URL rank checker API for google popularity - seo

I am trying to find the rank of a given url/domain for google search popularity from an API.I have found one such project in GitHub that gives the same but i am not sure about the reliability and accuracy of the results it is returning me(https://github.com/eyecatchup/SEOstats). If anyone has come across with other alternatives or libraries for the google site popularity please share with me.

We don't expose an API for "find[ing] the rank of a given url/domain for google search".
Don’t misuse our Services. For example, don’t interfere with our Services or try to access them using a method other than the interface and the instructions that we provide.


Google Plus Crawler

I am working with a social media analysis and I'm collecting datasets for research. I have been searching on the web about any way to make a Google plus crawler. I had great experience with Twitter Streaming API, and even Facebook Graph API, but, I did not find anything on Google+ documentation that can help me.
Then, my question is if does anyone know about the possibility to make a Google plus crawler to gather information of public posts?
It isn't clear exactly what you're looking to crawl on Google+, but it sounds like you want the Google+ API for the web. In particular, you'll probably want to use the people.get, activities.search, activities.list, and/or comments.list HTTP API instructions.
Be aware, however, that this will only return public comments that were not shared to a community, even if that community is a public community.

How To Get Started Working with the Google AdWords API?

I'm a student working on a project related to SEO; I need to write an optimization tool, so I'm writing an application using C# and Windows Forms. The main part of the application is for keyword selection, and I want to use the Google AdWords API to obtain a list of keywords.
I downloaded the C# client library, but can't understand how to set up the project: I am getting the error:
"An API exception has occurred. See ApiExecption and InnerException fields for more details".
Maybe I have made a mistake when I edited the App.config file as I haven't changed anything else. Can anyone advise me where I should begin? I would be grateful to hear your ideas.
Unfortunatley, the AdWords API isn't as open as you might think: It's meant for ad agencies managing large accounts, or software vendors who want to build ad management platforms. You need to apply to Google for an API key to gain access; they used to give them out to nearly anyone with an account, and it took about 14 days to process the application. However, Google has got very strict about their terms and conditions over the past 12 months, and to put it simply, you probably won't meet them if you're building an SEO tool; even if you apply to build a full platform, you'll need to wait six to ten weeks for approval as they've got a huge backlog of applications to process at the moment.
As this is just a student project, you should actually be able to get away with just using the AdWords API sandbox, which is open to anyone with a Google account. This won't give you real keywords or stats, but would demonstrate your understanding of the platform.
Another option would be to check out the Ad Intelligence Service of the adCenter API; you'd still need to open an adCenter account (with a $5 activation fee), but you should be able to get an adCenter API key without waiting too long. The stats available from Microsoft won't be as extensive as what Google has to offer, but will still be relevant to the at least the US market. Also, being Microsoft, they've got a good range of C# examples.
You could use the sandbox, but it is good only for testing purposes. You won't get real values for traffic estimation and keyword ideas.
To use the sandbox, what you need is a Google account (your gmail account for instance). To initialize the sandbox,
In your App.config, put email/password/developerToken as your email / your password / youremail++USD (e.g. john.doe#gmail.com++USD)
Run the GetCampaigns.cs code example. It is under v201109/BasicOperations folder in the C# examples project. This will initialize the sandbox.
Run the GetAccountHierarchy.cs code example. It is under v201109/AccountManagement folder. This will give you 5 client emails and their customer ids.
Use one of these customerIds in the ClientCustomerId field of App.config.
Run any other code example.
The video is a bit outdated, due to recent changes in AdWords API, I need to update it.
you can find a very good article series about adwords api there: Google Adwords API
it is not that hard to learn how to use it! I think the API itself is very good documented and there is a good suppo from google.

Alternative to the deprecated google REST web search API

I have been using the Google Websearch API for over 1 year now. The service was deprecated in Nov 2010 but continues to provide results to date. More recently, google has started to enforce the 1,000 queries (?) per day limit on this deprecated service. I swear, last month I made over 10,000 API calls in one day without any errors from the service (same IP, same API key).
So I guess my question is has anyone found an alternative yet? I know yahoo boss is pretty good but I am working exclusively on Google for my projects. I do not mind spending money for for this service either as long as i can get 64 results from Google.
On that thought, how are services like Zoomrank able to bypass all Google limits? I have a subscription with Zoomrank and I can get daily rankings for all my keywords. Do they have a tie-up with Google or are they just accessing some secret service I don't know about.
Some people have suggested the new Google custom search, but i dont know how does that help me search the web? Google CS is limited to the CSE you create and searches within those engines. If I am looking for web results for Pizza, Google CS doesnt help me.
Thanks for your input. Much appreciated
UPDATE: #ggez44 points to some official Google documentation of the solution described below here: http://support.google.com/customsearch/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=1210656
You can use the Google Custom Search Engine to search the entire web.
In brief:
Create a CSE that searches a single site (e.g. google.com)
In the CSE control panel's Basics section, set to "Search the entire web but emphasize certain sites"
In the Sites section, delete the single site that you added when you created the CSE
Full details here:
Once that's implemented, you can enable billing in the Google API Console at a CPM of $5, to a total of 10,000 queries.
Google API Console: https://code.google.com/apis/console/
Pricing: https://code.google.com/apis/customsearch/v1/overview.html#Pricing

Are there any websites providing free news, weather, photos APIs for using this data commercially

I want to build a service which needs to get this data from some source for further analysis. Does Google, Yahoo or someone else provides free access to this data for use in other websites using some API. I think Twitter does something like this for their data although they enforce some limits on this. The data I need is mostly for US and Canada.
You can find a bunch of free web services here: http://www.webservicex.net/
If you can stand the ads, you can also check here: http://www.webservicelist.com/

Google search results API usage?

My question is regarding the google AJAX search api. I have been trying to figure this out by exploring their site with no luck. How can I use this API on my site but have the results only be the google results from within my site (i.e. only shows the site:mydomain.com results and NOT the results from a standard google.com search)? Is this even allowed per their terms of usage? Thanks.
You can make a Google custom search and tie it to that.