Oracle procedure is not returning results when executing from script task on SSIS -

I'm executing Oracle procedure, which has three OUTPUT parameters and returns results in table type variable.
Here the limitations are, i should not use ODBC, MSDAORA providers to call the procedure. So I'm planning to using Oracle OLEDB provider.
I'm able to execute the procedure successfully, but when i do check (while dr.Read()) its not returning any records. But I know as per stored procedure results, it should return 66 records.
I doubt about my code.... Please suggest something.. Thanks in advance.
Private Sub GetClients()
Dim cmd As New OracleCommand("PKG_HOBS.PRC_HOBS_GET_CLIENTID", FPP1_Connection)
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
Dim p1 As New OracleParameter(":obus_grp_id", OracleDbType.Int32, ParameterDirection.Output)
p1.CollectionType = OracleCollectionType.PLSQLAssociativeArray
p1.Size = 100 ' This is the size of items in array in THIS case
Dim p2 As New OracleParameter(":ostat_c", OracleDbType.Int32, ParameterDirection.Output)
p2.CollectionType = OracleCollectionType.PLSQLAssociativeArray
p2.Size = 100 ' This is the size of items in array in THIS case
Dim p3 As New OracleParameter(":ostat_msg_x", OracleDbType.Varchar2, ParameterDirection.Output)
p3.CollectionType = OracleCollectionType.PLSQLAssociativeArray
p3.Size = 100 ' This is the size of items in array in THIS case
p3.ArrayBindSize = Enumerable.Repeat(500, 100).ToArray
Dim oraNumbers1() As OracleDecimal = CType(p1.Value, OracleDecimal())
Dim myobus_grp_idValues(oraNumbers1.Length - 1) As Integer
For i As Integer = 0 To oraNumbers1.Length - 1
myobus_grp_idValues(i) = Convert.ToInt32(oraNumbers1(i).Value)
Dim oraNumbers2() As OracleDecimal = CType(p2.Value, OracleDecimal())
Dim myostat_cValues(oraNumbers2.Length - 1) As Integer
For i As Integer = 0 To oraNumbers2.Length - 1
myostat_cValues(i) = Convert.ToInt32(oraNumbers2(i).Value)
Dim oraStrings() As OracleString = CType(p3.Value, OracleString())
Dim myostat_msg_xValues(oraStrings.Length - 1) As String
For i As Integer = 0 To oraStrings.Length - 1
myostat_msg_xValues(i) = oraStrings(i).Value
. . . . .
Package definition
PROCEDURE prc_hobs_get_clientid (
obus_grp_id OUT Tnumber,
ostat_c OUT Tnumber,
ostat_msg_x OUT Tmsg_500);

First of all, don't use OleDb, period. Microsoft tells you to use vendor-specific provider. Use Oracle's ODP.NET.
Second, to retrieve recordset from Oracle SP, you need to return refCursor.
Edit: At this time we know that your parameters are tables. To process this you need to add p.CollectionType = OracleCollectionType.PLSQLAssociativeArray to your parameters
Your code is essentially this:
obus_grp_id PKG_HOBS.Tnumber; -- numeric table value
ostat_c PKG_HOBS.Tnumber; -- numeric table value
ostat_msg_x PKG_HOBS.Tmsg_500; -- string table value
PKG_HOBS.PRC_HOBS_GET_CLIENTID(obus_grp_id, ostat_c, ostat_msg_x);
I see you executing anonymous block - you don't need to do this as this complicates things to you. What you need to do is use to execute package straight.
Bottom line: your current ORACLE code does nothing to output results to .NET. Remove anonymous block and you're in business.
Here is the code to process your type of procedure (read in comments)
Dim cmd As New OracleCommand("PKG_HOBS.PRC_HOBS_GET_CLIENTID", conn)
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
Dim p1 As New OracleParameter(":p1", OracleDbType.Int64, ParameterDirection.Output)
p1.CollectionType = OracleCollectionType.PLSQLAssociativeArray
p1.Size = 100 ' Declare more than you expect
' This line below is not needed for numeric types (date too???)
