Domain for one2many not working Odoo - odoo

In my module I want to filter one2many records based on current date.
This is my xml code
<field name="record_ids" domain="[('end_date', '>', cur_date)]">
<tree string="records_tree">
<field name="record_id"/>
<field name="record"/>
<field name="start_date"/>
<field name="end_date"/>
cur_date is a functional field I added to get current date.
My problem is records are not filtered in the view. Also it doesn't show any error message

you are define the domain in the XML file .
so this domain it's not work .
please define in the .py file .
For Example :
'record_ids':fields.one2many('model_name','model_id','Record',domain=[('end_date', '>=', 'cur_date')])
here the cur_date you need to define one function field which show the current date.
So Please check this may be it's help full to you :).

I also faced this problem, and the solution is put domain in .py file, in .xml domain is not working properly.
import_transaction_log_ids = fields.One2many(comodel_name = 'transaction.log','sale_order_id', string = 'Import Transaction Log',domain=[('operation_type','=','import')])
in example operation_type field is in transaction.log model.

Write domain in end_date field, like this:
<field name="record_ids" >
<tree string="records_tree">
<field name="record_id"/>
<field name="record"/>
<field name="start_date"/>
<field name="end_date" domain="[('end_date', '>', cur_date)]"/>
i think it will help you..

you can pass only those field in domain those are store in Database.
So in that case cur_date is not store in Database.
Then also you need to pass into domain so you need to store cur_date field from py.

first of all, one2many fields are not for selection purpose. We can create the new records or update the existing records in one2many field. so we cannot apply domain to a one2many field.
eg: sale_order_line field in sale.order
moreover one2many fields, functional_fields [**if store=True not specified ] wont store in the table.
Many2one or Many2Many are used for selecting the records [ as well as creating new ones ], so here we can apply domain and we can restrict the user to select some type of records
eg: Many2one- product_id field in sale.order.line
many2many - user_ids field in res.users
So, in order to get your task, try many2many and apply domain, then the records will be filtered

domain contains 'field name' 'expression' 'value'.
instead of value you given a field
<field name="record_ids" domain="[('field', 'expression', value)]">

Add it in python:
xn_cutting_ids = fields.One2many('', 'bom_id', 'Cutting Lines', domain=lambda self:[('xn_stage','=','cut')])
Use domain = lambda else there is a chance of error while using string values in domain.
Here xn_stage is in model.

On Odoo V11
Define a function that returns a domain in the one2many field definition.
class GroupContract(models.Model):
_name = 'group.contract'
def _domain_move_ids(self):
"""Odoo default domain for many2one field is [('contract_id', '=',].
This function adds new criteria according to your needs"""
res = []
if len(self) == 1: # do not compute in tree view
ids = self.env['stock.move'].search([
('state', '=', 'done'),
('date', '>=', self.start_date),
('date', '<=', self.end_date)
]).ids # choose your own criteria
res = [('id', 'in', ids)]
return res
start_date = fields.Date(string="Start date", required=True)
end_date = fields.Date(string="End date", required=True)
move_ids = fields.One2many(comodel_name='stock.move', inverse_name='contract_id', string="Moves",
domain=lambda self: self._domain_move_ids())


How to conditionally hide rows in One2Many field tree in a form view? [duplicate]

