Publishing the css and js file changes in server, but it is not effecting in browser still it is reflectiong old file - iis-6

I had checked through Firebug and inspect element.The file which was in server is not reflecting in browser .I am sure that new file was published.When i changed the file name and published again then it is effecting in the browser. I had also tried cleaning browser cache in our system and Disk cleanup in server.


How can I upload files to a browser from remote?

I am quite new into the world of remote connections so I don't really know what is possible and what is not.
I have established connection to a remote pc over ssh. I need a large file from this remote to be uploaded to a file-sender internet page. One way is to simply copy the file from remote to my local and subsequently upload from local but I want to speed up this task. I am wondering if there is a (safe) way to 'browse' through files or select files located on remote when selecting files in the upload website?
For illustration, think of selecting an image for Google's search by image and this image is located on my remote computer. After hitting the 'select a file' button, want to be able to pick a file from my remote computer to have it uploaded via this button. My question is not how to upload a file to a remote server.
The remote computer does not have any browser or so installed, it is just a collection of file directories and media disk connections that I can access. (I don't have all the details but this is all I know) That's why using the upload website through an internet browser, for example with a GUI as Ubuntu's Genome, is not an option.
Also, the upload internet page is not a specific url to upload to, so a solution like wget does not work either.
I have tried googling with the question in my title but this leads to me to solutions like Chrome's Secure Shell. I don't completely understand what I can do with it but it feels like that does not allow me to do what I want.
fyi, I work on Windows (using Ubuntu occasionally)
I have found the answer on: .
Need to install WinSfp and SSHFS-Win. Then in windows file browser, mount a new network drive with Folder: \sshfs\username#domain . I can now browse the files through the windows file browser and thus can select files for upload

Uploaded file is not visible in browser unless I force no cache browser reload

I am facing weird issue with file uploads. When I upload a new file to publicly visible folder, I can see it instantly in anonymous mode. But if i try to access it in non-anonymous mode, the server responds with 404 unless I do hard refresh (ie ctrl + F5 for Mozzila).
I have already disabled cache control headers for that folder in apache, but that did not seem to resolve the issue. It seems to me that the apache is storing information that "there is actually no file at requested url" and serves it to user unless user clears cache even if the file is uploaded at that location. Anyone ran into similar issue in the past?
By default, most browsers cache images, styles and scripts automatically. The easiest way to bypass this for development environments is to set the caching headers detailed here
Another common way to bypass caching is to set a random query parameter (usually ?v=<random value here>).
Chromium based browsers also have a disable cache option in the dev tools

Safari ignores cache control

I built an image resize script to resize the requested image and return it with PHP. However I would like to cache the requested images.
I tried to built some .htaccess rules and realized cache-control is not working in safari for me. Safari caches .css files, etc. automatically but does not cache images. I do not have any website specific developer tools active, and tested this in a blank environment with an extra subdomain with only a .htaccess and a .jpeg file.
My .htaccess code looks like:
Header set Cache-Control "max-age=10800,private"
With nothing else in it which should force all files to be cached for 3 hours. With Chrome however this works as expected and caches the files. Server returns a http header 304 telling the client to load the file from the cache.
Taking a look at the safari file informations in the developer menu, I can see the Cache-Control settings are received well (Cache-Control: max-age=10800,private) but on each reload safari shows a http 200 response without any cached files and loads the image again.
Are there any known issues with safari cache control? I searched the web but did not find anything and my web hosting provider told me caching is nothing browser specific on server side.

Can we create a war file for a play2.1.1 application offline?

I have tried creating war file for a play2.1.1 application following the instructions given in the github link -
However it fetches the plugins files from online repository and its been referenced in the play program. This method works only if the internet is connected.
Can i download the actual plugin file from this site and save it in my local system and generate a play war file offline?
Partially Yes. You need to go online only once to get all the dependencies downloaded. Once you are done, then you can work completely offline. Also I would like to mention this link:
There is no official way for doing this, but if that aren't to much files, you can use Fiddler Web Debugger to look what files get downloaded, save them to your hard disk and then activate Fiddler's Auto responder. Everytime the Application requests the Files from the Server, Fiddler replies with the Files on your Hard disk.

Preventing stale xap files from being served by MEF DeploymentCatalogs

In the past I had problems with the browser cache serving older versions of the xap file.
In order to overcome this I dynamically add a query string parameter containg the last modified date of the xap file to the silverlight source parameter in aspx page. This guarentees that clients will receive the latest xap file and not a cached stale versions.
I am now using the DeploymentCatalog functionallity in MEF in a silverlight app to download some xap files.
Does anyone know how this works under the hood?
Will it use the browser cache or does it download fresh everytime?
If it does go through the browser cache, how can I prevent stale cached versions from being served? (as described above).
Thank you!
The DeploymentCatalog just uses the WebClient class to download the xap. Whether it is cached will depend on your browser. From the server-side you should be able to control whether the browser caches the file by using the HTTP Expires header. Here is a question with some information about this: Browser Caching in ASP.NET application