MSBuild SonarQube Runner v1.0 returns with code 1 after "Generating the FxCop ruleset" - msbuild

I'm trying out SonarQube using the new MSBuild SonarQube Runner v1.0. If I install a fresh SonarQube server locally, the following command works fine, and I can build my solution directly afterward, call the 'end' command, and have the results published in SonarQube:
MSBuild.SonarQube.Runner.exe begin /key:TestKey /name:TestName /version:
However, if I run this against an existing SonarQube server that exists on the internal network, it always returns with exit code 1:
15:32:40 Creating config and output folders...
15:32:40 Creating directory: c:\Test\MSBuild.SonarQube.Runner-1.0.itsonar\.sonarqube\conf
15:32:40 Creating directory: c:\Test\MSBuild.SonarQube.Runner-1.0.itsonar\.sonarqube\out
15:32:41 Generating the FxCop ruleset: c:\Test\MSBuild.SonarQube.Runner-1.0.itsonar\.sonarqube\conf\SonarQubeFxCop-cs.ruleset
Process returned exit code 1
It seems to download a lot of the dependencies into /.sonarqube, so communication with the server isn't an issue
Things I've tried:
checked the access.log, server.log and event logs
upgraded the existing server to v5.1.2 (clean install using the guide)
upgraded the sonar-csharp-plugin to v4.1
right-clicked all .jar files on the server and ensured they are unblocked
tried the runner directly on the server
(ongoing) tried debugging the source code (happening somewhere in the pre-process step: success comes back as true, but the error code is 1)
disabled UAC on the server an rebooted
re-installed JRE on both server and client, ensure JAVA_HOME in both PATH and registry are set correctly
Any help or pointers greatly accepted. I've been stuck on this for 2 days and can't think of anything else to try except continue trawling through source code. Thank you.

This is a tricky one! Looking at the code, I see only one path that can yield this output:
It fails while generating the FxCop ruleset for C#, as the VB.NET FxCop ruleset message is not logged - see TeamBuildPreProcessor.cs#L149 and TeamBuildPreProcessor.cs#L185
The GenerateFxCopRuleset() call for C# threw a WebException, leading to the call of Utilities.HandleHostUrlWebException() - which has to return true for the exception to be silently swallowed - see Utilities.cs#L153
The only path returning true without logging any message is if a HttpStatusCode.NotFound was received - see Utilities.cs#L158
The control flow goes back to FetchArgumentsAndRulesets(), which returns false, then goes back to Execute() which returns false as well - see TeamBuildPreProcessor.cs#L106
The MSBuild SonarQube Runner "begin" phase (called "preprocessor" in the code) fails - see Program.cs#L42
So, at some point, some SonarQube web service required for the C# FxCop ruleset generation is return a HTTP 404 error.
Could you monitor your network traffic and listen for the failing HTTP call? [I will keep on updating this answer afterwards]
EDIT: Indeed the error is caused by the quality profile name containing special characters. Such characters are currently badly URL-escaped, which leads to a 404.
I've created the following ticket to fix this issue in the upcoming release:


GitLab Runner fails to upload artifacts with "invalid argument" error

I'm completely new to trying to implement GitLab's CI/CD pipelines, but it's been going quite well. In fact, for my ASP.NET project, if I specify a Publish Profile in the msbuild command that uses Web Deploy, it actually deploys the code successfully to the web server.
However, I'm now wanting to have the "build" job create artifacts which are uploaded to GitLab that I can then subsequently deploy. We're using a self-hosted instance of GitLab, for which I'm not an admin, but I can speak to the admin if I know what I'm asking for!
So I've configured my gitlab-ci.yml file like this:
NUGET_PATH: 'C:\Program Files\Nuget\Nuget.exe'
MSBUILD_PATH: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\MSBuild\Current\Bin\msbuild.exe'
- build
stage: build
- '& "$env:NUGET_PATH" restore ApplicationTemplate.sln -Source "$env:NUGET_SOURCES"'
- '& "$env:MSBUILD_PATH" ApplicationTemplate\ApplicationTemplate.csproj /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:Configuration=Release /p:PublishProfile=FolderPublish.pubxml'
- '.\ApplicationTemplate\bin\Release\Publish\'
The output shows that this builds the code just fine, and it also seems to successfully find the artifacts for upload. However, when it uploads the artifacts, even though the request gets a 200 OK response, the process fails. Here is the log output:
So, it finds the artifacts, it attempts to upload them and even gets a 200 OK response (in contrast to the handful of similar reports of this error I've been able to find online), but it still fails due to an invalid argument.
I've already enabled verbose debugging, as you can see from the output, but I'm none the wiser. Looking at the GitLab Runner entries in the Windows Event Log on the box where the runner is hosted doesn't shed any light on things either. The total size of the artifacts is 61.1MB, so I don't think my issue is related to that.
Can anyone see from this output what's invalid? Can I identify which argument is invalid and/or why it's invalid?
Edit: Things I've tried
Specifying a value for artifacts:expire_in.
Setting artifacts:public to FALSE, since I'm using a self-hosted GitLab environment and the default value for this setting (TRUE) is not valid in such an environment.
Trying every format I can think of for the value of the artifacts:paths setting (this seems to be incredibly robust - regardless of the format I use, the Runner seems to have no problem parsing it and finding the files to upload).
Taking a cue from this question I created a new project with a very simple build job to upload a single file:
- build
stage: build
- echo "Test" > test.txt
- test.txt
About 50% of the time this job hangs on the uploading of the artifacts and I have to cancel it. The other half of the time it fails in exactly the same way as the my previous project:
After countless hours working on this, it seems that ultimately the issue was that our internal Web Application Firewall was blocking some part of the transfer of artefacts to the server, or the response back from it. With the WAF reconfigured not to block traffic from the machine running the GitLab Runner, the artefacts are successfully uploaded and the job succeeds.
This would have been significantly easier to diagnose if the logging from GitLab was better. As per my comment on this issue, it should be possible to see the content of the response from the GitLab server after uploading artefacts, even when the response code is 200.
What's strange - and made diagnosing the issue even harder - is that when I worked through the issue with the admin of our GitLab instance, digging through logs and running it in debug mode, the artefact upload process was uploading something successfully. We could see, for example, the GitLab Runner's log had been uploaded to the server. Clearly the WAF's blocking was selective and didn't block everything in both directions.

TFS Build error - Cannot listen on pipe name 'xxx' because another pipe endpoint is already listening on that name

In TFS, i'm doing build for my .Net project. I've got agent configured locally and build is carried using that. Error says as follows
Cannot listen on pipe name 'net.pipe://localhost/taskagent/6/xxxxxx' because another pipe endpoint is already listening on that name.
Not sure, what this exactly is....Please help. Attached the error screenshot for reference.
Note: I'm not using any TDD/test process in code
According to the error info not sure if it's related to TFS side. Suggest you also manually run the build directly on the build agent.
Since the agent is newly configured, to narrow down if the error is related to your environment on the build server machine. You could also create a new build definition with a simple project such as hello world and check if got the same error. If so, suggest you delete the agent, reconfigure it follow this tutorial: Deploy an agent on Windows
Besides, you could also set system.debug=true to enable verbose debug for build to get more detail error info, please refer: Enable Verbose Debug Mode for TFS Build vNext

Failed to integrate Bugzilla Testopia with Jenkins with the aid of Testopia Plugin - cannot execute any iterative build step

I’m trying to integrate Bugzilla Testopia with Jenkins with the aid of the Testopia Plugin for Jenkins.
The general configuration is probably fine as the connection between Testopia and Jenkins is well established (Jenkins log says: ‘Connecting to Testopia to retrieve automated test cases’ and no error occurs then). However I’m unable to retrieve any information concerning Test Runs/Test Cases etc. from Testopia.
Moreover I cannot perform any of ‘Iterative Test Build Steps’. If I want to ‘Execute Shell’ in ‘Iterative Test Build Steps’ with Testopia Plugin no operation is carried out (even if I try: echo 12345 etc.). If I use ‘Single Test Build Steps‘ then shell command is executed.
My goal is to retrieve test class name from Testopia (it is stored in Testopia Test Case’s field - Automation/Scripts ) and then run maven build from Jenkins with this class name set as the parameter. Afterwards depending on the Jenkins build success or failure status I’d like to update the Test Case Status in Testopia.
How to fetch any information from Testopia into Jenkins?
Why any of ‘Iterative Test Build Steps’ is not executed?
Any clues? - Testopia Plugin site example wasn't too helpful for me.
Both Bugzilla and Jenkins are hosted on the same Ubuntu 14.04. I've got the latest stable versions of Jenkins, Bugzilla and Testopia.
Thanks in advance,
Well this debugging does not work for me. I added a new log recorder with the 'ALL' level chosen and I cannot see any additional log neither in job's console output nor in the newly created logger output.
Maybe sth is wrong with my Testopia installation? Some more details concerning my configuration:
I've got Testopia installed on the same machine (as Jenkins) and usually I access it through: http://'ip_address'/bugzilla
- in Testopia plugin configuration my URL to Testopia installation is: http://'ip_address'/bugzilla/xmlrpc.cgi
- I've got only one bugzilla account - these admin's credentials I use in Jenkins
- sometimes in Jenkins I can see a warning concerning improper reverse proxy configuraiton - maybe it has sth to do with the problem
After job execution all Testopia's fields are 0 - Run Id, Build Id etc. - which obviously indicates that no information was successfully retrieved from Testopia.
Any ideas how to check why I cannot retrieve any information from Testopia?
In the meantime I think I've found a clue in the jenkins.log file in jenkins installation directory:
Exceptions like these occur:
INFO: TESTOPIA_TEST_SUITE_3 #13 main build action completed: SUCCESS
org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException: The requested method 'TestRun.get' was not found.
at org.apache.xmlrpc.client.XmlRpcStreamTransport.readResponse(
org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException: The requested method 'TestRun.get_test_cases' was not found.
at org.apache.xmlrpc.client.XmlRpcStreamTransport.readResponse(
Shall I insert the full stacktrace?
It looks like that plugin logs a fair amount of information, though not all of it to the build console output itself.
To debug further, you could try adding a new log recorder for the logger jenkins.plugins.testopia (with log level "all"), run a build, then refresh the web page for the newly-created log recorder to see the output.
You should at least see "Filtering for automated test cases" after connection, information about each test case found, and then log output for each iterative build step as it's run on each test case.
I got the similiar problem when I use python xmlrpc to commnicate with my bugzilla-testopia server.
I chekc the error code and find under my bugzilla install location : "./WebService/Server/".
I know the error was thrown by this sub function, which checks login status and forward to modules where the moduel.function must be in PUBLIC_METHODS:
sub handle_login {
if (none { $_ eq $method } $class->PUBLIC_METHODS) {
ThrowCodeError('unknown_method', { method => $full_method });
I don't know why but TestCase.get could not be found in PUBLIC_METHODS, so I just marked them as comment and then it works. You can do this quick way to make sure your client setting is correct. Then you should solve the "PUBLIC_METHODS" problem next.

