Call a POST rest api with AddJsonBody method vs. AddObject method - restsharp

I am using RestSharp to do a REST API client application. If the format of request body (pay load) for a POST Rest Api call is JSON, I would like to know when I should use RestRequest.AddJsonBody() method and when RestRequest.AddObject() method. Thank you.

To send a JSON payload, use AddJsonBody. AddObject will extract name-value pairs from the object and add them as parameters.


Mule ESB Flow to pass parameters in Calling SOAP Webservice

I have created on flow in MuleESB which is calling a web-service without any parameter just sending it username, password and token in a property and it is working fine.
But the second API I want to post some parameters while calling soap request but I don't know how to use it I tried to pass through set payload but no response.
use Webservice consumer and add a transform message component beofre it. by doing so you can automatically map all the parameters which are required by the SOAP webservice, as datasence will automaticall download the meta deta of the service using the WSDL file.
Make sure you select application/xml as content type in Postman or SOAP UI and select POST.
Use CXF and select Operation as Proxy Service ,Provide details. Selct and provode (WSDL,MTOM enabled,SOAP Headers ,SOAP 1.2)
Make sure you posting XML request "POST" method in allowed methods.
Use 2 transformers. XML to DOM and DOM to XML.
Log the request using
Use a groovy script transformer to retreive the entire payload.
def userSoapRequest = new XmlSlurper().parseText(payload);
def userId = userSoapRequest.userId.text();
message.setInvocationProperty('userId', userId);
6.Retrieve userId like above and similarly for all the elements.
7.Process them as you want.
Hope this helps

How to send JSON dict in POST request?

I have this JSON dictionary:
{"userId":"363008505", "userName":"almogsh11", "friends":[{"u":"2079823612","n":"she43"},{"u":"2010211025","n":"temy63c"}]}
It contains the "friends" array. I want to send this dictionary in post http request to server.
How can I do this?
You could use the AFNetworking framework. There are a couple of methods you could use, such as JSON Parameter Encoding and URL Form Parameter Encoding.

Handle JSON calls in WCF to single URL with method name contained in request body

We are replicating an existing service and need to offer the exact same contract.
Requests are posted to a single URL with the method name contained in the request body.
For example the request body of a call to LoginService.Login:
All calls will be made to:
{"id": "","method":"LoginService.Login","params":{"aUserID":"flip","aPassword":"1234-613E-1240-C55D-9853F37A41B2"}}
How can we accomplish this within WCF? The response should also be JSON.
I didn't know what I wanted was called jsonrpc. Luckily somebody already tackled this problem:
Implement JSON-RPC in WCF

Is it recommended to return json data from a web api method in ASP.NET MVC 4?

Is it recommended to return json data from a web api method ?
This I am using for jqgrid.
I am using WebApi for all other operations like Get, Update, Delete etc...
WebApi supports Content Negotation. This means that it will give you what you ask for. WebApi will inspect the header of your request and will then return the data in the correct format.
In case of an AJAX application using jqGrid, you will probably ask for JSON. That's the easiest format to use in JavaScript.
If someone else would call your WebApi method and ask for Xml, your method would return Xml to the caller.

How to pass object to RESTful Service with GET request?

I have seen some posts in stackoverflow saying "sending list of items in the GET Method, is NOT allowed. It has to be accomplished via POST method only"
My code looks like
[WebGet(UriTemplate = "Employee/{emp}",RequestFormat=WebMessageFormat.Json)]
Employee GetEmpDetails(string emp);
and my input json object will be "{'id':1,'name':'test',....}
Is there any alternative way of achieving this issue.
It is possible to send list of items with GET, it's just that out of the box only primitive values are supported. String values work just fine, but if you want to pass a complex object, you need to create a custom QueryStringConverter. The post at explains how this can be done.
If you make your service RESTful you will most probably use HTTP PUT for Add method and HTTP POST for Update method. It is absolutely ok to pass object to these methods because objet will be part of HTTP request's body, not part of URI. URI is important for HTTP GET requests. HTTP GET requests should be only for data retrieval not for data modification.
You are mixing up HTTP GET/POST/... requests and REST GET/POST/PUT/DELETE/...
When you wanna request something RESTfully - you do a GET request. In your case I think it should look like
Please also note that usage of lowercase in the URI is preferable.
If you need multiple GET criteria, I think it could look like: