what is the user of ice-options in ICE Protocol? - webrtc

Why ICE options are used in the ICE protocol?
In RFC 5245 mentioned that, it is series of tokens that identify the options supported by the agent.
What type of options are supported by the agent?
By default it is google-ice or something else?
If it is not google-ice, how can I choose ice-options?

I think there is no standardized set of value for this option. It is not mandatory to use this option. You can choose to not include it in the SDP.

Before the SDP world had ICE, the C line used to show the Media Address where the RTP could be sent.
But this did not help in ICE / NAT Traversal cases where the private and public IP are different. And add to that the need to use a TURN server in the case of asymmetric NAT.
Hence ICE has a bunch of parameter and most significantly the
The Host tag shows the Private IP - Can be reached by Peers in local networks
The Srflx tag shows the Public IP - If possible accessible by the whole outside world unless behind NAT
The relay tag that has the TURN IP - Which will loopback the media in case of asymmetric NAT's
This is the significance of the different ICE Candidates. There are a few more parameters, but this is major enhancements to the original SDP


WebRTC: do we need a TURN server if one peer is always using Full Cone Or Address Restricted (but not Port Restricted) NAT?

I have been reading a bit about WebRTC, and I'm not getting why we need a Turn Server if only 1 peer is using Symmetric NAT, and the other is using neither Symmetric nor Port Restricted NAT, so let’s say A is using Full Cone NAT, B is using Symmetric NAT:
STUN SERVER will send the correct IP address of B to A, and the correct IP + Port address of A to B.
A tries to connect to B (now A will be able to accept messages from B since it’s in the Dest Address Column).
B tries to connect to A, which will allow requests from A going to B (ofc A needs to update the port to the one received from B instead of the Sdp).
am I missing something, or is this correct (and implemented), or is this too complicated to be implemented?
And if this is correct, then theoretically, if I’m peer A and I'm using Full Cone NAT, any peer B can connect to me (as long as I send the connection request first), without needing a TURN server.
If the symmetric NAT environment only changes the port, you would be correct with regarding connectivity to Full Cone NAT. The hole punching step would work.
But many enterprise and mobile environments have complex routing schemes and crazy network environments that are different from a legacy home network router. These environments aren't just a little router box that hooks up to a cable modem. It's a complex array of routers and load balancers using a bank of IP addresses. And each outbound connection might get an IP address different from a previous connection. So it's technically "symmetric NAT".
And so after a node within this environment obtains an external IP/port pair from a STUN server, subsequent sends to a peer address might change both both the port and the IP address as well.
As such, the NATs see completely different IP addresses than expected when the UDP packets arrive during the hole punching step. Hence, a relay address (TURN) is needed here.
This question is a little easier if you think in terms of Mapping/Filtering. The other NAT terms don't do a good job of describing how things actually work. My answer comes from RFC 4787 and WebRTC for the Curious: Connecting
Mapping is when your NAT allocates a IP/Port for an outbound packet. A remote peer can the send traffic to this mapping. Filtering are the rules around who can use these mappings.
Filtering and Mappings can then be address dependent and independent. If a mapping is address dependent it means a new mapping is created for each time you contact a new IP/Port. If a mapping is address independent it means it is re-used no matter where you send traffic. These same rules apply to filtering.
If one peer is address + filtering independent I don't believe a TURN server would provide a benefit.
If you want TCP connectivity deploying a TURN server is a good idea. Some WebRTC servers support TCP, but I don't believe any browsers generate passive TCP candidates.

WebRTC Identifying only Local Ice Candidates with Trickle Ice example without any stun servers

I am trying to bring up a in home peer to peer webrtc based chat system using webrtc data channel, When I try to get the Ice candidates using Create offer i observe that only once ice candidate which is local is created and the SDP string generated has ip address and mentioned.
I have added a data channel and created respective ice handlers before createOffer().
I tried to add media by getUsermedia() but i see only one ice candidate.
When I tried to check with Trickle Ice (https://webrtc.github.io/samples/src/content/peerconnection/trickle-ice/)
I see the same, i dont see any entry with my IP Address in it..
Because of this the other peer is not able to make the connection.
I am not using any websockets,but directly sharing sdp strings between peers using email, as i am trying to understand how it works.
As Ice servers are needed only nat traversal and my purpose is for in home chat, i dont want to add any STUN Or TURN Servers.
I see the below entry in Trickle Ice without any Ice Servers.
Time Component Type Foundation ProtocolAddress Port Priority
0.003 rtp host 1178812653 udp 31703155-6932-43d7-9d9b-44dda8daea28.local 58170 126 | 30 | 255
Any Help is appreciated
What Antonin said is exactly right. Here's a discuss-webrtc with more details.
A solution could be to either use the mDNS hostname candidates as-is, or to do a gUM call which will then make Chrome use the private IP address (the latter seems like a workaround, might break eventually). Somebody else might have a more definitive solution. Good luck!

