Creating a queue per remote method when using RabbitMQ? - rabbitmq

Let's just accept for a moment that it is not a horrible idea to implement RPC over message queues (like RabbitMQ) -- sometimes it might be necessary when interfacing with legacy systems.
In case of RPC over RabbitMQ, clients send a message to the broker, broker routes the message to a worker, worker returns the result through the broker to the client. However, if a worker implements more than one remote method, then somehow the different calls need to be routed to different listeners.
What is the general practice in this case? All RPC over MQ examples show only one remote method. It would be nice and easy to just set the method name as the routing rule/queue name, but I don't know whether this is the right way to do it.

Let's just accept for a moment that it is not a horrible idea to implement RPC over message queues (like RabbitMQ)
it's not horrible at all! it's common, and recommended in many situations - not just legacy integration.
... ok, to your actual question now :)
from a very high level perspective, here is what you need to do.
Your request and response need to have two key pieces of information:
a correlation-id
a reply-to queue
These bits of information will allow you to correlate the original request and the response.
Before you send the request
have your requesting code create an exclusive queue for itself. This queue will be used to receive the replies.
create a new correlation id - typically a GUID or UUID to guarantee uniqueness.
When Sending The Request
Attach the correlation id that you generated, to the message properties. there is a correlationId property that you should use for this.
store the correlation id with the associated callback function (reply handler) for the request, somewhere inside of the code that is making the request. you will need to this when the reply comes in.
attach the name of the exclusive queue that you created, to the replyTo property of the message, as well.
with all this done, you can send the message across rabbitmq
when replying
the reply code needs to use both the correlationId and the replyTo fields from the original message. so be sure to grab those
the reply should be sent directly to the replyTo queue. don't use standard publishing through an exchange. instead, send the reply message directly to the queue using the "send to queue" feature of whatever library you're using, and send the response directly to the replyTo queue.
be sure to include the correlationId in the response, as well. this is the critical part to answer your question
when handling the reply
The code that made the original request will receive the message from the replyTo queue. it will then pull the correlationId out of the message properties.
use the correlation id to look up the callback method for the request... the code that handles the response. pass the message to this callback method, and you're pretty much done.
the implementation details
this works, from a high level perspective. when you get down into the code, the implementation details will vary depending on the language and driver / library you are using.
most of the good RabbitMQ libraries for any given language will have Request/Response built in to them. If yours doesn't, you might want to look for a different library. Unless you are writing a patterns based library on top of the AMQP protocol, you should look for a library that has common patterns implemented for you.
If you need more information on the Request/Reply pattern, including all of the details that I've provided here (and more), check out these resources:
My own RabbitMQ Patterns email course / ebook
RabbitMQ Tutorials
Enterprise Integration Patterns - be sure to buy the book for the complete description / implementation pattern. it's worth having this book
If you're working in Node.js, I recommend using the wascally library, which includes the Request/Reply feature you need. For Ruby, check out bunny. For Java or .NET, look at some of the many service bus implementations around. In .NET, I recommend NServiceBus or MassTransit.

I've found that using a new reply-to queue per request can get really inefficient, specially when running RabbitMQ on a cluster.
As suggested in the comments direct reply-to seems to be the way to go. I've documented here all the options I tried before settling to that one.

I wrote an npm package amq.rabbitmq.reply-to.js that:
Uses direct reply-to - a feature that allows RPC (request/reply) clients with a design similar to that demonstrated in tutorial 6 ( to avoid declaring a response queue per request.
Creates an event emitter where rpc responses will be published by correlationId
as suggested by
const rabbitmqreplyto = require('amq.rabbitmq.reply-to.js');
const serverCallbackTimesTen = (message, rpcServer) => {
const n = parseInt(message);
return Promise.resolve(`${n * 10}`);
let rpcServer;
let rpcClient;
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
const serverOptions = new rabbitmqreplyto.RpcServerOptions(
/* url */ undefined,
/* serverId */ undefined,
/* callback */ serverCallbackTimesTen);
return rabbitmqreplyto.RpcServer.Create(serverOptions);
}).then((rpcServerP) => {
rpcServer = rpcServerP;
return rabbitmqreplyto.RpcClient.Create();
}).then((rpcClientP) => {
rpcClient = rpcClientP;
const promises = [];
for (let i = 1; i <= 20; i++) {
return Promise.all(promises);
}).then((replies) => {
return Promise.all([rpcServer.Close(), rpcClient.Close()]);
// '20',
// '30',
// '40',
// '50',
// '60',
// '70',
// '80',
// '90',
// '100',
// '110',
// '120',
// '130',
// '140',
// '150',
// '160',
// '170',
// '180',
// '190',
// '200']


