How to convert between vector_float2 and CGPoint*? - objective-c

What's the easiest/fastest way to convert between vector_float2 and CGPoint* in Objective-C?
Does Apple provide any built-in functionality for this kind of type conversion? I noticed in 2-3 places in sample apps they just call CGPointMake() etc. to make the conversion
Is it possible to simply cast a CGPoint* to vector_float2 and vice versa? Is it safe to do so?
Update: obviously the solution is:
vector_float2 v = (vector_float2){(float)point.x, (float)point.y};
CGPoint p = CGPointMake(v.x, v.y);
But this is cumbersome if you need to do so frequently, and more so if there's a C array of either vector_float2* or CGPoint*. So I'm looking for already-existing solutions or very simple alternatives that I may be overlooking.

I tried to simply extend CGPoint but couldnt seem to import vector_float2; not even with the bridging header file.
// Doesn't work!!
extension CGPoint {
init(vector: vector_float2)
self.x = CGFloat(vector.x)
self.y = CGFloat(vector.y)
You do have several options though. You can extend Float with a calculated var that returns a CGFloat and extend GKAgent2D to convert it's position to a CGPoint:
extension Float {
var f: CGFloat { return CGFloat(self) }
extension GKAgent2D {
var cgposition: CGPoint {
return CGPoint(x: self.position.x.f, y: self.position.y.f)
You can also extend CGPoint itself to accept two Float's:
extension CGPoint {
init(x: Float, y: Float) {
self.x = CGFloat(x)
self.y = CGFloat(y)
extension GKAgent2D {
var cgposition: CGPoint {
// Note that the ".f" is gone from the example above
return CGPoint(x: self.position.x, y: self.position.y)
In both cases, you can use it like this:
let agent = GKAgent2D()
let point = agent.cgposition

CGPoint p = CGPointMake(1.0f, 1.0f);
vector_float2 v = simd_make_float2(p.x, p.y);
CGPoint x = CGPointMake(v[0], v[1]);


Objective-C for loop to Swift 3

What is the nicest and cleanest way to translate this Objective-C for-loop to Swift 3? What is best practice? Should I use a while loop?
NSInteger pageHeight = 792;
NSInteger pageWidth = 612;
for (int page=0; pageHeight * page < scrollView.frame.size.height; page++) {
// execute some code
I tried to work with something like this
for i in pageHeight * i < scrollView.frame.size.height {
// execute some code
but I cannot reuse the variable i since it cannot be used. Compiler gives the error: unresolved identifier 'i'.
EDIT: one of the reasons I asked the question was because I wanted to specifically know what the best practice is and to avoid creating an additional variable before the loop code.
You should use a while loop:
let pageHeight = 792
let pageWidth = 612
var page = 0
while pageHeight * page < Int(scrollView.frame.size.height) {
// execute some code
page += 1
Assuming you don't change any of the loop-related variables inside the loop, you can do it this way:
let pageHeight: Int = 792
let pageWidth: Int = 612
let pageCount = Int(scrollView.frame.size.height) / pageHeight
for page in 0..<pageCount {
As another option, here's a recursive/functional option:
func setupPages(maxHeight: CGFloat, pageHeight: CGFloat, pageNumber: Int = 0) {
guard (pageHeight * CGFloat(pageNumber)) < maxHeight else {
// do what you need to do
setupPages(maxHeight: maxHeight, pageHeight: pageHeight, pageNumber: pageNumber + 1)
Then in your code you can just simple call:
setupPages(maxHeight: scrollView.frame.height, pageHeight: CGFloat(pageWidth))

Bouncing ball slightly leaves the screen frame in Spritekit [duplicate]

I've been racking my brain and searching here and all over to try to find out how to generate a random position on screen to spawn a circle. I'm hoping someone here can help me because I'm completely stumped. Basically, I'm trying to create a shape that always spawns in a random spot on screen when the user touches.
override func touchesBegan(touches: Set<NSObject>, withEvent event: UIEvent) {
let screenSize: CGRect = UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds
let screenHeight = screenSize.height
let screenWidth = screenSize.width
let currentBall = SKShapeNode(circleOfRadius: 100)
currentBall.position = CGPointMake(CGFloat(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(Float(screenWidth)))), CGFloat(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(Float(screenHeight)))))
If you all need more of my code, there really isn't any more. But thank you for whatever help you can give! (Just to reiterate, this code kind of works... But a majority of the spawned balls seem to spawn offscreen)
The problem there is that you scene is bigger than your screen bounds
let viewMidX = view!.bounds.midX
let viewMidY = view!.bounds.midY
let sceneHeight = view!.scene!.frame.height
let sceneWidth = view!.scene!.frame.width
let currentBall = SKShapeNode(circleOfRadius: 100)
currentBall.fillColor = .green
let x = view!.scene!.frame.midX - viewMidX + CGFloat(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(viewMidX*2)))
let y = view!.scene!.frame.midY - viewMidY + CGFloat(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(viewMidY*2)))
currentBall.position = CGPoint(x: x, y: y)
First: Determine the area that will be valid. It might not be the frame of the superview because perhaps the ball (let's call it ballView) might be cut off. The area will likely be (in pseudocode):
CGSize( Width of the superview - width of ballView , Height of the superview - height of ballView)
Once you have a view of that size, just place it on screen with the origin 0, 0.
Secondly: Now you have a range of valid coordinates. Just use a random function (like the one you are using) to select one of them.
Create a swift file with the following:
extension Int
static func random(range: Range<Int>) -> Int
var offset = 0
if range.startIndex < 0 // allow negative ranges
offset = abs(range.startIndex)
let mini = UInt32(range.startIndex + offset)
let maxi = UInt32(range.endIndex + offset)
return Int(mini + arc4random_uniform(maxi - mini)) - offset
And now you can specify a random number as follows:
Int.random(1...1000) //generate a random number integer somewhere from 1 to 1000.
You can generate the values for the x and y coordinates now using this function.
Given the following random generators:
public extension CGFloat {
public static var random: CGFloat { return CGFloat(arc4random()) / CGFloat(UInt32.max) }
public static func random(between x: CGFloat, and y: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
let (start, end) = x < y ? (x, y) : (y, x)
return start + CGFloat.random * (end - start)
public extension CGRect {
public var randomPoint: CGPoint {
var point = CGPoint()
point.x = CGFloat.random(between: origin.x, and: origin.x + width)
point.y = CGFloat.random(between: origin.y, and: origin.y + height)
return point
You can paste the following into a playground:
import XCPlayground
import SpriteKit
let view = SKView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 500, height: 500))
XCPShowView("game", view)
let scene = SKScene(size: view.frame.size)
let wait = SKAction.waitForDuration(0.5)
let popIn = SKAction.scaleTo(1, duration: 0.25)
let popOut = SKAction.scaleTo(0, duration: 0.25)
let remove = SKAction.removeFromParent()
let popInAndOut = SKAction.sequence([popIn, wait, popOut, remove])
let addBall = SKAction.runBlock { [unowned scene] in
let ballRadius: CGFloat = 25
let ball = SKShapeNode(circleOfRadius: ballRadius)
var popInArea = scene.frame
popInArea.inset(dx: ballRadius, dy: ballRadius)
ball.position = popInArea.randomPoint
ball.xScale = 0
ball.yScale = 0
scene.runAction(SKAction.repeatActionForever(SKAction.sequence([addBall, wait])))
(Just make sure to also paste in the random generators, too, or to copy them to the playground's Sources, as well as to open the assistant editor so you can see the animation.)

func collectionViewContentSize in Swift3

I have update my Project to Swift3 in Xcode 8 and it comes this error but I have no idea what I can make there. I have already search in google but nothing founded.
Have anyone an Idea what I can make ?
Here the Error:
Method 'collectionViewContentSize()' with Objective-C selector 'collectionViewContentSize' conflicts with getter for 'collectionViewContentSize' from superclass 'UICollectionViewLayout' with the same Objective-C selector
public func collectionViewContentSize() -> CGSize {
let numberOfSections = collectionView?.numberOfSections
if numberOfSections == 0 {
var contentSize = collectionView?.bounds.size
contentSize?.height = CGFloat(columnHeights[0])
return contentSize!
I had something similar but I was overriding collectionViewContentSize()
override func collectionViewContentSize() -> CGSize {
let collection = collectionView!
let width = collection.bounds.size.width
let height = max(posYColumn1, posYColumn2)
return CGSize(width: width, height: height)
I Downloaded XCode 8 beta 4 today and have had to change it to:
override var collectionViewContentSize: CGSize {
let collection = collectionView!
let width = collection.bounds.size.width
let height = max(posYColumn1, posYColumn2)
return CGSize(width: width, height: height)

Objective C/Swift conversion: How to do this in swift?

I'm trying to convert this example here:
to swift2-code. I'm having problems with exactly this part:
data01.getData = ^(NSUInteger index) {
CGFloat yValue = [data01Array[index] floatValue];
return [NKLineChartDataItem dataItemWithY:yValue];
getData is defined as follows:
public class NKLineChartData : NSObject {
public var color: UIColor!
public var alpha: CGFloat
public var itemCount: UInt
public var getData: LCLineChartDataGetter!
The LCLineChartDataGetter is a type alias:
public typealias LCLineChartDataGetter = (UInt) -> NKLineChartDataItem!
I'm pretty new to objective-c and swift, so maybe someone can point me to how the assignment can be done using swift!
I found the solution myself. The equivalent in Swift is:
data01.getData = {(index : UInt) -> NKLineChartDataItem in
let yValue : CGFloat = CGFloat(data01Array[Int(index)] as! NSNumber)
return NKLineChartDataItem.init(y: yValue)
Maybe someone has a better/shorter solution but the above seems to work ;)
The thing being assigned to getData in Obj-C is a block that takes an integer parameter and returns a NKLineChartDataItem. (Check something like if you need help remembering these.)
In Swift, the formal syntax for the corresponding closure looks like this:
data01.getData = { (index: UInt) -> NKLineChartDataItem! in
// body
But you can also use type inference to shorten it:
data01.getData = { index in
// body
Looking at more of the example from the NKWatchChart readme you linked to:
NSArray * data01Array = #[#60.1, #160.1, #126.4, #0.0, #186.2, #127.2, #176.2];
NKLineChartData *data01 = [NKLineChartData new];
data01.color = NKGreen;
data01.alpha = 0.9f;
data01.itemCount = data01Array.count;
data01.inflexionPointStyle = NKLineChartPointStyleTriangle;
data01.getData = ^(NSUInteger index) {
CGFloat yValue = [data01Array[index] floatValue];
return [NKLineChartDataItem dataItemWithY:yValue];
You can probably shorten this even more through native Swift types:
let data01Array: [CGFloat] = [60.1, 160.1, 126.4, 0.0, 186.2, 127.2, 176.2]
let data01 = NKLineChartData()
data01.color = NKGreen
data01.alpha = 0.9
data01.itemCount = data01Array.count
data01.inflexionPointStyle = .Triangle;
data01.getData = { NKLineChartDataItem(y: data01Array[$0]) }
You don't need to convert swift to objective-c to make it run in your project. Just drag the swift into your project and Xcode will automatically generate a bridging header for you

How to subclass in Go

In C I can do something like this
struct Point {
int x,y;
struct Circle {
struct Point p; // must be first!
int rad;
void move(struct Point *p,int dx,int dy) {
struct Circle c = .....;
move( (struct Point*)&c,1,2);
Using this approach, I can pass any struct(Circle,Rectangle,etc) that has struct Point as first member.
How can I do the same in google go?
Actually, there's a simpler way to do it, which is more similar to the OP's example:
type Point struct {
x, y int
func (p *Point) Move(dx, dy int) {
p.x += dx
p.y += dy
type Circle struct {
*Point // embedding Point in Circle
rad int
// Circle now implicitly has the "Move" method
c := &Circle{&Point{0, 0}, 5}
c.Move(7, 3)
Also notice that Circle would also fulfill the Mover interface that PeterSO posted.
Although Go has types and methods and
allows an object-oriented style of
programming, there is no type
hierarchy. The concept of “interface”
in Go provides a different approach
that we believe is easy to use and in
some ways more general. There are also
ways to embed types in other types to
provide something analogous—but not
identical—to subclassing. Is Go an
object-oriented language?, FAQ.
For example,
package main
import "fmt"
type Mover interface {
Move(x, y int)
type Point struct {
x, y int
type Circle struct {
point Point
rad int
func (c *Circle) Move(x, y int) {
c.point.x = x
c.point.y = y
type Square struct {
diagonal int
point Point
func (s *Square) Move(x, y int) {
s.point.x = x
s.point.y = y
func main() {
var m Mover
m = &Circle{point: Point{1, 2}}
m.Move(3, 4)
m = &Square{3, Point{1, 2}}
m.Move(4, 5)