Eclipse Scount multiple projects - eclipse-plugin

I am new eclipse scout. However I do have some experience in EclipseRCP.
I have created an application in eclipse rcp, in which it has four modules which are four plugin projects.
Also I am using hibernate in backend for database communication.Database is Mysql.
Below are my questions.
In eclipse can I create the same modules as my eclipse rcp application. I have seen
only one eclipse project created in different examples. So in mycase, I have four plugin projects. Do I need
to make all these four plugin projects into one scount application?
Can I reuse the hibernate code which I have written in Scout application?

1/ With the Mars version (and before) of Eclipse Scout, an Eclipse Scout Application is very similar to an Eclipse RCP Application. It runs on top of Equinox. You will be able to manage your plugins project the same way. When you create a new project, the IDE prepares some plugins, but you can have more...
2/ Nothing against reusing your Hibernate code in your Scout Application. But you might know that integrating Hibernate in the OSGi world is not so easy and requires some work.


How to use my own plugin into an existing eclipse tool

I used to develope my own plugins to add some funcionalities to an existing eclipse tool. I just used to add my plugin (jar file) into the plugin folder's tool and it contributed fine adding my own menus into the tool but it's not working anymore since they migrated.
The eclipse tool migrated from 3.x version to some hibrid between 3.x and 4.x. My old plugin used extentions to contribute menus. I tried a test plugin with e4 but it seems like if the eclipse tool is not reading anymore the plugin folder when I drop my plugin there... I cannot modify the eclipse tool, just try to add my own plugins to contribute with the application. Could somebody give a hand with it?

Eclipse plugins for Play & Lift to create new projects

I am a beginner on Play and Lift frameworks and I have a question:
Is there any Eclipse plugin for either Play framework and/or Lift framework enabling us to create a new Play/Lift project directly from Eclipse IDE (kind from Eclipse we can do File>New>Play Project (and/or Lift Project))?!
There is a "lifty" plugin (but it may be outdated) which can create parts of the project from SBT:
Anyway, the best way to create liftweb projects is, as I personally think, to start from
This is a small sample project created by some of Lift's commiters. It contains 2 simple pages and a basic setup. After that you can do:
./sbt eclipse with-sources=true to create an eclipse project

RCP for creating standalone application, later converted to plugin

I am developing an standalone GUI for our in-house tool. After it has matured enough, it is supposed to be integrated into Eclipse as a plugin.
I am a newcomer to Java world. I have read about RCP. Is this is correct use case scenario for RCP? If yes, can I use SWT views in a RCP application/plugin?
Is this is correct use case scenario for RCP?
Yes, RCP is a good fit. You can use the same plugin for providing functionality both in Eclipse and in your standalone application.
If yes, can I use SWT views in a RCP application/plugin?
Yes, of course. Until the latest version of RCP (e4) you could only use SWT for GUI (of course, Swing/JavaFX/etc. can be integrated with SWT).
When you develop an Eclipse RCP based application, you in fact develop a number of plug-ins. If you play by a specific set of limited rules, then your plug-in can run unaltered as part of an RCP application and as part of the larger Eclipse IDE.
(One can easily argue that the IDE is "just" a very large RCP application. The IDE is based on the Eclipse Platform of which Eclipse RCP is just a small sub-set...)
I would recommend two books for your project:
"Eclipse Rich Client Platform (2nd Edition)" by Jeff McAffer, Jean-Michel Lemieux, and Chris Aniszczyk - see Amazon.
"Eclipse Plug-ins (3rd Edition)" by Eric Clayberg and Dan Rubel - see Amazon.
Where the first is more or less the bible for RCP based applications, the later gives you a lot of good examples on how to integrate into the IDE. Very advanced as times, but also very good.

How to upgrade Eclipse RCP 3.6 project to 4

I would like to upgrade my Eclipse RCP project which was live yesterday, developed using Eclipse RCP 3.6 version(code was like tightly coupled as I didn't use Spring DI), as a future road-map consideration, I'd like to upgrade my project to Eclipse 4. Primary reason for upgrading is to use spring DI & CSS in my RCP application. Can I do spring integration and CSS in my Eclipse RCP 3.6 project or Should I start from creating an RCP 4 Scratch project.
Brainstorming for ideas, actually. Any directions & suggestions would be great.
To answer your first question... it is certainly possible to use Spring DI in Eclipse 3.6, but the current CSS styling for Eclipse RCP UI wasn't introduced until Eclipse 4.
I can't address if you should or should not create an RCP 4 Scratch project. That's a tough decision and it should be made by someone with deep knowledge of your project and its future goals.
As for direction and suggestions...
I have two sources of information for you.
Lars Vogella. His tutorial sites are very well put together, and I consider them a must have for anyone wanting to learn the basics of Eclipse RCP development. Unfortunately, these tutorials may not be detailed enough to help you. It depends on your current level of Eclipse RCP knowledge.
Eclipse Source. This is a paid service. I've never worked with these guys, but they have been sending me some emails offering several different pricing levels for various levels of support. There web site is well put together and it offers some great information.

Use maven2 for build-automation and continuous integration of an eclipse rcp project?

My company starts a new project next week. We have planned to develop the application with eclipse rcp. The build process should be fully automated, so we're prepared to set up a continuous integration environment (e.g. Continuum). For the build-automation-part I intended to use maven2, because I want use its dependency management.
I have used maven2 for a small old-style java project, but have never set up maven for using it with eclipse rcp.
What's the best way to do this? Basic concepts? Common traps? Are any tutorials or book's around there? The tutorials and informations I found, seemed outdated or incomplete.
PS: The main project will be divided into sub-project's (plug-in's). But I think this is typical for eclipse rcp projects.
You should take a look at Tycho:
Like most Maven questions, this is solved by a link to a plug-in:
Other advice:
use the assembly plug-in to build
the update site
consider using hudson rather than
I've been battling maven2/Eclipse RCP integration for some time. The key is not so much getting your setup right: You can get it to work - eventually - by reverse-engineering Eclipse's build process in maven.
In my experience, the hard part is keeping everything up to date. Every time Eclipse revs their libs, you'll find yourself re-writing a bunch of pom files for that newest RCP widget or SWT lib. Naturally, CI helps with this somewhat. The problem is that Eclipse and maven are very particular about the way they do the business of building, and their approaches are quite different. To make matters worse, PDE dev (and Eclipse dev, more generally) is powered by a lot of wizard code, which is sometimes quite opaque as to what's happening behind the scenes.
The question you really need to ask yourself is if it's worth the effort. In my particular case, I believe it has been. (CI is too good to live without.) But the trade-off is that you may find yourself being the "build guy", which can take valuable time away from actual development, which is probably what you enjoy most.
I've got recently the same problem : build eclipse RCP application through continuous integration.
I haven't applied them yet but I've found some interesting articles :
Here's the documentation for Tycho
Building Eclipse Plugins with Maven 2 on
Build Eclipse RCP products using Maven 2 - how hard can it be? from Immo Hüneke's blog
Here's an article about PDE build automation
Here's a shell script to automate JUnit test launch