CentOS7 on GCE -> WHM 502 Bad Gateway - cpanel

I've set up a GCE CentOS7 highmem-8 and installed cpanel as root.
I've executed /scripts/build_cpnat
I've set the GCE Firewall rules to allow tcp:2083; tcp:2087; tcp:2089 (SSL ports)
When I go to whm.mydomain.host I am presented with the standard cPanel login after going through the standard "Your connection is not private" warning bypass. I login with root and password and it authenticates for just one second: you can see the authenticated green status for a second and then it takes me to 502 (Bad Gateway).
I'm at a loss. You're help would be much appreciated!


SSL offloading Application Load Balancer gives "Host not found"

I have an amazon application load balancer with ssl certificate listening to 443 and forwarding to 80 on private ec2 instances. All worked fine until I integrated the saml authentification. The saml identity provider forwards back to http://mydomain instead of the https://mydomain and I get a "Host not found". I have tried a number of proxy_ssl_engine settings in the Apache config but they don't work, or resulted in a 463 error. Does anyone know what Apache config will solve the "Host not found" Error? somehow I need to get back to ssl..

How to fix "We're sorry HTTPS required" in Keycloak with reverse proxy?

When I try to hit Keycloak 6 behind an Azure gateway (reverse proxy) using SSL/HTTPS I get a "We're Sorry HTTPS Required" error in my browser. In the Keycloak log I see
[org.keycloak.events] (default task-2) type=LOGIN_ERROR, realmId=master, clientId=null, userId=null, ipAddress=x.x.x.x, error=ssl_required
I'm assuming I misconfigured something along the way but I can't figure out what it is.
I followed these instructions to set up SSL in Keycloak 6 behind a reverse proxy:
I did NOT do any certificate creating/importing because the guide says "If you are not using a reverse proxy or load balancer to handle HTTPS traffic for you, you’ll need to enable HTTPS for the Keycloak server. This involves
Obtaining or generating a keystore that contains the private key and certificate for SSL/HTTP traffic
Configuring the Keycloak server to use this keypair and certificate."
My question is, do I need to do the certificate creating/importing anyway, even if I'm behind the reverse proxy? If not, any other ideas?
Please note: I am running the Keycloak stand alone server, not using it as an overlay on any other server container like Wildfly
Found the answer on this thread.
why is keycloak removing the SSL in the redirect uri?
Bottom line, you don't need to generate/install the cert AND there is an undocumented attribute

Google Cloud Load Balancer - 502 - Unmanaged instance group failing health checks

I currently have an HTTPS Load Balancer setup operating with a 443 Frontend, Backend and Health Check that serves a single host nginx instance.
When navigating directly to the host via browser the page loads correctly with valid SSL certs.
When trying to access the site through the load balancer IP, I receive a 502 - Server error message. I check the Google logs and I notice "failed_to_pick_backend" errors at the load balancer. I also notice that it failing health checks.
Some digging around leads me to these two links: https://cloudplatform.googleblog.com/2015/07/Debugging-Health-Checks-in-Load-Balancing-on-Google-Compute-Engine.html
Issue #1 - Not sure if google-address-manager is running on the server
(RHEL 7). I do not see an entry for the HTTPS load balancer IP in the
routes. The Google SDK is installed. This is a Google-provided image
and if I update the IP address in the console, it also gets updated on
the host. How do I check if google-address-manager is running on
[root#server]# ip route ls table local type local scope host dev eth0 proto kernel src dev lo proto kernel src dev lo proto kernel src
Output of all google services
[root#server]# systemctl list-unit-files
google-accounts-daemon.service enabled
google-clock-skew-daemon.service enabled
google-instance-setup.service enabled
google-ip-forwarding-daemon.service enabled
google-network-setup.service enabled
google-shutdown-scripts.service enabled
google-startup-scripts.service enabled
Issue #2: Not receiving a 200 OK response. The certificate is valid
and the same on both the LB and server. When running curl against the
app server I receive this response.
root#server.com curl -I https://app-server.com
curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
More details here: https://curl.haxx.se/docs/sslcerts.html
You should add firewall rules for the health check service -
https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/load-balancing/health-checks#health_check_source_ips_and_firewall_rules and make sure that your backend service listens on the load balancer ip (easiest is bind to - this is definitely true for an internal load balancer, not sure about HTTPS with an external ip.
A couple of updates and lessons learned:
I have found out that "google-address-manager" is now deprecated and replaced by "google-ip-forward-daemon" which is running.
[root#server ~]# sudo service google-ip-forwarding-daemon status
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl status google-ip-forwarding-daemon.service
google-ip-forwarding-daemon.service - Google Compute Engine IP Forwarding Daemon
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/google-ip-forwarding-daemon.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Fri 2017-12-22 20:45:27 UTC; 17h ago
Main PID: 1150 (google_ip_forwa)
CGroup: /system.slice/google-ip-forwarding-daemon.service
└─1150 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/google_ip_forwarding_daemon
There is an active firewall rule allowing IP ranges and for port 443. The target is also properly set.
Finally, the health check is currently using the default "/" path. The developers have put an authentication in front of the site during the development process. If I bypassed the SSL cert error, I received a 401 unauthorized when running curl. This was the root cause of the issue we were experiencing. To remedy, we modified nginx basic authentication configuration to disable authentication to a new route (eg. /health)
Once nginx configuration was updated and the path was updated to the new /health route at the health check, we were receivied valid 200 responses. This allowed the health check to return healthy instances and allowed the LB to pass through traffic

403 - Forbidden: Access is denied, certificates issue in IIS7

I have installed a renewed SSL certificate on my web server running IIS7.
After installation, I applied website binding to port 443.
My application uses client certificates too, so I have changed the SSL setting to Require 'client certificate'.
Both client and SSL server certificates are valid but still I am not able to access my application. The error I get is:
403 - Forbidden: Access is denied.
I have enabled client certificate mapping in IIS role settings also but still not getting rid of this 403 error.
I guess client certificate is not able to handshake with server certificate. Please help!
In certificate Store verified all server certificate and client cert with its authority hierarchy are available.
also cross check below settings
Application Authentication: Anonymous
Application SSL Setting: Require SSL/ Accept
ApplicationHost.config: enabled OnetoOneMapping under iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication also added base64 certificate mapped with service accounts
Also based on my past experience we need to ensure we have SChannel registry setting as mentioned in below post.
Simplest workaround just discovered this today. In IIS for your application, Go to Edit Bindings and change your port number. 443 to 4431 or 44301. Any variation you want. In your client computer, type in the new URL using new port number and you will establish a fresh connection to application. Make sure you SSL Settings for IIS Application is set to "Accept" instead of "Require". This means you can click "Cancel" when the pop up asks you to select a certificate you can simply hit "Cancel" and still hit the site. No 403 Error.
Do not spend hours trying to mess with your certificate store, just simply change the port on IIS Server and you'll be fine.

Do I need to install SSL on my server?

I have a virtual server with a few websites on it. To be honest I know next to nothing about SSL. When Itry to log in to my servers Web Host Manager or any of my sites Cpanels I get a screen (In chrome) saying "This website is not trusted". Is this because the server needs to have SSL installed on it?
Maybe it's not even to do with SSL, but any explanation is appreciated.
SSL secures your conecction between your browser and the server. If you have important data there you should install SSL to protect your connection from "sniffing".
SSL is network protocol so you have to install it or enable it on the server.
here is resource for installing/enabling SSL on Apache server:
and here is how to install/enable SSL on IIS: