Update Label And ProgressBar value from another class invoked in a background worker - vb.net

hello I have a problem to update a progress bar and a label inside a StatusStrip in the main form.
there are 2 controls in the form inside a StatusStrip:
Progressbar (ToolStripProgressBar)
ProgressLabel (ToolStripStatusLabel)
Basically I have this situation:
Public Class Main
Public Sub TEST(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DoWorkEventArgs) Handles TEST.DoWork
End Sub
End Class
Namespace NAMESPACE1
Public Class CLASS2
Public Sub New(VALUES)
Main.Progressbar.Value = 15
Main.ProgressLabel.Text = "hello!"
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
The problem is that text or value of the controls are updated (I see it using breakpoints) in the code but not in the form in which progressbar is always a 0% and label always as nothing.
I think it's an update or refresh problem of the main form. i have tried to do Main.Refresh() and Main.Update() but it does not work anyway.
Thanks in advance.

You have 2 issues in play. The first is that Main is a class name, not a runtime reference or object variable. See Idle_Mind's answer for using Me to get the runtime object reference.
The second problem is that since Class2 is created in DoWork, it is created on the background thread, which will prevent it from accessing UI controls (which are created on the UI thread). You will get an illegal cross thread operation exception (even if you dont see it).
I'd suggest that Class2 does nothing useful which can't be done using the ReportProgress method. Getting rid of it also gets rid of the form reference issue since an event is raised on the same thread as the UI controls:
Private WithEvents bgw As BackgroundWorker
' in a button click or whatever starts the worker:
bgw = New BackgroundWorker
bgw.WorkerReportsProgress = True
bgw.RunWorkerAsync(5) ' times to loop
Private Sub bgw_DoWork(sender As Object,
e As DoWorkEventArgs) Handles bgw.DoWork
' This code executes on a different thread
' so do not reference UI controls!
' e.Argument is the value passed - amount of work
Dim max As Integer = CInt(e.Argument)
For n As Integer = 1 To max
Threading.Thread.Sleep(250) ' emulates work
' causes the ProgressChanged event to fire:
bgw.ReportProgress(n, String.Format("{0} of {1}", n.ToString, max.ToString))
End Sub
Private Sub bgw_ProgressChanged(sender As Object,
e As ProgressChangedEventArgs) Handles bgw.ProgressChanged
'ProgressChanged fires on the UI thread, so it is safe to
' referenece controls here
TextBox4.Text = e.UserState.ToString
End Sub
Paste the code and you can see the message change in the TextBox. The same would work using your ProgressBar and ProgressLabel.
bgw.ReportProgress(n, arg)
The first argument will map to e.ProgressPercentage in the ProgressChanged event. The second is optional - UserState. I used it to pass a string for illustrative purposes (the form can already know the amount of work since it told the BGW what to do.)
If Class2 has some other purpose, you can use it as long as it is created on the UI thread (in the form) and used on that thread (ie in ProgressChanged event). You also need a method to talk to the controls so you dont have to create a new one each time:
Private myObj As Class2 ' declaration
myObj = New Class2(Me) ' instance with frm ref
In class2:
Public Sub Update(value As Integer, msg As String)
frmMain.Progressbar.Value = value
frmMain.ProgressLabel.Text = msg
End Sub
Then in the ProgressChanged event:
myObj.Update(x, y)
Where x and y are the value and message from whereever.

Here's an example of passing a reference to MAIN as suggested by Plutonix. I've intentionally left your pseudo-code style intact:
Public Class MAIN
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub
Private Sub TEST_DoWork(sender As Object, e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles TEST.DoWork
Dim tmp As New NAMESPACE1.CLASS2(Me, VALUES) ' <-- Form reference being passed via 1st parameter
End Sub
End Class
Namespace NAMESPACE1
Public Class CLASS2
Private frmMain As MAIN
Public Sub New(ByVal frmMain As MAIN, VALUES)
Me.frmMain = frmMain
Me.frmMain.Progressbar.Value = 15
Me.frmMain.ProgressLabel.Text = "hello!"
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace


Update textbox to a different form from backgroundworker

I have two forms, Form1 and Newform. Form1 has two buttons and a textbox and Newform has its own textbox. I am using a settext sub to invoke a delegate sub in the backgroundworker to update the textbox in both forms.
The textbox in Form1 seems to be updating but the textbox in Newform isn't updating.
Is there something that I'm missing if I want to update the textbox on a different form?
Thanks in advance.
Imports System.Threading
Public Class Form1
Dim stopbit As Boolean
Dim TestingComplete As Boolean
Dim ReadValue As Double
Dim FinalValue As Double
Delegate Sub SetTextCallback(ByRef Txtbox As TextBox, ByVal Txt As String)
'Thread Safe textbox update routine
Private Sub SetText(ByRef Txtbox As TextBox, ByVal Txt As String)
' InvokeRequired required compares the thread ID of the
' calling thread to the thread ID of the creating thread.
' If these threads are different, it returns true.
Console.WriteLine(Txtbox.InvokeRequired & " textbox invokerequired")
If Txtbox.InvokeRequired Then
'MsgBox("inside settext")
Txtbox.Invoke(New SetTextCallback(AddressOf SetText), Txtbox, Txt)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Txtbox.Text = Txt
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
Function ReadTemp() As Double
ReadValue = ReadValue / 2
Return ReadValue
End Function
Sub Test()
Dim starttime As Integer
Dim EllapsedTime As Integer
Dim OldValue As Double = 0
Dim NewValue As Double = 0
Dim Difference As Double = 1
Dim Margin As Double = 0.1
stopbit = False
starttime = My.Computer.Clock.TickCount
OldValue = NewValue
NewValue = ReadTemp()
Difference = Math.Abs(NewValue - OldValue)
SetText(Me.TextBox1, Difference.ToString)
SetText(newform.TextBox1, Difference.ToString)
EllapsedTime = My.Computer.Clock.TickCount - starttime
Loop Until EllapsedTime > 5000 Or stopbit = True ' Or Difference < Margin
FinalValue = NewValue
TestingComplete = True
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub
Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
stopbit = True
End Sub
Private Sub BackgroundWorker1_DoWork(sender As Object, e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles BackgroundWorker1.DoWork
For i As Integer = 1 To 10
ReadValue = 100000
TestingComplete = False
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(AddressOf Test)
Loop Until TestingComplete = True
MsgBox("Final Value " & FinalValue)
End Sub
End Class
Your issue is due to that you're using the default instance of newform. In VB.NET default form instances is a feature that allows you to access a form via its type name without having to manually create an instance of it.
In other words it lets you do this:
newform.TextBox1.Text = "Something"
...instead of doing it the correct way, which is this:
Dim myNewForm As New newform
myNewForm.TextBox1.Text = "Something"
Above we create a new instance of newform called myNewForm. This is required to be able to use most objects in the framework (including forms). However, VB.NET simplifies this behaviour by offering to create the instance for you, which is what is going on in my first example.
The problem with these default instances is that they are thread-specific, meaning a new instance is created for every thread that you use this behaviour in.
Thus the form you refer to when you do:
...is not the same form that you refer to in your thread, because a new instance has been created for it in that thread:
'This is not the same "newform" as above!
SetText(newform.TextBox1, Difference.ToString)
The solution to this is of course to create the instance yourself, allowing you to have full control over what's going on:
Dim newFrm As New newform
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
...your code...
Sub Test()
...your code...
SetText(newFrm.TextBox1, Difference.ToString)
...even more of your code...
End Sub
As a side note you can remove your calls to newform.Refresh() and Txtbox.Update(). These just cause unnecessary overhead by forcing the form and text boxes to redraw themselves, which is already done when you change any of their properties that affect their contents/design (so you are essentially making them redraw themselves twice).
Also, if you want to make invoking to the UI thread simpler and you are using Visual Studio/Visual Basic 2010 or newer, you could switch to using lambda expressions instead of regular delegates. They're much easier to use and allows you to create whole methods in-line that can be invoked on the UI thread.
For this purpose I've written an extension method called InvokeIfRequired() which lets you invoke any method/function on the UI thread, checking InvokeRequired for you. It's similar to what you have now, only it works for any control (not just text boxes) and with lambda expressions, allows you to run any code you want on the UI.
You can use it by adding a module to your project (Add New Item... > Module) and naming it Extensions. Then put this code inside it:
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Public Module Extensions
''' <summary>
''' Invokes the specified method on the calling control's thread (if necessary, otherwise on the current thread).
''' </summary>
''' <param name="Control">The control which's thread to invoke the method at.</param>
''' <param name="Method">The method to invoke.</param>
''' <param name="Parameters">The parameters to pass to the method (optional).</param>
''' <remarks></remarks>
<Extension()> _
Public Function InvokeIfRequired(ByVal Control As Control, ByVal Method As [Delegate], ByVal ParamArray Parameters As Object()) As Object
If Parameters IsNot Nothing AndAlso _
Parameters.Length = 0 Then Parameters = Nothing
If Control.InvokeRequired = True Then
Return Control.Invoke(Method, Parameters)
Return Method.DynamicInvoke(Parameters)
End If
End Function
End Module
This allows you to invoke either one line of code by doing:
Me.InvokeIfRequired(Sub() Me.TextBox1.Text = Difference.ToString())
Or to invoke a whole block of code by doing:
Me.TextBox1.Text = Difference.ToString()
newFrm.TextBox1.Text = Difference.ToString()
Me.BackColor = Color.Red 'Just an example of what you can do.
End Sub)
Form1.Textbox1.text="some text1"
Form2.Textbox2.text="some text2"
End Sub)
End Sub
Or if it's a one liner.
Me.Invoke(Sub() Form1.Textbox1.text="some text1")
Depending on what you need, you could invoke just some control like:
Textbox1.invoke(Sub() Textbox1.text="some text1")