' p1.ArrayBindSize = New Integer(99) {}
' Add parameter 2 here - same as 1
Dim p3 As New OracleParameter(":p3", OracleDbType.Varchar2, ParameterDirection.Output)
p3.CollectionType = OracleCollectionType.PLSQLAssociativeArray
p3.Size = 100 ' Declare more than you expect
' for string data types you need to allocate space for each element
p3.ArrayBindSize = Enumerable.Repeat(500, 100).ToArray() ' get 100 elements of 500 - size of returning string
' I don't know why you have problems referencing System.Linq but if you do...
'Dim intA() As Integer = New Integer(99) {}
'For i as integer = 0 to intA.Length -1
' intA(i) = 500
' Ora number is not compatible to .net types. for example integer is something
' between number(9) and (10). So, if number(10) is the type - you get Long in
' return. Therefore use "Convert"
' Also, you return arrays, so you need to process them as arrays - NOTE CHANGES
Dim oraNumbers() As OracleDecimal = CType(p1.Value, OracleDecimal())
Dim myP1Values(oraNumbers.Length - 1) As Long
For i as Integer = 0 To oraNumbers.Length - 1
myP1Values(i) = Convert.ToInt64(oraNumbers(i).Value)
oraNumbers = CType(p2.Value, OracleDecimal())
Dim myP2Values(oraNumbers.Length - 1) As Long
For i as Integer = 0 To oraNumbers.Length - 1
myP2Values(i) = Convert.ToInt64(oraNumbers(i).Value)
Dim oraStrings() As OracleString= CType(p3.Value, OracleString())
Dim myP3Values(oraStrings.Length - 1) As String
For i as Integer = 0 To oraStrings.Length - 1
myP3Values(i) = oraStrings(i).Value
And this is Most Important part
The most important part is how you fill your declared type. Lets take
v_num Tnumber;
v_num(1) := 1234567890;
v_num(2) := 2345678901;
v_num(3) := 3456789012;
This (above) will work. But this will fail:
v_num(0) := 1234567890;
v_num(1) := 2345678901;
v_num(2) := 3456789012;
And finally, this, will work with one condition
v_num(2) := 1234567890;
v_num(3) := 2345678901;
v_num(4) := 3456789012;
Here we will get 4 members in p1.Value but under index 0 you will have oracle null. So, you would need to deal with it here (if you have such condition)
' instead of this
myP2Values(i) = Convert.ToInt64(oraNumbers(i).Value)
' you will need first to check
If oraNumbers(i).IsNull Then
. . . .
So, the principal thing here is, WHAT is the index of your pl/sql table?! It needs to start from something larger than 0, and preferably from 1. And if you have index with skipped numbers, i.e. 2,4,6,8, all those spaces will be part of returning oracle array and there will be oracle null in them
Here is some reference


Adding new row to unbound datagridview

I have an unbound datagridview. Because of the various things I am doing with the data in the grid I do not want to bind it. The columns are predefined in the settings (Edit Columns) of the datagridview.
I want to create a new row and then populate the grid row with data. I am trying to use the .Add.Rows method but it is failing with
{"Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection." & vbCrLf & "Parameter name: index"}
The following SQL retrieves data:
declare #ScheduleName as varchar(30) = 'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019'
Select ShiftName, ScheduleStart, ScheduleEnd, Position, ADP_ID1,
Name1,ADP_ID2, Name2, ADP_ID3, Name3, ADP_ID4, Name4, ADP_ID5,
Name5, ADP_ID6, Name6, ADP_ID7, Name7
from FormattedSchedules
where ScheduleName = #ScheduleName;
and the rowcount is greater than 0 so it is getting results.
I do not understand what index is out of range or why the collection is 0
Code is below:
Tried .Rows.Add(1) and .Rows.Add() and .Rows.Add("")
Dim FSchedCmd As SqlCommand
Dim FSchedSQL As String
Dim FSchedConn As New SqlConnection()
Dim FSchedadapter As New SqlDataAdapter()
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim rowIndex As Integer
Dim row As DataGridViewRow
AddedNewRow = 1
Dim dsFSched As New DataSet()
FSchedSQL = "Select ShiftName, ScheduleStart, ScheduleEnd, Position, ADP_ID1, Name1, ADP_ID2, Name2, ADP_ID3, Name3, ADP_ID4, Name4, ADP_ID5, Name5, ADP_ID6, Name6, ADP_ID7, Name7 from FormattedSchedules where ScheduleName = #ScheduleName;"
If GlobalVariables.logProd = 1 Then
GlobalVariables.strConnection = "CCAPProdConnectionString"
GlobalVariables.strConnection = "CCAPTestConnectionString"
End If
FSchedConn.ConnectionString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings(GlobalVariables.strConnection).ConnectionString
FSchedCmd = New SqlCommand(FSchedSQL, FSchedConn)
FSchedCmd.Parameters.Add("#ScheduleName", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = cboCreateScheduleName.Text
FSchedadapter.SelectCommand = FSchedCmd
'dgvCreateSchedule.DataSource = dsFSched.Tables(0)
With dgvCreateSchedule
Dim RowNo As Long = 0
'.RowCount = 0
While RowNo <= dsFSched.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1
.Rows(RowNo).Cells(0).Value = dsFSched.Tables(0).Rows(RowNo).Item(0) 'ShiftName
'.Rows(RowNo).Cells(1).Value = dsFSched.Tables(0).Rows(RowNo).Item(1) 'Start Time
.Rows(RowNo).Cells(1).Value = Convert.ToDateTime(dsFSched.Tables(0).Rows(RowNo).Item(1)).TimeOfDay
'.Rows(RowNo).Cells(2).Value = dsFSched.Tables(0).Rows(RowNo).Item(2) 'End Time
.Rows(RowNo).Cells(2).Value = Convert.ToDateTime(dsFSched.Tables(0).Rows(RowNo).Item(2)).TimeOfDay 'End Time
.Rows(RowNo).Cells(3).Value = dsFSched.Tables(0).Rows(RowNo).Item(3) 'Position
.Rows(RowNo).Cells(4).Value = dsFSched.Tables(0).Rows(RowNo).Item(4) 'ADP_ID1
.Rows(RowNo).Cells(5).Value = dsFSched.Tables(0).Rows(RowNo).Item(5) 'Name1
.Rows(RowNo).Cells(6).Value = dsFSched.Tables(0).Rows(RowNo).Item(6) 'ADP_ID2
.Rows(RowNo).Cells(7).Value = dsFSched.Tables(0).Rows(RowNo).Item(7) 'Name2
.Rows(RowNo).Cells(8).Value = dsFSched.Tables(0).Rows(RowNo).Item(8) 'ADP_ID3
.Rows(RowNo).Cells(9).Value = dsFSched.Tables(0).Rows(RowNo).Item(9) 'Name3
.Rows(RowNo).Cells(10).Value = dsFSched.Tables(0).Rows(RowNo).Item(10) 'ADP_ID4
.Rows(RowNo).Cells(11).Value = dsFSched.Tables(0).Rows(RowNo).Item(11) 'Name4
.Rows(RowNo).Cells(12).Value = dsFSched.Tables(0).Rows(RowNo).Item(12) 'ADP_ID5
.Rows(RowNo).Cells(13).Value = dsFSched.Tables(0).Rows(RowNo).Item(13) 'Name5
.Rows(RowNo).Cells(14).Value = dsFSched.Tables(0).Rows(RowNo).Item(14) 'ADP_ID6
.Rows(RowNo).Cells(15).Value = dsFSched.Tables(0).Rows(RowNo).Item(15) 'Name6
.Rows(RowNo).Cells(16).Value = dsFSched.Tables(0).Rows(RowNo).Item(16) 'ADP_ID7
.Rows(RowNo).Cells(17).Value = dsFSched.Tables(0).Rows(RowNo).Item(17) 'Name7
RowNo = RowNo + 1
End While
End With
If dgvCreateSchedule.RowCount > 0 Then
dgvCreateSchedule.Rows(0).Selected = True
dgvCreateSchedule.CurrentCell = dgvCreateSchedule.Rows(0).Cells(0)
'dgvCreateSchedule.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex = dgvCreateSchedule.CurrentRow.Index
End If
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Cannot open FormattedSchedules to load grid")
End Try
AddedNewRow = 0
Error message from line: .Rows.Add(1)
Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection." & vbCrLf & "Parameter name: index
This should be the fastest option:
For Each xrow As DataRow In TempDataTable.dsFSched.Tables(0).Rows
What it does adds all "Cells" along with row.
