a visual tool for upload status of file in BigCommerce - file-upload

BigCommerce allows for product options that a user can upload a file to attach to an order (think a business card printer needs art files uploaded to the order)
Once a user selects all the options, and clicks add to cart, the page uploads the selected file along with the order details and takes you to the shopping cart. The time it takes for it to load depends on the weight of the files being uploaded.
Does anyone have a solution for having a visual tool for while a file is uploading, a percentage (either bar, or numbers) can be shown (or simply a "uploading images" overlay). People who are not familiar with the site think the page has frozen - they only realize when they let it upload - sometimes files can take up to 30 seconds to upload.
Im fairly proficient at CSS and HTML5 - if there are any solutions, please advise.

In this case, you'd need to add HTML and CSS to create and style the loading bar. For the actual function of checking the upload status and displaying the progress, I'd suggest using jQuery with form plugin (uploadProgress function).
The necessary steps required to accomplish this will be a bit different in Bigcommerce than you'd see in this blog post, but it is explains it in a bit more depth with examples


Customize Shopware 6 invoice PDF

I'll change the template of the invoice pdf template in shopware 6.
The template self seems to be stored in the database in the table "document".
The pdf is generated by php.
Anyone knows, how to get a complete own customized template ?
The configuration in the backend is not enough.
Thank you.
I wrote an example Theme some time ago, that is extending the basic template: https://github.com/mnaczenski/SwagDocumentTemplate
The core template is located here:https://github.com/shopware/platform/blob/trunk/src/Core/Framework/Resources/views/documents/base.html.twig
So you can overwrite the file in your own theme like described in the documentation by extending the twig file and placing it in the right folder: https://developer.shopware.com/docs/guides/plugins/themes/theme-base-guide
Extend in Twig: {% sw_extends '#Framework/documents/base.html.twig' %}
Folder structure: /src/Resources/views/documents/base.html.twig
Generated PDFs are stored in the database due to German law, they can't be changed after generation. But new generated PDFs are based on the template.
The easiest way to customize your invoice templates is to use the WYSIWYG Document Editor. You can either customize an existing document or create a completely new document. Using one of the predefined document templates provides a good starting point for you to apply your customizations. But you can also start with a blank page.
With the visual editor, you can easily add new elements and variables and see your changes in the live preview. This will save you a lot of time in comparison to going back and forth hundreds of times between making adjustments in your Twig Files and generating new PDFs for testing.
Here is a YouTube Video, which shows you how easy and fast you can edit all your documents: https://youtu.be/fGBMDmVMPvA
I am the developer, which created the WYSIWYG Document Editor Shopware 6 App. Feel free to ask me any questions about the App. I am happy to help you.

How to add image uploader in shopify?

In my shopify store I make custom arts based on customer's image. I need to add an image uploader where user selects the image and when they hit continue I should take them to checkout. I am using the debut theme. How can I make this happen?
You can add additional details to a product by including an input field with a name of properties[some-property-name], and this also works for input fields with a type of file.
For example, you could add the following to your product form to create an image upload field. (Note: Make sure your form has enctype="multipart/form-data" set so that browsers submit the form correctly)
<input type="file" name="properties[Uploaded Image]" class="custom-upload" />
The resulting file will be uploaded to Shopify and will be accessible to you through the order in the Shopify admin. Your customers will be bound by whatever limits Shopify enforces regarding file sizes, which from a quick Google search looks to be set at 20MB currently.
NB: If your theme uses Javascript to submit your product form, it may or may not be compatible with file inputs out-of-the-box. Many simple stay-on-page features assume that all of the form data can be treated as text, so would ignore your file field. Here's an answer to a similar question where I tried to provide some ideas on how you could get around this problem: https://stackoverflow.com/a/58271610/2592369

How to change in template through the Shopify application

I am trying to write a Shopify application and I want to add a section to the product page when the store owner installed my app. I tried this by adding a custom script tag in the shop template and this tag will load and inject my desired HTML into the page. It's work but it needs to force the store owner to change the product page template and its not user-friendly.
I see some apps in the Shopify app store that can change the product page after you install them without needs add any part to the product page template. How they do this work? I can't find the correct way in the Shopify documents.
You can change the Shopify theme of the shop using The API for Assets:
However as drip mentioned this is not a good idea:
If you change the theme auto-magically via code, you are looking for trouble. A lot of things can go wrong - simply you cannot cater for all themes and their changes over time! So you could possibly leave a broken page after the change. The e-shop owner won't be impressed! Actually a lot of the 1* reviews of apps are for that reason!
What would happen if the eshop owner removes your app? He won't know what code to remove.
So, most apps ask the user to add the app code. They provide detailed instructions of course.
Fyi, another problematic approach is the following:
Some apps may attempt to change the DOM "on the fly", by first locating an existing DOM element (a lot of theme-specific if statements to do that with any degree of success) and, then insert the app's DOM elements.
That's very messy and problematic as well, but at least you do not risk ruining the owner's theme files. In the worst case he can uninstall your app and he 'll be ok.

Can JQuery File upload be used without AJAX?

I want to use something along the lines of JQuery file upload (i'm open minded) in a form with lots of other fields for the UI (ex. image previews, delete, file sizes .etc), but I want to submit the files along with the form as if i used a normal HTML file field.
Is this at all possible?
If you console.log() the form after submission you will get an object in return that has a bunch of information. Among that information you can find for example file information of the file you just upload.
You can check this http://jsfiddle.net/1r0Lprkj/1/ and open your console after you've submitted the form.
Then if you want to go deeper into this, then you can check out the Javascript FileReader which lets you do a bunch of cool stuff with the uploaded file. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/FileReader
To answer your question; Yes it is possible to achieve without AJAX.

How to add a custom image (<xh:img>) to PDF

We would like to add an image to our PDF in Orbeon. We explorered different tags and came up with tag. This worked the way we wanted but this tag keeps the PDF from building. We don't get any (visible) errors but a time-out occurs after couple of seconds.
To cross check: PDF build fine without the xh:img tag.
I was wondering what other options do we have. I thought about a PDF template but we would like to give the form author the option to choose his/hers own jpg from a web resource.
This is on 43PE.
User error yet we didn't change much after all.