How to call a Sub without knowing which form is loaded into panel?

On every DataGridView1_SelectionChanged event I need to run a Private Sub OnSelectionChanged() of the form that is loaded into Panel1 (see the image http://tinypic.com/r/2nu2wx/8).
Every form that can be loaded into Panel1 has the same Private Sub OnSelectionChanged() that initiates all the necessary calculations. For instance, I can load a form that calculates temperatures or I can load a form that calculates voltages. If different element is selected in the main form’s DataGridView1, either temperatures or voltages should be recalculated.
The problem is - there are many forms that can be loaded into Panel1, and I’m struggling to raise an event that would fire only once and would run the necessary Sub only in the loaded form.
Currently I’m using Shared Event:
'Main form (Form1).
Shared Event event_UpdateLoadedForm(ByVal frm_name As String)
'This is how I load forms into a panel (in this case frm_SCT).
Private Sub mnu_SCT_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles mnu_SCT.Click
frm_SCT.TopLevel = False
frm_SCT.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
Var._loadedForm = frm_SCT.Name
RaiseEvent event_UpdateLoadedForm(Var._loadedForm)
End Sub
‘Form that is loaded into panel (Form2 or Form3 or Form4...).
Private WithEvents myEvent As New Form1
Private Sub OnEvent(ByVal frm_name As String) Handles myEvent.event_UpdateLoadedForm
‘Avoid executing code for the form that is not loaded.
If frm_name <> Me.Name Then Exit Sub
End Sub
This approach is working but I’m sure it can be done way better (I'd be thankful for any suggestions). I have tried to raise an event in the main form like this:
Public Event MyEvent As EventHandler
Protected Overridable Sub OnChange(e As EventArgs)
RaiseEvent MyEvent(Me, e)
End Sub
Private Sub DataGridView1_SelectionChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
Handles DataGridView1.SelectionChanged
End Sub
but I don't know to subscribe to it in the loaded form.
Thank you.
Taking into account Hans Passant’s comments as well as code he posted in related thread I achieved what I wanted (see the code below).
Public Interface IOnEvent
Sub OnSelectionChange()
End Interface
Public Class Form1
' ???
Private myInterface As IOnEvent = Nothing
' Create and load form.
Private Sub DisplayForm(frm_Name As String)
' Exit if the form is already displayed.
If Panel1.Controls.Count > 0 AndAlso _
Panel1.Controls(0).GetType().Name = frm_Name Then Exit Sub
' Dispose previous form.
Do While Panel1.Controls.Count > 0
' Create form by its full name.
Dim T As Type = Type.GetType("Namespace." & frm_Name)
Dim frm As Form = CType(Activator.CreateInstance(T), Form)
' Load form into the panel.
frm.TopLevel = False
frm.Visible = True
frm.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
' ???
myInterface = DirectCast(frm, IOnEvent)
End Sub
Private Sub DataGridView1_SelectionChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
Handles DataGridView1.SelectionChanged
' Avoid error if the panel is empty.
If myInterface Is Nothing Then Return
' Run subroutine in the loaded form.
End Sub
End Class
One last thing – it would be great if someone could take a quick look at the code (it works) and confirm that it is ok, especially the lines marked with “???” (I don’t understand them yet).