And when editing cells, I prefer to use
dgvCreateSchedule(y,x).Value = somevalue
'Though it's a little bit strange, as it's column first then row for location hence y then x axis , opposed to usual row then column thats x then y axis
Add it like this, assuming there is the same column count/order
I changed the name of the DGV to DataGridView1 because that is what I happened to have in my test project.
You can use conditional compile statements to chose the correct connection string. Not necessary to keep a Boolean variable somewhere to determine correct string. I know I would forget to change it for the release version.
You did a good job closing and disposing of database objects but if there is an error all that good work will be for naught. A Using...End Using block will accomplish the close, dispose even if there is an error.
Pass the connection string directly to the constructor of the connection and pass the Sql statement and the connection directly to the constructor of the command.
Don't open your connection until the last minute. In the case of a DataAdapter.Fill, the connection is opened and closed for you however, if the adapter finds and open connection it leaves it open. In this case there is no need for an adapter or a DataSet.
I do not see anything wrong with your line .Rows.Add(1). The problem comes on the next line. The index of DataGridView.Rows is an Int32, Integer in, and you have declared RowNo as Long. Of course you will want to use the code suggested by #CruleD answer.
Private Sub OPCode()
Dim dt As New DataTable
Dim FSchedSQL = "Select ShiftName, ScheduleStart, ScheduleEnd, Position, ADP_ID1, Name1, ADP_ID2, Name2, ADP_ID3, Name3, ADP_ID4, Name4, ADP_ID5, Name5, ADP_ID6, Name6, ADP_ID7, Name7 from FormattedSchedules where ScheduleName = #ScheduleName;"
#If Not DEBUG Then
GlobalVariables.strConnection = "CCAPProdConnectionString"
GlobalVariables.strConnection = "CCAPTestConnectionString"
#End If
Using FSchedConn As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings(GlobalVariables.strConnection).ConnectionString)
Using FSchedCmd As New SqlCommand(FSchedSQL, FSchedConn)
FSchedCmd.Parameters.Add("#ScheduleName", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = cboCreateScheduleName.Text
End Using
End Using
For Each xrow As DataRow In dt.Rows
If DataGridView1.RowCount > 0 Then
DataGridView1.Rows(0).Selected = True
DataGridView1.CurrentCell = DataGridView1.Rows(0).Cells(0)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Error loading grid")
End Try
End Sub

Looping through only columns containing values for specific row in dataTable

I am developing an application using Visual Basic 2010 for hydraulic calculations of a pipe network.
This application uses a lot of iterations and loops, depending on the user input and size of network. Most of the results have to be saved temporarily to be used for the next step of calculations.
Firstly, I used a DataGridView to save the results but as the number of iterations increased, the application became very slow.
Now I am trying to create a DataTable, then populate it with some initial results (this part was successful). The obtained DataTable has some columns that are not populated like so:
22 24 10
3 16 22 9 15
16 12 24 13
14 21 10 23 12 1
24 18 23 2 1
Other calculations are performed and a certain value (X) is obtained.
Now I am trying to loop through the columns of a specific row to check if the calculated value (X) equals to one of the values in those columns.
My question is: How can I loop through only the columns that have values (avoiding the columns containing NULL values) for a specific row?
