How to refresh multipage editor's page? - eclipse-plugin

I have created a plugin,Where I have a multi page editor with two pages.
Page1- Source Code Editor.
Page2- For Manipulation.
My problem is if there is any compilation error in the code the second page must display another content like "Error".
Otherwise it will show my manipulation form.
For that I need to fill the composite with diffrent content each time the pageChanges. But it doesnt work.
How can achieve the scenario. While clicking the second page the content must be recreated or refreshed for the new content
public void createPage1(){
int index = addPage(this.page1Compostie);
setPageText(index, "Service Behaviors ");
public void updatePage1Content(Composite composite){
boolean error=getPageStatus();
*Content of Normal Page
* setting the page to error
*Content of Error Page
protected void pageChange(int newPageIndex) {
if (newPageIndex == 1) {
Any advice ?

To replace all the children of a composite you first call dispose() on each existing child control. Next add the new controls. Finally call
composite.layout(true, true);
on the parent composite to force it to update the layout.
If you just want to switch between two sets of controls you can use the GridData.exclude flag and Control.setVisible to include/exclude controls. Again call layout at the end.


Navigation Issue in Xamarin Forms

I need to route pages A -> B -> C -> D, once I got into D, I need to use the navigation button back to page D -> A. I am trying to implement this scenario IOS and Android in Xamarin Forms.
Please help
Your case use the Navigation.PopToRootAsync ();
Navigation.PopToRootAsync (); This method pops all but the RootPage off the navigation stack, therefore making the root page of the application the active page.
Navigation.PopAsync (); This causes the Page2Xaml instance to be removed from the navigation stack, with the new topmost page becoming the active page.
The following doc explains well about Xamarin.Forms Navigation.
Inside the "D" page override the "OnBackButtonPressed" and inside the function iterate trough the pages you no longer need and remove them one by one.
Pseudo code:
protected override bool OnBackButtonPressed()
foreach (var page in Navigation.NavigationStack)
//find the pages you want to remove
//Set new page
return base.OnBackButtonPressed();
You can oveeride OnBackButtonPressed Event and use Navigation.PopToRootAsync
protected override bool OnBackButtonPressed()
return base.OnBackButtonPressed();

Win 8.1 Metro Hub Navigation

In a Hub view App with subItems Pages, my question is when I navigate to a sub item detail Page and then use command navigate goback, the view always returns to pageroot hub section01.
How can I return the MainHub Page to the original calling section that went to the sub page in the first place?
My research has been fruitless. I don't think snaps are my answer but hey any advice is appreciated.
I apologize if this is a very simple question but...
Ok. Thanks for the answers. After looking at this problem for three days I have found a solution but not quite an answer.
this.NavigationCacheMode = Windows.UI.Xaml.Navigation.NavigationCacheMode.Enabled;
By enabling Navigation Caching the page will return to it's sender position. However I still desire to return to the Hub root page to a specific section. If anyone still has info on how to achieve this I would be grateful.
Seasons Greetings.
Well the newbie here has also discovered the MyHub.ScrollToSection(MyHub.Sections[0]);
This allows you to navigate directly to a section thereby bringing it into the current view.
I'm trying to find an answer to the same question. This is what I've found so far. I welcome any better solutions.
Option 1
Enable caching for the page. Note that this must be set in the page constructor or XAML. This will increase memory usage but will improve performance of your app when you navigate back to a cached page.
this.NavigationCacheMode = Windows.UI.Xaml.Navigation.NavigationCacheMode.Enabled;
More information here:
Option 2
Manually save a controls state between page navigations. The example below is using the NavigationHelper class which is added to a new Windows Store project by default.
private void OnNavigationHelperSaveState(obj sender, SaveStateEventArgs e)
e.PageState["SelectedSection"] = this.MainHub.SectionsInView;
private void OnNavigationHelperLoadState(obj sender, LoadStateEventArgs e)
if (e.PageState != null)
var sections = e.PageState["SelectedSection"] as IList<HubSection>;
if (sections != null && sections.Any())
More information here:
you could get the Hub's descendant scrollviewer and register to scrollchanged events, store the scrollOffsets and restore them as soon as the user navigates back to the page by applying the values to the hub's scrollviewer.
I guess you would have to register to the hub's loaded event to get the descending scrollviewer (you can use an Extension method from WinRt XAML Toolkit that allows you to get the descendants by Type (e.g. Scrollviewer)
you can delete un back stack with this :
Have you tried what i suggested?
Unforunately Hub can't be extended to do this and access it's Scrollviewer so you have to do this with an attached Property or plainly in your page.cs .
First you register an handler for the Loaded event of your hub. In the handler you get the descending scrollviewer (with the help of WINRT XAML Toolkit maybe) and register for it's ViewChanged Event.
You store the paremeters you like somewhere they don't get deleted on page navigation and restore and attach them to the scrollviewer on backwards-navigation.
I can give you example code in the afternoon.
It's not a ridiculous request. Try this:
public static class Concurrency
public static HubSection GotoSection { get; set; }
public class MainPage : Page
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
if (Concurrency.GotoSection != null)
Concurrency.GotoSection = null;
protected override void OnNavigatedFrom(NavigationEventArgs e)
Concurrency.GotoSection = MainHub.SectionsInView.First();
The reason this.NavigationCacheMode = Windows.UI.Xaml.Navigation.NavigationCacheMode.Enabled; may not be the correct solution is because you might want your hub to be refreshed. If the detail page resulted in an edit (or especially a delete) a back navigation would show stale data, and subject your app to un unexpected state if the user interacts with dead data.
Best of luck!
Enable cache mode on your page at initialization
public MainHubPage()
. .......
this.NavigationCacheMode = NavigationCacheMode.Enabled;
You need to add Loaded method to Page constructor.
MainHub.Loaded += async (s, e) => await Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
//here you can scroll

Why isn't the page data tab showing in the Designer?

