Get message body using JavaScript API for Office - outlook-addin

I'm working on a simple mail app and I need to get the body of a message. MSDN says, version 1.1 of JavaScript API for Office has body property for message object and it can be get like this:
but the problem is that I need to access the body in read mode and MSDN states that:
Read mode: The body property is undefined.
Why is the body property undefined in read mode and How can I access it? (if possible)

message.body or Office.context.mailbox.item.body returns Body type. Try to use this to get body text.
Office.context.mailbox.item.body.getAsync('text', function (async) {console.log(async.value)});

Here is getBody function. it has used CoercionType type
function getBody() {
var _item = Office.context.mailbox.item;
var body = _item.body;
// Get the body asynchronous as text
body.getAsync(Office.CoercionType.Html, function (asyncResult) {
if (asyncResult.status !== Office.AsyncResultStatus.Succeeded) {
// TODO: Handle error
else {
// Show data
console.log('Body', asyncResult.value.trim());
but above function is part of mailbox requirement set 1.3.
however this function will not work in outlook mac because it minimum mailbox requirement is 1.1


How do I get the message from an API using Flurl?

I've created an API in .NET Core 2 using C#. It returns an ActionResult with a status code and string message. In another application, I call the API using Flurl. I can get the status code number, but I can't find a way to get the message. How do I get the message or what do I need to change in the API to put the message someway Flurl can get it?
Here's the code for the API. The "message" in this example is "Sorry!".
[Produces("application/json", Type = typeof(string))]
public ActionResult Post(int orderID)
return StatusCode(500, "Sorry!");
Here's the code in another app calling the API. I can get the status code number (500) using (int)getRespParams.StatusCode and the status code text (InternalError) using getRespParams.StatusCode, but how do I get the "Sorry!" message?
var getRespParams = await $"http://localhost:1234/api/Orders/{orderID}/SendEmail".PostUrlEncodedAsync();
int statusCodeNumber = (int)getRespParams.StatusCode;
PostUrlEncodedAsync returns an HttpResponseMessage object. To get the body as a string, just do this:
var message = await getRespParams.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
One thing to note is that Flurl throws an exception on non-2XX responses by default. (This is configurable). Often you only care about the status code if the call is unsuccessful, so a typical pattern is to use a try/catch block:
try {
var obj = await url
catch (FlurlHttpException ex) {
var status = ex.Call.HttpStatus;
var message = await ex.GetResponseStringAsync();
One advantage here is you can use Flurl's ReceiveJson to get the response body directly in successful cases, and get the error body (which is a different shape) separately in the catch block. That way you're not dealing with deserializing a "raw" HttpResponseMessage at all.

Create a route with "search url" as parameter using Express

Using Express, how I can create a route such as:
When the URL /search?s=<SEARCH> is invoked, answers with
{status:200, message:"ok", data:<SEARCH>} if is provided
When not provided, the answer should be {status:500, error:true, message:"you have to provide a search"}.
Be sure to set the HTTP status to 500 too.
This code checks, if the query parameter s has been added and replies it as asked. If there is no query parameter named s, req.query.s will be undefinded. (Docs) In this case a HTTP-500 answer is sent.
app.get('/search',(req,res) => {
const search = req.query.s;
if (typeof search != 'undefined') {
// Search string applied
const response = {
status:200, message:"ok", data: search
else {
const response = {
status:500, error:true, message: "you have to provide a search"
This code has the advantage, that the correct Content-Type header is set by express automatically. The resultant object will also be JSON formatted, it can therefore directly consumed by any client.
Please be advised, that the 500 Internal Server Error status should not be applied to the described situation here. 404 Not found might be a better solution.

Outlook 2013 sp1 Add In body.getAsync not working for appointments

Outlook 2013 SP1's Add-In body.getAsync not working for appointments.
I have tried:
Office.cast.item.toItemCompose(Office.context.mailbox.item).body.getAsync(Office.CoercionType.Html, function (result) {}
Office.context.mailbox.item.body.getAsync(Office.CoercionType.Html, function (result) {}
Any ideas? It works in all other versions supporting Add-Ins
You can use the below function for get the body in appointment
function getBody() {
var _item = Office.context.mailbox.item;
var body = _item.body;
// Get the body asynchronous as text
body.getAsync(Office.CoercionType.Html, function (asyncResult) {
if (asyncResult.status !== Office.AsyncResultStatus.Succeeded) {
// TODO: Handle error
else {
// Show data
showDataDialog('Body', asyncResult.value.trim());
Note- Getting the item body is an asynchronous function that requires a minimum mailbox requirement set version of 1.3. There are different ways of ensuring that your user has at least version 1.3, a good way is to set it in the manifest.