In my module I want to filter one2many records based on current date.
This is my xml code
<field name="record_ids" domain="[('end_date', '>', cur_date)]">
<tree string="records_tree">
<field name="record_id"/>
<field name="record"/>
<field name="start_date"/>
<field name="end_date"/>
cur_date is a functional field I added to get current date.
My problem is records are not filtered in the view. Also it doesn't show any error message
you are define the domain in the XML file .
so this domain it's not work .
please define in the .py file .
For Example :
'record_ids':fields.one2many('model_name','model_id','Record',domain=[('end_date', '>=', 'cur_date')])
here the cur_date you need to define one function field which show the current date.
So Please check this may be it's help full to you :).
I also faced this problem, and the solution is put domain in .py file, in .xml domain is not working properly.
import_transaction_log_ids = fields.One2many(comodel_name = 'transaction.log','sale_order_id', string = 'Import Transaction Log',domain=[('operation_type','=','import')])
in example operation_type field is in transaction.log model.
Write domain in end_date field, like this:
<field name="record_ids" >
<tree string="records_tree">
<field name="record_id"/>
<field name="record"/>
<field name="start_date"/>
<field name="end_date" domain="[('end_date', '>', cur_date)]"/>
i think it will help you..
you can pass only those field in domain those are store in Database.
So in that case cur_date is not store in Database.
Then also you need to pass into domain so you need to store cur_date field from py.
first of all, one2many fields are not for selection purpose. We can create the new records or update the existing records in one2many field. so we cannot apply domain to a one2many field.
eg: sale_order_line field in sale.order
moreover one2many fields, functional_fields [**if store=True not specified ] wont store in the table.
Many2one or Many2Many are used for selecting the records [ as well as creating new ones ], so here we can apply domain and we can restrict the user to select some type of records
eg: Many2one- product_id field in sale.order.line
many2many - user_ids field in res.users
So, in order to get your task, try many2many and apply domain, then the records will be filtered
domain contains 'field name' 'expression' 'value'.
instead of value you given a field
<field name="record_ids" domain="[('field', 'expression', value)]">
Add it in python:
xn_cutting_ids = fields.One2many('', 'bom_id', 'Cutting Lines', domain=lambda self:[('xn_stage','=','cut')])
Use domain = lambda else there is a chance of error while using string values in domain.
Here xn_stage is in model.
On Odoo V11
Define a function that returns a domain in the one2many field definition.
class GroupContract(models.Model):
_name = 'group.contract'
def _domain_move_ids(self):
"""Odoo default domain for many2one field is [('contract_id', '=',].
This function adds new criteria according to your needs"""
res = []
if len(self) == 1: # do not compute in tree view
ids = self.env['stock.move'].search([
('state', '=', 'done'),
('date', '>=', self.start_date),
('date', '<=', self.end_date)
]).ids # choose your own criteria
res = [('id', 'in', ids)]
return res
start_date = fields.Date(string="Start date", required=True)
end_date = fields.Date(string="End date", required=True)
move_ids = fields.One2many(comodel_name='stock.move', inverse_name='contract_id', string="Moves",
domain=lambda self: self._domain_move_ids())

i have a many2many table,But i need to give domain as only the partner's record in the model needs to be shown in the many2many table

class HealthProfileInherit(models.Model):
_inherit = 'health.profile'
health_profile_health_test_id = fields.Many2many('health.test',
string ='Laboratory Test')
this the field connecting the 2 tables, how will give domain here? Do I wanna write a function or can give domain inside the field?
The following domain:
domain="[('partner_id', '=', partner_id)]"
will filter records shown in the popup list after you click on the add item button link. only the test records with the profile partner will be visible.
String domains are supposed to be dynamic and evaluated on the client-side only.
By default, users can create records from the popup list and they can select any partner in the partner_id field.
If you want to disable the creation option from the popup list use the no_create option:
options="{'no_create': True}"
If you want to keep the create button and force users to select the profile partner, you can create a new form for the health.test model and set the partner field invisible then pass the default partner value in context and force the many2many field to use that form.
<field name="health_profile_health_test_id"
domain="[('partner_id', '=', partner_id)]"
context="{'form_view_ref': 'module_name.health_test_form', 'default_partner_id': partner_id}"/>
Remember that the form view with the lowest priority will be used as the default form view (The default priority value is 16):
<record id="health_test_form" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">health.test Form</field>
<field name="model">health.test</field>
<field name="priority" eval="20"/>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<field name="partner_id" invisible="True"/>
String domains are dynamic and evaluated in client-side, for example the "[('partner_id', '=', partner_id)]" string domain will be evaluated to [('partner_id', '=', 26)] and if the list has already selected records, the records will be excluded using ['!', ['id', 'in', list_of_ids]].
But when passing the domain as a list with the many2one field reference, the value will be of type Many2one and the server should raise a RecursionError when trying to get field attributes (tested in v12, v13).
If you look in the Odoo source code you will find many examples using a list domain but with simple values like booleans, strings, etc.