I'm editing a page in the ToolTwist Designer, and I have all the normal tabs shown - edit page, navpoint, test page, source, etc, but the "Page Data" tab is not showing. How can I make the tab show, so I can enter page data for my page?
The page data tab only appears if there is a widget on your page that requires page data. You also need to editing the navpoint, rather than the page, because the page data belongs to the navpoint, and a single page definition might be shared by many navpoints. In other words, the page data allows widgets to appear different at various locations (navpoints) within the website.
If you are developing a widget that you wish to have use page data, you need to do the following:
In the Widget Controller class, implement the "UsesPageData" interface. This tells the Designer that the page data tab needs to be displayed when you click on a navpoint that references a page that included this widget, and on the tab it creates a section where the XML for this widget can be entered, specific to that particular navpoint.
public class CarouselTab extends WbdWidgetController implements UsesPageData
To give the user an indication of what XML the widget expects, you need to implement a method that returns template XML code. For example:
public XData getInitialPageData(WbdWidget instance)
StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer();
xml.append(" id01\n");
xml.append(" [Label 01]\n");
xml.append(" [Add your widget here 01]\n");
xml.append(" id02\n");
xml.append(" [Label 02]\n");
xml.append(" [Add your widget here 02]\n");
return new XData(xml);
Define a property that defines a name to be displayed above where you enter the XML on the page data tab:
protected void init(WbdWidget instance) throws WbdException
instance.defineProperty(new WbdStringProperty("pageDataSection", null, "PageDataSection", ""));
Use the page data when you are generating the page:
public void renderForJSP(WbdGenerator generator, WbdWidget instance, UimHelper ud, WbdRenderHelper rh) throws WbdException
Xpc xpc = ud.getXpc();
xpc.start("tooltwist.wbd.getPagedata", "select");
xpc.attrib("navpointId", WbdSession.getNavpointId(ud.getCredentials()));
xpc.attrib("pageDataSection", pageDataSection);
XData pagedata =;
// Do something with the page data

Windows Phone 7 Control Caching - 'Element is already the child of another element'

I'm trying to speed up my windows phone 7 page load times. I have a 'static' page that has a dynamically created in a Panorama control - static meaning that the content never changes.
On the first load I look at my config file, create the individual PanoramaItem controls and add them to the main Panorama control. I'm trying to keep a List in a static place so that the initial creation would only happen once and I could just add a fully rendered version to my Panorama control when the page was rendered.
Works fine on first load, but when I try to add the cached PanoramaItems to the Panorama control I get the message "Element is already the child of another element". This makes sense since I already added before. But I can see a way to disconnect the PanoramaItems with the first Panorama control...
I could be going about the control caching thing all wrong as well... Let me know if there's another way to do this.
You can use Panorama.Items.Remove(pivotItem) for this
As an example
With the following page fields
PanoramaItem pi;
bool blahShown = false;
On the press of this button, the control is first instantiated and displayed and on subsequent presses removed and readded without instantiation.
private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (pi == null) {
pi = new PanoramaItem();
pi.Header = "blah";
if (blahShown) {
blahShown = false;
} else {
blahShown = true;

Getting current Tab/Document in DockPanel Suite

I'm using the DockPanel Suite by Weifen Luo in a little project (webbrowser) and have managed to be able to create tabs and navigate the webbrowser element inside each tab.
But how am I able to change the tabs title/name when the page is navigating to another site?
Basically I just need to get into the current tabs form.
You can get the current tab by using DockPanel's ActiveContent method. For example:
Form myForm = myDockPanel.ActiveContent();
myForm.TabText = "Stack Overflow";
DockPanel.ActiveDocument and DockPanel.ActivePane can also be useful.
After having worked on this a few weeks (not 'till now though :P) I have to say, that this is currently not possible.
You can manage your own (assuming your Document Form is a specific class) by managing:
'FormClosing' and 'Activated' events
'Activated' set your own "active" document to 'this'.
'FormClosing' set your own "active" document to null.
FormClosing is just to catch the case where you are closing the last document. Activated is what manages everything else, like when a new document gets created and is made the active window, etc.
You can use a static global to manage focus. Then access it from anywhere else:
public partial class MyDocument : DockContent
public static MyDocument ActiveDocument { get; private set; }
I needed the ability to check which document was active, and set that document to active again after changing some UI elements that automatically reset the active tab, so I used some pieces from here and the DockPanel FAQ, and did some digging to figure out the answer to this problem:
public string GetActive()
{ //Verify if forms that dock in main window are already open
foreach (DockContent form in dockMain.Contents)
if (form.DockHandler.Pane.ActiveContent.DockHandler.Form.Name.ToString() == form.Name.ToString())
string formName = form.Name.ToString();
return formName;
return null;
And then in some other method you will call:
string activeForm = GetActive();