Windows Phone equivalent to Android "tools:text" - windows-phone

When creating layout in Android I can preview texts and others properties without actually applying the value using tools attribute. There something like that for Windows Phone ? I want to preview how my layout without change the Binding properties.

If I understand what the Android attributes do correctly the similar feature to allow fake data in the Xaml designer is design-time attributes. You can apply attributes such as d:DataContext and d:DesignSource to provide preview data in the designer.
See Displaying Data in the Designer in MSDN's data binding overview for example code.


Metro modern UI for xaml

I want to design my xaml user control in metro style and want to use controls like tiles etc which are missing from usual XAML toolbox. How do I use these controls ? Are there any packages or library which allows us with modern UI metro controls to be directly used with XAML ?
you cannot use native WinRT visual components in a WPF project. You will have to rely on custom controls/styles. You can do it by yourself or you can use some third party librairies like Open Source Modern UI for WPF or Materiel Design in XML or use commercial components set like DevExpress

Windows Store app - Grid app with different items

I have to do a Windows Store application in XAML and C#, and the "Grid app" template is almost exactly what I need...
The problem is that this template displays same items, divided in groups.
For my app, I would like to do exactly the same thing but for different type of items instead and have a different details page for each type of item...
This is my first app and I don't manage to do it... How can I do it easily ?
The new "Hub" control of Windows 8.1 would be really perfect, But I can't work with Visual studio 2013 and Windows 8.1... :
I finally found the solution.
I had to use a TemplateSelector :

Tabs in Windows Store App

I am trying to convert some of my old applications into new Windows Store App design. Some of these applications use Tabs to represent multiple functionalities of the applications. For example, I have a simple English-German dictionary with two main functionality:
Translate English to German
Translate German to English
each represented in a separated Tab.
I have looked around various applications in Metro style and found no equivalent to Tabs.
It is possible to create Tabs manually (using buttons and ...) but they probably had a reason for not including such thing in default elements.
What's the proper way to design such concept in Metro?
You could implement "tabs" in two ways:
Use the top app bar, like Internet Explorer
Provide on-screen buttons in the header of the app (and style them to look like Pivot items in Windows Phone 7)
However, I believe that tabs should be used for independent activities. In your case, most users would want to easily swap from one translation to another. So, I recommend that you implement an interface similar to or
You could look into using the FlipView control. A typical example showing where this is used is the control used for navigating screenshots in the Windows Store. You can make use of buttons (or whichever control you choose) to change and track the currently displayed item in the flipview.

How to load an xml page in windows phone?

I'm working on a windows phone project where I have some xml files with a layout in each of them. How can I make programmatically one of them the current layout displayed in the application???? I'm working with C#. Thanks!!!
Use XamlReader Class.
Load the xaml into that XAMLReader, it will return which ever control it is.
Bind that to the view.

XAML Flowchart Serialization - graphic connector .net 4.0

Windows Workflow Foundation .Net 4.0 and I'm creating using code some custom activities and a flowchart that use it.
At the end I serialize the flowchart with this command:
XamlServices.Save(#"filename.xaml", Workflow);
where "Workflow" is a System.Activities.Statements.FlowChart object crated using basic constructor with all the nodes connected by their "Next" field.
The process seems to Works but whene I get the output, viewing it as text I get a Workflow without xmlns declarations and without graphic elements (such as ) and when I load it with Visual Studio, the designer adds the graphic in the wrong mode.
I mean that every activity is connect with the previous and with the next using the same graphic point.
Where is that I'm wrong?
This is my Corresponding XAML (before loading with Visual Studio):
You didn't add the XAML but it looks like you have the activities in the wrong order. So the last points to the previous etc all the way back to the start.