IntelliJ IDEA Change default Content Root for new projects. - intellij-idea

When I create a new project in IntelliJ IDEA (on Windows), the Content Root (where the project will be stored) defaults to C:\Users\<username>\IdeaProjects\<projectname>
I can change the path as I create the project, but is there anyway to change the default, which I would like to be S:\IdeaProjects\<projectname>?

For suggesting new project's folder, IDEA uses either last projects location or one constructed by user home and IDE's name (in your case C:\Users\\IdeaProjects).
So once you've chosen your project folder to be "S:\IdeaProjects\", when creating next project IDEA will suggest this folder to you by default.
Apart from that, I do not know about a explicit setting for default project location.


in Intellij, clicking on resources folder opens the project structure

Made a new Java project, using Spring & Maven.
When I double-click on resources folder (which is empty) the Project Structure window is popping, why is that? Does it means that I am missing something in the Project Structure?
Any empty marked folder causes this behavior, and it is intended. Once you add a file inside, the behavior changes to fold/unfold the directory.

IntelliJ different project settings based on used IDE

I have a Git repo with two directories:
backend (PHP/Laravel code)
frontend (TypeScript/Vue code)
I would like that backend is marked as excluded when the project is opened in WebStorm and frontend to be excluded when it is opened in PhpStorm.
This is to ensure that searches/indexing only happen for the files that I would actually edit in that specific IDE.
When I change the excluded directory it seems to automatically apply this to the other IDE as well. Is there some way to keep this setting separate?
I intentionally have both frontend and backend in one repository.
Opening the subdirectories in their own IDEA projects does not seem
to be an option because the Git integration only works when the
project is in the root folder of the repository.
When I change the excluded directory it seems to automatically apply this to the other IDE as well.
It is expected. That's because the project settings are stored in the .idea subfolder. All IDEA-based IDEs use the same .idea settings format. So opening the same folder/project in different IDEs simply makes them use that already-made config (shared between IDEs).
Plus, both PhpStorm and WebStorm use the same module type ID (WEB_MODULE) and can have only 1 module in total in a project. IntelliJ IDEA and some other IDEs (like PyCharm for example) can work with projects that can have more than one module and of different types.
Is there some way to keep this setting separate?
Yes, with the help of a small workaround: you need to store .idea used by another IDE in another place. As simple as that.
The setup and steps:
Lets assume that you have your project in C:\Projects\MyProject.
Make a brand new empty project in another place, e.g. C:\Projects\IDEProjectsStore\MyProject-frontend. It will be used for a frontend.
Go to Settings/Preferences | Directories and remove an existing Content Root (which will be C:\Projects\IDEProjectsStore\MyProject-frontend from the previous step).
Add new Content Root instead -- point to the actual project (C:\Projects\MyProject from step #1)
Save and configure as needed.
What you will have now:
This frontend project will now have its settings stored in C:\Projects\IDEProjectsStore\MyProject-frontend\.idea while another (original project with backend) will have them in C:\Projects\MyProject\.idea.
Projects (project-specific IDE settings) are stored in 2 separate places while they both use the same folder with the code.
Basically: a project in the IDE's eyes is an .idea folder with a parent folder added as a Content Root by default. Our workaround keeps the second project in a different folder while sharing the same Content Root between them. -- that's a ticket that asks for a straightforward way of doing this.
I would like that backend is marked as excluded when the project is opened in WebStorm and frontend to be excluded when it is opened in PhpStorm.
Why do you need two IDEs for this?
In case if you do not know: PhpStorm = WebStorm + PHP + Database. You do not really need WebStorm here. Just install any missing plugins that come bundled with WebStorm.

IDEA: How do I see subdirectories in an empty project?

