Emmet custom snippet - emmet

I am trying to code a custom snippet for Emmet, and am not getting the result I want. I am trying to output this:
<perch:every count=" "></perch:every>
With a cursor between the quote marks and then between the tags. How would I go about this? Does it need to be an abbreviation rather than a snippet?
I have this so far:
"html": {
"abbreviations": {
"snippets": {
"perchcontent": "<?php perch_content('|'); ?>"
"perchevery": "<perch:every count="|"></perch:every>"


How to validate deeply nested arrays using express-validator?

I'm using express-validator version 6.14.1
My body object looks like this:
"name":"Google To",
"title":"New Demo",
"description":"New Description",
I need to check whether the href values inside navigation array are valid.
I tried the below solution, but it doesn't work. It always skips the validation and returns true.
.withMessage("Not a valid Link"),
What is the right approach to solve this?

Kotlin: Ktor how to respond text as html

I want to use library kotlin-html to produce html instead of kotlinx.html.
This library produces just a html-text:
p("A paragraph").render()
// => <p>A paragraph</p>
but I can't find how to respond html instead of text using Ktor
fun Routing.root() {
get("/") {
call.respondText {"<p>A paragraph</p>"}
This code will produce a page with text <p>A paragraph</p> instead of html-page. And it seems that call.respondHtml only works with kotlinx.html DSL. How can I do this using plain text?
You can specify ContentType.Text.Html for the ContentType parameter to respondText
call.respondText("<p>foo</p>", ContentType.Text.Html)
ContentType.Text.Plain is used by default if no ContentType if provided.
Ktor has a special module for working with kotlinx.html, so you can use
call.respondHtml {
head {
title { +"Async World" }
body {
h1(id = "title") {
See details here: https://ktor.io/servers/features/templates/html-dsl.html

is(':checked')/this.checked not working

Tried several solutions before posting, but none seems to be working and I must be doing something wrong.
My code is as follows (simplified)
<input type="checkbox" id="menu-image-settings-container" value="1" name="..." checked="checked">
Add image?
<div class="image-settings">show content if checked</div>
js code
$( ".image-settings" ).hide();
var wrapper = $(this).closest('li.menu-item');
if ( $('input#menu-image-settings-container').is(':checked') ) {
} else {
if(this.checked) {
} else {
console.log says is-not-checked, while it clearly is in the source code.
I've tried using if ($('input#menu-image-settings-container').is(':checked')) {...} but that didn't worked either, while normally that should work as well.
First, is(':checked') is a correct solution. Here's why: https://stackoverflow.com/a/7672031/9145243
And you can see that in this part of code your console.log works.
The actual problem is in this construction: wrapper.find('.image-settings').hide(); This code just can't find your .image-settings element.
I've replaced it with $('.image-settings') just to show you that the problem was here.
$('input#menu-image-settings-container').change(function() {
if($(this).is(':checked')) {
} else {
When you debug your code it's a good practise to always use console.log, line by line. And then you will clearly see where exactly you have a problem

I need an event fired after successful export on DataTables 1.10

I'm using DataTables 1.10.4 and I would like to make an action, like a javascript function, after a successful Excel export.
Is it possible, since the button is using Adobe Flash?
See the documentation. Below an example with Excel-button :
"oTableTools": {
"aButtons": [
"sExtends": "xls",
"fnComplete": function ( nButton, oConfig, oFlash, sFlash ) {
alert( 'Excel-export complete' );

Disqus Plugin Explanation of Dynamic Tags

So I am using the Disqus Plugin v2.65. I am trying to edit the dsq-global-toolbar at the top of the Disqus comments.
The following tags are in disqus-comment-system/comments.php
<div id="disqus_thread">
<?php if (!get_option('disqus_disable_ssr')): ?>
// if (is_file(TEMPLATEPATH . '/comments.php')) {
// include(TEMPLATEPATH . '/comments.php');
// }
<div id="dsq-content">
<ul id="dsq-comments">
however on my site there are mulitple tags (the disqus-global-toolbar div) that seem to be dynamically appended between the dsq-content div and the dsq-comments ul. Where is this coming from and where can I edit this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I think it is coming somewhere around line 3140 in disqus.js
You can use this code to wait for the document to finish loading completely then do your changes (client side):
$(document).ready(function() {
window.disqus_no_style = true;
$.getScript('http://sitename.disqus.com/embed.js', function() {
var loader = setInterval(function() {
if($('#disqus_thread').html().length) {
}, 1000);
function disqusReady() {
//whatever you can imagine
window.diqus_no_style can be deleted as well as the $.getsript wrapper.
Is that what you are looking for?
Something like this (use livequery instead of live):
function disqusReady() {
$('#dsq-global-toolbar').livequery(function() {
//$(this) will refer to object
Not sure what plug-in you're talking about, but if it's WordPress, I've done the same thing. Modify wp-content/plug-ins/disqus-comment-system/comments.php by adding an event handler for 'afterRender' (fires when the content ready in the DOM, but still hidden), eg. around line 70: