reodering the columns in a csv file + awk + keeping the comma delimiter - awk

this is my file:
$ cat temp
NZ,-40.900557,174.885971,New Zealand,64
US,37.09024,-95.712891,United States,1
I want to reorder the columns like below. but I want to keep the comma delimiter and don't want the space delimiter. How do I do this?
$ awk -F"," '{ print $5,$4,$1,$2,$3 }' temp
code name country latitude longitude
61 Australia AU -25.274398 133.775136
86 China CN 35.86166 104.195397
49 Germany DE 51.165691 10.451526
33 France FR 46.227638 2.213749
64 New Zealand NZ -40.900557 174.885971
685 Samoa WS -13.759029 -172.104629
41 Switzerland CH 46.818188 8.227512
1 United States US 37.09024 -95.712891
678 Vanuatu VU -15.376706 166.959158

The OFS record also needs to be set if you don't want the output field separator to be a space character (default).
$ awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","}{ print $5,$4,$1,$2,$3 }' temp
64,New Zealand,NZ,-40.900557,174.885971
1,United States,US,37.09024,-95.712891


substr & index - extract from string $2 until the last string of the line

I have multiple files from which I want from a specific line to extract from string $2 until the last string of line or until the end of line (it could be one more string after $2, or it could be more)
So what I thought is use awk, substr and index, but I dont know how to write the index part so it could print until the end of line or until the last string of line
CANADA NORTH Quebec city
AMERICA Washington DC
awk '{num=NR; var=substr($2, index($2, " ")+1, NF)}'
But this doesn't work.
Any help would be more than appreciated!
Thank you in advance
When you have one space between the words, use
cut -sd' ' -f2- inputfile
You can do $1 = "" to remove the first field, then print the updated line.
awk '{$1 = ""; print}'
The above will however print a space at the start of each line. If you want to remove that space:
awk '{$1 = ""; $0=substr($0, 2); print}'
From your examples, it seems that you only want to remove $1. In that case you could use sed to remove it:
sed -E 's/[^[:space:]]+[[:space:]]//'
[^[:space:]]+ - match 1 or more non whitespace characters
[[:space:]] - followed by a whitespace character
Substitiute with an empty string (the ending//).
You're not printing anything from your code, so that might be why "this doesn't work". Assuming that's not the problem, please edit your question to tell us what the problem is you need help with as "this doesn't work" is famously the worst possible problem statement when asking for help with software or anything else in life in general.
Having said that, regarding index($2, " ") - that's trying to find a space within a field when fields are separated by spaces so obviously that can never succeed. ITYM index($0, " ") and then substr($2... would be substr($0.... I'm not sure what you were thinking by having NF (the number of fields in the line) at the end of the substr() - maybe you meant length() (the number of chars in the line) but that'd also be wrong (and unnecessary) since that'd be more chars than are left after the substr() and just going til the end of the string as you want is substr()s default behavior anyway.
To fix your existing code try this:
$ awk '{num=NR; var=substr($0, index($0, " ")+1); print var}' file
CANADA NORTH Quebec city
AMERICA Washington DC
or more robustly in case of most regexp FS and most input values:
$ awk '{num=NR; var=substr($0, match($0, FS)+1); print var}' file
CANADA NORTH Quebec city
AMERICA Washington DC
The above and all other answers so far would fail if you're using the default FS and your input starts with blanks since given input like:
$1 is X and $2 is Y so if you want to print from Y on then you can't just delete whatever's before the first blank as $1 comes AFTER any leading whitespace when the default FS is used.
You also can't rely on using index() since it only matches strings while a multi-char FS is a regexp, nor can you rely on using match() since a single-char FS is a literal character.
So a robust solution to extract from string $2 until the last string of the line would have to handle:
FS being a blank to handle leading/trailing spaces and match any white space between fields,
Any other single-char FS as a literal character.
Any multi-char FS as a regexp.
FS being null in which case there's just 1 field, $1.
Let us know if you actually need that.
Your code
awk '{num=NR; var=substr($2, index($2, " ")+1, NF)}'
has three issues, firstly you are storing what substr returns into variable, but do not print it, secondly you assume desired length is number of fields, which is not case, thirdly $2 is respectively USA, CANADA, AMERICA, whilst you want also further fields.
After commencing repairs to your code it become
awk '{num=NR; var=substr($0, index($0, " ")+1); print var}' file.txt
which for
gives output
CANADA NORTH Quebec city
AMERICA Washington DC
that being, if you do not have to use index AT ANY PRICE you might use sub function to get desired output and more concise code following way
awk '{sub(/^[^ ]+ /,"");print}' file.txt
it does replace start of string (^) followed by 1-or-more (+) non (^)-spaces and space using empty string, i.e. delete it, then print such changed line.
(tested in GNU Awk 5.0.1)
mawk NF=NF FS='^[ \t]*[^ \t]+[ \t]+' OFS=
CANADA NORTH Quebec city
AMERICA Washington DC
Modifying the input:
$ cat input
DATA USA CALIFORNIA # 2x spaces between DATA and USA
DATA AMERICA Washington , DC # starts with 1x tab
DATA South Korea Seoul # starts with 2x spaces
Another awk variation:
awk '
{ print substr($0,index($0,$2)) } # strip off 1st field by finding starting point of 2nd field
' input
# or as a one-liner sans comments
awk '{ print substr($0,index($0,$2)) }' input
for this particular example there's no need for the num and var variables so they've been removed
this assumes the 2nd field is not a substring of the 1st field; if the 2nd field is any of D / A / T / DA / AT / TA / DAT / ATA / DATA then index() will match on the same string in the 1st field (DATA) which means we'll fail to strip off the 1st field
This generates:
CANADA NORTH Quebec city
AMERICA Washington , DC
South Korea Seoul
Addressing the scenario where the 2nd field could be a substring of the 1st field ...
Sample input:
$ cat input2
DATA A CANADA NORTH Quebec city # A is substring of DATA
DATA TA AMERICA Washington, DC # TA is substring of DATA
DATA DAT South Korea Seoul # DAT is substring of DATA
A couple awk ideas:
awk '
{ match($0,$1) # find 1st field location
$0=substr($0,RSTART+RLENGTH) # strip off 1st field; this will not strip off any field separators so we need to ...
print substr($0,index($0,$1)) # find start of new 1st field (old 2nd field)
' input2
# replace match()/substr() with substr()/index()/length()
awk '
{ $0=substr($0,index($0,$1)+length($1)) # find 1st field location and length; this strips off 1st field but not the trailing field separator(s) so we still need to ...
print substr($0,index($0,$1)) # find start of new 1st field (old 2nd field)
' input2
These both generate:
A CANADA NORTH Quebec city
TA AMERICA Washington, DC
DAT South Korea Seoul

