SQL - need help in parsing text of a field - sql

I have a select query and it fetches a field with complex data. I need to parse that data in specified format. please help with your expertise:
selected string = complexType|ChannelCode=PB - Phone In A Box|IncludeExcludeIndicator=I
expected output - PB|I
Please help me in writing a sql regular expression to accomplish this output.

The first step in figuring out the regular expression is to be able to describe it plain language. Based on what we know (and as others have said, more info is really needed) from your post, some assumptions have to be made.
I'd take a stab at it by describing it like this, which is based on the sample data you provided: I want the sets of one or more characters that follow the equal signs but not including the following space or end of the line. The output should be these sets of characters, separated by a pipe, in the order they are encountered in the string when reading from left to right. My assumptions are based on your test data: only 2 equal signs exist in the string and the last data element is not followed by a space but by the end of the line. A regular expression can be built using that info, but you also need to consider other facts which would change the regex.
Could there be more than 2 equal signs?
Could there be an empty data element after the equal sign?
Could the data set after the equal sign contain one or more spaces?
All these affect how the regex needs to be designed. All that said, and based on the data provided and the assumptions as stated, next I would build a regex that describes the string (really translating from the plain language to the regex language), grouping around the data sets we want to preserve, then replace the string with those data sets separated by a pipe.
SQL> with tbl(str) as (
2 select 'complexType|ChannelCode=PB - Phone In A Box|IncludeExcludeIndicator=I' from dual
3 )
4 select regexp_replace(str, '^.*=([^ ]+).*=([^ ]+)$', '\1|\2') result from tbl;
The match regex explained:
^ Match the beginning of the line
. followed by any character
* followed by 0 or more 'any characters' (refers to the previous character class)
= followed by an equal sign
( start remembered group 1
[^ ]+ which is a set of one or more characters that are not a space
) end remembered group one
.*= followed by any number of any characters but ending in an equal sign
([^ ]+) followed by the second remembered group of non-space characters
$ followed by the end of the line
The replace string explained:
\1 The first remembered group
| a pipe character
\2 the second remember group
Keep in mind this answer is for your exact sample data as shown, and may not work in all cases. You need to analyse the data you will be working with. At any rate, these steps should get you started on breaking down the problem when faced with a challenging regex. The important thing is to consider all types of data and patterns (or NULLs) that could be present and allow for all cases in the regex so you return accurate data.
Edit: Check this out, it parses all the values right after the equal signs and allows for nulls:
SQL> with tbl(str) as (
2 select 'a=zz|complexType|ChannelCode=PB - Phone In A Box|IncludeExcludeIndicator=I - testing|test1=|test2=test2 - testing' from dual
3 )
4 select regexp_substr(str, '=([^ |]*)( |||$)', 1, level, null, 1) output, level
5 from tbl
6 connect by level <= regexp_count(str, '=')
7 ORDER BY level;
-------------------- ----------
zz 1
PB 2
I 3
test2 5


Extracting string between two characters in sql oracle database

I need to extract a string that will located between two characters, with always the same pattern
sample string:
A CRN_MOB_H_001 a--> <AVLB>
What is in bold AVLB is what I want to extract, the whole string will always have the same pattern, and everything that is before the < is irrelevant to me.
The string will always have the same pattern:
Some string with possible special characters such as <>, although very unlikely so, it can be ignored if too complicated
a space
then -->
a space
and then the part that is interesting <XXXXXXX>
The XXXXXXX representing the part I want to extract
thank you for your time.
I have tried several things, could not get anywhere I wanted.
Please try this REGEXP_SUBSTR(), which selects what is in the angled brackets when they occur at the end of the string.
Note the WITH clause just sets up test data and is a good way to supply data for people to help you here.
WITH tbl(str) AS (
SELECT 'A CRN_MOB_H_001 a--> <AVLB>' FROM dual
SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR(str, '.*<(.*)>$', 1, 1, NULL, 1) DATA
FROM tbl;
1 row selected.

