How to do backup restore zookeeper ensemble without exhibitor? - backup

Is there a stable solution to backup and restore zookeeper cluster without exhibitor by manually ?
There is no any documentation or any sample for this issue.

you can use utils like zktreeutil it's quite old but it save the whole tree and you can restore it later.
have a look here :


To sync the different environment what we should do data base refresh or package import

I am very new to RSA Archer and want to know about ..
To sync the different environment what we should do data base refresh or package import.
I guess it depends on how far out of sync your environments are... The further out of sync you should be looking at a full database "refresh".*. Otherwise you should generally develop in environment A and package to other environments and keep up that cycle.
*When I say refresh I mean take a backup of your 'updated' instance environment and then restore your 'out of sync' instance environment using that backup.
As "ArcherHero" said - you can clone your instance and configuration databases from one environment to another. This is the fastest way to sync environments. In fact per RSA internal team they sync their internal environments every 3 months (based on 2016 video they published).
You may not have an option to clone databases, in this case you can delete application/questionnaire and install the package from another environment. Don't forget to package the app/questionnaires referencing the module you deleted, roles and workspaces. In addition you need to move data feeds that use deleted module....
So cloning data bases is much faster...

RavenDB Database.Document file meaning

I want to restore my database on RavenDB from a backup. But take an error - Database.Document file is missing.
Can anyone explain me, what is this a file? Where can I get it?
This file is used to store the db settings for the database. For example, whatever incremental backup it on, what buffer size to use, etc.

Linking Redis database with a dump.rdb or dump.json file

Given a snapshot of an existing redis database in a dump.rdb (or in .json format) file, I want to restore this data in my own machine to run some tests on it.
Any pointers on how to do this would be greatly appreciated.
I have resorted to trying to parse the data in the dump.rdb and then save it in a redis DB manually. I feel like there is/should be a cleaner way.
If you want to restore the entire file, simply copy it to the right directory specified in redis.conf and restart redis server. But if you want to load a subset of keys/databases, you'd have to parse the dump file.
I continued doing it the "hacky" way and found that using the parser code found here: was a great help.
using the parser sample code i could:
1) set up a redis client
2) use the parser to parse the data
3) use the client to "set" parsed data into a new redis database.
the rdd tools can also do that,
it work independantly of .rdb files and dump/restore working redis instances
it can apply merge, split, rename, search, filter, insert, delete on dumps and/or redis

Storing Drupal SQL in Git

I have a drupal site, and I am storing the codebase in a git repository. This seems to be working out well, but I'm also making changes to the database. I'm considering doing periodic dumps of the database and committing to git. I had a few questions about this.
If I overwrite the file, will git think it is a brand new file or will it recognize that it is an altered version of the same file.
Will this potentialy make my repo huge (the database is 16mb)
Can I zip this file? or will this mess Git up ... the zipped version is only 3mb
Any other suggestions?
If you have enough space, a non-compressed dump in source control is pretty handy because you can compare using a diff program what rows were added/modified/deleted.
Another solution is to use the features module which is supposed to capture drupal config in code. It stores this captured data as a feature module which you can put into version control.
For my database applications, I store scripts of DDL statements (like CREATE TABLE) in some sort of version control system. These scripts sometimes include static "seed" data as well. All the version control systems I use are good at recognizing differences in these files, and they are much smaller than the full database with data.
For the dynamically-generated data, I store backups (e.g. from mysqldump) in an appropriate location (depending on the importance of the data, that may include offsite backups).
1) It's all text, so GIT will just see it as it would any other file.
2) No, due to the above it should add 16mb to the repo (or less, due to GITs own compression), it won't add a new file every time, just the changes, so the repo will change by the size of the additions to the repository
3) No, or GIT won't be able to see the differences - GIT does it's own compression anyway

How Can I Recover a .nfs file?

I have been working on an algorithm in Python, and I was using Vim to edit this file. I opened it up, did a save, and it came up with an Error something like it occasionally does:
As this happens occasionally, I did what I normally do, and I hit :q! to quit without writing any changes. No harm, no foul. When I looked at my file, everything had been erased! Everything!
I talked around the office, and it seems that the nfs mount was full, and so that was why I couldn't save anything. There was a huge script generating a ton of data, which caused the mount to be full temporarily. I believe the NFS mount is from NetApp. I found 2 files in my current directory.
One was last saved two days ago, and one was today. They are in the format of:
When I try to attempt to open up this file, I see some of my code, here and there, splattered among unknown characters. Apparently, this must be a binary representation of the state of the file.
Is there any way to recover this file from this NFS mount? If there is a shortcut to recover this file in Emacs, I will switch to Emacs from vim!
So, I did find a way to recover the file. I found two ways, in fact. Since it was on a NetApp NFS mount, I was able to use the snapshots feature. When you are in a directory just do
ls .snapshot
And this will pull up any snapshots that your system administrators have set. For us, we have an hourly.0, hourly.1, and nightly.0, and nightly.1 backups. So, we can go back two days, and in the same day, we can go back one hour (the current hour, and the previous).
The other way was to rename the file to a vim swap file like this.
mv my_vim_file.cpp.swp
vim my_vim_file.cpp.swp
Then attempt to open it up in Vim, and it should ask you if you want to Recover the swap file, say yes, and it should be back!
Apparently your Netapp uses NFS to mount its volumes (as opposed to iSCSI, for example). Generally, each VM is stored on a unique volume (aka datastore) on the Netapp filer. To find out the volumes and snapshots, and then restore a snapshot, here are the commands to execute at the command line:
# list all volumes, snapshots are taken of volumes
vol status
# list the snapshots available for a particular volume
snap list <vol_name>
# restore a snapshot, nightly.1 for example
snap restore <vol_name> nightly.1
That's it. All that's left is to turn the VM back on and see if you've restored far back enough. If not, then do another "snap restore" but with an older snapshot.
Note that this procedure assumes your administrator didn't disable snapshots (Netapp has a snapshot schedule by default) and that the Netapp is licensed for snaprestore (use the "license" command to verify). This procedure can further be simplified if you have the Netapp OnCommand System Manager, which is a GUI for managing the Netapp. Reverting a snapshot in the GUI is simple:
Go to Storage > Volumes > click on a volume > click on Snapshot Copies (at the bottom)
Choose a snapshot and restore