WebDeploy runcommand issue

I'm trying to deploy a package with WebDeploy V3.
The installation process is to sync between a source folder to a destination folder on the remote computer and run a certain powershell script after the sync is done.
The command being executed is:
'"C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\msdeploy.exe" -verb:sync -source:dirPath='C:\source' -dest:dirPath='D:\destination',computerName=XXX -postSync:runcommand='powershell -inputformat none D:\destination\Install.ps1',successReturnCodes=0'
This yields the following error:
Info: Using ID '49edd786-d8a0-4acf-be7b-95dd6e1391cc' for connections to the remote server. Performing '-postSync'... Info:
Using ID '5ef9d005-82fa-4811-9f51-1741c8d622de' for connections to the remote server.
Info: Adding MSDeploy.runCommand (MSDeploy.runCommand).
Error: (11/28/2012 4:34:24 AM) An error occurred when the request was processed on the remote computer. Error: The entry type 'Unknown' was not expected at this time. The serialization stream may be corrupted.
Error count: 1.
Error during '-postSync'. Total changes: 0 (0 added, 0 deleted, 0 updated, 0 parameters changed, 0 bytes copied)
Searching the net for this error, I didn't see anybody who encountered it when using runcommand provider. If anybody encountered a similar issue and has ideas or suggestions I would be most thankful..
From what I've seen, using runCommand to execute an arbitrary command line might be a bit buggy. Try moving the commandline into a bat or cmd file and providing a (full?) path to that. The file will be uploaded and executed, as long as you don't try to pass in any arguments to it.
For future viewers of this post: I encountered this same specific error (Error: The entry type 'Unknown' was not expected at this time. The serialization stream may be corrupted) after adding runCommand provider usage to my MyProject.wpp.targets file for the Web Publishing Pipeline MSBuild process. The path was direct cmd shell input used in order to clear readonly flags with attrib -R.
In my case, my build server was configured with WebDeploy 3.0, while the server targeted by the deployment package was configured with Webdeploy 2.0. After upgrading the target server to Webdeploy 3.0 this particular problem was resolved.
However due to other errors surrounding runCommand (providing the correct path to the destination executable at package runtime) my solution still doesn't work entirely so take this all with a grain of salt.

symstore error when running TFS 2010 build

I have several builds running on a Windows Server 2003 R2 machine via TFS2010. All of these build definitions have the Path to Publish Symbols set to "\\server\SymbolStore" and the builds run fine.
(Note - I have inherited this set up from a former employee, and I also have other builds running on a separate 2K8 machine that also run without issue)
I am now migrating these builds to a new Windows 2008 R2 build server using the same settings.
When running the builds on the new build machine, everything is working fine until the build tries to run the "Publish Symbols" activity in the workflow, at which point I get the error
SYMSTORE ERROR: Class: Server. Desc: Couldn't connect to server.
Error 5: Access is denied. TF270015: 'symstore.exe' returned an
unexpected exit code. Expected '0'; actual '5'.
which also sets the build status to Partially Succeeded.
I have searched the web for these error messages to no avail so far, so does anyone know what might be causing this and how to get it working again?
As always, thanks in advance
Did you check the folder has the right permissions for the service account that is used by Team Build to create/write files ?
Turns out that after I had set up the new build machine, I had left the Credentials for the Build Service Properties (found in the Team Foundation Server Administration Console/Build Configuration) to its default setting which is "NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService". Once I had changed this to use the build service account, the builds are able to write to the symbol store properly