I am looking for the simplest way to direct from mongo shell the output of db.serverStatus() to a text file.
If i try the pipe symbol db.serverStatus() >> myoutput.txt I get Reference error: my output is not defined.
You can use Javascript to translate the result into a printable JSON.
mongo dbname command.js > output.txt
where command.js contains this (or its equivalent):
printjson( db.serverStatus())
By the way if you are running just a single Javascript statement you don't have to put it in a file and instead you can use:
mongo dbname --eval "printjson(db.serverStatus())" > output.txt
For reference: "http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/write-scripts-for-the-mongo-shell/"
Explaination: The eval option will pass the mongo shell a JavaScript fragment which will return the output of db.serverStatus() using the mongo shell and then will output it to the 'output.txt' file.
I want to write match results based on cypher code inside a cypher file via cypher-shell into a text file (I am trying to do this on Windows). The cypher file contains: :beginmatch(n) return n;:commit
I tried to execute:
type x.cypher | cypher-shell.bat -u user -p secret > output.txt I get no error. But at the end there is just an empty text file "output.txt" inside the bin folder. Testing the cypher code directly in the cypher-shell (without piping) works. Can anyone help, please?
consider using the apoc library
that you can export to different formats, maybe it can help you.
Export to CSV
Export to JSON
Export to Cypher Script
Export to GraphML
Export to Gephi
https://neo4j.com/labs/apoc/xx/export/ --> xx your version Neo4j,example 4.0
Currently What I have is:
bcp "select * from TEST.dbo.HPA_1 WITH (NOLOCK)" queryout D:\Gift_Voucher\HPA\test1.txt -T -c -t
When I run the above code for the first time it works fine and it creates the textfile test1.txt, but When new data is added in the table I want to create new textfile something like test2.txt and test3.txt and so on without changing the code in bcp. Is there anything we can do here?
Change your BAT file to replace the output file path with a command-line parameter:
bcp "select * from TEST.dbo.HPA_1 WITH (NOLOCK)" queryout "%1" -T -c -t
In the SSIS package, create a string variable for the desired output file path. Set the Execute Process Task Executable property to "cmd.exe". On the Expressions page, set the Arguments property to an expression that builds the command with the BAT file path plus the output file argument. The example below also encloses the values in quotes to handle whitespace in the paths:
Set the variable value to the output file path variable in your package prior to executing the task. This can be done in package code or set the value via SSIS configuration.
Note that you could accomplish the same functionality in a Data Flow task instead of shelling out to BCP. That leverages the native export capability of SSIS.
I have to run multiple SQL script file in one go.
Like every time i have to write command in SQLPLUS
is there any way put all file in one folder & run all script file in one go without missing any single file like #d:\final.txt or #d\final.bat
There is no single SQL*Plus command to do that, but you can create a single script that calls all the others:
Put the following into a batch file
#echo off
for %%i in ("%~dp0"*.sql) do echo #"%%~fi" >> "%~dp0all.sql"
When you run that batch file it will create a new script named all.sql in the same directory where the batch file is located. It will look for all files with the extension .sql in the same directory where the batch file is located.
You can then run all scripts by using sqlplus user/pwd #all.sql (or extend the batch file to call sqlplus after creating the all.sql script)
If you're using gnu linux, you could use process substitution:
sqlplus USERNAME/PASSWORD#DOMAIN < <(cat a.txt a2.txt a3.txt a4.txt)
# ... or a for loop on input files, inside the process substitution
Alternatively, you can create a .pdc file and list your sql scripts:
-- pdc file
and call sql plus:
sqlplus USERNAME/PASSWORD#DOMAIN < my_scripts.pdc
Some tricks and command can help you to generate master.sql file and you can run from that location.
c:\direcotory_location\dir *.sql /-t /b >master.sql
Go to the parent directory open master.sql open using notepad++
remove master.sql line and use regular expression to replace
\n with \n #
go to cmd
From cmd
C:\root_directory\sqlplus user/password #master.sql
I find this process very convenient if i have 30 to 40 scripts placed in a single directory.
Use *.PDC extension file like this
install.pdc file content
whenever sqlerror exit sql.sqlcode
prompt started!
prompt 1.executing script 1
prompt 2.executing script 2
prompt 3.executing script 3
prompt finished!
where ##install/ points in which directory is the SQL script located
It might be worth the time to write a shell script that runs multiple files.
sqlplus user/password#instance <<EOF
For more on the syntax, look into Here Document
here is similar solution but you do not have to iterate and to have special formated an sql file names. You compose an one sql file and run it once.
cat table_animal.sql > /tmp/temp.sql
cat table_horse.sql >> /tmp/temp.sql
cat table_fish.sql >> /tmp/temp.sql
sqlplus USERNAME/PASSWORD#DOMAIN #/tmp/temp.sql
For Windows try
copy /b *.sql +x final.sql
sqlplus user/password #final.sql
Special Thanks to Joseph Torre
sqlplus login/password#server #filename
reference link
I workin' with Torch7 and Lua programming languages. I need a command that redirects the output of my console to a file, instead of printing it into my shell.
For example, in Linux, when you type:
$ ls > dir.txt
The system will print the output of the command "ls" to the file dir.txt, instead of printing it to the default output console.
I need a similar command for Lua. Does anyone know it?
[EDIT] An user suggests to me that this operation is called piping. So, the question should be: "How to make piping in Lua?"
[EDIT2] I would use this # command to do:
$ torch 'my_program' # printed_output.txt
Have a look here -> http://www.lua.org/pil/21.1.html
io.write seems to be what you are looking for.
Lua has no default function to create a file from the console output.
If your applications logs its output -which you're probably trying to do-, it will only be possible to do this by modifying the Lua C++ source code.
If your internal system has access to the output of the console, you could do something similar to this (and set it on a timer, so it runs every 25ms or so):
dumpoutput = function()
local file = io.write([path to file dump here], "w+")
for i, line in ipairs ([console output function]) do
Note that the console output function has to store the output of the console in a table.
To clear the console at the end, just do os.execute( "cls" ).
I have a number of files created by a program on our selling system that are produced in a format like the following:
These files differ in numbers depending on the split of our product to different brandings. Is it possible to rename them all so that they read like the following:
I need the files to be correctly named prior to their FTP as a hardcoded file could potentially not exist due to the brand not being on sale and terminate the FTP which would prevent the other files following it from being transmitted to our FTP server.
The OpenVMS rename command is more handy (imho) than the windows or unix variants, because it can bulk change chuncks of the full file name. Such as 'name', 'type' or (sub)directory.
For example:
$ rename *.dat *.old
That's great but it will not change within the chunks (components) like the name part requested here.
For that, the classic DCL approach is a quick loop, either parsing directory output (Yuck!) or using F$SEARCH. For example:
$ file = f$search("*EDI.LIS")
$ if file .eqs. "" then exit
$ name = f$parse(file,,,"name","syntax_only") ! grab name component from full name
$ rename/log 'file' 'name'_demo ! rename 'fills in the blanks'
$ goto loop
Personally I use PERL one-liners for this kind of work.
(and I test with -le using 'print' instead of 'rename' first. :-)
$ perl -e "for (<*edi.lis>) { $old = $_; s/_edi/_edi_demo/; rename $old,$_}"