How to replace a content on specific patter using sed without losing info?

I have a text file with a bunch of data. I was able to extract exactly what I want using sed; but
I need to replaced only the specific pattern I searched without losing the other content from the file.
Im using the following sed command; but I need to the replacement; but dont know how to do it.
cat file.txt | sed -rn '/([a-z0-9]{2}\s){6}/p' > output.txt
The sed searches for the following pattern: ## ## ## ## ## ##, but I want to replace that pattern like this: ######-######.
cat file.txt | sed -rn '/([a-z0-9]{2}\s){6}/p' > output.txt
1 | ec eb b8 7b e3 c0 47
9 | 90 20 c2 f6 3d c0 1/1/1
25 | 00 fd 45 3d a7 80 31
Desired Output:
1 | ecebb8-7be3c0 47
9 | 9020c2-f63dc0 1/1/1
25 | 00fd45-3da780 31
With your shown samples please try following awk program.
awk '
$2=substr($2,1,3) substr($2,5,2) substr($2,8,2)"-" substr($2,11,2) substr($2,14,2) substr($2,17,2) substr($2,19)
' Input_file
Explanation: Simple explanation would be, setting FS and OFS as | for awk program. Then in 2nd field using awk's substr function keeping only needed values as per shown samples of OP. Where substr function works on method of printing specific indexes/position number values(eg: from which value to which value you need to print). Then saving required values into 2nd field itself and printing current line then.
With awk:
awk '{$3=$3$4$5"-"$6$7$8; print $1"\t",$2,$3,$NF}' file
1 | ecebb8-7be3c0 47
9 | 9020c2-f63dc0 1/1/1
25 | 00fd45-3da780 31
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -E 's/ (\S\S) (\S\S) (\S\S)/ \1\2\3/;s//-\1\2\3/' file
Pattern match 3 spaced pairs twice, removing the spaces between the 2nd and 3rd pairs and replacing the first space in the 2nd match by -.
If you want to extract specific substrings, you'll need to write a more specific regex to pull out exactly those.
sed -rn '/([a-z0-9]{2})\s([a-z0-9]{2})\s([a-z0-9]{2})\s([a-z0-9]{2})\s([a-z0-9]{2})\s([a-z0-9]{2})\s/\1\2\3-\4\5\6/' file.txt > output.txt
Notice also how easy it is to avoid the useless cat.
\s is generally not portable; the POSIX equivalent is [[:space:]].

Most efficient way to gsub strings in awk where strings come from a separate file

I have a tab-sebarated file called cities that looks like this:
Washington Washington N 3322 +Geo+Cap+US
Munich München N 3842 +Geo+DE
Paris Paris N 4948 +Geo+Cap+FR
I have a text file called countries.txt which looks like this:
I'm reading this file into a Bash variable and sending it to an awk program like this:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
awk -v countrylist="$countrylist" -f countries.awk cities
And I have an awk file which should split the countrylist variable into an array, then process the cities file in such a way that we replace "+"VALUE with "" in $5 only if VALUE is in the countries array.
FS = "\t"; OFS = "\t";
split(countrylist, countries, /\n/)
# now gsub efficiently every country in $5
# but only if it's in the array
# i.e. replace "+US" with "" but not
# "+FR"
I am stuck in this last bit because I don't know how to check if $5 has a value from the array countries and to remove it only then.
Many thanks in advance!
The output should be tab-delimited:
Washington Washington N 3322 +Geo+Cap
Munich München N 3842 +Geo
Paris Paris N 4948 +Geo+Cap+FR
Could you please try following, if I understood your requirement correctly.
awk 'FNR==NR{a[$0]=$0;next} {for(i in a){if(index($5,a[i])){gsub(a[i],"",$5)}}} 1' countries.txt cities
A non-one liner form of code is as follows(you could set FS and OFS to \t in case your Input_file is TAB delimited):
awk '
for(i in a){
' countries.txt cities
Output will be as follows.
Washington Washington N 3322 +Geo+Cap+
Munich München N 3842 +Geo+
Paris Paris N 4948 +Geo+Cap+FR
This is the awk way of doing it:
$ awk '
FS=OFS="\t" # delimiters
NR==FNR { # process countries file
countries[$0] # hash the countries to an array
next # skip to next citi while there are cities left
n=split($5,city,"+") # split the 5th colby +
if(city[n] in countries) # search the last part in countries
sub(city[n] "$","",$5) # if found, replace in the 5th
}1' countries cities # output and mind the order of files
Output (with actual tabs in data):
Washington Washington N 3322 +Geo+Cap+
Munich München N 3842 +Geo+
Paris Paris N 4948 +Geo+Cap+FR

How to make awk only run after certain headings?

I have a file with tables of values under certain headings. Like so:
Series A
a 01 20
b 21 43
c 44 59
d 60 72
Series B
a 01 25
b 26 48
c 49 70
d 71 90
My question is, how can I make awk only draw information from the specified series? So if awk is told to look at "Series B", column 2, it will output that column.
If the data is separated by a blank line then you can use something like this -
[jaypal:~/Temp] cat file
Series A
a 01 20
b 21 43
c 44 59
d 60 72
Series B
a 01 25
b 26 48
c 49 70
d 71 90
[jaypal:~/Temp] awk '/Series B/,/^$/ { if (NF==3) print $2 }' file
Or you can do something similar in sed:
[jaypal:~/Temp] sed -n '/Series B/,/^$/s/\(.*[^ ]\) \(.*[^ ]\) \(.*\)/\2/p' file
Assuming the tables are separated by empty line(s):
awk '$0 ~ p, !NF {
if (!($0 ~ p) && NF) print $c
}' p='Series B' c=2 infile
$0 ~ p, !NF - the pair of patterns separated by a comma specify a range of records.
The first one evaluates to true if the current record $0 matches the pattern indicated by
the value of the variable p. The second one is true when the value of NF (Number of Fields)
is 0 (empty or blank line).
if (!($0 ~ p) && NF) print $c - if the current record doesn't match the pattern p
(i.e. skip the header), and (&&) the current record contains at least one column (NF != 0)
print the desired column.
I prefer this way:
awk -v sect="$1" -v col="$2" '
/Series/ {header = $0; next}
NF > 1 {
set[header] = set[header]$col"|";
END {print set[sect];}
' $3 | tr '|' '\n'
I introduce associate array and temp seperator(not needed if you don't need sort on "Series", just use "\n" and omit tr), don't rely on blank line, use "|" as temp sep, use tr to transfer it back.
This is my common solution since in real life I can create custom "sorting column", then pipe to unix sort, and cut them back. Nawk(alas AIX) don't have sort and unix sort is far more superior then any hand-made sort in awk.

Printing everything except the first field with awk

I have a file that looks like this:
AE United Arab Emirates
AG Antigua & Barbuda
AN Netherlands Antilles
AS American Samoa
BA Bosnia and Herzegovina
BF Burkina Faso
BN Brunei Darussalam
And I 'd like to invert the order, printing first everything except $1 and then $1:
United Arab Emirates AE
How can I do the "everything except field 1" trick?
$1="" leaves a space as Ben Jackson mentioned, so use a for loop:
awk '{for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) print $i}' filename
So if your string was "one two three", the output will be:
If you want the result in one row, you could do as follows:
awk '{for (i=2; i<NF; i++) printf $i " "; print $NF}' filename
This will give you: "two three"
Assigning $1 works but it will leave a leading space: awk '{first = $1; $1 = ""; print $0, first; }'
You can also find the number of columns in NF and use that in a loop.
From Thyag: To eliminate the leading space, add sed to the end of the command:
awk {'first = $1; $1=""; print $0'}|sed 's/^ //g'
Use the cut command with -f 2- (POSIX) or --complement (not POSIX):
$ echo a b c | cut -f 2- -d ' '
b c
$ echo a b c | cut -f 1 -d ' '
$ echo a b c | cut -f 1,2 -d ' '
a b
$ echo a b c | cut -f 1 -d ' ' --complement
b c
Maybe the most concise way:
$ awk '{$(NF+1)=$1;$1=""}sub(FS,"")' infile
United Arab Emirates AE
Antigua & Barbuda AG
Netherlands Antilles AN
American Samoa AS
Bosnia and Herzegovina BA
Burkina Faso BF
Brunei Darussalam BN
$(NF+1)=$1: Generator of a "new" last field.
$1="": Set the original first field to null
sub(FS,""): After the first two actions {$(NF+1)=$1;$1=""} get rid of the first field separator by using sub. The final print is implicit.
awk '{sub($1 FS,"")}7' YourFile
Remove the first field and separator, and print the result (7 is a non zero value so printing $0).
awk '{ saved = $1; $1 = ""; print substr($0, 2), saved }'
Setting the first field to "" leaves a single copy of OFS at the start of $0. Assuming that OFS is only a single character (by default, it's a single space), we can remove it with substr($0, 2). Then we append the saved copy of $1.
If you're open to a Perl solution...
perl -lane 'print join " ",#F[1..$#F,0]' file
is a simple solution with an input/output separator of one space, which produces:
United Arab Emirates AE
Antigua & Barbuda AG
Netherlands Antilles AN
American Samoa AS
Bosnia and Herzegovina BA
Burkina Faso BF
Brunei Darussalam BN
This next one is slightly more complex
perl -F` ` -lane 'print join " ",#F[1..$#F,0]' file
and assumes that the input/output separator is two spaces:
United Arab Emirates AE
Antigua & Barbuda AG
Netherlands Antilles AN
American Samoa AS
Bosnia and Herzegovina BA
Burkina Faso BF
Brunei Darussalam BN
These command-line options are used:
-n loop around every line of the input file, do not automatically print every line
-l removes newlines before processing, and adds them back in afterwards
-a autosplit mode – split input lines into the #F array. Defaults to splitting on whitespace
-F autosplit modifier, in this example splits on ' ' (two spaces)
-e execute the following perl code
#F is the array of words in each line, indexed starting with 0
$#F is the number of words in #F
#F[1..$#F] is an array slice of element 1 through the last element
#F[1..$#F,0] is an array slice of element 1 through the last element plus element 0
Let's move all the records to the next one and set the last one as the first:
$ awk '{a=$1; for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) $(i-1)=$i; $NF=a}1' file
United Arab Emirates AE
Antigua & Barbuda AG
Netherlands Antilles AN
American Samoa AS
Bosnia and Herzegovina BA
Burkina Faso BF
Brunei Darussalam BN
a=$1 save the first value into a temporary variable.
for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) $(i-1)=$i save the Nth field value into the (N-1)th field.
$NF=a save the first value ($1) into the last field.
{}1 true condition to make awk perform the default action: {print $0}.
This way, if you happen to have another field separator, the result is also good:
$ cat c
$ awk 'BEGIN{OFS=FS="-"}{a=$1; for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) $(i-1)=$i; $NF=a}1' c
The field separator in gawk (at least) can be a string as well as a character (it can also be a regex). If your data is consistent, then this will work:
awk -F " " '{print $2,$1}' inputfile
That's two spaces between the double quotes.
awk '{ tmp = $1; sub(/^[^ ]+ +/, ""); print $0, tmp }'
Option 1
There is a solution that works with some versions of awk:
awk '{ $(NF+1)=$1;$1="";$0=$0;} NF=NF ' infile.txt
$(NF+1)=$1 # add a new field equal to field 1.
$1="" # erase the contents of field 1.
$0=$0;} NF=NF # force a re-calc of fields.
# and use NF to promote a print.
United Arab Emirates AE
Antigua & Barbuda AG
Netherlands Antilles AN
American Samoa AS
Bosnia and Herzegovina BA
Burkina Faso BF
Brunei Darussalam BN
However that might fail with older versions of awk.
Option 2
awk '{ $(NF+1)=$1;$1="";sub(OFS,"");}1' infile.txt
That is:
awk '{ # call awk.
$(NF+1)=$1; # Add one trailing field.
$1=""; # Erase first field.
sub(OFS,""); # remove leading OFS.
}1' # print the line.
Note that what needs to be erased is the OFS, not the FS. The line gets re-calculated when the field $1 is asigned. That changes all runs of FS to one OFS.
But even that option still fails with several delimiters, as is clearly shown by changing the OFS:
awk -v OFS=';' '{ $(NF+1)=$1;$1="";sub(OFS,"");}1' infile.txt
That line will output:
That reveals that runs of FS are being changed to one OFS.
The only way to avoid that is to avoid the field re-calculation.
One function that can avoid re-calc is sub.
The first field could be captured, then removed from $0 with sub, and then both re-printed.
Option 3
awk '{ a=$1;sub("[^"FS"]+["FS"]+",""); print $0, a;}' infile.txt
a=$1 # capture first field.
sub( " # replace:
[^"FS"]+ # A run of non-FS
["FS"]+ # followed by a run of FS.
" , "" # for nothing.
) # Default to $0 (the whole line.
print $0, a # Print in reverse order, with OFS.
United Arab Emirates AE
Antigua & Barbuda AG
Netherlands Antilles AN
American Samoa AS
Bosnia and Herzegovina BA
Burkina Faso BF
Brunei Darussalam BN
Even if we change the FS, the OFS and/or add more delimiters, it works.
If the input file is changed to:
And the command changes to:
awk -vFS='.' -vOFS=';' '{a=$1;sub("[^"FS"]+["FS"]+",""); print $0,a;}' infile.txt
The output will be (still preserving delimiters):
The command could be expanded to several fields, but only with modern awks and with --re-interval option active. This command on the original file:
awk -vn=2 '{a=$1;b=$2;sub("([^"FS"]+["FS"]+){"n"}","");print $0,a,b;}' infile.txt
Will output this:
Arab Emirates AE United
& Barbuda AG Antigua
Antilles AN Netherlands
Samoa AS American
and Herzegovina BA Bosnia
Faso BF Burkina
Darussalam BN Brunei
There's a sed option too...
sed 's/\([^ ]*\) \(.*\)/\2 \1/' inputfile.txt
\([^ ]*\) = Match anything until we reach a space, store in $1
\(.*\) = Match everything else, store in $2
\2 = Retrieve $2
\1 = Retrieve $1
More thoroughly explained...
s = Swap
/ = Beginning of source pattern
\( = start storing this value
[^ ] = text not matching the space character
* = 0 or more of the previous pattern
\) = stop storing this value
\( = start storing this value
. = any character
* = 0 or more of the previous pattern
\) = stop storing this value
/ = End of source pattern, beginning of replacement
\2 = Retrieve the 2nd stored value
\1 = Retrieve the 1st stored value
/ = end of replacement
If you're open to another Perl solution:
perl -ple 's/^(\S+)\s+(.*)/$2 $1/' file
A first stab at it seems to work for your particular case.
awk '{ f = $1; i = $NF; while (i <= 0); gsub(/^[A-Z][A-Z][ ][ ]/,""); print $i, f; }'
Yet another way...
...this rejoins the fields 2 thru NF with the FS and outputs one line per line of input
awk '{for (i=2;i<=NF;i++){printf $i; if (i < NF) {printf FS};}printf RS}'
I use this with git to see what files have been modified in my working dir:
git diff| \
grep '\-\-git'| \
awk '{print$NF}'| \
awk -F"/" '{for (i=2;i<=NF;i++){printf $i; if (i < NF) {printf FS};}printf RS}'
Another and easy way using cat command
cat filename | awk '{print $2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$1}' > newfilename