Is it possible to schedule Groovy Script in SOAP UI? - testing

I have Groovy Script in my Test Case in SOAP UI.
There are one big script and a lot of test steps which are run by this script. I know about functionality of TestRunner but it run all steps in test case, but i need to run only my groovy script. How?
I disable all Test steps and left active only groovy script. Then I Launch TestRunner on Test Case, it return exception :
java.lang.Exception: TestCase [Case1] failed without assertions

Just disable the rest of the steps and run the test case. The disabled test steps are not run automatically by soapui, you can call those conditionally :)


How to run CI selenium side runner tests on Jenkins

I have a .side file generated by the Selenium IDE, which I need to run on CI using Jenkins.
I am running it as a build step with the following shell command:
selenium-side-runner /path/to/file.ide
The problem arises due to the fact that no matter if the selenium test fails, Jenkins always shows is as success.
In this thread it's suggested to upload the file as generic, but still, the commands to execute it are missing
How to upload a generic file into a Jenkins job?
I've found a possible solution to it on this posts, but I would appreciate having a cleaner way to solve this instead of parsing the results checking for errors.
How to mark a build unstable in Jenkins when running shell scripts
Is there a plugin able to run selenium .side files on Jenkins and this one showing the success/failures of the test?
You can generate a Junit test report file and then use the Jenkins Junit plugin after your tests execution.
selenium-side-runner --output-directory=results --output-format=junit
# Outputs results in `junit` frormat in `./results/projectName.xml'
Check the official documentation for more details.

Execute TestNG.xml in dry run mode via eclipse

Is there a way to execute TestNG.xml in dry run mode so that I can figure out what methods gets qualified for the test run. I am using Eclipse and intend to run the tests via testng.xml. How to configure Run Configurations for this.
Newbie to Selenium-TestNG and Eclipse
I tried to provide -Dtestng.mode.dryrun=true in Run Configurations -> Arguments tab under both Program argument and VM arguments
The run configurations had no effect on the execution. The tests were executed in normal fashion. I expected the configurations would just list test methods in the console
You are going to see all tests with no failures. That what you expect when you run testNg with the argument.
To check the dryrun argument works, make your test to fail. Then run your test with "-Dtestng.mode.dryrun=true". Add the argument in "VM arguments"
Also, check your version of testNG is 6.14 or higher

Fail a Jenkins build when a Taurus-run JMeter test records a failure

I've got some tests setup to run via Taurus and kicking them off in a Jenkins stage like so:
...previous stages...
stage('Load Tests'){
bat "bat _testFile.yml"
...stages to execute if Load Tests stage succeeds
I want to bail out of the whole build if any one of the iterations in any of my tests fails. But this setup, as well as wrapping in a try/catch don't work.
My fault. The fail criteria were not properly implemented. Now that they are, the above 'successfully' fails the jenkins build when the criteria are not met.

Running NUnit/SpecFlow tests in TFS2017

I'm not sure whether the issue is with NUnit or SpecFlow but whenever I add the 'Run Functional Tests' task to my build, I get the following error when running a build in TFS2017...
2017-05-06T00:11:00.4676774Z ##[warning]DistributedTests: Test discovery started.
2017-05-06T00:11:00.4676774Z ##[warning]DistributedTests: Test Run Discovery Aborted . Test run id : 5
2017-05-06T00:11:00.4676774Z ##[warning]DistributedTests: UnExpected error occured during test execution. Try again.
2017-05-06T00:11:00.4676774Z ##[warning]DistributedTests: Error : NUnit Adapter Test discovery complete
2017-05-06T00:11:00.4676774Z ##[warning]DistributedTests: Test run aborted. Test run id: 5
2017-05-06T00:11:00.4676774Z ##[error]System.Exception: The test run was aborted, failing the task.
2017-05-06T00:11:00.5175379Z ##[error]PowerShell script completed with 1 errors.
Does anyone know what the problem is?
Many thanks,
Run Functional Tests task are used for below scenarios.
Typical scenarios include:
Tests that require additional installations on the test machines, such as different browsers for Selenium tests
Coded UI tests
Tests that require a specific operating system configuration
To execute a large number of unit tests more quickly by using multiple test machines
If you are using specflow you need to make sure that you implement using MS Test.
Regardless of the fact which unit test provider you use for SpecFlow, because all the major unit test frameworks provide the necessary adapter for it (this is the same adapter that you need to run the tests from the Visual Studio Test Explorer Window)
So you need to use Visual Studio Test task in this scenario(Also for handling standard unit tests). For details of the settings please refer this blog: SpecFlow Tips--Run only specific scenarios in TFS/VSTS build

How to get TestNG results on jenkins while building?

I'm trying to get tests results while the job is building.
When we run tests suite by eclipse we get tests results from TestNG viewer while running the suite, I want to get the same viewer or similar in Jenkins to know the current status of the build before finish.
I mean this in TestNG Viewer:
Results of running suite TestNG viewer
Thanks All :)
AFAIK it is not inbuilt as part of any plugin. But there are couple of options that you can try.
Write results to a database in the IInvokedMethodListener after implementation. Build a ui over the database.
Maintain a datastructure of results , do console out of summary(if you are the only one who needs to know the results) on jenkins in test listener or method listener of the results based on the frequency at which you need to know results. Or you can start of a parallel script which parses the consoleText either as a shell or a separate utility doing curl on the consoletext.