iOS9 covering status bar with custom uiwindow - wrong position - objective-c

I am trying to cover status bar with my own view and to do that I calculcate frame for my view by doing something like that (also after rotation):
UIScreen *screen = [UIScreen mainScreen];
CGRect statusBarFrame = [UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarFrame;
For iOS8+ (because since ios8 UIScreen is orientantion-dependant):
CGRect frame = [screen.coordinateSpace convertRect:statusBarFrame toCoordinateSpace:screen.fixedCoordinateSpace];
[self setFrame:frame];
For iOS7:
[self setFrame:statusBarFrame];
It works just fine for iOS8 and below but when building my app with Xcode 7 beta 4 and iOS 9 SDK something is wrong when starting app in landscape or upsidedown (it works fine if app starts in portrait) ...
ie. when I start the app while Upsidedown the custom uiwindow which should cover status bar will always end up at the bottom side of screen, any ideas what might be wrong?

Without additional information, the best solution would be to simply hide the status bar. If you still want the "status bar" for animation purposes or some other reason, the typical solution in this scenario is to simulate it by calling
- (UIView *)snapshotViewAfterScreenUpdates:(BOOL)afterUpdates on UIScreen
and use the returned view as the background for whatever view/window you're presenting. As of iOS 9, there's no public method that'll allow you to get the specific behavior you specified.


My iOS app Screen is not auto sizing in iOS 5 dimension

The Screen UI is developed for 3:2, but when I run the app in iOS Simulator for iphone 5 and above, I see there is a white patch below in the bottom of the screen. The rest of the screens are appearing correctly.
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application {
[self startup];
[window addSubview:loginViewController.view];
//For Eula
NSDictionary *eulaDict = [EULAController getEULADictionary];
if (eulaDict == nil || [ self checkForVersionChange] == TRUE) {
eulaController = [[EULAController alloc] initWithNibName:#"eula"bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];
//temp fix as for some reason this is showing up 20 pixels shifted upwards. if this works in your scenario then remove this adjustment
CGRect frame1 = CGRectMake(0,20,320,460);
[eulaController.view setFrame:frame1];
[window addSubview:eulaController.view];
[self updateVersionAndBuild];
[window makeKeyAndVisible];
Not sure, why its not fitting the entire screen. I didn enable athe AutoLayout option but it didnt help, as during the launch of the app, it stops for iphone 5/6.
Thanks in advance !
I guess you are missing the Default-568h#2x.png default launch image...
If so, just add one to your project and it will work.
You've hardcoded the frame to iPhone 4 size:
CGRect frame1 = CGRectMake(0,20,320,460);
You've said your using autoLayout. I'd remove this and use autoLayout constraints instead and it will scale.

iOS7 strange animation when using hidesBottomBarWhenPushed

I am getting a really strange animation behaviour when pushing another view controller that has the bottom bar hidden with hidesBottomBarWhenPushed. The first thread I found was that: Strange animation on iOS 7 when using hidesBottomBarWhenPushed in app built targeting <= iOS 6 but as my application is only build and run on iOS7 it is not the case for my problem.
Please see the following video that shows the problem (look in the top right corner):
This strange animation shadow only occurs when hidesBottomBarWhenPushed is true.
How can I fix that?
Solved my problem:
In the second view controller is the way to go.
Leo Natan is correct. The reason for this blur effect is because the entire Tab Bar Controller is being animated underneath the navigation controller, and behind that view is a black UIWindow by default. I changed the UIWindow background color to white and that fixed the issue.
hidesBottomBarWhenPushed seems to work great with UITabBars (iOS 7/8).
Turn off the Translucent property of Navigation Bar in Storyboard.
In My Case, I had TabBarViewController with UINavigationController in each tabs & faced similar issue. I used,
nextScreen.hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = true
It works fine when nextScreen is UITableViewController subclass & applied auto layout. But, It does not work fine when nextScreen is UIViewController. I found it depends on nextScreen auto layout constraints.
So I just updated my currentScreen with this code -
override func viewWillDisappear(animated: Bool) {
self.tabBarController?.tabBar.hidden = true
For more details -
An elegant way of doing this, while keeping transparency, is to add this to the root UIViewController:
- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.35f animations:^{
self.tabBarController.tabBar.alpha = 1.0f;
- (void)viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)animated {
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.35f animations:^{
self.tabBarController.tabBar.alpha = 0.0f;
This way you'll get a nice fade-in/fade-out animation of the tab bar.
What if in the second view controller in viewWillAppear you put
[self.navigationController setToolbarHidden:YES animated:NO];

