Referencing v-model - vue.js

I am trying to reference a v-model in one of my html files.
I've gone ahead and created a jsbin with a small example of what I'm trying to achieve:,js,output
Essentially, what seems to be happening is that Vue gives an error like this in my actual project:
[Vue warn]: Invalid expression. Generated function body: scope.lookForUser({{scope.input_field}})
The problem (I believe) appears to be when I introduced this line:
<input type="text" class="form-control input-lg" placeholder="email-address" id = "button_email_submit" v-model = "input_field"/>
And then tried to reference the v-model 'input field' as such:
<button class="btn btn-info btn-lg" type="button" v-on= "click: lookForUser(#{{input_field}})">
Any ideas why Vue doesn't like this statement?

I figured this out with a bit more fiddling around -- the issue was I was not supposed to use #{{input_field}} but rather simply pass input_field text into the arguments.

Thanks! Here's my example code in case it helps anyone.
<div v-repeat="company: companies">
<div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6 col-lg-6">
<a href="#" v-on="click: selected_company_id =">
I kept wanting to wrap the in mustache brackets:
<a href="#" v-on="click: selected_company_id = {{}}">
but I'm assuming that since it is already part of an expression, you don't need to do that.


Bootstrap3 datetimepicker shows calendar even when formatted?

I have been using the bootstrap datetimepicker quite frequently in my project, but for some reason inside a bootstrap panel, the formatting does not work, and displays as a calendar. I have been trying to fix this for almost a day now, and am still really confused
My code is as follows....
<div data-input="{{ key }}" class="panel-heading"><h3 class="panel-title">{{key}}<a style="padding-left: 6px;">
<span class="panel-time-picker"><input hidden type="text" value="" name="{{ key }}"><i class="icon-clock"></i></span></a></h3>
<div class="actions pull-right">
<a><i class="fa fa-trash delete-panel-btn"></i></a>
<a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" class="fa fa-chevron-down"></a>
format: 'LT'
I have the same exact JavaScript code elsewhere in my project, which turns the datepicker into a timepicker. I am wondering if this has something to do with being inside of a bootstrap accordion/panel?
This should display a time/clock, but still shows a month/day calendar? Any help here would be greatly appreciated!

Validate array of inputs with Vee-Validate (Vuejs)

The following works:
<li :key="index" v-for="(...) in items">
<input type="text" name="itemFields[]" v-validate="required">
// ...
<div class="vv-errors">
// shows only for last active input
<li v-for="error in errors.collect('itemFields[]')">{{ error }}</li>
If I make some input empty, it shows an error message. But if I then fill some other empty input with text, the error message disappears completely. That should not be the case, because the other input is still empty. To summarize, the error messages only consider the last active input.
How to achieve that the error message shows up if at least one of the inputs is empty?
Actually the issue you are facing is because the name field is same for all your inputs and that should be unique.
Hence while using v-for you could do something as below :
<div v-for="i in 5" >
<input type="text" :name="'email'+i" placeholder="Email" v-validate="'required|email'">
<span class="error" v-if="errors.has('email'+i)">{{errors.first('email'+i)}}
Here is a basic example to solve your problem.

Materialize: Cannot set property 'tabIndex' of null at Dropdown._makeDropdownFocusable