Why WebRTC uses a candidate pair and not one IP + Port pair for bidirectional communication

I've been investigating the "internals" of WebRTC and have made significant progress so far. My javascript client app works flawlessly, I've setup STUN, TURN(s) and my peers are able to connect even when both are located in symmetric NAT environments.
When I was reading the IETF draft on ICE and NAT traversal, I assumed that non-relay connections are possible, when at least one of the peers is located in a non-symmetric NAT environment, where UDP hole punching is possible on the routing gateway.
While building a WebRTC-based file transfer service, I realized I need to detect in code, if the transfer is relayed. I started investigating the connection and transport properties and it turned out that the transfer is still defined with candidate pair, and not a single connection of a given type.
So on receiver's side, I have:
Local candidate type: srflx
Remote candidate type: relay
which I probably should consider as "when a receiver is being sent data" - a bound port on NAT is used (srflx), but when the receiver is sending data to the sender (remote endpoint) - it is relayed.
Is this a correct "reading" of a pair configuration? But what's more important, given that there is an srflx candidate in a selected pair, why is it still a pair, and not one bidirectional connection socket?
WebRTC is primarily UDP. Keep that in mind with regards to "connections".
So on receiver's side, I have:
Local candidate type: srflx
Remote candidate type: relay
What this means is that all communication is going through the TURN server address allocated by the remote peer. And their TURN server is forwarding to your srflx address - which is your public IP address (and port mapping) as obtained via STUN/TURN.
So if you are trying to detect if you using a relay, check both the local and remote.
They are called "candidate pairs", because ultimately the WebRTC/P2P connection is going to established with one address from your end and one address from the other end. Each candidate address on your side is attempting to ping an address on the remote side. Eventually both sides converge on a single "candidate pair" as the final route.
Does this help?

How does SDP in webrtc know candidate's ip?

Candidate attribute in a SDP provides connection address of the candidate. Which looks like this:
a=candidate:4022866446 1 udp 2113937151 36768 typ host
I want to know how does sdp collects information about my local ip.
It'd be great help if there's any specific webrtc code to look at. And, if it is possible to look at local IP, can sdp know my default gateway ?
WebRTC provides you some APIs. You can not see whats going on underneath. You call specific APIs and internally the SDK does its job which in this case gathering your ip information.
There are 3 types of candidates Host, Server Reflexive(public address) and relay address.
Host candidate is your interface address. The interface addresses are gathered through some system API calls and also a socket is created and bound for each interface to get the port.
As WebRTC internally uses ICE, STUN and TURN protocol, the server reflexive and relay candidate gathering has specific rule to follow.
To gather Server Reflexive candidate(NAT's public IP:Port) internally a STUN message is sent to STUN server and the response message contains mapped/XOR mapped address. This how your server reflexive address is gathered.
To gather Relay candidate a TURN allocate request is sent to TURN server and the response message contains relay address. TURN message response contains the server reflexive address also. So if you have TURN server then you don't need STUN server.
I dont think there are WebRTC APIs that can help you with this.
You dont need WebRTC for finding out your default gateway. You can programmatically find that out by yourself. There are some system calls which will give your devices routing table entries. Or in some platform you need to read a specific configuration file to get those entries. You can parse these entries to find out the default gateway. See the following questions fie some examples.
How to get the WIFI gateway address on the iPhone?
Default Gateway in C on Linux
Whenever you create a PeerConnection object, it collects all the possible ice candidates( addresses through which the remote peer could reach you), you have to gather them using PeerConnection.onicecandiate event handler and pass them on the remote peer through signalling server.
Some of these candidates would reflect on the locally generated sdp, they are not mandatory part of the sdp, the main purpose of the sdp is to describe the mediasteam you are sharing.
It s called "ice gathering" and it s done internally in the browsers.
The browser does NOT know about your gateway, but if you use a STUN server, it will know your public IP.

Is STUN server absolutely necessary for webrtc when I have a socket.io based signaling server?

