SSRS - Aggregate of an Aggregate - sql

I am new to SSRS but have plenty of experience with Crystal Reports and am trying to do something that in Crystal is fairly simple but after hours of frustrating research it appears is very difficult in SSRS.
I have looked at these which bring me close:
Running Total Over Aggregated Data
Aggregate Of Aggregate
I can semi-successfully obtain a group total but the group total resets to zero at the beginning of each page which isn't what I want.
I have two groups in my report the nested group has subtotals which are not totals of the detail data. How do I create Group Totals for the nested group subtotals? I have seen many people asking this question but so far have only been able to successfully create a Report total for the nested group subtotal. Can any one point me to a way to solve this?
It appears that this area is a regularly encountered problem that has no resolution. I see the same question raised here SSRS Aggregating Aggregates also with no resolution. I was hoping it was just a knowledge issue on my part but it appears to be a structural issue with SSRS.

OK So it sounds like you want to have a Subtotal and Grand total?
In this example it is the typical sales company
first line totals are easy, but the subtotal for the "daily group". Obviously you will have different groups/column names, but I think this is what you are looking for.
Right-click the Order cell, point to Add Total, and click After.
This adds a new row containing sums of the quantity and dollar
amount for each day, and the label "Total" in the Order column. Type
the word Daily before the word Total in the same cell, so it reads
Daily Total. Select the Daily Total cell, the two Sum cells and the
empty cell between them. On the Format menu, click Background Color,
click Orange, and click OK.
Then for the grand total
Right-click the Date cell, point to Add Total, and click After. This
adds a new row containing sums of the quantity and dollar amount for
the entire report, and the Total label in the Date column. Type the
word Grand before the word Total in the same cell, so it reads Grand
Total. Select the Grand Total cell, the two Sum cells and the empty
cells between them. On the Format menu, click Background Color, click
Light Blue, and click OK.


Average of two columns in crystal report using crosstab

I cant get the right Sub Total and Total of this formula
Output is
Formula is ((collections / collectibles) * 100)
Is there a way to change the formula of Sub total and of a column?
I'm using crystal report in windows application program
This is for simple detail section
Create a "Formula Field" (Not a running total field) called Total
In the Formula Editor grab "Functions" (Middle divider) -> Summary -> Sum -> Sum(fld) and put it in the editor portion
Drag the "Amounts" that you want the total of and and put it in the Sum function
Put this formula field in the footer (It should display the total I believe you want)
Please check this link.
If you using cross-tab, then its very easy. Cross-tab given row wise, column wise total and grand -total too.
check this links.
Grand Total Cross Tab rows alongwith columns?
Add "Total" per row and column in Crystal Reports without CrossTab

Trying to combine spreadsheets in Excel

So, I have a dozen or so columns of data in excel with the headers Company, and Funded Balance. The funded balances change year to year and I want to make a timeline how the funded balance changes for each year for each company.
The issue is that every year some companies don't have a funded balance and some new companies are added in. Is there a way to combine two or more spreadsheets so that the companies will all be listed alphabetically with the data listed by the year? I've attached pictures below to illustrate what I mean:
Column 1:
Column 2:
Finished Product:
I'm fairly inexperienced in VBA, so a step by step solution would be very much appreciated. Thank you!
Firstly, it's important to know that nobody here will write your code for you. I'm afraid that's not what this website is for, and is against the guidelines anyway. There are plenty of great online resources for teaching yourself the basics of VBA - for example.
Based on your description of the problem, I don't quite understand why you need to write VBA code in order to solve it.
I would:
1) copy and paste all data into a single spreadsheet
2) sort alphabetically by company name
3) use excel's inbuilt "Subtotal" function
4) a dialogue box will appear. The options you want to select are: at each change in company name, use function sum, add subtotal to [funded balance 2005],[funded balance 2006], etc.
This should sum up the funded balance for each year, for each company, in a single spreadsheet.
Here is what I did for a non-VBA solution:
1. Place all of your tables on top of each other
2. Remove the first two rows and any intervening blank rows
from all tables except the first one. It should look like one long table.
3. In the first blank row of the second column put:
=IF(SUMIF($A$3:$A$8,$A3,B$3:B$8)=0,"",SUMIF($A$3:$A$8,$A3,B$3:B$8)) and adjust it
for your correct last row.
4. Drag the formula down (for the neccesary number of rows) and over one column.
5. With all the formulas selected, right click and hold any edge of the selection,
move off and back on again and paste as values only. (You must do this step for it to work properly)
6. Copy and paste the company names.
7. Select the three columns of your new rows and remove duplicates.
Uncheck My Data has headers.
8. Sort the columns.

SSRS Row Gropings Inverted (Export to Excel)

When i run my report my report in SSRS all groupings work correctly however when i export this report to excel the proper rows are grouped but the grouping is inverted (i.e. the last item in the grouping has the '+' sign instead of the parent, top row)
thanks for any help in this matter!
In SSRS, when exporting to Excel, if the report item that controls whether another item is toggled is not in the previous or next row or column of the item being toggled, the outline is disabled also. See:
This can happen if you have your total added after the group rather than before.
(right click on the group and click add total before)
However, we really need more details/screenshots to see what the cause might be.
The drilldown in SSRS has more features than the grouping in Excel can handle so sometimes it is not possible to get in excel what you have in your report..

Pivot Table Grand Total at the top

We have an Excel spreadsheet with the Grand Totals at the top using a Forumla, but this isn't on the actual Pivot Table it's just in the spreadsheet.
We have a client that wants the Grand Totals at the top of the Pivot Table and doesn't want us to use Formula. Does anyone know if this is possible (even using VBA or something, just so long as we don't look for a specific column or row name and compare with it (so no GETPIVOTDATA("Grand Total...)))?
This slightly hacky solution might help:
Actually, it is possible. I'm doing just that. Here's how. Let's say I in my data source, I have 1 column that contains various work orders. In another column I have all my total dollars spent for each work order, and in my final column I have a number that identifies all of the various work orders as being part of one whole group, or falling under one heading. In my case, each of the work orders fall under one project number. This will place your total at the top and at the bottom. It will also allow you to turn on and off the bottom or the top by selecting a choice under Grand Total on / off for rows / columns.
Kevin L
I'd be happy to be proved wrong, but I don't think it's possible. I think you may have to do a little work on managing your client's expectations...
It generally works. but many people in my team make different pivot table layouts. So than this "fake" grand total column really does not work anymore.
To anyone having a similar challenge, you can accomplish this by adding rows at top of the pivot table and using GETPIVOTDATA to put the values in any cell you chose. Click here for details on how to use GETPIVOTDATA to get the Grand Total of a column in a Pivot Table. The best part is that is dynamic. There's no need to reference the Grand Total row specifically.

Group and subtotal columns in Reporting Services 2005

I have a report (RS2005, against a MSSS2005 instance) which I have inherited. It shows a basic table of data: a handful of key fields which are used to group rows together, a few basic numeric fields, then a number of dated ('bucketed') fields (e.g. 1 month away, 2 months, 6 months, a year, 2 years, etc.)
The user would like to group together these dated fields in aggregated groups and be able to collapse or expand the columns as you can the rows. So we'd be able to show the next year's values' subtotal or expand it to break it out by month. Hiding the invidual months if the subtotal is shown.
This is basic pivot table behaviour (and can be done with the Group/Subtotal feature on Excel - that's the closest analogous behaviour I could use to describe the requirements).
While grouping by rows seems trivial in RptgSvcs, grouping columns and collapsing a group into a single subtotal and blowing it out again, seems hard to impossible.
Unless someone knows better?
You should be able to do this by selecting the columns that you would like to hide and set their visibliity to be hidden.
Then set the toggle item on the hidden columns to be the textbox that shows the subtotal.
This textbox will then have the [+] symbol on it, and clicking will show/hide the your month-by-month breakout(the hidden columns).
On the right hand side of the table control on your report (RDL file), you should see icons representing the detail and grouping information for the table.
Here you can see whether or not a grouping has a header/footer and how it is calculated e.g. =SUM(fields!mySalesValue)
You can also set things like whether it is collapsed and so on