I am trying to test my vuejs component via jest that contains materialize select.
When performing a component test, I get the following error in materialize.js:
TypeError: Cannot set property 'tabIndex' of null at Dropdown._makeDropdownFocusable
How fix this error?
This problem can happen when the input field is not wrapped inside a div with the class input-field:
<div class="input-field">
<input type="text" class="autocomplete"></input>
Adding a div with the class "input-field might solve this problem.
use id selector instead class selector. for example call dropdown like this :
html :
<a class='dropdown-trigger' id="dropdowner" href='#' data-target='dropdown1'>Drop Me!</a>
<!-- Dropdown Structure -->
<ul id='dropdown1' class='dropdown-content'>
<li class="divider" tabindex="-1"></li>
<li><i class="material-icons">view_module</i>four</li>
<li><i class="material-icons">cloud</i>five</li>
Can only be used once.
data-target="name_target" must not be repeated
<div class="nav-wrapper">
<ul class="right hide-on-med-and-down">
<li><a class="dropdown-trigger" href="#!" data-target="name_target1">Dropdown<i class="material-icons right">arrow_drop_down</i></a></li>
<li><a class="dropdown-trigger" href="#!" data-target="name_target1">Dropdown<i class="material-icons right">arrow_drop_down</i></a></li>
<!-- Dropdown Structure -->
<ul id="name_target1" class="dropdown-content">
<nav> <div class="nav-wrapper">
<ul class="right hide-on-med-and-down">
<li><a class="dropdown-trigger" href="#!" data-target="name_target2">Dropdown<i enter code here class="material-icons right">arrow_drop_down</i></a></li>
</ul> </div> </nav> <ul id="name_target2" class="dropdown-content"> <li>one</li> <li>two</li> </ul>
When I ran into this issue I was trying to create the whole dropdown list dynamically in JS. The fix for me was creating the list and any default list elements in HTML:
<div id="select1" class=\"input-field col s12\">
<option value="" selected>Default</option>
Then appending any dynamic values in JS:
contents.forEach(function(content) {
var buffer = "<option></option>";
var template = $(buffer);
pre 1.0.0 you would use data-activates, if data-target is not specified you will get this error
My problem was, that jQuery object was not attached to the DOM yet, so inner materialise code could not init element due to inability to find element by ID:
// materializecss initing dropdown (in my case for input autocomplete), where `t` is the input element = M.getIdFromTrigger(t),
i.dropdownEl = document.getElementById(,
i.$dropdownEl = h(i.dropdownEl),
M.getIdFromTrigger(t) returned some random ID (not the one I provided) and dropdownEl was inited with null, and later method _makeDropdownFocusable failed on using it `this.dropdownEl.tabIndex = 0
So my problem code looked like this:
let root = $('#root'); // root in the DOM already
let wrapper = $('<div>'); // wrapper is just created and NOT attached to the DOM yet
let input = $('<input>').appendTo(wrapper); // creating input and attaching to the wrapper, but still not in DOM
initAutocomplete(input) // M.Autocomplete.init logic here FAILS
root.append(wrapper) // too late, error above
So the quick fix is to append elements first and only than do M.Autocomplete.init
I just stumbled this issue too while using Materializecss for my Vue project. As mentioned by sajjad, using id selector instead of class works. However, this is problem for initializing multiple dropdown, since each dropdown must have unique ID.
The way I solve this is just by selecting all the elements with the '.dropdown-trigger' class, and initialize every each of those. It works for me.
$.each($('.dropdown-trigger'), function(index, value) {

xpath not finding text inside <div><span>

.//*[contains(text(), "Apply")]
<input type="hidden" value="false" name="needsValidation"/>
<input type="hidden" value="false" name="fullValidationPerformed"/>
<div class="loadingBox hidden">
<div class="paneContent">
<div class="topButtons">
<div class="rightSide">
<div id="saveChangesButton" class="majorButton">
<span class="hidden"/>
Apply Changes
<span class="down"/>
Why is it that the xpath string I created doesn't find "Apply" here? It appears that my xpath statement only fails when the text I want to find is inside a "span" tag inside a "div" tag like this.
Can someone help me understand what I'm missing here please?
The reason that contains(text(), 'Apply') does not work is that the element has several text nodes, and the contains function in XPath 1.0 ignores all but the first. (XPath 2.0 would give you an error if there is more than one).
If you want to get an element whose string value contains 'Apply' without also returning its ancestors, the simplest way is to get the last element containing this string:
(//*[contains(., 'Apply')])[last()]

Dijit: Why am I getting an "Uncaught Error: Invalid Template"?

I have a dijit that looks fine as far as I can tell, but it is raising Uncaught Error: Invalid template every time. I have not been able to figure out why. All variables (e.g. ${variableName} are defined in the widget correctly.
Here is the widget:
<div class="${classPrefix}-wrapper">
<div class="${classPrefix} flair" dojoAttachPoint="flairNode"></div>
<div class="${classPrefix}-count hidden" dojoAttachPoint="countWrapperNode">
<div class="count" dojoAttachPoint="countNode">0</div>
<div class="${classPrefix} ${secondaryClass} action hidden" dojoAttachPoint="secondaryClickNode" dojoAttachEvent="onclick:_onSecondaryClick">
<div class="${classPrefix}-inner"></div>
<div class="${classPrefix}-icon"></div>
<div class="${classPrefix} ${primaryClass} action" dojoAttachPoint="primaryClickNode" dojoAttachEvent="onclick:_onPrimaryClick">
<div class="${classPrefix}-inner"></div>
<div class="${classPrefix}-icon"></div>
<div class="${classPrefix}-message hidden" dojoAttachPoint="messageNode"></div>
<div class="${actionPromptNodeClass}" dojoAttachPoint="actionPromptMessageNode">
<span dojoAttachPoint="actionPromptMessage">${actionPromptText}</span>
<span dojoAttachPoint="actionCompletedMessage" class="hidden">${actionCompletedText</span>
Found the answer to my question. It turns out that you can only have one root node in a Dijit. I missed this in the docs, but it is at the bottom of this tutorial:
Common Pitfalls
Be sure to only have one root node in your template
Don’t start or end your template with a comment because that means you technically have two nodes
Avoid a trailing </div> at the end of your template
There may be only one root element in the template. Wrap your template into <div></div> and it should work.