How to export query to file - sql

I need export a query to a file. I'm trying with
FROM dfs.ff.`filea.json` A
LEFT JOIN dfs.ff.`fileb.json` B ON (A.quote = B.quote)
STORED AS TEXTFILE LOCATION dfs.ff.`result.csv`;
But throws me a error

Use BCP utility
bcp "SELECT A.*
FROM dfs.ff.`filea.json` A
LEFT JOIN dfs.ff.`fileb.json` B ON (A.quote = B.quote)
WHERE B.C IS NULL" queryout "D:\MyTable.csv" -c -t , -S SERVERNAME -T
The -c argument specifies character output, as opposed to SQL's native binary format; this defaults to tab-separated values, but -t , changes the field terminator to commas. -T specifies Windows authentication ("trusted connection"), otherwise use -U MyUserName -P MyPassword.
This doesn't export column headers by default. You need to use a UNION ALL for headers
FROM dfs.ff.`filea.json` A
LEFT JOIN dfs.ff.`fileb.json` B ON (A.quote = B.quote)
-s "," -o "D:\MyData.csv"

Use the Drill shell command !record to record all output to a specified file.

Use CTAS for the purpose. Don't forget to define store.format (default is parquet). Doc ref:


How to pass unix variable in where condition of query?

I have a file whose filename I am storing in a shell variable and I wish to pass that variable in the WHERE condition of my SQL select query. How can I achieve this ?
my code
cd /path/to/folder
var =$(ls tail)
id_var=$(echo "$var" | cut -f 1 -d '.')
sqlplus -s user/pwd#db < mysql.sql > output.txt
cat mysql.sql
select * from Records where "GlobalId"='$id_var'
From this answer:
cd /path/to/folder
var =$(ls tail)
id_var=$(echo "$var" | cut -f 1 -d '.')
sqlplus -s user/pwd#db #mysql.sql "${id_var}" > output.txt
Then in mysql.sql use &1 to substitute the first start argument:
select * from Records where "GlobalId"='&1'
Note: &1 is a substitution variable (and not a bind variable) so you will need to make sure that the value passed in does not perform any SQL injection attacks.
You can export the variable
export id_var
Then use envsubst command
envsubst < mysql.sql
This will substitute your variable.

export data from db2 from all tables in N schemas into CSV with column names

I'm trying to export a bunch of DB2 tables to CSV, with column names. I don't see any straight forward way to do this. I followed this to get the data I want. But I have to execute that over hundreds of tables. Is there a way to dynamically get all the columns and tables given N schema names?
I also tried this which exports all tables to csv in a schema but this doesn't give me column names. So if someone could show me show to change this script to get column names in the CSVs my work is done.
The server is running: Red Hat Linux Server.
Using files
The following db2 command generates the export script:
export to exp.sql of del modified by nochardel
x'0a'||'export to file_header of del modified by nochardel VALUES '''||columns||''''
||x'0a'||'export to file_data of del messages messages.msg select '||columns||' from '||tabname_full
||x'0a'||'! cat file_header file_data > '||tabname_full||'.csv'
select rtrim(c.tabschema)||'.'||c.tabname as tabname_full, listagg(c.colname, ', ') as columns
from syscat.tables t
join syscat.columns c on c.tabschema=t.tabschema and c.tabname=t.tabname
where t.tabschema='SYSIBM' and t.type='T'
group by c.tabschema, c.tabname
--fetch first 10 row only
It's better to place the command above to some file like gen_exp.sql and run it to produce the export script:
db2 -tf gen_exp.sql
The export script exp.sql consists of 3 commands for each table:
* db2 export command to get a comma separated list of columns
* db2 export command to get table data
* concatenation command to collect both outputs above to a single file
You run this script as follows:
db2 -vf exp.sql -z exp.sql.log
Using pipe
export to of del modified by nochardel
x'0a'||'echo "'||columns||'" > '||filename
||x'0a'||'db2 "export to pipe_data of del messages messages.msg select '||columns||' from '||tabname_full||'" >/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null &'
||x'0a'||'cat pipe_data >> '||filename
rtrim(c.tabschema)||'.'||c.tabname as tabname_full
, rtrim(c.tabschema)||'.'||c.tabname||'.csv' as filename
, listagg(c.colname, ', ') as columns
from syscat.tables t
join syscat.columns c on c.tabschema=t.tabschema and c.tabname=t.tabname
where t.tabschema='SYSIBM' and t.type='T'
group by c.tabschema, c.tabname
--fetch first 10 row only
Run it as follows:
db2 -tf gen_exp_sh.sql
The export shell script consists of 3 commands for each table:
* echo command to write a comma separated list of columns to a file
* db2 export command to get table data to a pipe (started in a background)
* simple cat command to read from the pipe and add data to the same file with the columns list
You must create the pipe first and source (dot space script notation - it's important) the export script afterwards:
mkfifo pipe_data
db2 connect to mydb ...
. ./
rm -f pipe_data
Try to use this great tool: It's universal and you may transfer data between any type of database motors.

