local variable referenced before assignment frequently occurring error - error-handling

Hello I've done multiple python programs since I started and an error is occurring quite often for a short time and I don't understand why there is an error or why by just changing random things so the program does the same gets rid of it so can anybody please explain how the "referenced before assignment" error occurs please.
Here's the code with the problem:
def compter(sequence, element):
for i in sequence:
if element==sequence[i]:
return compte
compter([1,2,1,1], 1)
please explain so I could be able to get rid of it in any future code thank you very much :)
(I'musing python 2.7.6)


System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'SelectedObjectCollection' to type ,System.Collections.Generic.lEnumerable'1[System.String]

System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'SelectedObjectCollection' to type ,System.Collections.Generic.lEnumerable'1[System.String]
I need help understanding this runtime error. I am fairly sure that the below is the problem, but have not been able to find a solution that works.
Parallel.ForEach(Of String)(Me.clb1.SelectedItems,
Parallel.ForEach(of String)(Me.CheckedListBox1.SelectedItems,
Sub(xxx) <-Not sure what goes here.
The error message highlights the entire Sub but the rest was cut and pasted from working code.
I read the instructions of Lambda and found a simpler example. The is dawned on me what I needed to do.
For cnt = 0 To ListBox1.Items.Count - 1
Parallel.ForEach(MyFiles, Sub(F)
Now I need to fix the code to handle the multi-threading code, but that is another question that I am not ready to ask yet. Thanks.

Tensorflow ValueError: Unexpected result of `train_function` (Empty logs). Please use `Model.compile(..., run_eagerly=True) for more

I am trying to create a news recommendation system, but I get errors like the one in the title.
Here is the code.
I have seen other posts with similar problems and they say that the tensor shape is wrong, so I fixed my code but I don't understand what is wrong with my code.
If there's any information I'm missing, please let me know.
Thank you.

How to fix remove NAs from my regression table and fix error message when running expert summs

I am trying to export a table or a regression analysis summary. using the export_summs function keeps returning the error message: Error in [<-(*tmp*, , names(coef(fm)), value = coef(fm)) :
subscript out of bounds
Note that this issue did not happen with the exact same data before. I just ran it again with more efficient and statistically better model. everything else is the same. I have tried changing the coefficient names in several ways and omitting the missing values. summary() is not an issue. only when I try running export_summs(). another issue is that I have used na.action=na.omit in the regression formula and na.omit("regression formula") and NA still shows up as a value in my regression table.
How do I fix those two issues?
Appreciate the help.

SQL Delphi "Parameter 'Subject' not found"

I have recently started to learn how to code in Delphi since moving from Python to do a project. I can't seem to find a fix to this issue. I have searched online for a couple of hours now and none of the 'fixes' seem to be working. I have tried using 'Query.ExecSQL', I have tried breaking the code up into segments, I have tried to assign edtSubject.Text to a variable and doing it that way, among a handful of other 'solutions' that haven't fixed the issue. I am really struggling with this and need a way to fix it that works quick, here is my code:
Query := TADOQuery.Create(Self);
Query.Connection := ADOConnection;
Query.SQL.Add('INSERT INTO tbl_RFI (Subject) VALUES (:Subject)');
Query.Parameters.ParamByName('Subject').Value := edtSubject.Text;
I really hope that someone can help me with this,
Just add Query.ParamCheck := true before setting the SQl Text and it should be fine
Despite what others say I have had this same thing happen from time to time over the years in my production code.
Parameter 'ParameterName' not found
Always with ADO objects that were created in code. The best fix that I have found was here http://edn.embarcadero.com/article/20420
Basically just force the ADO object to reparse the parameters before you reference them.
EDIT: Thanks to Ken's feedback I have added a test first to check if the parameter exists before calling ParseSQL, thereby conserving the execution plan for the 99.9% of the time.
with TADODataSet.Create(nil) do
Connection := MyADOConnection;
CommandText := 'SELECT Foo ' +
'FROM FooBar ' +
'WHERE Bar = :Bar ';
if Parameters.FindParam('Bar') = nil then
Parameters.ParseSQL(CommandText, True); {<- THIS IS THE FIX }
Parameters.ParamByName('Bar').Value := 'value';
Since adding the ParseSQL I haven't had the problem.
Late reply I know, but I just went through the same situation, so in case this helps someone else. And it happens at random, "parameter not found" during in my case a tadocommand. Program errors out, restart doing exactly same sequence of events and works fine. Load up compiler, step through and works just fine. Set a breakpoint, and I can see the parameter not defined. But again, it's not every time, it's kind of random.
So it feels like some type of timing issue. I tried the ParseSQL command, and that actually makes it error out every time with a different error. I think the command text was getting cropped but did not investigate this. (it's a fairly long command)
Anyway, it seems I was able to fix this by adding in an application.processmessages after my tadocommand is created and sql text assigned.

Saving Structure leads to error "Index exceeds matrix dimensions."

I have two different structures (DATA and orient). They both are build up like this: DATA.S(1).M(1).A(1).var1 etc...
When I want to save them with the following lines:
save(filename, 'DATA', 'orient');
I get the error "Index exceeds matrix dimensions." for the save line.
When I stop the Programm before the line and try to save it manually over the Workspace matlab is crashing but using all the processing power.
I'm using MAtlab R2014a an the structs are between 2000-4000Bytes.
I hope anyone has a idea what it could be about. Thanks for your help!
Ok, I found a solution. I simply used the following code(http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/39721-save-mat-files-more-quickly/content/savefast.m) from Tim Holy. Now it works without any problems. Thanks Tim Holy!!! :)