Repeat placement of a Label on a form -

From what I have seen, if I try to place a label on a form more than once, only the last one is allowed (along with some weird other happenings). I have a form which will have many Textboxes with degree and radian values. Is it possible to somehow use the same Label (or any other control for that matter) more than once so that I do not have to make multiple instances of Π and ° labels to place next to the values in the Textboxes? I realize that this is relatively minor in this instance, but it could have applications later.


MS Access 2016 VBA - modify TextBox via VBA in Tabular Form

the problem I have seems to be related with the tabular form which allows showing multiple entries at the same time.
I want to have one column (A) calculated from another column (B) but (A) shall still be editable. If I use ControlSource for (A) the underlying textbox becomes non-editable. The same applies for the usage of queries. Both options are not good. Therefore I want to use VBA code that modifies the content of (A) based on changes in (B). And vice versa, if the user modifies (A), (B) gets updated. Btw. (A) does not get stored in the database, only (B).
Problem is, if I update the value of (A) via VBA during an event of (B), the whole column (A) shows the same value and is not calculated line by line in the tabular form mode. Any assistance / help appreciated. Thanks!
An unbound textbox will show the same value for all records. Period.
2-way data dependency is unusual. Think I have seen something like it only once. Involved calculating square footage. User entered rectangular dimensions then had choice of entering the actual footage to account for irregular boundaries or cutouts and the adjustment was calculated or entering the adjustment and the actual was calculated. User had to select a radio button to designate the editable control. This was not on a continuous records form, just single record.

Create Word Search game in Visual Basic 2010

i want to create a Word Search game using Visual Basic? I've already started it by creating grids (10x10). However, I do not know how to properly insert the words that the user will search for.
Here's a look at what I did as well as the codes.10x10 grid
as you can I see, I created the grid using the Paint Event handler.
I have a text file containing all the words that the user will search. Using VB I open and read all the lines and put the words in an array (not seen in the picture).
I want the words to be inserted in the grid randomly. But I do not know how to?
Any help is much appreciated. Thank you!
The visual grid is a bit of a distraction at this stage. concentrate on getting a list of strings into an nxn two-dimensional string array. I would write a sub which, given a list of words and a dimension, returns a filled-in array (if possible).
A natural choice is a backtracking algorithm, which seeks to randomly place words into a partially filled array. For each new word, generate the collection of all valid locations and then randomly pick one of those locations. If there are no valid locations -- backtrack, removing the most recently placed word and placing it somewhere else. It might help to first sort the list of words to be placed in order of decreasing length, since it will be easier to place smaller words into a partially-filled in array than larger words. Placing the larger words when there are less constraints will thus lessen the amount of back-tracking needed.
When all of the words have been placed, fill in the rest of the array randomly.

Sum numbers in textboxes to a single textbox without button

Ok, I am looking for the code to sum numbers from multiple boxes (2 in this case) and automatically fill another box with the sum without clicking a button or anything. I'm talking about displaying the sum in the third box while numbers are being inputted into the first two boxes. Is this possible? If so, how?
You can subscribe to the TextBox TextChanged events, and update the third text box when the text in either of the first two changes.
Just make sure you handle invalid input carefully (ie: use Int32.TryParse instead of Int32.Parse), as exceptions will likely be raised as the text box values aren't numbers.

how to prevent some columns from being highlighted when selecting a row

I have a semi-dynamically created window ( and use PowerBuilder 10.5 ). Now there are a couple of columns which can have different colours and I want to see those colours when selecting a row. However I don't know how to deselect these columns and have the first couple of columns remain selected.
The highlight function in our application just does a dw.selectrow( x, true ).
I don't think you'll get what you want using selectrow. If you don't need multiple selections you could change the background of the current row with an expression in the datawindow. If you want some columns to stay normal you could do that with a rectangle behind the ones you want to highlight instead of changing the row color. If you need multiple rows highlighted you will have to simulate multi-select by adding a dummy column and using that to control the background, and of course you need to handle the selecting and deselecting in the clicked event. If you've got code that deals with selected rows you'll have to change them to use the new scheme, for example by checking the value in your dummy column.
If you want to use SelectRow(), maybe use of SetRowFocusIndicator() would help. IIRC (it's been pretty close to decade*s* since I've used it), it disables the row colouring in favour of the new method.
The other way that comes to mind is setting an expression for background colour that uses GetRow() and CurrentRow(). This wouldn't be my first choice, as it doesn't let users with vision impairment choose their colours through standard Windows colour selection to something they can deal with, but if you're dead set on colour indications on selective columns, this would be the way to go.
Good luck,

SSRS - Producing a report that is not dynamic in size

I want to build a report that is completely static in size and shape. I'm attempting to mimic a hand-entered report that someone in my organization has been building from a word doc for years.
The critical piece appears to be fixing the number of rows that are produced in the various Table grids that fill the page. I would like them to always contain a set number of rows, whether data is present or not. It would seem that if I can just fix the size my tables, then all the other elements will not be forced to move because of stretching repeater sections.
All my grids are backed by stored procedures, so I'm open to SQL tricks as well.
Sorry i did miss-read the question.
If you know how many rows you need to return (say 20) maybe you could pad some bogus info into your records returned from the stored procedure. You might be able to count the records your query has returned before you send them back, and if you have less than 20 add some bogus ones to the record set, put something like 'NonDisp' or something in them.
Then in the report put an iif statement into the cells that checks for this bogus info, if it is found change the cell to display nothing, otherwise show the valid values
Not a direct answer, but perhaps a workaround you might consider: perhaps you can insert a page break after the table grids that have dynamic sizes, so that all elements that follow it have a fixed position (relative to the top of the page).
Add a parent group to tablix with =Ceiling((RowNumber(Nothing)) / 10000) expression. (10000 or whatever is required no. of rows)
In page break properties of group, check box for insert break between groups, leave the bottom boxes un-checked.
Optionally, we may chose to set hidden property true for text boxes added because of new parent group.
In tablix properties, check box for "Keep together on one page".