SQL Server Dynamic SQL Execution - sql

I have a dynamic SQL query
DECLARE #ItemAreaCode NVARCHAR(MAX) = 'A062',
#SQLStringDropTable NVARCHAR(MAX);
SET #SQLStringDropTable= 'DROP TABLE' + ' ' +
PRINT #ItemAreaCode
EXEC sp_executesql #SQLStringDropTable , N'#ItemAreaCode NVARCHAR(MAX)', #ItemAreaCode;
But when I execute this, I get this error:
Msg 3701, Level 11, State 5, Line 1
Cannot drop the table '#ItemAreaCode.ChangedRMAllocation', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
And the printed query is..
DROP TABLE [#ItemAreaCode].[ChangedRMAllocation];
What I need is:
DROP TABLE [A062].[ChangedRMAllocation];

You are setting you parameter as a string within the dynamic SQL.
#ItemAreaCode should not be included.
This should work :
DECLARE #ItemAreaCode NVARCHAR(MAX) = 'A062',
#SQLStringDropTable NVARCHAR(MAX);
SET #SQLStringDropTable= 'DROP TABLE' + ' ['
+ #ItemAreaCode + '].[ChangedRMAllocation]'
PRINT #ItemAreaCode
EXEC (#SQLStringDropTable);
Hope this helps

You probably meant to expand the variable:
DECLARE #ItemAreaCode sysname = 'A062',
#SQLStringDropTable NVARCHAR(MAX);
SET #SQLStringDropTable =
'DROP TABLE ' + quotename(#ItemAreaCode) + '.[ChangedRMAllocation]';
EXEC (#SQLStringDropTable);

Try this
DECLARE #ItemAreaCode NVARCHAR(MAX) = 'A062'
,#SQLStringDropTable NVARCHAR(MAX);
SET #SQLStringDropTable = 'DROP TABLE [' + #ItemAreaCode + '].[ChangedRMAllocation]'
EXEC (#SQLStringDropTable)


Variable in SQL query syntax

I want to make a simple SQL query like:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE $variable_2 = $variable_1
instead of a default one:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE column_name = $variable_1
It seems like first example doesn't work at all. Is it even possible to modify SQL query syntax in such way?
as this reference answer for:
in link:
Use Variable as SQL column Name in query
declare #ColumnName varchar(50)
declare #sql nvarchar(max)
set #ColumnName = 'SalesData_' + convert(varchar(2),datepart(dd,getdate()))
set #sql = 'select ' + #ColumnName + ' from SalesTable'
print #sql
EXEC sp_sqlexec #sql
answer 2:
declare #ColumnName varchar(50)
declare #sql nvarchar(max)
set #ColumnName = 'SalesData_' + convert(varchar(2),datepart(dd,getdate()))
set #sql = 'select ' + #ColumnName + ' from yourschema.SalesTable'
print #sql

query sql server in multiple database

i would like to execute this query 'select count(*) from Aircraft' on multiple database. We have 50 database and all of those have the same table. i'm using sql server 2019.
I know there is a possibilty to loop this query so that's why i'm asking you.
I found some old reply but not recently.
I used this query but it didn't work
SELECT #Query = COALESCE(#Query + ' UNION ALL ', '') + 'select * from [' + TABLE_CATALOG+'].dbo.[Aircraft]'
FROM information_schema.tables
SET #Query = STUFF(#Query, CHARINDEX('UNION ALL', #Query), 10, '')
PRINT #Query
If all target databases are located in one instance, this can be done using the string_agg function in the following way:
Declare #schema_name sysname = N'dbo'
Declare #table_name sysname = N'Aircraft'
Declare #max nVarChar(max) = ''
Declare #QueryText nVarChar(max)
Select #QueryText = String_Agg(Concat(#max, N'Select * From ',
QuoteName([name]), N'.',
QuoteName(#table_name), Char(10)),
Concat(N'UNION ALL',Char(10)))
From master.dbo.sysdatabases
Where OBJECT_ID(Concat(QuoteName([name]),'.',
QuoteName(#table_name))) Is Not Null
Print #QueryText
Exec sp_executesql #QueryText
You can achieve this by taking advantage of the undocumented stored procedure in SQL Server i.e. sp_MSforeachdb
SET #query =
'USE ?
IF DB_NAME() NOT IN (''master'', ''tempdb'', ''model'', ''msdb'')
SELECT COUNT(*) AS Count FROM ?.dbo.fin_MemberAccount'
EXEC sp_MSforeachdb #command1 = #query
-- ? : this means the current db while iterating through db by stored procedure

T-SQL Create Table with Dynamically Named Database with sp_executesql

I am attempting to create a table in T-SQL using sp_executesql. The name of the database containing the table is dynamic.
DECLARE #ID int = 1031460
DECLARE #TableName nvarchar(max) = '[MyDatabase' + CAST(#ID as nvarchar(10)) + '].[dbo].[MyTable]'
DECLARE #CreateTable nvarchar(max) = N''
SELECT #CreateTable =
ID int
EXECUTE sp_executeSQL #CreateTable, N'#TableName nvarchar(max)', #TableName = #TableName
This script results in this error:
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 2
Incorrect syntax near '#TableName'.
What is the best way to specify the name of the table to create dynamically based on parameters of sp_executeSQL?
You cannot pass Tablename as a parameter even we using sp_executesql procedure. You have to build you own dynamic sql query
SELECT #CreateTable =
CREATE TABLE ' + #TableName + '
ID int
Exec sp_executesql #CreateTable
When you are passing the table name as a parameter to sp_executesql, it treats it as a literal string, to make it treat it as an object name try something like this......
DECLARE #ID int = 1031460
DECLARE #TableName nvarchar(max) = QUOTENAME('MyDatabase' + CAST(#ID as nvarchar(10)))
+ '.[dbo].[MyTable]'
DECLARE #CreateTable nvarchar(max);
SET #CreateTable = N' CREATE TABLE ' + #TableName
+ N' (
ID int
Exec sp_executesql #CreateTable
It is good practice to check if an object already exists before you try to create it.
You can check if the object already exists and drop it and then create the new one, you code should look something like.....
DECLARE #ID int = 1031460
DECLARE #TableName nvarchar(max) = QUOTENAME('MyDatabase' + CAST(#ID as nvarchar(10)))
+ '.[dbo].[MyTable]'
DECLARE #CreateTable nvarchar(max), #DropTable nvarchar(max);
-- Drop table if already exists
SET #DropTable = N' IF OBJECT_ID('''+ #TableName +''') IS NOT NULL '
+ N' DROP TABLE ' + #TableName
Exec sp_executesql #DropTable
SET #CreateTable = N' CREATE TABLE ' + #TableName
+ N' (
ID int
Exec sp_executesql #CreateTable

Dynamic SQL "USE [DB]" not worked

I use dynamic sql to create database an tables
this is sql script
DECLARE #DatabaseName VARCHAR(50) = N'test';
EXECUTE ('CREATE DATABASE [' +#DatabaseName+']');
EXECUTE('USE ' + #DatabaseName)
the error I get
Msg 2714, Level 16, State 6, Line 1
There is already an object named 'Framework' in the database.
Msg 2759, Level 16, State 0, Line 1
CREATE SCHEMA failed due to previous errors
this error because EXECUTE('USE ' + #DatabaseName) not work
I try to use
SET #SQL02 = 'USE ['+ convert(nvarchar(50),#DatabaseName) +']; SELECT DB_NAME();'
exec sp_executesql #SQL02
but not work
what I can do?
SET #Query = CONCAT('USE ', QUOTENAME('<MyDatabase>'), '; ', 'select DB_NAME();');
EXECUTE (#Query);
This will return <MyDatabase> as long as you remain within one EXECUTE.
I prefer this form for remote execution:
declare #sql nvarchar(max) = N'select Db_Name()';
<DatabaseName>.sys.sp_executesql #sql;
You can put this logic into a more convenient form by making into a stored procedure:
create procedure dbo.usp_ExecuteSqlCommand (
#databaseName sysname
, #sqlCommand nvarchar(max)
set nocount on;
set xact_abort on;
declare #innerStatement nvarchar(max) = #sqlCommand;
declare #outerStatement nvarchar(max);
set #databaseName = QuoteName(ParseName(#databaseName, 1), N'[');
set #outerStatement = #databaseName + N'.sys.sp_executesql #stmt = #innerStatement;';
execute sys.sp_executesql
#stmt = #outerStatement
, #params = N'#innerStatement nvarchar(max)'
, #innerStatement = #innerStatement;
Usage is obvious:
execute dbo.usp_ExecuteSqlCommand
#databaseName = N'master'
, #sqlCommand = N'select Db_Name();';
Try this:(if you use execute, the db context will change only for that execute only)
DECLARE #DatabaseName VARCHAR(50) = N'test';
EXECUTE ('CREATE DATABASE [' +#DatabaseName+']');
use [test]

How to execute store procedure for another DB?