My understanding about STUN server for webrtc is that when the clients are behind the NAT (in most cases, if not all), the STUN server will help the webrtc clients to identify their addresses and ports. And I also read some article saying that a signaling server is needed for webrtc clients. The signaling server could be a web server, socket.io, or even emailing a url. My first question would be: is the STUN server the signaling server?
Actually now I built a very simple socket.io based service which broadcasts client's session descriptions to all other clients. So I believe the socket.io based server should have enough knowledge about the clients' addresses and ports information. If this is the case, why do we bother to have another STUN server?
The STUN server is NOT the signalling server.
The purpose of the signalling server is to pass information between the peers at the start up of the session(how can they send an offer without knowing who to send to?). This information includes the SDPs that are created on the offers and the answers and also any Ice Candidates that are created by either party.
The reason to have a STUN server is so that the two peers can send the media to each other. The media streams will not hit your signalling server but instead will go straight to the other party(the definition of a peer-to-peer connection), the exception to this would be the case when a TURN server is used.
Media cannot magically go through a NAT or a firewall because the two parties do not have direct access to each other(like they would if they were on the same LAN).
In short STUN server is needed the large majority of the time when the two parties are not on the same network(to get valid connection candidates for peer-to-peer media streaming) and a signalling server is ALWAYS needed(whether they are on different networks or not) so that the negotiation and connection build up can take place. Good explanation of the connection and streaming process
STUN is used to implement the ICE protocol, which tries to find a working network path between the two clients. ICE will also use TURN relay servers (if configured in the RTCPeerConnection) for cases where the two clients (due to NAT/Firewall restrictions) can't make a direct peer-to-peer connection.
STUN servers are used to identify the external address used by the computer on the internet (the outside-the-NAT address) and to attempt to set up a port mapping usable by the peer (if the NAT isn't "symmetric") -- contacting the STUN server will tell you the external IP and port to try to use in ICE. These are the ICE candidates included in the SDP or in the trickle-ICE messages.
For almost-guaranteed connectivity, a server should have TURN servers (preferably supporting UDP and TCP TURN, though UDP is far preferred). Note that unlike STUN, TURN can use appreciable bandwidth, and so can cost money to host. Luckily, most connections succeed without needing to use a TURN server (i.e. they run peer-to-peer)
NAT(Network Address Transformation) is used to translate "Private IP', which is valid only in LAN into "Public IP" which is valid in WAN.
The problem is that "Public IP" is only visible from outside, so we need STUN or TURN server to send back "Public IP" to you.
This process enables a WebRTC peer to get a publicly accessible address for itself, and then pass that on to another peer via a signaling mechanism
A STUN server is used to get an external network address.
TURN servers are used to relay traffic if direct (peer to peer) connection fails.
for more you can also refer from below link: https://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/webrtc/infrastructure/#what-is-signaling
In your case, you need STUN. Most clients will be behind NAT, so you need STUN to get the clients public IP. But if both your clients were not behind NAT, then you wouldn't need STUN. More generally, no, a STUN server is not strictly required. I know this because I successfully connected 2 WebRTC peers without a stun server. I used the example code from aiortc, a python WebRTC/ ORTC library where both clients were running locally on my laptop. The signalling channel used my manual copy-pasting. I literally copied the SD (session description) from the one peer to the other. Then, copied the SD from the 2nd peer to the 1st peer once again.
From the ICE RFC (RFC8445), which WebRTC uses
An ICE agent SHOULD gather server-reflexive and relayed candidates.
However, use of STUN and TURN servers may be unnecessary in certain
networks and use of TURN servers may be expensive, so some
deployments may elect not to use them.
It's not clear that STUN is a requirement for ICE, but the above says it may be unnecessary.
However, signalling has nothing to do with it. This question actually stems from not understanding what STUN does, and how STUN interplays with signalling. I would argue the other 3 answers here do not actually answer these 2 concerns.
Pre-requisite: Understand the basic concepts of NAT. STUN is a tool to go around NAT, so you have to understand it.
Signalling: Briefly, in WebRTC you need to implement your own signalling strategy. You can manually type the local session description created by one peer in the other peer, use WebSockets, socket.io, or any other methods (I saw a joke that smoke signals can be used, but how are you going to pass the following session description (aka. SDP message) through a smoke signal...). Again, I copy pasted something very similar to below:
o=alice 2890844526 2890844526 IN IP4 host.anywhere.com
c=IN IP4 host.anywhere.com
t=0 0
m=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 0
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
m=video 51372 RTP/AVP 31
a=rtpmap:31 H261/90000
m=video 53000 RTP/AVP 32
a=rtpmap:32 MPV/90000
When both peers are not behind NAT, you don't need a STUN server, as the IP addresses located in the session description (the c= field above, known as connection data) generated by each peer would be enough for each peer to send datagrams or packets to each other. In the example above, they've provided the domain name instead of IP address, host.anywhere.com, but this can be resolved to an A record. (Study DNS for more information).
Why don't you need a STUN server in this case? From RFC8445:
There are different types of candidates; some are derived from physical or logical network interfaces, and others are discoverable via STUN and TURN.
If you're not using NAT, the client already knows the IP address which peers can directly address, so the additional ICE candidates that STUN would generate would not be helpful (it would just give you the same IP address you already know about).
But when a client is behind a NAT, the IP they think they won't help a peer contact them. Its like telling you my ip address is, it really is, but its my private IP. The NAT might be on the router, and your client may have no way of asking for the public IP. So STUN is a tool for dealing with this. Specifically,
It provides a means for an endpoint to determine the IP address and port allocated by a NAT that corresponds to its private IP address and port.
STUN basically lets the client find out what the IP address. If you were hosting a Call of Duty server from your laptop, and port forwarded a port to your machine in the router settings, you still had to look up your public IP address from a website like https://whatismyipaddress.com/. STUN lets a client do this for itself, without you accessing a browser.
Finally, how does STUN interplay with signalling?
The ICE candidates are generated locally and with the help of STUN (to get client public IP addresses when they're behind NAT) and even TURN. Session descriptions are sent to the peer using the signalling channel. If you don't use STUN, you might find that the ICE candidates generated that is tried by ICE all fail, and a connection (other than the signalling channel) does not successfully get created.