Custom plugin creation in worklight - ibm-mobilefirst

I have eclips with ibm worklight pulgin .I want to create a custom plugin to store shared preferences values in worklight . can we do do this?? please post the answer with small implementation for this.

If all you're looking to do is to simply store data for the application to be later used in the same application, you can simply use HTML5 LocalStorage API or JSONStore.
There is no need for anything custom if the above is what you're looking for.
In the comments you are attempting to use the Send Action API. I don't know how that is supposed to help you. If you want a working example of that, you can see one here: Android: MobileFirst sending data from Native to cross page


React-admin | Easiest way to warn user of a newer available version

I have a react-admin app where we are making frequent changes.
Is there an existing plugin or a way to detect a new version of app and provide user with a toast to refresh the application so that they are working with latest version?
If not with react-admin, is anyone familiar with a way to do this easily with react?
I have found some manual way to do this in following places but I am asking here in case there is an existing package or a more elegant solution that I can leverage directly.
How to force update Single Page Application (SPA) pages?
Any help is appreciated even if its, nothing exist and I should just hand-roll.
Thanks for reading.
This is not the responsibility of React Admin to handle this kind of issue.
You can think of RA as a simple React component that helps you define an admin.
Hence, RA doesn't provide any helper to manage code update or something similar.
You have to implement this refresh system by hand, and your links are a good start for that.
With the serviceWorker you can do that :
But i don't know why in the demo the service worker is not used ?

af:inputfile drag and drop not supported in IE11

For one of our clients we are building a web application with oracle adf.
One of the requested features of this application is having a drag-and-drop file upload.
Fortunately the af:inputfile component supports this feature out of the box.
Unfortunately that feature is not supported in Internet Explorer 11, which we absolutely have to support.
Now I have been trying to get it to work using the dropzone.js library and the drag and drop functionality seems to be working. but I haven't been able to get the POST request to the ADF side of things quite right.
Even if I did it would be a lot of custom code that would have to be maintained, if it's the only way to make it work that is fine but if there is a more elegant solution to this I would like to know.
What you can do is to use ADF JavaScript APIs, more specifically AdfFileUploadManager(
You need to instantiate it by giving it the ADF Component reference, which that can be an af:inputFile with display="none"
Then you can utilise your DropZone or any other functionality and use addFileToQueue to send this information to server side and convert it to UploadedFile.

How to send http request and response in titanium alloy?

I have created a mobile app which contains the submit form. On click of submit I need hit the URL and pass the form values in the URL also need to get the response message. How can I do that? Can any one suggest some blogs or tutorials on the same.
Also I need to perform the above operation on Android, IOS and Windows platform. Is it possible to do above functionality on three platforms?
If any limitations on any platform, Please let me know.
Use this Link:-
Check it out:-
if you found any issue regarding this please let me know
Spartacus thanks :)

IBM Worklight - Can we create a custom dialog for Direct Update?

How can we use custom dialog box for direct update in worklight 6.0?
Is there any option in wlclient.js? I don't know where it should be customized in the application.
Worklight 6.0 does not provide developers the ability to create a "custom dialog box" for Direct Update.
You can submit a feature request:
So Idan already answered, but I did a lot of digging prior to his answer and I thought I'd share my findings just because I spent so much time on it.
Sifting through the code, through all the checks it does to see if a Direct Update is needed, it calls an update method for the app. It utilizes a Cordova plugin called 'WebResourcesDownloader'. In turn it calls the necessary native components and that's how you get a native handler for the downloader (it is in the worklight-android.jar for Android). So, long story short, you can't customize the box itself because its rendered via the plugin/native components and you can't modify the plugin directly (not that I know of at least).
However, you can at least update all the notification messages surrounding the update in the messages.js within the wlclient folders. =)

GCMRegistrar vs GoogleCloudMessaging which to use?

Another one of my stupid questions probably.
I am confused on which to use GCMRegistrar or GoogleCloudMessaging, i know that GCMRegistrar is deprecated and i want to use GoogleCloudMessaging API but the problem is i can't find the jar files for it. so if you could help me by giving me jar file for the new GoogleCloudMessaging API it would help me a lot.
Thanks in advance!!!
That's because GCM before was a library, now it's part of the Google Play Services. So to use it you will need to follow this tutorial and download and include the Google Play services on your project using this page
You are welcome :)
Yes gcm.jar is deprecated. But I didn't find good explanation "why"! GCMRegistrar was good helper class. When you look at its sources you'll find that it's almost the same as example code of (now preferred) GoogleCloudMessaging API. So Google wants everyone to write (or copy) again and again the same code into all projects using GCM? Or shall every developer create his/her own helper class, a GCMRegistrar alike?
On the other hand when I use Google Play Services library, I use a library with a lot of ballast I don't need, I need just GCM, I'm not interested in other services.
Why don't they create a library for each service? GCM, Maps, Ads, Wallet, ... so every developer can include only what he needs.
Google's approach is far from optimization. I want to create as small and fast apps as possible. Google obviously doesn't. :-(
gcm.jar is deprecated.
Use GoogleCloudMessaging. comes with GooglePlayServices Library.
SDK Manager > Extras > Google Play Services.
then import google play services library PROJECT : Right Click > Properties >Android > Add...
and the project is in C:...\sdk\extras\google\google_play_services\libproject\google-play-services_lib
UNCHECK "Is Library"