MassTransit exchange to exchange bindings benefit

The document said
Published messages are routed to a receive endpoint queue by message type, using exchanges and exchange bindings. A service's receive endpoints do not affect other services or their receive endpoints, as long as they do not share the same queue.
As I know, create one ReceiveEndpoint like below will then create one exchange and one queue with the same name (e.g. some-queue), and will bind this exchange to the message type's exchange.
services.AddMassTransit(x =>
x.UsingRabbitMq((ctx, cfg) =>
cfg.ReceiveEndpoint("some-queue", e =>
However, I don't get the point why bother have additional "some-queue" exchange. Any example usecase will be helpful.
I cover the reasons for the topology in several videos, including this one.
I was looking for the answer to this question myself. For the benefit of the answer I paste some revised quotes of the linked video from Chris here:
MassTransit has done this since the very first versions.
If you would want to to send directly to a queue you would have to either:
Specify a blank exchange name and set the routing key equal to the queue name.
Send to an exchange that's bound to the queue.
You can't send to a queue directly.
When we looked at the topology for the broker for MassTransit, the approach we took is to create an exchange with the same name as the queue. This gives us some actually really cool features:
Let's say I want to keep a copy of every message sent to my endpoint. I can do that by just creating another queue and binding it to that exchange. That lets me do like a wiretap which is actually a messaging pattern.
When you're troubleshooting and ask yourself: "Why didn't the service do what I suspected?": With this I can go at that queue and then I could go
to my wiretap queue and look at every message that was received. This is a really cool way to kind of steal traffic and look at it and figure out what's going on.

Mass Transit + Azure Service Bus: Consume some types of messages without creating their corresponding topic

As I have been able to verify, in MassTransit with Azure Service Bus, each type of object consumed by a "Consumer" generates a Topic for that type regardless of whether it is only consumed in a specific "receive endpoint" (queue). When sending a message of this type with the "Send()" method, the message is sent directly to the "receive endpoint" (queue) without going through the topic. If this same message is published with the "Publish()" method, it is published in the Topic, and is forwarded to the receive endpoint (queue) from the corresponding subscriber.
My application uses a CQRS pattern where the messages are divided into commands and events. Commands use the send-receive pattern and are therefore always dispatched in MassTransit with the "Send()" method. The events, however, are based on the publish-subscribe pattern, and therefore are always dispatched in MassTransit with the "Publish()" method. As a result, a large number of topics are created on the bus that are never used (one for each type of command), since the messages belonging to these topics are sent directly to the receiver's queue.
For all these reasons, the question I ask is whether it is possible to configure MassTransit so that it does not automatically create the topics of some types of messages consumed because they will only be sent using the "Send()" method? Does this make sense in MassTransit or is it not possible/recommended?
Thank you!
Edited 16/04/2021
After doing some testing, I edit this topic to clarify that the intention is to configure MassTransit so that it does not automatically create the topics of some types of messages consumed, all of them received on the same receive endpoint. That is, the intention is to configure (dynamically if possible, through the type of object) which types of messages consumed create a topic and which do not in the same receive endpoint. Let's imagine that we have a receive endpoint (a queue) associated with a service, and this service is capable of consuming both commands and events, since the commands are only dispatched through Send(), it is not necessary to create the topic for them, however the events that are dispatched via Publish(), they need their topic (and their subscribers) to exist in order to deliver the message and be consumed.
Thanks in advance
Yes, for a receive endpoint hosting a consumer that will only receive Sent messages, you can specify ConfigureConsumeTopology = false for that receive endpoint. You can do that via a ConsumerDefinition, or when configuring the receive endpoint directly.
It is also possible to disable topology configuration per message type using an attribute on the message contract:
public interface SomeCommand
This will prevent the topic/exchange from being created and bound to the receive endpoint.
While I can understand the desire to be "pure to the CQRS mantra" and only Send commands, I'd suggest you read this answer and take it into consideration before overburdening your developers with knowing every single endpoint in the system by name...

MessageBus: wait when processing is done and send ACK to requestor

We work with external TCP/IP interfaces and one of the requirements is to keep connection open, wait when processing is done and send ACK with the results back.
What would be best approach to achieve that assuming we want to use MessageBus (masstransit/nservicebus) for communication with processing module and tracing message states: received, processing, succeeded, failed?
Specifically, when message arrives to handler/consumer, how it will know about TCP/IP connection? Should I store it in some custom container and inject it to consumer?
Any guidance is appreciated. Thanks.
The consumer will know how to initiate and manage the TCP connection lifecycle.
When a message is received, the handler can invoke the code which performs some action based on the message data. Whether this involves displaying an green elephant on a screen somewhere or opening a port, making a call, and then processing the ACK, does not change how you handle the message.
The actual code which is responsible for performing the action could be packaged into something like a nuget package and exposed over some kind of generic interface if that makes you happier, but there is no contradiction with a component having a dual role as a message consumer and processor of that message.
A new instance of the consumer will be created for each message
receiving. Also, in my case, consumer can’t initiate TCP/IP
connection, it has been already opened earlier (and stored somewhere
else) and consumer needs just have access to use it.
Sorry, I should have read your original question more closely.
There is a solution to shared access to a resource from NServiceBus, as documented here.
public class SomeEventHandler : IHandleMessages<SomeEvent>
private IMakeTcpCall _caller;
public SomeEventHandler(IMakeTcpCalls caller)
_caller = caller;
public Task Handle(SomeEvent message, IMessageHandlerContext context)
// Use the caller
var ack = _caller.Call(message.SomeData);
// Do something with ack
return Task.CompletedTask;
You would ideally have a DI container which would manage the lifecycle of the IMakeTcpCall instance as a singleton (though this might get weird in high volume scenarios), so that you can re-use the open TCP channel.
Eg, in Castle Windsor:
Castle Windsor integrates with NServiceBus

Rabbitmq + web stomp plugin with rpc - reply-to

I'm trying to perform an RPC with RabbitMQ's STOMP adapter. As the client lib I'm using the STOMP over WebSocket ( library.
From the documentation ( I see that I have to set the reply-to header. I've done that by specifying something like "reply-to: /temp-queue/foo" and I saw in my server-side client (node-amqp) that the replyTo header is set correctly (example: replyTo: '/reply-queue/amq.gen-w2jykNGp4DNDBADm3C4Cdx'). Still in my server-side client, I can reply to the message just by publishing a message to "/reply-queue/amq.gen-w2jykNGp4DNDBADm3C4Cdx".
However, how do I get this reply it in my client code where the RPC call was initiated? The documentation states "SEND and SUBSCRIBE frames must not contain /temp-queue destinations (...) subscriptions to reply queues are created automatically."
So, how do I subscribe to the reply-to queue? How can I get the results of RPC calls?
Thanks in advance.
The answer is:
When you receive the rpc call in the server worker you get the header replyTo. That header comes like:
replyTo: '/reply-queue/[queue_name]'
for example: replyTo:'/reply-queue/amqp.fe43gggr5g54g54ggfd_'
The trick is:
you have to parse it and only answer to the queue_name [for example: amqp.fe43gggr5g54g54ggfd_]
You have to answer to the default exchange and not to any other exchange
Example of an answer in nodejs:
function onRpcReceived(message, headers, deliveryInfo, m) {
var reply_to = m.replyTo.toString().substr(13, m.replyTo.toString().length);
connection.publish(reply_to, {response:"OK", reply:"The time is 13h35m"}, {
correlationId:m. correlationId
Now i just wonder why the web-stomp-plugin adds the /reply-queue/ string to the attribute "replyTo" on the header instead of only add the queue name....! If someone knows the reason i would like to know.
The answer to the original question:
However, how do I get this reply it in my client code where the RPC
call was initiated? The documentation states "SEND and SUBSCRIBE
frames must not contain /temp-queue destinations (...) subscriptions
to reply queues are created automatically."
So, how do I subscribe to the reply-to queue? How can I get the
results of RPC calls?
Rabbit automatically subscribes the current STOMP session to the temp queue. The client doesn't know the temp queue name and cannot subscribe to it. However, when Rabbit sends a STOMP MESSAGE frame it sets the subscription header to the "reply-to" value (e.g. "/temp-queue/foo"). Although the STOMP over WebSocket client wasn't written with this in mind, a subscription could be registered as follows:
stompClient.subscriptions['/temp-queue/foo'] = function(message) {
// ...
I'd be happy to hear if there is another solution.
NB: There is no more '/reply-queue/' in the replyTo since RabbitMQ 3.0.0
I spent about a 4 hours to find what was the problem. Use .replace('/reply-queue/', '') instead of .substring(13)!

Nservicebus synchronous call

I am using request reply model of NServiceBUs for one of my project.There is a self hosted service bus listening for a request message and reply back with a request message.
So in WCF message code i have coded like
// sent the message to bus.
var synchronousMessageSent =
this._bus.Send(destinationQueueName, requestMessage)
(AsyncCallback)delegate(IAsyncResult ar)
// process the response from the message.
NServiceBus.CompletionResult completionResult = ar.AsyncState as NServiceBus.CompletionResult;
if (completionResult != null)
// set the response messages.
response = completionResult.Messages;
// block the current thread.
return response;
The destinaton que will sent the reply.
I am getting the resault one or tweo times afetr that the reply is not coming to the client. Am i doing anything wrong
Why are you trying to turn an a-synchronous framework into a synchronous one? There is a fundamental flaw with what you are trying to do.
You should take a long hard look at your design and appreciate the benefits of a-sync calls. The fact that you are doing
// block the current thread.
Is highly concerning. What are you trying to achieve with this? Design your system based on a-synchronous messaging communication and you will have a MUCH better system. Otherwise you might as well just use some kind of blocking tcp/ip sockets.