I am a beginner in I hope my question is clear as I didn't provide any code.
Thanks in advance for you help.
This is the initial code I used:
For m As Integer = 0 To NetworkLayout.DGVNetworkLayout.Rows.Count - 1
Dim I As Integer = NetworkLayout.DGVNetworkLayout.Rows.Count - 1
Dim Sec(I), Ini(I) As Integer
Dim Hyd(I), Dia(I), Len(I) As Single
Dim Qsec(I), Qini(I), Vsec(I) As Single
Dim U(I), Y(I) As Single
I = I - 1
Sec(I) = NetworkLayout.DGVNetworkLayout.Rows(I).Cells(0).Value
Ini(I) = NetworkLayout.DGVNetworkLayout.Rows(I).Cells(1).Value
Hyd(I) = NetworkLayout.DGVNetworkLayout.Rows(I).Cells(6).Value
Dia(I) = NetworkLayout.DGVNetworkLayout.Rows(I).Cells(4).Value
Len(I) = NetworkLayout.DGVNetworkLayout.Rows(I).Cells(3).Value
Dim V As Integer
V = Results.DGVRandomGen.Rows(TotalNum_Runs - 1).Cells(I).Value
Qsec(I) = 0
Dim q As Single = 0
For n As Integer = 0 To Results.DGVInitial.Rows.Count - 1
If Results.DGVInitial.Rows(n).Cells(1).Value = Sec(I) Then
q = Results.DGVInitial.Rows(n).Cells(0).Value
Qsec(I) = Qsec(I) + q
Qsec(I) = Qsec(I)
End If
If V = 1 Then ' if the hydrant is open
Qini(I) = Hyd(I) + Qsec(I)
Else ' if the hydrant is close
Qini(I) = Qsec(I)
End If
Results.DGVInitial.Rows(I).Cells(0).Value = Qini(I)
Results.DGVInitial.Rows(I).Cells(1).Value = Ini(I)
Results.DGVSectionDischarges.Rows(TotalNum_Runs - 1).Cells(I).Value = ini(I).ToString("F2")
Now instead of using
V = Results.DGVRandomGen.Rows(TotalNum_Runs - 1).Cells(I).Value
I would like to replace the "DGVRandomGen" with a DataTable called "DT_Random"
Like I said I am a beginner so I am not sure how to code it but it will be something like this:
For DT_Random.Rows (TotalNum_Runs - 1)
For Each col As DataColumn In DT_Random.Columns
If DT_Random.Rows(TotalNum_Runs - 1).Item(col) = I Then
Qini(I) = Hyd(I) + Qsec(I)
Qini(I) = Qsec(I)
End If
But I want to avoid Null values as not all columns are populated
Maybe this will help you:
Dim myXvalue = 24
Dim myDataTable As New DataTable
myDataTable.Rows.Add(22, 24, 10, DBNull.Value)
myDataTable.Rows.Add(3, 16, 22, DBNull.Value)
myDataTable.Rows.Add(24, 18, DBNull.Value, 24)
For Each column As DataColumn In myDataTable.Columns
If IsDBNull(myDataTable.Rows(0).Item(column)) Then
MsgBox("DB Null Found At: " & column.ColumnName)
Continue For
End If
If myDataTable.Rows(0).Item(column) = myXvalue Then
MsgBox("Match: " & myDataTable.Rows(0).Item(column) & " found at " & column.ColumnName)
End If
Next column
Just a quick example, you may need to restructure it a bit, but at least it shows you how to access the values in your datatable by columns. I would do a function that passes a row index as a parameter and returns a boolean. Create two booleans inside the sub, one for dbnull existing in the row, and one for finding a matching value. If dbnull bool is false, and match value is true, then return true. Just make sure you loop all the columns and dont exit early.
If you need me to elaborate let me know.

How to not generate a stack overflow when a sub procedure calls itself?

This code generates a stack overflow. I'm aware it is caused by the procedure calling itself.