Imapala Regex - find specific sequence of characters, with delimiters between them, some are not letters, digits or underscore

I am new to regex and need to search a string field in Impala for multiple matches to this exact sequence of characters: ~FC* followed by 11 more * that could have letters/digits between (but could not, they are basically delimiters in this string field). After the 12th * (if you count #1 in ~FC*) it should be immediately followed by Y~.
since the asterisks are not letters or digits, I am unsure on how to search for these delimiters properly.
This is my SQL so far:
regexp_extract(col_name, '(~FC\\*).*(\\*Y~)', 1) as "pattern_found"
from db.table
where id = 123456789
limit 1
data returned:
(~FC\\*) in Impala SQL it returns ~FC* which is great (got it from my other question)
Been trying this (~FC\\*).*(\\*Y~) which obviously isnt counting the number of asterisks but its is also not picking the Y up.
This is a test string, it has 2 occurrences:
N4*CITY*STATE*2155446*2120~FC*C*IND*30*MC*blah blah fjdgfeufh*27*0*****Y~FC*Z*IND*39*MC*jhlkfhfudfgsdkufgkusgfn*23*0*****Y~
results should be these 2, which has an overlapping ~ between them. but will settle for at least the first being found if both cannot.
~FC*C*IND*30*MC*blah blah fjdgfeufh*27*0*****Y~
figured out a solution but happy to learn of a better way to accomplish this
This is what worked in Impala SQL, needed parentheses and double escape backslashes for allllll the asterisks:
Full SQL:
regexp_extract(col_name, '(~FC\\*[^\\*]*\\*[^\\*]*\\*[^\\*]*\\*[^\\*]*\\*[^\\*]*\\*[^\\*]*\\*[^\\*]*\\*[^\\*]*\\*[^\\*]*\\*[^\\*]*\\*[^\\*]*\\*Y)', 1) as "pattern_found"
from db.table
where id = 123456789
limit 1
and here is the RegexDemo without the additional syntax needed for Impala SQL

Oracle: regexp for a complicated case

I have a table, and one of the columns contains a string with items separated by semicolons(;)
I want to selectively transfer the data to a new table based on the pattern of the String.
For example, it may look like
I don't care about what's between the semicolons, but I care about which positions contain items. For example, if I only want the 1st, 3rd, 4th position to contain items, I would allow the following...
32;;14;18/12;;;;;;;;; or 32;;14;18/12;;;;55;;;;11;;;;;;;
This one down below is not okay because the 3rd position does not hold any value.
If regexp works for this, then I can use merge into to move the desired records to the target table. If this cannot be done, I'll have to process each record in Java, and selectively insert the records to the new table.
source table:
id | StringValue | count
target table:
id | StringValue | count
The sql that I have in mind:
merge into you_target_table tt
using ( select StringValue, count
from source_table where REGEXP_LIKE ( StringValue, 'some pattern')
) st
on ( st.StringValue = tt.StringValue and st.count=tt.count )
when not matched then
insert (id, StringValue , count)
values (someseq.nextval, st.value1, st.count)
when matched then
set tt.count = tt.count + st.count;
Also I'm certain that all StringValue in source table is unique, so what's after when matched then is not important, but due to the syntax, I think I must have something.
For each position you want a value put [^;]+;, that matches any character, that is not ; and occurs at least one time followed by a ;. If you don't care for a position put [^;]*;. That's almost similar to the first one but the characters, that are before the ; may also be none. Anchor the whole thing to the beginning with ^.
So for your 1st, 3rd and 4th position example you'd get:
In a query that'd look like:
FROM elbat
WHERE regexp_like(nmuloc, '^[^;]+;[^;]*;[^;]+;[^;]+;');
It may be further improved by putting the sub expressions in a group, that is, put parenthesis around them, and use quantors -- a number in curly braces after the group. For example ([^;]+;){2} would match two positions that are not empty. Your example would get shorten to:
While #stiky bit answer is totally correct there is another similar but perhaps more readable solution:
FROM elbat
WHERE regexp_substr(nmuloc, '(.*?)(;|$)', 1, 1, '', 1) is not null
AND regexp_substr(nmuloc, '(.*?)(;|$)', 1, 3, '', 1) is not null
AND regexp_substr(nmuloc, '(.*?)(;|$)', 1, 4, '', 1) is not null;
clearly states position number that should not be null
has universal pattern for any condition, so no need in changing regex
can use any regex as delimiter, not only single character
actually extracts item, so you can further test it with any function
rather verbose
n times slower, where n is condition count
even more slower (up to 2 times) cause of backtracking on each non-delimiter symbol
However in my experience this efficiency difference is minor if query is not run against billions of rows. And even then disk reading would consume most of the time.
How it's made:
(.*?)(;|$) - lazily searches for any character sequence (possibly zero-length) ended with delimiter or end of string
1 - position to start search. 1 is default. Needed only to get to the next parameter
1, 3 or 4 - occurrence or pattern
'' - match_parameter. Can be used for setting up matching mode, but here also only to get to the last parameter
1 - sub-expression number makes regexp_substr return only first capturing group. That is (.*?) i.e. item itself without delimiter.

How can I extract a substring from a character column without using SUBSTR()?

I have a questions regarding below data.
You clearly can see each EMP_IDENTIFIER has connected with EMP_ID.
So I need to pull only identifier which is 10 characters that will insert another column.
How would I do that?
I did some traditional way, using INSTR, SUBSTR.
I just want to know is there any other way to do it but not using INSTR, SUBSTR.
62049 62049-2162400111
6394 6394-1368000222
64473 64473-1814702333
61598 61598-0876000444
57452 57452-0336503555
5842 5842-0000070666
75778 75778-0955501777
76021 76021-0546004888
76274 76274-0000454999
73910 73910-0574500122
I am using Oracle 11g.
If you want the second part of the identifier and it is always 10 characters:
select t.*, substr(emp_identifier, -10) as secondpart
from t;
Here is one way:
REGEXP_SUBSTR (EMP_IDENTIFIER, '-(.{10})',1,1,null,1)
That will give the 1st 10 character string that follows a dash ("-") in your string. Thanks to mathguy for the improvement.
Beyond that, you'll have to provide more details on the exact logic for picking out the identifier you want.
Since apparently this is for learning purposes... let's say the assignment was more complicated. Let's say you had a longer input string, and it had several groups separated by -, and the groups could include letters and digits. You know there are at least two groups that are "digits only" and you need to grab the second such "purely numeric" group. Then something like this will work (and there will not be an instr/substr solution):
select regexp_substr(input_str, '(-|^)(\d+)(-|$)', 1, 2, null, 2) from ....
This searches the input string for one or more digits ( \d means any digit, + means one or more occurrences) between a - or the beginning of the string (^ means beginning of the string; (a|b) means match a OR b) and a - or the end of the string ($ means end of the string). It starts searching at the first character (the second argument of the function is 1); it looks for the second occurrence (the argument 2); it doesn't do any special matching such as ignore case (the argument "null" to the function), and when the match is found, return the fragment of the match pattern included in the second set of parentheses (the last argument, 2, to the regexp function). The second fragment is the \d+ - the sequence of digits, without the leading and/or trailing dash -.
This solution will work in your example too, it's just overkill. It will find the right "digits-only" group in something like AS23302-ATX-20032-33900293-CWV20-3499-RA; it will return the second numeric group, 33900293.

Comparing fields when a field has data in between 2 characters that match the field being compared

I have code that looks like this:
left outer join
gme_batch_header bh
substr(ln.lot_number,instr(ln.lot_number,'(') + 1,
instr(ln.lot_number,')') - instr(ln.lot_number,'(') - 1)
It works fine, but I have come across a few lot numbers that have two sections of strings that are between parenthesis. How would I compare what is between the second set of parenthesis? Here is an example of the data in the lot number field:
This one works with the code,
58LF-3-B-2-2-2 (SCRAP)-(61448)
This one tries comparing SCRAP with the batch no, which isn't correct. It needs to be the 61448.
The result is always the last item in parenthesis.
After more research, I actually got it to work with this code:
substr(ln.lot_number,instr(ln.lot_number,'(',-1) + 1, instr(ln.lot_number,')',-1) - instr(ln.lot_number,'(',-1) - 1)
Assuming SQL2005+, and it is always the last occurrence you want, then I would suggest finding the last instance of a ( in your query and substring to there. To get the last instance you could use something like:
If your version of Oracle supports regular expressions try this:
regexp_substr(scrap_row,'[0-9]+\)$' ==> find me just numbers in the string that ends in ). This returns the numbers but it includes the closing parenthesis.
To remove the closing parenthsis, just send it through substring and extract first number through the length of the number stopping at 1 character from the end of the string.
Query for analysis:
with scrap
as (select '58LF-3-B-2-2-2 (SCRAP)-(61448)' as scrap_row from dual)
select scrap_row,
regexp_substr(scrap_row,'[0-9]+\)$') as regex_substring,
length(regexp_substr(scrap_row,'[0-9]+\)$')) as length_regex_substring,
substr(regexp_substr(scrap_row,'[0-9]+\)$'),1,length(regexp_substr(scrap_row,'[0-9]+\)$'))-1) as regex_sans_parenthesis
from scrap
If you have 11g, this will do it pretty simply by using the subgroup argument of regexp_substr() and constructing the regex appropriately:
SQL> with tbl(data) as
select 'E142059-307-SCRAP-(74055)' from dual
select '58LF-3-B-2-2-2 (SCRAP)-(61448)' from dual
select data from tbl
where regexp_substr(data, '\((\d+)\)$', 1, 1, NULL, 1)
= '61448';
58LF-3-B-2-2-2 (SCRAP)-(61448)
The regular expression can be read as:
\( - Search for a literal left paren
( - Start a remembered subgroup
\d+ - followed by 1 more more digits
) - End remembered subgroup
\) - followed by a literal right paren
$ - at the end of the line.
The regexp_substr function arguments are:
Source - the source string
Pattern - The regex pattern to look for
position - Position in the string to start looking for the pattern
occurrence - If the pattern occurs multiple times, which occurrence you want
match_params - See the docs, not used here
subexpression - which subexpression to use (the remembered group)
So in English, look for a series of 1 or more digits surrounded by parens, where it occurs at the end of the line and save the digit part only to use to compare. IMHO a lot easier to follow/maintain than nested instr(), substr().
For re-useability, make a function called get_last_number_in_parens() that contains this code and uses an argument of the string to search. This way that logic is encapsulated and can be re-used by folks that may not be so comfortable with regular expressions, but can benefit from the power! One place to maintain code too. Then call like this:
select data from tbl
where get_last_number_in_parens(data) = '61448';
How easy is that?!
Hello you can check with this code. It works whaever the condition may be
SELECT SUBSTR('58LF-3-B-2-2-2-(61448)',instr('58LF-3-B-2-2-2-(61448)','(',-1)+1,LENGTH('58LF-3-B-2-2-2-(61448)')-instr('58LF-3-B-2-2-2-(61448)','(',-1)-1)
FROM dual;
SELECT SUBSTR('58LF-3-B-2-2-2 (SCRAP)-(61448)',instr('58LF-3-B-2-2-2 (SCRAP)-(61448)','(',-1)+1,LENGTH('58LF-3-B-2-2-2 (SCRAP)-(61448)')-instr('58LF-3-B-2-2-2 (SCRAP)-(61448)','(',-1)-1)
FROM dual;