I wish to use IDEA to edit a directory full of files of no particular type. So, I create a new project of type Empty Project and point it at my directory.
The project view now shows the files in the directory itself. But, it doesn't show any subdirectories. This is very strange.
Even more strangely, I can still use New -> Directory to create a new directory. From the command line I can see that the directory has been created; but, from within IDEA, it's still not appearing.
What's going on here? And, more importantly, how can I actually get it to show me my subdirectories?
This is IntelliJ IDEA 12.1.1. I did find IntelliJ does not show project folders, which sounds similar. But, it is referring to a different version of IDEA and they're not using an Empty Project. So, I don't think it's relevant.
In IntelliJ, you have to create at least one module. As CrazyCoder said in the comments, adding a module sets the root folder of what to display in the Project pane.
Here are steps that I took to show empty folders.
In a terminal window
mkdir one
mkdir one/two
mkdir one/two/three
mkdir one/two/three/four
In Intellij 15.0.2, I created a new project, selected Empty Project and set the Project Location to the one folder.
After creating the project, IntelliJ prompts me with a Project Structure dialog with Modules selected in the navigation tree. I clicked the '+' button in the middle pane to add a module. I chose Static Web as the module type to prevent creation of an additional src folder. I set the Content root and the Module file location of the module to the same one folder.
I clicked Finish and then Ok. This gave me this structure

How to add non-source folders to IntelliJ IDEA project

Recently set up a multi module project in IntelliJ with the following structure:
/a few more folders
I set up module1+2 and web-module as modules in IntelliJ so those show up, but how do you make the sql and lib folder show up in the project panel? They should be included in VCS as well, but IntelliJ ignores them. How do you add folders outside modules to a project?
Screenshot of project and explorer view:
This is not a strict answer to the question, but it worked for me so I'm posting, perhaps someone will find this useful.
If you want to add an arbitrary folder to your project (even from some different location than your projects), just add it as a module. You needn't worry about the type so much e.g. I needed to add a folder with some SQL scripts, I added it as a Java module and it's nicely visible in IntelliJ even though it has no maven structure or Java sources.
This is how to do it:
File > Project Structure > Modules
Add > New Module > ... (e.g. Java Module)
In the new module settings mark the subfolders that you want to see as 'Sources'
Voilà! :)
This is something that I typically see when creating a project from existing modules. All the modules will show in the project but not the other project related directories. These directories might be, configuration files, environment scripts or bundles of SQL scripts that don't fit neatly into an Intellij module type.
To show the rest of the project source files and directories, I create a parent module from the project root.
File->Project Structure->Modules
Create a new module using the + sign. The new module could be any type (I use java).
On the Next screen set the Content root and Module file location to the Project's root folder.
Select Finish
All of your other modules should now be submodules of the root, and your other project files should now show up.
Add and remove content roots
To add a new content root:
Go to File | Project Structure, or press Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S.
Select Modules under the Project Settings section.
Select the necessary module, and then open the Sources tab in the right-hand part of the dialog.
Click Add Content Root.
Specify the folder that you want to add as a new content root, and click OK.
I used File -> New -> Module from Existing Sources...
Then I simply select the folder and add it.
In Project view mode all directories (except the ignored ones from the settings) should show up. Of course the base folder for your multi-project has to be the folder above module1.
Your project should look like this (project view tree):
MY_PROJECT_ROOT (~/the/folder/to/your/project)
|- /module1
|- /module2
|- /web-module
And in this case, you should definitely see the other folders. I got a sample project set up where this is working.
From your screenshot, I assume you are missing the root directory (the project root is not as you expected). I added another screenshot. There should be a single root folder for your 3 modules. This one is missing at your screenshot. You have 3 separate folders with no common root folder. On MacOs, the project root is displayed in the window title. In my case it points to ~/devel/sandbox.
I guess you should try to create a new project in for that trunk folder. From the scratch. Then add the existing modules and you should be fine?!

Which file IDEA uses to display the name of Android project?

Which file in Android project does IDEA use to display project name in Recent Projects list?
If I want to change display name of my 8th project to "My changed project", which file should I edit? Is this done manually editing a certain file or can be done in a faster way via Ctrl+F6?
I am asking this as renaming module will not change display name.
Depending on the project format, IDEA uses either the .ipr file (its name, specifically) or some file buried under the .idea directory apparently.
Anyway, to change the project (display) name:
Projects using the newer directory-based format
(If you're not sure which format your project is using, try this first.)
Don't edit any file; instead, open the Project Structure dialog (Ctrl-Alt-Shift-S or ⌘;), and under General Settings for Project, change Project name.
Projects using the older file-based format
Find the main project settings file with .ipr extension, in your case LibraryTest.ipr, and simply rename that. Also rename the accompanying .iws file.
(NB: Close the project before doing this. Also, if there's an .iml module file with the same name, leave that alone. If you want to change names of modules, do that through Project Structure settings.)
The project will first disappear from the Recent Projects list; you'll have to use "Open Project" and find the newly renamed .ipr file to open it.