Special formatting in SPSS (subscript, superscript) - formatting

Is it possible in SPSS to insert superscript or subscript characters in labels, specifically axis labels?
For example, V2/Hz. LaTeX commands don't work at all ($\mu V^2$) and there doesn't appear to be any appropriate fields in the property editor.
Does SPSS have the capability? I'm using Version 20 if that is relevant.

Variable and value labels are plain text. It is possible to use html or rtf text in places in the Viewer or via the TEXT extension command.

I think the only way to get superscript or subscript in SPSS is to use Unicode characters. You can find them on this Wikipedia page. All numbers are there, but some letters are missing.
I prefer using Unicode subscript/superscript in regular text. The characters will not change if you loose text formatting, though you have limited number of fonts that work.


MS Access VBA and report issue with unicode UTF-8 / UTF-16

I have an issue with MS Access reports. I have a code in VBA where string type sentences are added with some specific local letters (e.g. ąčęėįšų). These are printed to report. However, report changes these letters to unknown and not understandable symbols. This started to happen after changing laptop and seems that unicode has changed from UTF-8 to UTF-16. Is there a simple solution how to solve it in report?
Found solution myself. If you want to add some symbol, use VBA function "ChrW(xxx)" where instead "xxx" add code for symbol. This solved the case.

How to insert Greek characters in MS-Access

Is there any way to insert greek letters into my database or reports in ms-access?
I don't want to change whole database font and I can't find "insert symbols" like excel and word for this purpose.
As this is a programming forum, I assume you are using vba, so...
When I create a new form in Access, the default font is Calibri.
That unicode capbable font supports Greek characters.
To get a capital Greek letter Delta, in your code, put
txtControl = ChrW(916)
The ChrW() function inserts unicode characters into your text.
Change the number to get different letters.
Lower case letters start at 945.
I suspect that if you set your keyboard to Greek, it will allow you to just type in there...

PDFBOX - WordUtils.wrap - need to display bold and non-bolded text on same line

I am a newbie to pdfbox AND java - trying to replicate a pdf letter with logos formatting etc. I need to use mixed font (bold) within a sentence. Presently appending paragraph string, using WordUtils.wrap, then begin.Text , etc. to parse and display (drawString has strikethrough cannot select this - I did find info for multi font using it). As field values will vary in text and length, I cannot simply search on, split and change font to display. Unable to use tags to do this (OMG I've tried everything I can think of!), but hoping there is a way to use a single char identifier for beginning of bold and another for end of bold??? One issue is that no guarantee the identifiers would end up on the same line of the paragraph. UGH. Everything else is perfect, EXCEPT the text I need to bold. Does anyone have any suggestions?? I am required to use pdfbox to accomplish this - cannot use Itext. Help please! Thank you!!
SOLVED - I figured it out. Thank you for your suggestions!
I did not want to use positioning, needing to keep it as simple as possible. We'll eventually need to implement hundreds of letters. I Am using Utils.wrap strictly as a line parser, not formatting, so that is cool.
Using 2 identifiers - 3 checks -
1) both on the same line,
2) beginning bold on one line, and
3) end bold on another line.
Using split string by " " and checks equal to identifiers. Formatting is perfect. Going forward may need to modify, if for some crazy reason identifiers are contained in letter text.
It works for the 1st roll-out. Thanks again - your help is much appreciated!!!

VBA: How to Reference Large Unicode Characters like Paperclip?

I know that similar question has been asked many times before but all I found was about characters up to 2-byte long. I need:
MyString = "📎"
The PAPERCLIP is (U+1F4CE) (http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/1f4ce/index.htm) and the
ChrW(128206) 'throws an error
HOW to reference the unicode chars longer than 2 bytes?
This is a job that your text editor ought to take care of. My memory of the VBA editor is hazy, I don't recollect any way to force the text encoding of the source code file and trying it quickly with the VBA editor in Excel 2013 looks very unpromising. It turns the utf-16 surrogate pair into two question marks.
Switching to another editor could work, Notepad works fine with the Encoding setting in the Save As dialog forced to "Unicode" for example. But that is hardship, with high odds that the string gets mangled again when you continue editing with the VBA editor. The workaround is to specify the surrogate pair explicitly. Try:
MyString = ChrW(&HD83D) & ChrW(&HDCCE)
Google "utf16 surrogate pair calculator" if you need to do this more than once.

New words after pdf copy-paste

I have a pdf file. Then i select and copy "K([2.2.2]crypt)]5[Co2Sn17".
But in clipboard there is "KACHTUNGTRENUNG([2.2.2]crypt)]5ACHTUNGTRENUNG[Co2Sn17".
Any ideas what is "ACHTUNGTRENUNG"? Is it a kind of protection?
There likely are a few extra (invisible) characters in the file. When you copy the text, the application you use to copy translates the characters in the PDF file into something that can be stored on the clipboard. Most likely that happens by translating every character into the unicode string stored in the PDF file for that character in the used font.
For most normal characters the Unicode string should be the same as the character you visually see; here you probably have invisible spaces in the PDF file that are called "achtungtrenung" in the font.
If you have the PDF file available somewhere, I'll be happy to take a look and verify this is indeed what is happening.
It's extra characters between lines.
You can try the PDF Copy Paste software, and see if your desired portion can be converted to text of your preferences.