query errors out if ran from shell script

I can run this query fine
SELECT * FROM db.table WHERE UPPER(executing) = 'TRUE';
Unless I run it from bash shell script. I get this error
bash -c 'impala-shell -k -q "CREATE TABLE db.table1 STORED AS PARQUET as
SELECT * FROM db.table WHERE UPPER(executing) = 'TRUE';"'
ERROR: AnalysisException: operands of type STRING and BOOLEAN are not
comparable: upper(executing) = TRUE
I have tried using double quotes, no quotes and lower case with no luck
Single quotes cannot be included in a single-quoted string in shell. The single quotes around TRUE aren't included in the SQL command passed to impala-shell; the first closes the initial ', and the second starts a new quoted string, so your script is equivalent to
bash -c "impala-shell -k -q \"CREATE TABLE db.table1 STORED AS PARQUET as
SELECT * from db.table WHERE UPPER(executing) = TRUE;\""
One solution is to use double quotes as I have above, which allow you to include the single quotes that SQL requires.
bash -c "impala-shell -k -q \"CREATE TABLE db.table1 STORED AS PARQUET as
SELECT * from db.table WHERE UPPER(executing) = 'TRUE';\""
Alternatively, use $'...' to quote the argument to -c, in which case you can include properly escaped single quotes in the string.
bash -c $'impala-shell -k -q "CREATE TABLE db.table1 STORED AS PARQUET as
SELECT * from db.table WHERE UPPER(executing) = \'TRUE\';"'
However it's not clear why you are using bash -c at all instead of just running impala-shell directly as:
impala-shell -k -q "CREATE ... WHERE UPPER(executing) = 'TRUE';"

How to pass parameter into SQL file from UNIX script?

I'm looking to pass in a parameter into a SQL file from my UNIX script. Unfortunately having problems with it.
Please see UNIX script below:
# Functions
_usage() {
-eq 1 -o "$1" = "" -o "$1" = help -o "$1" = Help -o "$1" = HELP ]; then
echo "Usage: $SCRIPT_NAME [ cCode ]"
echo " - For example : $SCRIPT_NAME GH\n"
exit 1
_initialise() {
echo $cCode
# Set Variables
_usage $#
_initialise $1
# Main Processing
sql $DBNAME < test.sql $cCode > $PVNUM_LOGFILE
# Check for errors within log file
if [[ $RETCODE != 0 ]] || grep 'E_' $PVNUM_LOGFILE
echo "Error - 50 - running test.sql. Please see $PVNUM_LOGFILE"
exit 50
Please see SQL script (test.sql):
FROM data_latest v1
JOIN temp_table t
ON v1.number =
WHERE v1.code = '&1'
The error I am receiving when running my UNIX script is:
INGRES TERMINAL MONITOR Copyright 2008 Ingres Corporation
E_US0022 Either the flag format or one of the flags is incorrect,
or the parameters are not in proper order.
Anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong?
NOTE: While I don't work with the sql command, I do routinely pass UNIX parameters into SQL template/script files when using the isql command line tool, so fwiw ...
The first thing you'll want to do is replace the &1 string with the value in the cCode variable; one typical method is to use sed to do a global search and replace of &1 with ${cCode} , eg:
$ cCode=XYZ
$ sed "s/\&1/${cCode}/g" test.sql
FROM data_latest v1
JOIN temp_table t
ON v1.number =
WHERE v1.code = 'XYZ' <=== &1 replaced with XYZ
NOTE: You'll need to wrap the sed code in double quotes so that the value of the cCode variable can be referenced.
Now, to get this passed into sql there are a couple options ... capture the sed output to a new file and submit that file to sql or ... [and I'm guessing this is doable with sql], pipe the sed output into sql, eg:
sed "s/\&1/${cCode}/g" test.sql | sql $DBNAME > $PVNUM_LOGFILE
You may need '\p\g' around your SQL in the text file?
I personally tend to code in the SQL to the script itself, as in
sql $db <<_END_ > $OUTLOG
set autocommit on;
set lockmode session where readlock = nolock;
FROM table
WHERE date > '${var}' ;
exit 0

Print variable with each line of while-read command

I'm trying to set up a monitoring script that would take all the databases we have, showed tables and done some arithmetics on it.
I have this command:
impala-shell -i impalad -q " show databases;" -B | while read a; do impala-shell -q "show tables in ${a}" -B -i impalad; done
That produces following output:
Query: show tables in database1
How should I format the output to display the database name($a) with each table? I tried echoing it or || but this only prints the database name after displaying all the tables. Or is there a way how to pass the variable to awk?
Desired output would look like this:
It looks like the output of the show tables ... command will have a 1-line header, followed by the list of table names.
You could skip the first line by piping to tail -n +2,
and then use another while loop to echo the database name and table name pairs in the desired format:
impala-shell -i impalad -q " show databases;" -B | while read a; do
impala-shell -q "show tables in ${a}" -B -i impalad | tail -n +2 | while read table; do
echo $a.$table
You could also do
impala-shell -q ... | awk -v db="$a" 'NR > 1 {print db "." $0}'