This is my first question in this forum.
I've build several msi's for my installer.
All of them work.
But if I put them together with the bootstrapper the exe-File won't install the files inside of the msi's.
The Installer then starts shows that it is working on the particular msi's but in the end no new file is on the system.
Can anybody help?
Thanks for your clue.
By reading the log I found out that the exe writes to another drive than the single msi's do.
I don't know weather this is a "clean" solution but for me hardcoding the TARGETDIR to "D:\" does the job. All files are copied to the destinationfolder.
<Property Id="TARGETDIR">D:\</Property>
Before that I had used a custom action to change the rootdirectory.
That worked for the single msi's but not for the exe.
I have a custom wix burn installer that I have made and it works well except for I can't figure out how to do one thing: save the wix burn installer exe to a location after the installation is done.
Here is my scenario:
My software can be distributed across multiple servers, but one server is the "core" server.
I plan to update the core server and then have the core server push software updates to the other server.
To have the core server distribute the update, it has to keep a copy of the Wix Burn Installer EXE somewhere for distribution. This is what I can't figure out.
Using the built in variable WixBundleOriginalSource, I can find the original installer exe. However, when I try to copy it during ApplyComplete (I don't want to save it unless it successfully installed), I get an access denied trying to copy the file (which makes sense since the burn installer is not running as an admin).
How can I accomplish this - copy the original wix burn installer exe after the installation is complete without permission issues? I get that 99.99% of the time, all file operations should happen inside an MSI, but I can't have an MSI deploy the original Wix Burn Installer, so I am stumped.
OK - here is how I worked around it. I passed the WixBundleOriginalSource to one of the MSIs and then added a CopyFile element to do the copy in the MSI...
Copy file from setup location to another location in wix on install
Copying of license files using Wix 3.10.2? We have a requirement where we need copy some license files after the installation of the webapplication to IIS. Copying of license files will be the last in the sequence. The license files will reside next to the burn (bootstrapper) setup.exe. This way we can control what license file need to be installed based on the user. I am trying to understand if there will be an issue with number of license files reside along with .exe? Is there a custom action to pick files that are not part of the msi or exe?
1) There will not be an issue with number of license files residing along with exe
2) Using the Media element without a Cabinet name you can specify that certain files will neither be inside a cab or embedded into the msi, no custom action needed. See
You may need to be more precise about exactly when you want the copy to occur. Your original question says "after the installation" which implies that the install has finished and that your generated MSI is no longer running. but in a later comment you say "during the install".
If after the install is what you want, then you could add a custom executable to your Burn bundle that will do whatever you want. In many of these kinds of situations the application that needs the file just goes and gets it with help from the MSI saying where it was installed from, or by using the SourceList capabilities of Windows Installer to get the location.
If you want to copy files during the install then the CopyFile element is probably what you need. It has wildcard capability to define the files you want to copy. Your source location will be the SourceDir property and the destination will be one of your defined directories. Note that the files will not be uninstalled when the product is uninstalled.
WiX Copyfile:
I had to use native bootstrap that comes with Visual Studio SDK. With the bootstrap you can also create pre-requisite like installing .net. This worked for my requirement. Also there is a msbuild task so that you can automate it. Used setup project to create msi and VS bootstrap to create setup.exe
We use InstallShield InstallScript projects to create our installers and are looking for a good way to migrate to the WiX Toolset. As far as I know there is no UpgradeCode (as for MSI) to update from an Installshield InstallScript project to a WiX project.
The only solution I found so far is:
manually save configurations
uninstall the InstallScript installation completely
install the WiX installation
apply the saved configurations
Is there a better way?
Ok after all those comments I think I understand why this is such an issue. Unfortunately I don't think there is a very simple way to do waht you want to do.
I think your method will be the only real way to migrate from this isntallscript setup based installation. There should be some registry entry in HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Uninstall that relates to your product. In here there may be a uninstall command which you could read into a Variable from your burn package and pass that value as a property to your msi.
In you MSI you can have 3 custom actions specifically related to upgrading from the installshield product installation. All these tasks should be deferred custom actions so that they can run with administrator elevation. The first task should copy all the configuration settings to a safe place (generally %temp%\ProductConfig\ would be fine). The second part after saving the configuration would run that uninstall command to remove the product, you may need to append /q or something to make it run passively/quietly. Then at the end of the installation you can copy back the configuration files from temp.
Each of the custom actions should run conditionally on whether or not the property you passed in is set to something. I would schedule the copy cofig after InstallInitialize, the uninstall after the copy and the restore before InstallFinalize just to ensure that everything is copied over after the installer puts all the files on the system.
Ideally you would like to get everything to upgrade without the user needing to interact except in a minimal way by clicking next and Install.
I've only dealt with InstallShield enough to know I really don't like it so if someone else knows more and knows of a better way to do it they'll hopefully chime in.
I have 2 installation packages that are prerequisites for our application. Both of these are downloaded from the vendor as self extracting executables containing the actual setup.exe and hundreds of files and folders required for the installation. When I run the sfx exe using an exepackage in the bootstrapper application it will run the extraction portion then kick off the installation setup.exe and then close the extraction exe while the installation is still going. This causes the next exepackage to try to run prematurely and ends up with a messy install.
Is there a way to work around this using wix? I have tried using a standard setup that runs a custom action to extract the files and setup.exe then run the installation exe then wait until the installation exe is terminated before moving on to the second package but the installation setup.exe gets stuck and does not continue until initiating wix installer's msiexec is terminated.
I am suprised not to see this issue brought up in stackoverflow so I am hoping that I am overthinking it and there is a simple way to do this. Thanks in advance.
If anyone is interested, I extracted everything for SFX that I need. Then I created my own SFX from the extracted files using WinRAR. WinRAR SFX options give me the ability to keep the SFX process running until the rest of the installation portion is finished. This keeps the bootstrap application simple.
i have already an installer for our application. but it is exe-file. it was created many years ago.. application of course was updated. we used a bat-file to register new dll-files and to install our service(windows). but we want to do all this by installer not a bat-file. we chosen a wix techology. i read about <Patch> node, but to use it i need an msi from previous version.. i think to do a simple installer, that will stop service,copy and register dll in the installed application's directory, install service. but i don't know will it overwrite the files without any problems?
You can only create an MSP (Patch) for an MSI (Installer). Also, you're going to run into component ref counting problems if you install your components into the same directory as the original install. The problem is MSI will go to see a file is already there, make it as a shared resource and increment the usage counters. Then on uninstall it will decrement, see that it's not 0 and remove to uninstall the files.
I'd suggest installing to a new directory and then using the RemoveFile table to get rid of the old files. Also I'd suggest following good CM / Versioning practices so that you don't have to worry about hacks such as Version Lying.
If all your application just needs to xcopy files, setup a directory and maybe even a ShortCut, it should be a piece of cake.
Versioned files like executables will automatically be overwritten if the version of the file number is lower.
See also Copy if not exist in WiX.