I have a stored procedure that should be able to be executed on any table of any database on my MS Sql Server. Most of the combination of EXEC and USE statements didn't result in anything. Here is the stored procedure:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_TrimAndLowerCaseVarcharFields]
#Database VARCHAR(200),
#TableSchema VARCHAR(200),
#TableName VARCHAR(200)
SET #Database = '[' + #Database + ']'
SET #sSql = ''
-- Create first part of a statement to update all columns that have type varchar
SELECT #sSql = #sSql + COLUMN_NAME + ' = LOWER(RTRIM(' + COLUMN_NAME + ')), '
WHERE DATA_TYPE = 'varchar'
SET #sSql = 'UPDATE ' + #Database + '.' + #TableSchema + '.' + #TableName + ' SET ' + #sSql
-- Delete last two symbols (', ')
SET #sSql = LEFT(#sSql, LEN(#sSql) - 1)
Please, advice what I have to do to execute it on [OtherDB].[TargetTable].
You can fully qualify both tables and stored procedures. In other words you can do this:
UPDATE [OtherDB].[Schema].[targetTable] SET ...
It appears you are doing this in your proc already.
You can also EXEC a stored procedure using the Fully Qualified name - e.g.
EXEC [OtherDB].[dbo].[usp_TrimAndLowerCaseVarcharFields]
Honestly, your proc looks fine, are you receiving any error messages? If so please post them. Also, make sure your user has access to the other DB.
The table name in the query you used is wrong, it is looking up into same database, but you do need to look up from different database. So the query will be as below:
SELECT #sSql = #sSql + COLUMN_NAME + ' = LOWER(RTRIM(' + COLUMN_NAME + ')), '
WHERE DATA_TYPE = 'varchar'
-- [TargetDB] = #Database
The TargetDB will be same as your passing database (#Database)
If you want to use [TargetDB] dynamically then you need to generate sql(#sSql) and the execute the sql string.
In this case I sugest to use the 2 sp's in SQL Server:
for more information, please read the article in here.
hope this help.
exec #RETURN_VALUE=sp_MSforeachtable #command1, #replacechar, #command2,
#command3, #whereand, #precommand, #postcommand
exec #RETURN_VALUE = sp_MSforeachdb #command1, #replacechar,
#command2, #command3, #precommand, #postcommand
Complete script:
declare #DatabaseName varchar(max), #DatabaseCharParam nchar(1)
declare #TableSchema varchar(max)
declare #TableName varchar(max), #TableCharParam nchar(1)
set #DatabaseName='DATABASENAME'; set #DatabaseCharParam='?'
set #TableSchema='dbo'
set #TableName='TABLENAME'; set #TableCharParam='$'
-- Exemple Script to execute in each table in each database
-- Create first part of a statement to update all columns that have type varchar
set #sSql=''
SELECT #sSql = isnull(#sSql,'') + COLUMN_NAME + ' = LOWER(RTRIM(' + COLUMN_NAME + ')),'
WHERE DATA_TYPE = 'varchar'
declare #EachTablecmd1 varchar(2000)
--Prepare #EachTablecmd1 the script to execution in each table using sp_MSforeachtable (ATENTION: #Command1 are limited to varchar(2000) )
--in sp_MSforeachtable #TableCharParam will be subtituted with owner i.e:[dbo].[TABLENAME]
set #sSql='update '+#TableCharParam+' set '+ left(#sSql,LEN(#sSql)-1)
set #EachTablecmd1='if '''''+ #TableCharParam +'''''=''''['+#TableSchema+'].['+#TableName+']'''' '+#sSql
--i.e.: if 'table1'='table1' update table1 set column1=LOWER(RTRIM(column1)),....
-- the #sSql for each table in a database
set #sSql ='exec sp_MSforeachtable #command1='''+#EachTablecmd1+''' ,#replacechar='''+#TableCharParam+''''
declare #EachBDcmd1 varchar(2000)
--Prepare the execution to each database using sp_MSforeachdb (ATENTION: #Command1 are limited to varchar(2000) )
set #EachBDcmd1='if '''+#DatabaseCharParam+'''='''+#DatabaseName+''' '+ #sSql
--print #EachBDcmd1
exec sp_MSforeachdb #command1=#EachBDcmd1,#replacechar=#DatabaseCharParam