UIDatePicker at bottom of a modal, in iOS5 & iOS6

In my app, I show to my users a modal with an UIDatePicker at the bottom so they can select a date. My modal has to work in portrait and in landscape. Also, my DAtePicker has to be smaller in landscape than in portrait, or it takes nearly all the screen. I'm using the following code when the screen is rotating.
if (UIInterfaceOrientationIsPortrait(toInterfaceOrientation)) {
datePicker.frame = CGRectMake(datePicker.frame.origin.x, myView.frame.size.width - 216.0, datePicker.frame.size.width, 216);
else {
datePicker.frame = CGRectMake(datePicker.frame.origin.x, myView.frame.size.height - 160.0, datePicker.frame.size.width, 160);
It does work great on iOS6 : the DatePicker is always where I want it to be. But in iOS5, the same DatePicker is in the middle of the screen on portrait mode, and off screen in the landscape mode.
Do you know a solution which works on iOS 5 and iOS 6?
Autorotation mechanism has changed in iOS 6.
From iOS 6.0 Release Notes:
The willRotateToInterfaceOrientation:duration:,
willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation:duration:, and
didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation: methods are no longer called on any
view controller that makes a full-screen presentation over itself—for
example, presentViewController:animated:completion:. You should make
sure that your apps are not using these methods to manage the layout
of any subviews. Instead, they should use the view controller’s
viewWillLayoutSubviews method and adjust the layout using the view’s
bounds rectangle.
I think you should implement the iOS 5 specific methods to make it work.

UIImagePicker Front Camera strange behavior on orientation in iPad

An app that captures an image from Front camera automatically after 3 sec countdown.
Everything is working as expected.
//in viewDidLoad
if ([UIImagePickerController isSourceTypeAvailable:UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera]){
imagePicker = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init];
self.imagePicker.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera;
self.imagePicker.cameraDevice = UIImagePickerControllerCameraDeviceFront;
self.imagePicker.delegate = self;
self.imagePicker.showsCameraControls = NO;
[self.imagePicker.view setFrame:kAppFrame];
[self.view addSubview:self.imagePicker.view];
[self.view bringSubviewToFront:self.imagePicker.view];
I have never told the ipad to use its rear device Still in certain cases the rear camera starts.
Steps to reproduce
Hold the camera in Landscape orientation
Click a photo (Will take you to next screen, pushed in Nav controller)
In the next screen tilt the ipad halfway towards face up orientation
Comeback to camera screen and you see it using rear camera.
This is a very strange behavior I am not even able to understand its cause.
check your code the line self.imagePicker.cameraDevice = UIImagePickerControllerCameraDeviceFront; define that you open your front vamera of device.
Now your second problem: i am not sure but you have to rotate your image 90 degree. It's may be when you get image it's get in portrait mode.
It looks like I have found the solution.
just moving the entire code to viewWillAppear from viewDidLoad method.
It looked like I was relying a lot on view before it appeared with a certain orientation. Putting the code in viewWillAppear guaranteed me that the view is actually ready with its orientation set. I can now put anything on it.
I know this is not the proper answer but this is what I made out of the scenario. Any modifications/correction are most welcome.

UINavigationBar tint color flashing in iOS 4

The app I'm working on has a custom nab bar but supports iOS 4.2-iOS 5, so I need to set the UINavigationBar background and tint in this old school way in my app delegate.
#implementation UINavigationBar (UINavigationBarCategory)
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect {
self.tintColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:42.0/255.0
UIImage *img = [UIImage imageNamed:#"navbar_bg.png"];
[img drawInRect:CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0,
This works for the most part, but I noticed when the app is first starting, the UIBarButtonItems flash the default navigation bar color for a second before they correct themselves and change color to match the navigation bar. Interestingly, the navigation bar itself uses the background image correctly from the get-go.
To be clear, I'm using setBackgroundImage for UINavigationBar on iOS 5 devices which works as expected so the flash is only in iOS 4.
Anyone have any insight on why this would happen and/or how to fix it?
The bar button items are the wrong color? You can manually set their tint color in viewDidLoad: to the tint color
navigationBar.rightBarButtonItem.tintColor = [UIColor ...]
if you're using a nib file. Otherwise you can do the same thing in loadView: . Either way this code will get executed as part of the initial draw loop so you'll have the proper color without any flashing.
Also for future reference, it's technically incorrect to override a method inside a category. (The latest version of Xcode, 4.3, will give you a warning about this). You should either properly subclass UINavigationBar or do "method swizzling". But that's pretty tough so don't worry about it right now :)
If you call the class with the code referenced in viewDidLoad try moving it to awakeFromNib