What can I do to avoid the stack overflow? Recalling the sub procedure and generating a new random number is the easiest thing to do, however it generates the overflow. The randomly generated number picks a random inventory item, then the if statement matches that number (random inventory item) with the quantity of that item from the deck inventory to make sure it isn't less than 1. If the inventory of that item is 0, the else plays and restarts the procedure, generating a new random number and doing the process all over again. In another procedure I have a function that if the deck's inventory becomes completely empty, then the discard pile replenishes the deck, making the discard pile empty, so there should never be a case where all randomly generated numbers can be associated item with a inventory of 0.
I wonder if I could somehow force the random number generator
Number = (DeckGroup(Rnd.Next(0, DeckGroup.Count)).ID)
not to generate numbers to inventory items DeckGroup(Number).QuantityInteger that are zero. By doing so I wouldn't even need to recall the function.
The random number is generated by a different branch in the same structure group.
Private Sub PlayElse()
Dim CardCheckBoxArray() As CheckBox = {CardCheckBox1, CardCheckBox2, CardCheckBox3, CardCheckBox4, CardCheckBox5}
'Reset Number Generator
Number = (DeckGroup(Rnd.Next(0, DeckGroup.Count)).ID)
Dim PlayerQuantitySubtractionInteger As Integer
For PlayerQuantitySubtractionInteger = ChecksDynamicA To ChecksDynamicB
If CardCheckBoxArray(TextBoxInteger).Checked = True And DeckGroup(Number).QuantityInteger > 0 Then
DeckGroup(Number).QuantityInteger -= 1
'Select the Player depending value of T
Select Case T
Case 0
Player1HandGroup(Number).QuantityInteger += 1
Case 1
Player1HandGroup(Number).QuantityInteger2 += 1
Case 2
Player1HandGroup(Number).QuantityInteger3 += 1
Case 3
Player1HandGroup(Number).QuantityInteger4 += 1
Case 4
Player1HandGroup(Number).QuantityInteger5 += 1
End Select
CardTypeArray(PlayerQuantitySubtractionInteger) = Player1HandGroup(Number).CardType
CardCheckBoxArray(TextBoxInteger).Text = Player1HandGroup(Number).CardNameString
NumberArray(PlayerQuantitySubtractionInteger) = Number
If CardCheckBoxArray(TextBoxInteger).Checked = True And DeckGroup(Number).QuantityInteger < 0 Then
Call PlayElse()
End If
End If
Next PlayerQuantitySubtractionInteger
End Sub
You could use LINQ to weed out all the objects you never want to get first and then use the collection returned by the linq instead of your original collection.
Something like:
Private Sub PlayElse()
Dim CardCheckBoxArray() As CheckBox = {CardCheckBox1, CardCheckBox2, CardCheckBox3, CardCheckBox4, CardCheckBox5}
'Reset Number Generator
Dim temp As IEnumerable(Of LunchMoneyGame.LunchMoneyMainForm.Group) = From r In DeckGroup Where r.QuantityInteger > 0 Select r
If temp IsNot Nothing AndAlso temp.Any Then
Number = (temp(Rnd.Next(0, temp.Count)).ID)
' ** Edit **: This will ensure that you only got 1 object back from the LINQ which can tell you whether or not you have bad data. You *can* exclude this check but its good practice to include it.
