Next i
showMinVal arrComp(minIndex)
End Sub
'Sub showing min value along with the name associated to it
Sub showMinVal(MinVal As tVarName)
MsgBox "The min value is " & MinVal.varName & " = " & MinVal.varVal
End Sub

What is causing 'Index was outside the bounds of the array' error?

What is causing 'Index was outside the bounds of the array' error? It can't be my file, defianetly not. Below is my code:
Sub pupiltest()
Dim exitt As String = Console.ReadLine
If IsNumeric(exitt) Then
Exit Do
'error message
End If
Select Case exitt
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
End Select
If exitt = 1 Then
ElseIf exitt = 3 Then
Exit Do
End If
Dim score As Integer
Dim word As String
Dim totalscore As Integer = 0
'If DatePart(DateInterval.Weekday, Today) = 5 Then
' Console.WriteLine("You are only allowed to take the test on Friday unless you missed it")
' pupiltest()
'End If
Dim founditem() As String = Nothing
For Each line As String In File.ReadAllLines("F:\Computing\Spelling Bee\stdnt&staffdtls.csv")
Dim item() As String = line.Split(","c)
founditem = item
Dim stdntfname As String = founditem(3)
Dim stdntsname As String = founditem(4)
Dim stdntyear As String = founditem(5)
If founditem IsNot Nothing Then
If stdntyear = founditem(5) And daytoday = founditem(6) Then
Exit Do
ElseIf daytoday <> founditem(6) Then
Console.WriteLine("Sorry you are not allowed to do this test today. Test available on " & item(6).Substring(0, 3) & "/" & item(6).Substring(3, 6) & "/" & item(6).Substring(6, 9))
ElseIf stdntyear <> founditem(5) Then
Console.WriteLine("Year not found, please contact the system analysts")
End If
End If
For Each line As String In File.ReadAllLines("F:\Computing\Spelling Bee\testtests.csv")
Dim item() As String = line.Split(","c)
Dim mine As String = String.Join(",", item(2), item(3), item(4), item(5), item(6))
For i As Integer = 1 To 10
Console.WriteLine(i.ToString & "." & item(1))
Console.Write("Please enter the word: ")
word = Console.ReadLine
If word = Nothing Or word <> item(0) Then
score += 0
ElseIf word = item(0) Then
score += 2
ElseIf word = mine Then
score += 1
End If
If score > 15 Then
Console.WriteLine("Well done! Your score is" & score & "/20")
ElseIf score > 10 Then
Console.WriteLine("Your score is" & score & "/20")
ElseIf score Then
End If
Using sw As New StreamWriter("F:\Computing\Spelling Bee\stdntscores", True)
sw.Write(stdntfname, stdntsname, stdntyear, score, daytoday, item(7))
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Error accessing designated file")
End Try
End Using
End Sub
All help is highly appreciated,
You are constantly replacing the foundItem array when you do founditem = item:
Dim founditem() As String = Nothing
For Each line As String In File.ReadAllLines("F:\Computing\Spelling Bee\stdnt&staffdtls.csv")
Dim item() As String = line.Split(","c)
founditem = item
Also, you are using (=) the assignment operation instead of (==) relational operator, to compare. Refer to this article for help in understanding the difference between the two.
Instead of this: If stdntyear = founditem(5) And daytoday = founditem(6) Then
Use this: If (stdntyear == founditem(5)) And (daytoday == founditem(6)) Then
Now back to your main error. You continue to assign the itemarray to founditem every time you iterate (Which overwrites previous content). At the end of the Iteration you will be left with the last entry in your CSV only... So in other words, founditem will only have 1 element inside of it. If you try to pick out ANYTHING but index 0, it will throw the exception index was outside the bounds of the array
So when you try to do the following later, it throws the exception.
Dim stdntfname As String = founditem(3) 'index 3 does not exist!
To fix it do the following change:
Dim founditem() As String = Nothing
For Each line As String In File.ReadAllLines("F:\Computing\Spelling Bee\stdnt&staffdtls.csv")
'NOTE: Make sure you know exactly how many columns your csv has or whatever column
' you wish to access.
Dim item() As String = line.Split(","c)
founditem(0) = item(0) 'Assign item index 0 to index 0 of founditem...
founditem(1) = item(1)
founditem(2) = item(2)
founditem(3) = item(3)
founditem(4) = item(4)
founditem(5) = item(5)
founditem(6) = item(6)
For more help on how to work with VB.NET Arrays visit this site:
In your line Dim item() As String = line.Split(","c) there's no guarantee that the correct number of elements exist. It's possible that one of the lines is missing a comma or is a blank trailing line in the document. You might want to add a If item.Length >= 7 and skipping rows that don't have the right number of rows. Also, remember that unlike VB6, arrays in .Net are 0 based not 1 based so make sure that item(6) is the value that you think it is.

Speed up large string data parser function

I currently have a file with 1 million characters.. the file is 1 MB in size. I am trying to parse data with this old function that still works but very slow.
the code, takes about 5 painful minutes to process the whole data.
any pointers and suggestions are appreciated.
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim sFinal = ""
Dim strData = textbox.Text
Dim strFirst = "start"
Dim strSec = "end"
Dim strID As String, Pos1 As Long, Pos2 As Long, strCur As String = ""
Do While InStr(strData, strFirst) > 0
Pos1 = InStr(strData, strFirst)
strID = Mid(strData, Pos1 + Len(strFirst))
Pos2 = InStr(strID, strSec)
If Pos2 > 0 Then
strID = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(strID, Pos2 - 1)
End If
If strID <> strCur Then
strCur = strID
sFinal += strID & ","
End If
strData = Mid(strData, Pos1 + Len(strFirst) + 3 + Len(strID))
End Sub
The reason that is so slow is because you keep destroying and recreating a 1 MB string over and over. Strings are immutable, so strData = Mid(strData... creates a new string and copies the remaining of the 1 MB string data to a new strData variable over and over and over. Interestingly, even VB6 allowed for a progressive index.
I would have processed the disk file LINE BY LINE and plucked out the info as it was read (see streamreader.ReadLine) to avoid working with a 1MB string. Pretty much the same method could be used there.
' 1 MB textbox data (!?)
Dim sData As String = TextBox1.Text
' start/stop - probably fake
Dim sStart As String = "start"
Dim sStop As String = "end"
' result
Dim sbResult As New StringBuilder
' progressive index
Dim nNDX As Integer = 0
' shortcut at least as far as typing and readability
Dim MagicNumber As Integer = sStart.Length
' NEXT index of start/stop after nNDX
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim j As Integer = 0
' loop as long as string remains
Do While (nNDX < sData.Length) AndAlso (i >= 0)
i = sData.IndexOf(sStart, nNDX) ' start index
j = sData.IndexOf(sStop, i) ' stop index
' Extract and append bracketed substring
sbResult.Append(sData.Substring(i + MagicNumber, j - (i + MagicNumber)))
' add a cute comma
nNDX = j ' where we start next time
i = sData.IndexOf(sStart, nNDX)
' remove last comma
sbResult.Remove(sbResult.ToString.Length - 1, 1)
' show my work
EDIT: Small mod for the ad hoc test data