crossthreading cross class vb.net issue

i have my form class, and a second module with some special functions,
when i click a button on my form i run a public function from the second module(which run later other public functions from the second module) in a separated thread, i set SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA), and i tried using deletage sub and CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = False, but the problem stays the same, my thread functions (which are on the second module) can't access my form controls, but when i move the functions to the form class everything work again, what do you suggest to solve this issue?
Public Class Form1
Dim T0 As Thread
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = False
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
T0 = New Thread(AddressOf sub1)
End Sub
End Class
Module Module1
Public Sub Sub1()
msgbox(form1.textbox1.text) 'even if the textbox contains content it returns ""
End Sub
Public Function Function1()
msgbox(form1.textbox1.text) 'same problem here
End Function
End module
PS: it dosn't give any error or stop the code while debugging, and i tried to put the sub1 on the form class and the other functions in the module, but then, only he sub1 can access the controls, i tried delegate but i don't know if i have done it right, can anyone make any suggestions please
There are two issues at play here.
One of them is due to the way default forms work in VB.NET. See, in C# you need a concrete instance of type Form1 in order to access its non-static members, whereas in VB.NET Form1 looks like an instance of the form allowing you to write things like Form1.TextBox1.Text. This works fine while you're accessing members of Form1 from the UI thread, but when you try to get it from a background thread, a new instance of Form1 is created, and Form1.TextBox1 seen by that thread actually points to a completely different instance of TextBox.
Another way saying this is that default form instances in VB.NET are thread static.
A way to get around this is to keep a concrete reference to Form1 so that you can pass it around.
When you go
Dim myForm As New Form1
... or
Dim myForm As Form1 = Me
... the 'myForm' variable pointing to that specific Form1 instance can then be passed between threads like any other reference and will not change its meaning.
This, however, brings us to issue #2:
You should not be accessing a UI control (which means any type derived from Control, and that includes Form , from a thread other than the thread that it was created on.
If you absolutely have to, you have to marshal the calls accessing the Control to the thread that it was created on, for example by using Invoke/BeginInvoke (there are other ways too).
Here's a modification of your code to achieve what you want, plus a more complex example which demonstrates multiple thread "switches": gathering interesting state on the UI thread, performing work with it on the background thread, then displaying results on the UI thread.
Imports System.Threading
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
' We don't need this anymore.
' We'll do things right and access
' the UI on the UI thread only.
' CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = False
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
' Note that we're passing a reference
' to THIS instance of Form1 to Sub1 and Sub2.
Dim form As Form1 = Me
' Let's spin up some threads.
Dim T0 As New Thread(Sub() Module1.Sub1(form))
Dim T1 As New Thread(Sub() Module1.Sub2(form))
End Sub
End Class
Module Module1
' Note that this sub now accepts
' a reference to an instance of Form1.
Public Sub Sub1(form As Form1)
' This is what we want to do:
Dim action As New Action(Sub() MsgBox(form.TextBox1.Text))
' See if we're on the right thread.
If form.InvokeRequired Then
' Invoke on the thread which created this Form1 instance.
' Invoke on the current thread.
End If
End Sub
' This is a more complex example.
Public Sub Sub2(form As Form1)
' This function will get the text from TextBox1 when invoked.
' It still needs to be invoked on the UI thread though.
Dim getText As New Func(Of String)(Function() form.TextBox1.Text)
Dim text As String
If form.InvokeRequired Then
text = CStr(form.Invoke(getText))
text = getText() ' Shorthand syntax.
End If
' Now that we have the text, let's do some
' intensive work with it while we're on
' the background thread.
For i = 0 To 5
text &= i
' Now we want to show the message box - again, on the UI thread.
Dim showMessageBox As New Action(Sub() MsgBox(text))
If form.InvokeRequired Then
End If
End Sub
End Module

