Integrating PyCharm 4.5.3 with Asana - authentication

Does anyone know how to integrate tasks from PyCharm CE 4.5.3 with Asana? There is an integration plugin (actually pre-configured generic REST API plugin) available.
I followed documentation on generating the API key but PyCharm returns "unauthorized" error all the time.
API from within valid web browser session works OK:
Project ID can be retrieved using GET on
Similar for issues:

The Project ID is most easily found in the URL of your project when using the web interface:{PROJECT_ID}/list. This is the first URL which you should see if you simply go to and are already logged. This number does not match what's found in this other SO question, but it works with API calls such as pointing your browser to{PROJECT_ID}/tasks?assignee=me
Using the URL in your first bullet will get the workspace ID which is not the same as the Project ID it seems.
Now, click on your user icon in the top right then:
My Profile Settings
Apps tab
API Key...
Copy your API key (or generate one first if you need) and then paste it into PyCharm as the Username for your Task Server. Paste in the PROJECT_ID from above and leave the password blank.
Doing the above worked for me on OS X Pycharm 4.5.3


How test an app link to an instant app as a closed test

I have tested successfully a debug version of an instant app that is called by an app link, e.g., https://domain/?q=1234567. I have created a release version and signed it with a "Create new" key. Upload to a new Closed Testing release fails, however, because the Bundle is signed "with the wrong key".
What am I doing wrong in trying to test a release version without Publishing publicly? Do I have to go forward to Publish and rely on my previous debug testing of the app link or is there a way to verify the app link operation in closed testing?"
It took a lot of digging, but I found the answer here:
It is the documentation for "Create and edit run/debug configurations".
It says:
URL - Launch a URL that matches an intent filter in your app's
manifest. When selected, the URL field appears below, where you can
enter the URL.
You must fill in this field to launch an Android Instant App. You may
also use this to test your Android App Links.
This confirms that my successful testing of my app link to initiate my instant app proves it will work in release form when it is published.

How to deploy an update to an already released Google Workspace Addon?

I have a functioning Google Sheets Add-on that is listed in the Google Workspace Marketplace. I've made changes in the new Apps Script Editor and tested them locally, now I want to push them to my users.
The process as I understand it, to press "New Deployment"
add a description and press "deploy"
after which I copy the "Deployment ID" into the Google Workspace Marketplace SDK page,
and hit SAVE in the bottom.
It's been a few hours and I still cannot see it being live.
Is there a review process for updates like this? Or am I missing a step?
The previous version is still being served to users as far as I can tell.
Update in response to the comment from #ziganotschka
I am making a Google Sheets Editor Addon, and I'm only now understanding the difference between that and the Google Workspace Addon. I've resubmitted my store listing for review with Google Workspace Addon disabled, and removed the "Common" part of my manifest. I've updated the "version" number to correspond to the latest deployment.
Is it not possible to test a Sheets Editor Addon from the new editor without deploying it as a Workspace Addon? And should updating the version number be sufficient to roll out an update?
From the question
Is it not possible to test a Sheets Editor Addon from the new editor without deploying it as a Workspace Addon?
It depends on what kind of test do you want to do, if your Apps Script project is bounded or a standalone project and what do you Editor add-on does and how it does that.
I.E. you might test a simple edit trigger (onEdit) by using a function for mocking the edit event object and passing it to the onEdit function. To be clear this doesn't need to create a new version and for testing and add-on it's not necessary to make a new deployment.
And should updating the version number be sufficient to roll out an update?
It depends on if the Cloud project OAuth consent screen was set for external use or for internal use, in the new version requires new scopes.
Let say that you fixed typo on a variable name, in this case only creating a new version and adding the version number to the add-on configuration page will be enough, but if you added a sensitive API and you add-on is set for external use, then you will have to update the OAuth consent screen and wait for Google review and approval.

I cannot edit http files or use the http client on IntelliJ, how can I resolve this?

I am trying to learn Spring Boot and as part of this I need to send http requests to test the functionality of the API I have created.
When following along with this video, the teacher had an 'actions for URL' selection which I do not see in my own editor. Note that the point in the video I linked shows this.
After updating (to IDEA 2021.1) and restarting I still could not see this option.
I tried to create my own .http file, but am not able to work with this type of file.
After more research I found that I should have a plugin called 'http client' installed by default. I cannot find this in my installed plugins or by searching through the marketplace.
When downloading and installing manually (from here), I now get this error which I cannot resolve.
Please can someone give me a pointer to get this plugin working.
I assume you're using the Community Edition, so it probably doesn't have it since according to the JetBrains blog, HTTP Client is built-in on the Ultimate Edition.
You can also check the zip file for the plugin here.

Trying to enable my apps script bot for whole domain

I am trying to enable my bot for "Everyone in your own domain". An getting this error.
If I enable it via "Specific people and group in your domain" - it works.
Does anybody have an idea what I missed?
When using the HEAD deployment, Apps script bots cannot be shared across an entire domain.
Though subtle, it is mentioned in the docs at
Image of description here
To fix this you can just create a new deployment and it should run just fine.
Go back to your Apps Script project
Click on Publish > Deploy from Manifiest
Click "Create"
Use the new Deployment ID for your project.

How to create an auto updater for browser extensions/addons?

I need to create an auto-updater on clients computer that will automatically update
a particular addon on Internet Explorer, Firefox, ...
Of course user previously agrees that there will be automatic updates on his computer.
Do you guys have any idea where I could start to do this ?
I started thinking about running a process on the client side that with ask our
server every couple of hours if there is a new version and then do the necessary
update on the client side.
The idea is to update our addon on multiple browsers without prompting the user of a new version.
Is there any tools that you could recommend ? Thank you for the help.
Edit: I can use Firefox and Chrome 'updateURL' in the manifest. But how do I automatically update a BHO (IE extension), and a Safari extension ?
Firefox and Chrome have a built-in extension updater, an extension shouldn't bring its own. The updater works by periodically checking a particular URL for information on the current extension version. Firefox documentation: Chrome documentation: