Setting CLion build and binary directory - cmake

I'm trying to build libwebsockets inside of my project in CLion. During build libwebsockets creates a header file that is required by other files and puts it in PROJECT_BINARY_DIR. CLion builds everything inside a random build directory it creates for the project and the header file ends up in that directory. I've tried:
Setting the websockets_BINARY_DIR variable
Changing every variable in the CMake cache to point away from CLion's random directory
Changing the build output path setting in CLion's preferences
None of these work, Which leads me to my questions:
Is there a way to tell CLion where to build (not just where to put some of its output buthow to override the random directory it chooses).
If there isn't a way to tell CLion where to build, is there another variable that I should be setting?

I don't know how to set build dir.
Examples of how to set up bin directory with Clion below
or (separate for .exe, .dll, .lib):
Also I added link about how to set up build directory:
But it soesn't work in my case (Clion 1.1).

You may also have a look at the Clion built-in path variables:


How to set working folder when running ctest

I want to set correct the working folder for my test. It should be the same folder as where my test executable is generated. The problem is setting the correct build config to the working folder.
This is the cmake code that adds my test:
The result test_PROJECT_include-Debug.cmake file looks something like this:
if(EXISTS "D:/work/PROJECT/test/Debug/test_PROJECT.exe")
if("D:/work/PROJECT/test/Debug/test_PROJECT.exe" IS_NEWER_THAN "D:/work/hfts/PROJECT/test/test_PROJECT[1]_tests-Debug.cmake")
include("C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/Professional/Common7/IDE/CommonExtensions/Microsoft/CMake/CMake/share/cmake-3.20/Modules/GoogleTestAddTests.cmake")
TEST_EXECUTABLE [==[D:/work/PROJECT/test/Debug/test_PROJECT.exe]==]
TEST_WORKING_DIR [==[D:/work/PROJECT/test]==]
TEST_PREFIX [==[]==]
TEST_SUFFIX [==[]==]
CTEST_FILE [==[D:/work/PROJECT/test/test_PROJECT[1]_tests-Debug.cmake]==]
I have tried adding CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES to the gtest_discover_tests expression, but that only worked for Debug build. The release build also referred to the debug folder.
I also tried to manually add ${CTEST_CONFIGURATION_TYPE} to the result test_PROJECT_include-Debug.cmake just for testing, but that did not work either.
Any tips on how to set the correct build config for my working folder?
The variable CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR denotes "binary directory currently being processed" by CMake. Usually, this directory and its subdirectories contains build artifacts, like executables, libraries or other generated files.
What are you looking for is CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY.
Multiconfiguration build tools, like Visual Studio and Xcode, create subdirectory (named as configuration itself) under CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY for each specific configuration Debug, Release... For just determine directory with executable, use $<TARGET_FILE_DIR:${TEST_TARGET}> generator expression.

Cmake library outdir

I cant output my lib to my lib folder , I tried this , and it outputs to lib/debug
but I need output mylib.lib exactly to ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/lib
add_library(mylib STATIC ${SOURCES} ${HEADERS})
set_target_properties(mylib PROPERTIES
In CMake, Visual Studio is a multiconfiguration generator. Such generators have a specific when interpret ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY property for the target:
Multi-configuration generators (Visual Studio, Xcode, Ninja Multi-Config) append a per-configuration subdirectory to the specified directory unless a generator expression is used.
If you want to use ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/lib as output directory for the library only for Debug build, and Release build is not interesting for you, then set ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_DEBUG property instead:
set_target_properties(mylib PROPERTIES
If you want to specify different output directories for Debug and Release builds, then set both properties:
set_target_properties(mylib PROPERTIES
Setting the same directory for both Debug and Release builds is discouraged: That way Release build will overwrite library created in Debug and vise versa.
Placing build artifacts (e.g. libraries and executables created by the project) in the source directory, as implied by ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/lib output directory, is discouraged too.
Usually, build artifacts are placed in the build directory and its descendant directories. So, deleting build directory completely removes the build.
If you want to store some build artifacts for use even when build directory is remove, then install those artifacts. CMake provides the functionality for installing libraries, executables and other files.
The documentation of ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY presents you with a possible solution (emphasis mine):
Multi-configuration generators (Visual Studio, Xcode, Ninja Multi-Config) append a per-configuration subdirectory to the specified directory unless a generator expression is used.
You can use a generator expression not changing anything about the value to prevent the config based suffix. You should modify the archive name accordingly to allow for output files of different configurations to coexist in the same directory.
set_target_properties(mylib PROPERTIES
Try this code:

CMakeLists Equivalent of -B CL Argument [duplicate]

Is it possible to specify build directory within CMakeLists file? If yes, how.
My aim is to be able to call "cmake" within top level source directory and have cmake figure out the build directory.
Afaik, with CMake the build directory is always the directory from where you invoke the cmake or ccmake command. So if you want to change the build directory, you have to change directories before running CMake.
To control the location where executables, static and shared libraries are placed once finished, you can modifiy CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, and CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY respectively.
By design, there is not a way to specify that in CMakeLists.txt. It is designed for the user to be able to build the project in whatever directory they want. The typical workflow is:
Check out the project source code.
Go to desired build directory, or the source dir if you plan to do an in-source build.
Run cmake or ccmake to configure the project in that build directory.
Build your project.
All of the directories specified within your CMakeLists.txt should be relative to the ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} and ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} variables. In this way, your code becomes buildable across different platforms, which is the goal of CMake.

Specifying build directory within CMakeLists file

Is it possible to specify build directory within CMakeLists file? If yes, how.
My aim is to be able to call "cmake" within top level source directory and have cmake figure out the build directory.
Afaik, with CMake the build directory is always the directory from where you invoke the cmake or ccmake command. So if you want to change the build directory, you have to change directories before running CMake.
To control the location where executables, static and shared libraries are placed once finished, you can modifiy CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, and CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY respectively.
By design, there is not a way to specify that in CMakeLists.txt. It is designed for the user to be able to build the project in whatever directory they want. The typical workflow is:
Check out the project source code.
Go to desired build directory, or the source dir if you plan to do an in-source build.
Run cmake or ccmake to configure the project in that build directory.
Build your project.
All of the directories specified within your CMakeLists.txt should be relative to the ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} and ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} variables. In this way, your code becomes buildable across different platforms, which is the goal of CMake.

How to point cmake at specific directory for library?

I have a CMake project where I am using a library and now I want to test my code with a different version of that library. I can set INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES (and possibly later also linking) in the below example. But because I only want to do this temporarily, I'd like to manually set this path with ccmake/cmake-gui.
How do I do this?
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED)
# Without the following line please:
add_executable(min_example main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(min_example ${OpenCV_LIBS})
This should be possible by setting the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH variable upon configuring your build. In your project directory generate a test_build directory and run:
mkdir test_build
cd test_build
cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/home/me/src/opencv/install ..
Setting the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH variable will make the find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED) command pick your OpenCV installation in /home/me/src/opencv and set the OpenCV_LIBS and OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIR variables accordingly.
Alternatively you can edit a CMakeCache.txt file of an existing build directory with the CMake GUI editor and add the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH definition there. You have to re-configure your project then.
Using config in find_package will restrict search path to OpenCV_DIR. This will use the cmake config that opencv generates at build time to setup paths to include and libs
set(OpenCV_DIR "<cusompath>" CACHE PATH '' ${SHOULD_FORCE_CACHE})
find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED CONFIG)