Update label from mainform class with backgroundworker from another class

I have two classes.
Public Class MainForm
Private Project As clsProject
Private Sub btnDo_Click
End Sub
Private Sub BackgroundWorker1_DoWork(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles BackgroundWorker1.DoWork
Project = New clsProject
End Sub
and two methods inside MainForm
Public Shared Sub setLabelTxt(ByVal text As String, ByVal lbl As Label)
If lbl.InvokeRequired Then
lbl.Invoke(New setLabelTxtInvoker(AddressOf setLabelTxt), text, lbl)
lbl.Text = text
End If
End Sub
Public Delegate Sub setLabelTxtInvoker(ByVal text As String, ByVal lbl As Label)
end class
I want to update the labels of MainForm from the clsProject constructor.
MainForm.setLabelTxt("Getting prsadasdasdasdasdry..", MainForm.lblProgress)
but it does not update them.
What am I doing wrong?
The problem is that you are using the global MainForm instance to access the label in a background thread here:
Public Class clsProject
Public Sub New()
' When accessing MainForm.Label1 on the next line, it causes an exception
MainForm.setLabelTxt("HERE!", MainForm.Label1)
End Sub
End Class
It's OK to call MainForm.setLabelTxt, since that is a shared method, so it's not going through the global instance to call it. But, when you access the Label1 property, that's utilizing VB.NET's trickery to access the global instance of the form. Using the form through that auto-global-instance variable (which always shares the same name as the type) is apparently not allowed in non-UI threads. When you do so, it throws an InvalidOperationException, with the following error message:
An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: ActiveX control '8856f961-340a-11d0-a96b-00c04fd705a2' cannot be instantiated because the current thread is not in a single-threaded apartment.
I'm guessing that the reason you are not seeing the error is because you are catching the exception somewhere and you are simply ignoring it. If you stop using that global instance variable, the error goes away and it works. For instance, if you change the constructor to this:
Public Class clsProject
Public Sub New(f As MainForm)
' The next line works because it doesn't use the global MainForm instance variable
MainForm.setLabelTxt("HERE!", f.Label1)
End Sub
End Class
Then, in your MainForm, you would have to call it like this:
Private Sub BackgroundWorker1_DoWork(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles BackgroundWorker1.DoWork
Project = New clsProject(Me) ' Must pass Me
End Sub
Using the global instance from the background thread is not allowed, but when we use the same label from the background thread, without going through that global variable it works.
So it's clear that you cannot use the global MainForm variable from a background thread, but what may not be clear is that it's a bad idea to use it ever. First, it's confusing because it shares the same name as the MainForm type. More importantly, though, it is a global variable, and global state of any kind is almost always bad practice, if it can be avoided.
While the above example does solve the problem, it's still a pretty poor way of doing it. A better option would be to pass the setLabelTxt method to the clsProject object or even better have the clsProject simply raise an event when the label needs to be changed. Then, the MainForm can simply listen for those events and handle them when they happen. Ultimately, that clsProject class is probably some sort of business class which shouldn't be doing any kind of UI work anyway.
You cannot execute any action on GUI-elements from the BackgroundWorker directly. One way to "overcome" that is by forcing the given actions to be performed from the main thread via Me.Invoke; but this is not the ideal proceeding. Additionally, your code mixes up main form and external class (+ shared/non-shared objects) what makes the whole structure not too solid.
A for-sure working solution is relying on the specific BGW methods for dealing with GUI elements; for example: ProgressChanged Event. Sample code:
Public Class MainForm
Private Project As clsProject
Public Shared bgw As System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
bgw = BackgroundWorker1 'Required as far as you want to called it from a Shared method
BackgroundWorker1.WorkerReportsProgress = True
End Sub
Private Sub BackgroundWorker1_DoWork(sender As System.Object, e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles BackgroundWorker1.DoWork
Project = New clsProject
End Sub
Public Shared Sub setLabelTxt(ByVal text As String)
bgw.ReportProgress(0, text) 'You can write any int as first argument as far as will not be used anyway
End Sub
Private Sub BackgroundWorker1_ProgressChanged(sender As Object, e As System.ComponentModel.ProgressChangedEventArgs) Handles BackgroundWorker1.ProgressChanged
Me.Label1.Text = e.UserState 'You can access the given GUI-element directly
End Sub
End Class
Public Class clsProject
Public Sub New()
MainForm.setLabelTxt("Getting prsadasdasdasdasdry..")
End Sub
End Class
instead of lbl.Invoke(.... I had to do this. This is my implementation:
Delegate Sub SetTextDelegate(ByVal args As String)
Private Sub SetTextBoxInfo(ByVal txt As String)
If txtInfo.InvokeRequired Then
Dim md As New SetTextDelegate(AddressOf SetTextBoxInfo)
Me.Invoke(md, txt)
txtInfo.Text = txt
End If
End Sub
And this worked for me.

Update GridView by a BackgroundWorker Completion makes Grid non interactive

I am trying to update GridView on completion of a BackgroundWorker, For the first time it works correctly, but if try execute worker again, data will be assigned to the grid but i could not select a Row on the GridView on UI level and also vertical scroll is now shown. If try to double click cells several times then vertical scroll will appear and i could select any row.
Please refer the VB.Net Code
Public Class Form1
Dim Workers() As BackgroundWorker
Dim dtCustomers As DataTable = New DataTable()
Private dtCustomersLock As New Object
Private dgvCustomersLock As New Object
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
Private Sub btnLoad_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnLoad.Click
btnClear_Click(sender, e)
End Sub
Private Sub LoadWorkers()
ReDim Workers(1)
Workers(1) = New BackgroundWorker
Workers(1).WorkerReportsProgress = True
Workers(1).WorkerSupportsCancellation = True
AddHandler Workers(1).DoWork, AddressOf loadCustomerGrid
AddHandler Workers(1).RunWorkerCompleted, AddressOf UpdateCustomerGrid
End Sub
Private Sub btnLoadThread_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnLoadThread.Click
If Not Workers(1).IsBusy Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub loadCustomerGrid()
SyncLock dgvCustomersLock
For i As Integer = 0 To 10
dtCustomers.Rows.Add(i, "Customer" + i.ToString(), "20" + i.ToString())
End SyncLock
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateCustomerGrid()
SyncLock dtCustomersLock
DataGridView1.DataSource = dtCustomers
End SyncLock
End Sub
Private Sub btnClear_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnClear.Click
End Sub
End Class
Because you are accessing the DataGridView1 of UI thread from the Worker thread you get the weird behaviour.
I tested your small app with this code and I got the normal expected behaviour.
I modified your loadCustomerGrid method and added another Method and Delegate method.
Private Sub loadCustomerGrid()
End Sub
Private Sub setDataGrid(ByVal grd As DataGridView)
If grd.InvokeRequired Then
grd.Invoke(New setDataGridInvoker(AddressOf setDataGrid), grd)
For i As Integer = 0 To 10
dtCustomers.Rows.Add(i, "Customer" + i.ToString(), "20" + i.ToString())
End If
End Sub
Private Delegate Sub setDataGridInvoker(ByVal grd As DataGridView)
"The way to safely access controls from worker threads is via delegation. First you test the InvokeRequired property of the control, which will tell you whether or not you can safely access the control. InvokeRequired is one of the few members of the Control class that is thread-safe, so you can access it anywhere. If the property is True then an invocation is required to access the control because the current method is executing on a thread other than the one that owns the control's Handle.
The invocation is performed by calling the control's Invoke or BeginInvoke method. You create a delegate, which is an object that contains a reference to a method. It is good practice to make that a reference to the current method. You then pass that delegate to the Invoke or BeginInvoke method. That will essentially call the referenced method again, this time on the thread that owns the control's Handle."
Source: jmcilhinney post Accessing Controls from Worker Threads http://www.vbforums.com/showthread.php?498387-Accessing-Controls-from-Worker-Threads