Display result from server in IBM Worklight

I have implemented HTTP adapter in IBM Worklight. I want to display the result returned from server. I want to display HTML file. My code is
function getFeeds() {
var input = {
method : 'get',
returnedContentType : 'text',
path : "marketing/partners.html"
return WL.Server.invokeHttp(input);
I want to receive(display) WL.Server.invokeHttp(input). After receiving it I want to parse the data.
Take a look at the Server-side Development Getting Started Modules. Inside the HTTP adapter – Communicating with HTTP back-end systems Module on Slide 15 - 'XSL Transformation Filtering' will show you how to filter data you get back from the backend. Further parsing and showing data has to be done on the client using onSuccess callback for WL.Client.invokeProcedure. There's a module for that too.
Here's an example of getting data and showing to a user:
var invocationData = {
adapter : 'adapter-name',
procedure : 'procedure-name',
parameters : []
var options = {};
options.onSuccess = function (response) {
//response is a JavaScript object
options.onFailure = function (response) {
alert('Failed!'); //You probably want something more meaningful here.
WL.Client invokeProcedure(invocationData, options);
There are JavaScript libraries you can add to make searching for values inside the JSON response easier, such as: jspath and jquery-jspath. There's also XPath if you're working with XML.
If you retrieve it as plain text, once you got it back to your application, do something like
This will inject the HTML you've retrieved to an element with id container-id.

Dojo datagrid jsonrest response headers

I'd like to use custom headers to provide some more information about the response data. Is it possible to get the headers in a response from a dojo datagrid hooked up to a jsonRest object via an object store (dojo 1.7)? I see this is possible when you are making the XHR request, but in this case it is being made by the grid.
The API provides an event for a response error which returns the response object:
on(this.grid, 'FetchError', function (response, req) {
var header = response.xhr.getAllResponseHeaders();
using this I am successfully able to access my custom response headers. However, there doesn't appear to be a way to get the response object when the request is successful. I have been using the undocumented private event _onFetchComplete with aspect after, however, this does not allow access to the response object, just the response values
aspect.after(this.grid, '_onFetchComplete', function (response, request)
///unable to get headers, response is the returned values
}, true);
I managed to get something working, but I suspect it is very over engineered and someone with a better understanding could come up with a simpler solution. I ended up adding aspect around to allow me to get hold of the deferred object in the rest store which is returned to the object store. Here I added a new function to the deffered to return the headers. I then hooked in to the onFetch of the object store using dojo hitch (because I needed the results in the current scope). It seems messy to me
aspect.around(restStore, "query", function (original) {
return function (method, args) {
var def =, method, args);
def.headers = deferred1.then(function () {
var hd = def.ioArgs.xhr.getResponseHeader("myHeader");
return hd;
return def;
aspect.after(objectStore, 'onFetch', lang.hitch(this, function (response) {
response.headers.then(lang.hitch(this, function (evt) {
var headerResult = evt;
}), true);
Is there a better way?
I solved this today after reading this post, thought I'd feed back.
dojo/store/JsonRest solves it also but my code ended up slightly different.
var MyStore = declare(JsonRest, {
query: function () {
var results = this.inherited(arguments);
console.log('Results: ', results);
results.response.then(function (res) {
var myheader = res.xhr.getResponseHeader('My-Header');
return results;
So you override the normal query() function, let it execute and return its promise, and attach your own listener to its 'response' member resolving, in which you can access the xhr object that has the headers. This ought to let you interpret the JsonRest result while fitting nicely into the chain of the query() all invokers.
One word of warning, this code is modified for posting here, and actually inherited from another intermediary class that also overrode query(), but the basics here are pretty sound.
If what you want is to get info from the server, also a custom key-value in the cookie can be a solution, that was my case, first I was looking for a custom response header but I couldn't make it work so I did the cookie way getting the info after the grid data is fetched:
dojo.connect(grid, "_onFetchComplete", function (){
This is useful for example to present a SUM(field) for all rows in a paginated datagrid, and not only those included in the current page. In the server you can fetch the COUNT and the SUM, the COUNT will be sent in the Content-Range header and the SUM can be sent in the cookie.