Issue with editing Odoo 11 One2many computed field

When I edit a record from this field (code below), it doesn't save for some reason. It's a computed field, linking to res.partner records. If I edit it and click save, it doesn't save at all (no changes in the database and/or if I hard refresh the page). Does someone see something here that I'm missing? If I can't edit it via what I'm expecting, is there another way to do this? The reason I do a computed field and not a domain on child_ids is because child_ids field with a domain doesn't seem to work properly with this domain.
contact_ids = fields.One2many(comodel_name='res.partner', compute="_get_contact_ids", readonly=False)
def _get_contact_ids(self):
for company in self:
if company.child_ids:
company.contact_ids =[('is_location', '=', False), ('parent_id', '=',, ('type', '=', 'contact')])
<field name="contact_ids" string="Contacts">
<tree create="true" delete="false" edit="true" default_order="create_date">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="phone"/>
<field name="email"/>
Added this per ideas, but it didn't work. Keep in mind, this is on a model that inherits res.partner.
activity_contact_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', string="Contact")
contact_ids = fields.One2many(
Computed fields in Odoo are not stored by default, you need to set store=True in order to save the fields to database.
contact_ids = fields.One2many(comodel_name='res.partner', compute="_get_contact_ids", stored=True, readonly=False)
To store a one2many value in database you need the inverse_name on the other model.
I mean that you need to create a many2one field to save the id of the current record
in the co_model. (o2m needs m2o you cannot store the values without m2o !! remember this role)
don't use one2many field use many2many field it is better.
contact_ids = fields.Many2many(comodel_name='res.partner',
relation="your_model_res_partner_rel", # always mention the name of the relation good practice
column1 = "you_mode_id",
column2 = "partner_id",
store=True) # make your field stored no need for readonly it's by default
def _get_contact_ids(self):
""" always explain what the method do here good practice for team work"""
for company in self:
if company.child_ids:
# break you line when it's to long to be readable
ids =[('is_location', '=', False),
('parent_id', '=',,
('type', '=', 'contact')]).ids
company.contact_ids = [(6, False, ids)] # replace all records by the new ids

How to allow only create option in many2one field

How can I hide all the items from the many2one field. I want to allow the user only to create a new payment term.
We have this code in account module in
class AccountInvoice(models.Model):
_name = "account.invoice"
payment_term_id = fields.Many2one('account.payment.term',
string='Payment Terms',
states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]})
In account_invoice_view.xml we have:
<field name="payment_term_id"
options="{'no_create': True}"
attrs="{'invisible': [('payment_term_id','=',False)]}"/>
I tried this code {'no_open':True} but it didn't work.
If you want to hide all the elements on the list try adding a domain that is always False:
<field name="id" />
<field name="payment_term_id"
domain="[('id', '=', -1)]"
attrs="{'invisible': [('payment_term_id','=',False)]}"/>
With options="{'no_create': True}" you get the opposite of what you want if I understood well
I think you going to find this solution good for you:
what is suggest is add a field to your model this field is many2many field
contains the list of payment_term_id that are created in the current record.
# this field is for technical purpose
create_payment_terms_ids = fields.Many2many(co_model='account.payment.term',
column1= 'invoice_id',
column2= 'paymen_id',
string='Created payment terms')
After this use onchange method to keep track of created payments and add the new
Payment terms to this field
def onchange_payment_terms(self):
""" keep track of created payment from the current
invoice and show only them in drop down list."""
if self.payment_term_id:
# keep list of old ids here
payment_ids = self.create_payment_terms_ids and self.create_payment_terms_ids.ids or []
# check if list payment is empty this means that this is the first created payment
# second check if the selected payment is a new payment that is created
# if one of the two is true add the selected value to the list of payment
if not self.create_payment_terms_ids or not in payment_ids:
self.create_payment_terms_ids = [(4,]
# if list is not empty we change the domain to show only payment that exist in the list
# else we use a special domain to show empty set.
domain = payment_ids and [('payment_term_id', 'in', payment_ids)] or [('id', '=', -1)]
return {'domain': {'payment_term_id': domain}}
In your view add the new field with visible = "1" you don't the user to see it's value.
you need to put it in the view because you need it's value in onchange event if you don't put it your many2many field will always be empty.
<field name="create_payment_terms_ids" invisible="1"/>
and remove options="{'no_create':False}" this will remove the create and edit option in the drop down and you don't want that.
Note: when you are in development remove invisible="1" to see if the many2many field contains the list of payment that you have

Filter in Many2one

I need Many2one field only show names that are in a specific group.
For example:
show all members from group purchase_managers in drop down.
Please help me =)
I have
assigned_to = fields.Many2one('res.users', 'Approver',
<field name="assigned_to"
attrs="{'readonly': [('is_editable','=', False)]}"/>
We can handle it in .py file with domain attribute.
domain=[('field_name', 'operator', value)])
Try with following code:
assigned_to = fields.Many2one('res.users', 'Approver',
track_visibility='onchange', domain=[('is_editable', '=', True)])
It will load data which User has is_editable checked.
Use domain attribute in the view:
<field name="assigned_to" domain="[('is_editable','=', True)]" />