Dim obj As LunchMoneyGame.LunchMoneyMainForm.Group = Nothing
Dim t = From r In temp Where r.ID = Number Select r
If t IsNot Nothing AndAlso t.Count = 1 Then
obj = t(0)
End If
If obj IsNot Nothing Then
Dim PlayerQuantitySubtractionInteger As Integer
For PlayerQuantitySubtractionInteger = ChecksDynamicA To ChecksDynamicB
' ** Edit **
obj.QuantityInteger -= 1
'Select the Player depending value of T
Select Case T
Case 0
Player1HandGroup(Number).QuantityInteger += 1
Case 1
Player1HandGroup(Number).QuantityInteger2 += 1
Case 2
Player1HandGroup(Number).QuantityInteger3 += 1
Case 3
Player1HandGroup(Number).QuantityInteger4 += 1
Case 4
Player1HandGroup(Number).QuantityInteger5 += 1
End Select
CardTypeArray(PlayerQuantitySubtractionInteger) = Player1HandGroup(Number).CardType
CardCheckBoxArray(TextBoxInteger).Text = Player1HandGroup(Number).CardNameString
NumberArray(PlayerQuantitySubtractionInteger) = Number
Next PlayerQuantitySubtractionInteger
End If
End If
End Sub
Pass through the list and determine only those that are valid. Then randomly pull from that set. Here is a simple version of it. You could use LINQ as well, but this should be clear enough:
Dim validDeckGroupsIndexes As New List(Of Integer)
For ndx As Integer = 0 to DeckGroup.Count - 1
If DeckGroup(ndx).QuantityInteger > 0 Then
validDeckGroupsIndexes .Add(ndx)
End If
Next ndx
Then use this:
Dim deckGroupNdx As Integer = Rnd.Next(0, validDeckGroupsIndexes.Count)
Number = DeckGroup(deckGroupNdx).ID

mongodb query to find field -

How would I structure a query for mongodB to make a 'stored procedure' or make the request to select an id which is marked active and then delete that field immediately or mark it as inactive; whichever one has the better performance. Here is the collection structure:
db = server.GetDatabase("test")
siteCollection = db("test")
collection = db.GetCollection(Of BsonDocument)("siteids")
Dim book As BsonDocument = New BsonDocument() _
.Add("siteid", BsonValue.Create(BsonType.String)) _
.Add("active", BsonValue.Create(BsonType.String))
I found the java version and not sure if this will work and what is .net syntax
db.things.find( { x : 4 } , { j : 1 } )
This apparantly finds records where x = 4 but only return where j = 1 so I want one siteid where active = 'N'
Thanks; here is what I have come up with thus far:
' Dim squery = Query.EQ("active", "Y")
Dim squery = Query.EQ("active", "Y")
Dim ssort = SortBy.Null
Dim uupdate = Update.[Set]("active", "N")
Dim result = collection.FindAndModify(squery, ssort, uupdate)
' Dim dresult = collection.FindAs(Of BsonDocument)(squery)
Dim newSiteId As String = dresult.Count
As you can see the first line commented out I thought a simple select would be implemented but that comes back null. Then with the second last statement commented out that too returned value Null.

Insert a Date as a String to Access using a DAO Recordset

I am using some code I found in an old C# post to run a DAO insert into Access with I ran the code to insert numbers and it ran fine. However When i try to insert a date as a string between hashes I get a Data type conversion error. I have had a look and I can't see how to change the data type of the recordset field to accept a string/date.
Here is the code:
Dim dbEngine As New dao.DBEngine
Dim db As dao.Database = dbEngine.OpenDatabase(DataDirectoryName & DatabaseName)
Dim rs As dao.Recordset = db.OpenRecordset(TableName)
Dim myFields As dao.Field() = New dao.Field(FieldNames.Count - 1) {}
For k As Integer = 0 To FieldNames.Count - 1
myFields(k) = rs.Fields(FieldNames(k))
For i As Double = 0 To Data.Rows - 1
For k As Integer = 0 To FieldNames.Count - 1
rs.Fields(k).Value = Data.Value(k, i)
rs.Fields(FieldNames(k)).Value = Data.Value(k, i)
myFields(k).Value = Data.Value(k, i)
Here is one row of data:
(0) = "74"
(1) = "#01 February 2012 00:02:00#"
(2) = "40"
(3) = "130"
(4) = "60"
'Data' is a custom class that is a list (of list (of string)).
While VBA will accept date delimiters on your string, eg #11 February 2013 20:23:11# it seems that VB.Net will not, however, it does accept for an MS Access update.
rs.Fields("adate").Value = CDate("11 February 2013 20:23:11")